Kyiv intends to attract retired F-16 pilots from NATO countries


The Kiev regime plans to use the services of retired F-16 fighter pilots from NATO countries while the Ukrainian pilots are being trained. American Senator Lindsey Graham* stated this after a meeting with the Ukrainian president who had lost his legitimacy in Kyiv. According to him, the search for volunteers has already begun.

If you are a retired F-16 pilot looking for an opportunity to fight for freedom, they will hire you here. They will be looking around NATO countries for retired volunteers to help them until they can train their pilots.

- said Graham*.

He added that he would propose to the new NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte to officially invite Ukraine to the North Atlantic Alliance in the near future. In addition, according to the American senator, the United States will adopt a new budget in December of this year, which will include additional military assistance to Ukraine.

There will be a military-oriented budget. The weapons the Ukrainians use here are made in America. It creates jobs for Americans

– the senator announced.

Let us remember that Lindsey Graham* is one of the most odious US senators, who has repeatedly been noted for harsh anti-Russian statements. For one of these formulations, a criminal case was opened against him in the Russian Federation and he was added to the list of terrorists and extremists.

Let us add that some time ago Zelensky officially presented to the public American F-16 fighters, which were transferred to Kyiv in small quantities by NATO countries. However, so far these vehicles have not appeared in the special military operation zone.

* – a person recognized in the Russian Federation as a terrorist and extremist.
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  1. +1
    13 August 2024 10: 22
    Putin came up with “vacationers”, and Graham went even further and suggested retirees.. Hmmm..
    1. +1
      13 August 2024 23: 10
      Quote: SONY
      Putin came up with “vacationers”, and Graham went even further and suggested retirees.. Hmmm..

      It wasn’t GDP that came up with this, it was invented at the beginning of the last century. The USA fought like this in China, the USSR fought in Spain
    2. +1
      14 August 2024 04: 15
      Didn't the military merchants come by? laughing Among retirees and vacationers?
  2. 0
    13 August 2024 10: 41
    The other day the Minister of Defense squeezed out that there is a war with the West...
    May 12, 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In 19, Ukraine changed the constitution, where it WRITTEN “Urine strives to join NATO and will become a NATO country.” So, the war is not with Ukraine, but with NATO.
    Regarding tactical nuclear weapons. Why shit in your house.
    France has 40 nuclear power plants, and the North American states have 103, it seems. And one and a half to two hundred Daggers will be made on NATO territory by one and a half hundred Fukushima. And wash the impudents with sea water with the help of Poseidon. And play and play the American film “The Next Day” on all channels. Even gay people are sobered by the episode where the hair leaves the head in clumps due to radiation damage...
    1. 0
      14 August 2024 04: 18
      Horror stories? Let them poop?
      And, if you really want it and demand it. Then you must imagine the size of the answer!
      Or do you imagine that the ball will jump into the Western Gate?
  3. +4
    13 August 2024 11: 09
    this was clear from the very beginning, as soon as it was decided to transfer the F-16 to the outskirts, now they will look at the reaction and begin to act, their tactics do not change, and our leadership must act in accordance with its military doctrine, and not draw red lines
    1. -1
      14 August 2024 04: 21
      What is clear? What will the instructors lead into battle?
      It is clear that they will have Ukrainian passports, and they will know two words in Ukrainian.
  4. 0
    13 August 2024 23: 09
    If you are a retired F-16 pilot looking for an opportunity to fight for freedom, they will hire you here.

    For a long time... I was waiting for this to happen last year.
  5. +1
    13 August 2024 23: 24
    Everyone gets along just fine without the Ukrainian Zelensky. laughing
    PS Apparently they will remember him if they have to answer.