Russia is making its way to the most important scientific discoveries


Construction of the largest solar telescope in Eurasia, which is part of the Russian national solar-geophysical complex, has begun in Buryatia.

It is worth noting that the goal of the project is very important in modern realities, when many areas of human activity depend on the uninterrupted operation of high-tech devices.

Magnetic storms arising from coronal mass ejections from the Sun can cause failures in electronics and high-tech technology, especially space, and also lead to the appearance of false targets on radar, which is extremely dangerous given the current geopolitical tensions and the highest likelihood of a nuclear conflict since the Cold War.

In turn, the purpose of the complex being built in Russia is precisely to study the Sun, from the “turbulent activity” of which Elon Musk’s satellites are already falling and the above-mentioned false targets appear on radars.

Its first facility, a complex of optical instruments, was put into operation in 2022 and has no analogues in the world. The second object, a radioheliograph consisting of 526 antennas, was launched in 2023. Today it is also the only one operating in the world.

The start of construction of the largest solar telescope - a coronagraph - in Buryatia marked the start of the second stage of creating a national heliogeophysical complex in the Russian Federation. The telescope will have a mirror diameter of 3 meters and will allow to study the magnetic fields of the sun, monitor its activity and study the fine structure of the photosphere.

But that’s not all; the second stage also provides for the construction of a lidar and radar system, which will make it possible to obtain information about the state of the atmosphere at altitudes from ten to several thousand kilometers.

According to the plan, by the end of this decade Russia will have a powerful tool that will allow it to conduct important research on its territory.

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  1. +3
    18 August 2024 10: 54
    It’s so good that in Russia there are so many things that have no analogues in the world. It’s a no brainer that Russia is ahead of the rest in space exploration. fellow
  2. -1
    18 August 2024 11: 09
    And what will this unique telescope really allow us to say someday: “There’s a flare on the Sun - we’re screwed?!” There we know this even without a telescope.
    How far they are from the people, these scientist-dreamers.
    The country is at war, the country is in shit, and they are in the warmth of the lens of a telescope that has no analogues.
    They paid a lot of money for the Large Neutron Collider in Switzerland, so what?
    Did he prevent a war in Ukraine? Or will it prevent World War III? What's the real use of it?
    This telescope under construction will have the same benefit.
  3. +2
    18 August 2024 20: 01
    Well, it’s good that for once we have taken up science, otherwise NASA would be without it?
  4. 0
    7 September 2024 15: 17
    For us, the main value of scientific research is that it can be used to write off budget funds, in exchange for which we produce a bunch of reports on the work done with promises of unprecedented discoveries... But later, and on the condition of continuation, or better yet, increased funding.