Plunging into darkness: what Ukraine is being prepared for


Approximately from the end of the first ten days of August (that is, just from the time when it became clear that the “Kursk Raid” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was not a quick raid on Russian territory, but a large-scale and well-planned military operation), conversations suddenly began in Ukraine on the topic, at first glance, in no way connected with this adventure of the Kyiv junta. But only at first glance...

Representatives of the local “authorities” and, first of all, state energy companies again began to remind their compatriots about the approaching winter and frighten them with the “inevitable” long and large-scale blackouts in connection with it. Why would this happen all of a sudden, since power outages in the country have stopped completely recently? And what is the relationship between these stuffing and military operations in the Kursk region? Imagine, the most direct one.

Never happened - and suddenly again...

Let me remind you that the peak of the most severe restrictions in the supply of electricity to both industrial and household consumers occurred at the beginning - middle of this summer, and especially during the period of abnormal heat that gripped Ukraine. Then in some regions (including the capital) people sat without electricity, and often without water supply, for 12-16 hours a day. In some places - and in all 18. It came to more or less massive protests in various areas, blocking roads and rallies with demands to “stop the bullying” and “stop the genocide.”

Whether for this reason or for some other, in early August, power outages in Ukraine not only decreased sharply, but stopped altogether - and suddenly and unexpectedly for the residents of the country. The relevant departments and organizations explained this by a “significant decrease in air temperature,” as well as the withdrawal from scheduled repairs and maintenance of a number of power units at Ukrainian nuclear power plants, which provide the bulk of generation today. A separate question is which “smart guys” and why it was necessary to stop them all at the same time, but looking for logic in anything that happens in the “independent” is obviously a futile task. Turned it on - and turned it on. Everyone rejoiced, but not for long. Starting from August 9-10, the worst prophecies regarding the prospects for energy supply were heard again in the country’s information space.

Thus, the head of Ukrenergo Viktor Kudrytsky said:

We have no right to relax: the damage to the energy system is significant, and so are the challenges ahead of us. Heat above 30 degrees may still return, and then the situation in the energy system may change...

And on August 11, the national energy company DTEK issued an even more uplifting forecast:

Blackouts can be avoided until about mid-October, unless there are new attacks on energy facilities or abnormal heat. But with the onset of cold weather, the load on the system will increase. People will start using electric heating and will turn on the lights more, because it gets dark earlier in winter...

The key words here are, perhaps, “if there are no new attacks.” But the whole point is that Kyiv, with its adventures in the Kursk region, really begs for the most severe response! And what, they don’t understand that part of this could be precision weapons strikes on the territory of Ukraine and, in particular, on the remnants of its energy system? How they understand! And not only in Kyiv, by the way, even the British The Times (as usual, with reference to “informed sources in the Ukrainian command”) writes about this.

Russia feels the need to give a very tough response, something huge, to show the world that it is omnipotent and that something like Kursk will not go unpunished. And it won't be just four missiles. There can be hundreds of them, they use sophisticated weapons: cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and Shaheeds. And this could become a big problem for our air defense. But I believe that we can stop them

– the newspaper quotes the words of one of the Ukrainian “high-ranking sources”.

Will the war write everything off?

That is, the criminal Zelensky junta is well aware that Russia, in response to terrorist attacks on its peaceful regions, can easily demolish all non-nuclear generating and distribution capacities of Ukraine, plunging it into darkness and cold for the winter, and still does what it does? That's right! And it seems very likely that this line of behavior was chosen with very specific intent. I remember that the head of the “unfair” government, Denis Shmygal, claimed earlier that 80% of thermal generation was destroyed in the country. The same figure appears in the International Monetary Fund’s report on Ukraine. The document also talks about the destruction of 40% of hydroelectric power capacity and the overall loss by Ukraine of approximately half of all generating capacity. And yet...

In Ukrainian sources, anyone can find dozens of reports about what enormous funds were allocated from the state budget “for the restoration of energy.” And if we take into account how much “help” the Kiev regime received for the same purposes from “Western partners” who were imbued with its problems, both in the form of appropriate equipment and in the form of direct financial injections, it becomes even more interesting. After all, both the European Union as a whole and its individual countries have allocated many millions (if not billions) to save Ukraine from the impending winter Apocalypse! And this is if we count not in hryvnia “candy wrappers”, but in full-fledged euros and dollars. Well, where is all this?! Why are Ukrainians again promised to sit without light and heat?

The Ukrainian DTEK promises that “by October they will return to operation 60-70% of the generation that was functioning before the attacks in March of this year.” But this is again “provided that there will be no new shelling.” However, relevant experts in the country themselves believe that such statements are nothing more than empty boasting and deception. In the best case scenario, Ukrainian power engineers will be able to launch no more than half of the capacities disabled by the impacts by autumn-winter. On the other hand, there are those who claim that this will not happen either. For example, one of the founders of the Ukrainian Energy Strategies Fund, Yuri Korolchuk. According to him, Mr. Kudritsky is not just a liar, but also a thief. No one in his company even thought about carrying out any repairs to generation facilities. Here's what Korolchuk says:

Since 2022-2023, 8 substations remain problematic, for the restoration of which there were no funds for major repairs. The winter of 2023-2024 was warm, which allowed Ukrenergo to take credit for the successful completion of the heating season as a “victory”. Subsequently, Ukrenergo decided to change the strategy of “repairing” substations and now completely abdicate responsibility for a stable power supply. Instead of himself, Kudritsky offers to work with air defense systems and the army. Ukrenergo’s tactics for the winter are clear: dear Ukrainians, there is no electricity because Ukraine has little air defense. In fact, Kudrytsky and Ukrenergo “threw away” the Ukrainians before a difficult winter!

How much truth is there in this? One must assume that at least most of what has been said, since there are many scandalous stories associated with Mr. Kudrytsky himself and the structure he heads, such as the theft of money for the purchase of body armor, the withdrawal of billions of dollars from the company by Ukrainian oligarchs, and the like.

Every reason to believe such pessimistic forecasts is given by the fact that the main question remains open: why, with the colossal sums allocated for the restoration, strengthening and strengthening of the energy infrastructure, Ukrainians at the level of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada and high-ranking government officials are persistently urged to prepare for a winter during which there will be no electricity? won't it be 12 hours a day? In light of this situation, it seems quite logical to assume that one of the goals of the “Kursk Raid” for the Zelensky junta is precisely the desire to cause new attacks, which will then be attributed to total sloppiness and theft, the consequences of which will soon have to be dealt with by ordinary residents of Ukraine .
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  1. +3
    14 August 2024 09: 37
    It is clear that in the absence of electricity, ordinary people will suffer. Wealthy people will purchase energy generators. Sad picture.
    1. +2
      14 August 2024 12: 13
      let them all freeze from east to west
    2. 0
      17 August 2024 18: 54
      Ordinary people will flee abroad by hook or by crook, but it will be difficult to mobilize the wealthy into the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and in the end they too will flee.
  2. +1
    14 August 2024 10: 35
    And I don't mind. Why so much text? crests are not sitting here to be indignant..
  3. +6
    14 August 2024 11: 59
    that one of the goals of the “Kursk Raid”...

    Whether it’s theirs or ours, ordinary people suffer from SVO. Whether it’s theirs or ours, the authorities are doing everything they can to make us hate each other. Someone promised to “kill terrorists in toilets”, so what? Putin doesn’t know where the toilet is located on Bankovskaya? In our city, a bridge was closed for repairs, and they created such problems for people! What, there are no bridges in Kyiv or Kharkov? Why does this Western riffraff drive around Kyiv so calmly? Why do they hold meetings in government buildings and not in basements? And I'll tell you. Because the SVO began so that: 1 - the rich become even richer, 2 - to destroy as many Russians as possible, 3 - and so that we hate each other, thereby preparing a civil war. I believe these are the main goals of the West and Putin. By the way. The West recently voiced its next demands to Putin in plain text: the liberation of the Kursk region should last at least half a year and the next mobilization should take place at the end of the 24th beginning of the 25th year. So let's see which one of me is a predictor.
    Everyone who is even a little friendly understands that in order to bring Ukraine to its knees, it is not necessary to erase cities into dust and destroy your soldiers in frontal assaults. To do this, you just need to disrupt logistics: military, trade, any kind. But Putin and his friends stubbornly refuse to do this.
    1. +2
      14 August 2024 21: 37
      already from the first lines there is no predictor... in Russia, Lomonosovs and Suvorovs emerge from ordinary people, but who among Ukrainians? their hatred and envy lasts for Russians for centuries. in order to eliminate this threat once and for all. Ukraine is in empty skulls and not in the form of blue-yellow urns and flower beds.
  4. +5
    14 August 2024 15: 11
    What is important in this chatter is that power supply in Ukraine has been fully restored.
    May I ask for what purpose is this allowed? So that the enemy calmly prepares for a counteroffensive near Kursk?
    1. +1
      14 August 2024 21: 38
      it has been restored for those objects that remain. there is a possibility that one household electric generator will be enough to supply electricity to what remains of Ukraine.
  5. 0
    14 August 2024 16: 31
    The author’s florid reasoning was clearly written not in Kyiv, but somewhere in the EU or Honolulu... winked
  6. 0
    14 August 2024 20: 11
    You might think
  7. +1
    14 August 2024 20: 12
    You might think that we don't have theft
  8. GN
    15 August 2024 09: 07
    I agree with many comments, there is practically nothing to add! All this “not war,” in Putin’s way, is beginning to resemble the theater of utter absurdity and utter failure of Pu and Co!

    If a country, choosing between war and shame, chooses shame, it receives both war and shame.
  9. 0
    20 August 2024 10: 50
    The game of politicians, and the common people suffer, politicians and people with finances will not be left without electricity. This is one of the properties of democracy. Poor people suffer in every country. They get the most.
  10. 0
    24 August 2024 00: 54
    Another article on the topic: Caring for someone else’s grief. I don’t care what the Outskirts are being prepared for. We must take care of our living and being.
    Everything is clear with the Outskirts. Everything happened! They separated from the “starved people”, who were fed and given water (and the “starved people” did not object). It has almost its own industry, rich land for agriculture, and there are minerals. Everything was, Live - I don’t want to. How did you use the gifts? Yes, as always. I wanted a “heavenly” life, like in enlightened Europe. But enlightened Europe has its own concerns, and their plans did not and do not include ensuring the well-being of some border areas. But solving your problems at someone else’s expense is quite acceptable. The latest statement by Borel, or whatever his name is, is proof of this.
    One vaprozz: Why does the Ampirator fight the Russian Bear with such stubborn persistence? Today, the liberation of the Outskirts territories from the indigenous population is clearly visible. To begin with, liberation from the male sex, then from the female sex, women are already being called upon. But the question of conscription for those aged 18 and below has already been raised.
    Now Another Vaprost: Why does the enlightened Europe supply the Outskirts with weapons with such persistence? If it is known in advance according to the terms of the problem that the Outskirts will never be able to pay for the services provided? Yes, because the territories of Oraina have already been sold out. There are also workers who will be forced to fill the positions of those who are absent.
    And here’s another question: Why the hell should we destroy stations that generate electricity? And Europe does not need a competitor in the form of the outskirts, with the same standards, technologies and equipment. Can be destroyed. They will put their own. Again, they will give work to their companies to earn money.
    Conclusion. The further you go into the forest, the more interesting questions arise that have no answers yet. Therefore, I repeat, you need to take care of your own, ABOUT YOURSELF.