The Economist: wounded Ukrainian soldiers from near Kursk make a depressing impression


Ukrainian troops who tried to invade the territory of the Kursk region suffered heavy losses. Many of the soldiers are being treated in medical institutions in Sumy. The Economist magazine writes that the overall impression of the situation there is very depressing.

Thus, military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces talk about the methodical destruction by Russian troops of elite Ukrainian units thrown into the Kursk region. At the same time, the Russian Armed Forces launch powerful air strikes, which lead to large losses.

According to preliminary data, the results are inconclusive. Russia has moved troops from the Kharkov front, but far fewer troops have left the Donbass. Their commanders are not idiots. They are transferring forces, but not as quickly as we would like. They know that we cannot expand logistics 80 or 100 km into the Kursk region... The Russian army now takes combat operations more seriously. The danger is that we will fall into a trap and Russia will bite the bullet

– one of the officers of the Ukrainian General Staff told the publication.

At the same time, the Russian Armed Forces don't rush deliver powerful blows to the enemy and quickly destroy enemy units. According to military expert Konstantin Sivkov, this could provoke NATO to send troops into Ukraine. In order to prevent such a development of events, the Russian side is forced to act carefully.

However, in Ukraine expect Moscow's tough response to the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region. In Kyiv, they believe that the Russian Armed Forces can launch a powerful missile strike on military and administrative facilities in the Ukrainian capital.
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  1. +12
    12 August 2024 15: 24
    Ukraine expects a tough response from Moscow to the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region

    Yes, they will draw as many as two red lines. As practice has shown, our guarantor will not do anything more. Because he doesn't want to.
  2. -12
    12 August 2024 16: 13
    Quote: Michael 68
    “In Ukraine, they expect a tough response from Moscow to the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region.” Yes, they will draw as many as two red lines. As practice has shown, our guarantor will not do anything more. Because he doesn't want to.

    What did you do yourself? After all, if a blow is struck against us, it will hit you too. So sit and be quiet.
  3. -1
    12 August 2024 16: 15
    What kind of NATO crap is this? , stop blabbering, we're already sick of our NATO!
  4. +17
    12 August 2024 16: 32
    Go to hell with your fables about their losses of 2000 daily, about methodical grinding, about the depressing impression, about the destruction of the elite of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, about the fact that they have no one to fight. They're already fed up with their lies. They occupied the Kursk region, now this map will not move for months. At the same time, they will be treated daily for extrusion, destruction, etc. This is already seen in advance. So they are taking the wounded to Sumy, but they are not able to close the border, cut off this corridor or what? It's boiling.
  5. -5
    12 August 2024 18: 44
    The fighting hamsters are raging again)))
  6. +8
    12 August 2024 19: 32
    Unlike the Soviet government, the Russian government always looks to the West, so as not to offend it. All the red lines have already been crossed, and our government still has no hope of getting along with the West.
    1. +4
      13 August 2024 14: 07
      Afraid of breaking pots with the West!???
      She even first coordinates her actions with the West!
      And then he tells the population about the insidious West.
  7. +7
    12 August 2024 23: 27
    They are in no hurry to destroy the enemy on their territory because they are afraid of NATO troops entering the outskirts?! What kind of nonsense is this gray (Sivkov) gelding?!
    This is how we need to justify the impotence of the authorities and the army. They cannot now destroy the invading fascists, but “experts” tell fairy tales to the people! Yes, for 2,5 years they have been telling tales about the Russian army and power.
  8. +1
    13 August 2024 07: 28
    Our civilians oppress me more. For example, three girls with shot knees.
  9. +3
    13 August 2024 07: 40
    wounded Ukrainian soldiers from near Kursk make a depressing impression

    Well, it depends on who: the residents of the Kursk region, who were hunted by this rabble, are not at all oppressed and only regret that each of the enemies did not get their own personal flag in the cemetery.
  10. 0
    13 August 2024 08: 28
    100 is not 100, but it seems like we’ve already advanced 60 km, and that’s a lot
    1. 0
      13 August 2024 14: 09
      A referendum is already planned! And then he was forced to become a soldier...
  11. 0
    13 August 2024 14: 37
    I read this article from them in Google translation. At the end they still write that no one regrets the losses. They needed at least some victories. Even if it is a seizure of a truly unguarded territory.
    Wait and see.
    In my opinion, this is a gesture of desperation. Show your friends what they can do. History knows such cases. Someone may remember what the island of Saaremaa is famous for. In my opinion, it is impossible to defeat a large country with nuclear weapons. Only if this country doesn't harm itself. The number of corruption cases in the Moscow Region has gone through the roof lately.
    1. +2
      13 August 2024 16: 48
      They needed at least some victories. Even if it is a seizure of a truly unguarded territory.

      Don't write nonsense, please. Is it the fault of the Ukrainians, if our border territories were not properly guarded? Moreover, they border on the country with which we are fighting! And who is the evil Pinocchio to whom here? If our military leaders “knightly” attack fortifications head-on, probably considering such maneuvers as bypassing, enveloping, encircling as not worthy of their honor, then demand that the enemy act the same way...
      And the transfer of hostilities to enemy territory is not “at least some victories,” but the very best. And the fact that the enemy did not consider it necessary to cover his borders and his population, so much the worse for him. You cannot expect the enemy not to take advantage of your stupidity. Moreover, just three months ago, our armed forces almost as suddenly entered the territory of the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the aim of creating a “sanitary zone”, however, getting stuck after two dozen kilometers, and now the name Volchansk has completely disappeared from all reports. Did no one in the General Staff and the Defense Ministry think that war, and even military warfare, is not a one-sided game, and the enemy might also want to form its own sanitary zone? Sadly.
  12. +1
    14 August 2024 11: 30
    They don’t squeeze everything out as this could provoke NATO, I smiled))))), our army simply doesn’t have the strength to eliminate the breakthrough, NATO has nothing to do with it