The German tabloid Bild rejoices at the return of German armored vehicles to Russian soil


Unlike the American and British media, critically covering the invasion of Ukrainian armed forces in the Kursk region, the German press publishes revanchist materials about the return of German tanks to Russian soil.

The tabloid Bild proudly reports that Kyiv is using German armored vehicles to invade Russia. Moreover, the publication is confident that the introduction of a state of emergency in the Kursk region is connected with tanks sent by Germany. At the same time, the authors of the publication note that “the Russians are fiercely attacking” the German machinery.

It is obvious that the journalists of the German newspaper were inspired resolution Bundestag for the use by Ukrainian militants of armored vehicles supplied from Germany without restrictions. However, Bild forgot to mention that Leopard 2 tanks have not yet been spotted in the Kursk region.

Of all the armored vehicles provided by Berlin, only Marder infantry fighting vehicles were involved in the breakthrough of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, at least one of which has already destroyed arrival of the Lancet UAV. The vaunted German Leopard tanks did not live up to the hopes placed on them during last year’s summer counter-offensive of the Ukrainian army in the Zaporozhye region.
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  1. +6
    9 August 2024 19: 34
    Am I the only one who doesn’t understand why the Western media/politicians should be “critical” of this? Why, you ask, were all these supplies/training/financing?
  2. +3
    9 August 2024 19: 50
    Russian troops took Berlin three times!
    There will be no fourth time (to erase the city of fascists and Nazis!).

    This first happened in 1760, when the Seven Years' War was going on in Europe. Then, Prussia - the core of the future Germany, whose capital, as you understand, was the city of Berlin - opposed the united Russian-Austrian army. It so happened that then King Frederick II created in Prussia one of the strongest land armies in Europe. But that’s not all, to consolidate his brainchild, he began to implement his expansionist plans to expand Prussia, precisely thanks to his strong army. Naturally, this worried both Russia and Austria, Russia’s ally. As a result of the war, which also involved several other countries such as France and Great Britain, the combined army of Russia and Austria under the command of Zakhar Chernyshev and Franz von Lassie entered Berlin on October 9, 1760.

    In Allied hands, the city was held for three days. The united army had to leave the city, since their group was only 35 thousand strong. An army of 70 led by Frederick II marched against them to liberate Berlin.

    The city was taken for the second time in 1813. Then, during the Foreign Campaign, the Russian army liberated Europe from French rule led by Napoleon. But here we can say that then they took Berlin, which was the capital of the Russian allied state of Prussia. Naturally, a year earlier, Prussian soldiers were also part of Napoleon’s Grand Army. But it must be said that even before Napoleon’s Russian company, Prussia was defeated in the war with France and had to submit to France. But, after Napoleon’s defeat in Russia, the King of Prussia, Frederick III, managed to quickly change his shoes and take the side of the advancing Russia. So, on March 4, 1813, Russian troops liberated the capital of Prussia, the city of Berlin, from the French, together with Prussian troops.

    How many times did the Russian army take Berlin? Politics, World War II, History of Russia, Military history, Great Patriotic War, Russia, History (science), Germany, History of Germany, Berlin, Military equipment, Long post
    Red Army soldiers during the battles for Berlin. 1945

    For the third time, Berlin was captured by our army in 1945. Then, the Red Army completely defeated Germany, which treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. However, it must be said that the USSR was attacked by the entire united Europe, not counting Great Britain, which itself was at war with Germany. On April 25, 1945, the city of Berlin was completely surrounded by the Red Army; on April 30, valiant Soviet soldiers began fighting at the Reichstag in the very center of the city. On the same day, after Hitler's suicide, representatives of the German army, led by General Hans Krebs, came to the location of the Red Army and proposed to conclude a truce. The proposal was rejected by the Soviet side, while the German side rejected the surrender proposed by the Soviet command. The fighting continued and on May 1, the Red Banner of the USSR was erected over the building of the defeated Reichstag. As a result, on May 2, the Berlin garrison announced its surrender.
    1. -5
      9 August 2024 21: 46
      and Kyiv was burned in 1240 and according to one version it was the RUSSIANS and not the mythical Tatar Mongols. It turns out the Ukrainians got fed up with the Russians earlier laughing
      1. +2
        10 August 2024 15: 51
        And that in 1240 there were already Ukrainians?
        1. 0
          13 August 2024 05: 33
          Well, if Tutankhamun, Jesus Christ and Julius Caesar were stolen, then apparently yes. And then, someone dug up the sea.
        2. 0
          2 September 2024 09: 33
          And who were they? Martians? Or was the foul-smelling substance simply called by another name?
      2. 0
        14 August 2024 16: 57
        Education and history lessons are not about you.
        1. 0
          2 September 2024 09: 34
          Well, if the education is according to the baby, then yes))
    2. -2
      10 August 2024 15: 27
      Quote: Alex20042004
      Russian troops took Berlin three times!
      There will be no fourth time (to erase the city of fascists and Nazis!).

      Personally, you, like other “can repeaters,” have the most indirect relationship to past victories. Now, in two and a half years, we have not been able to achieve not only victory, but even a decisive turning point in the Northern Military District, and worse, the enemy has again presented us with an extremely unpleasant surprise. Therefore, in order not to look like a jerk, you should not make such grandiose and stupid statements! winked
  3. -3
    9 August 2024 20: 09
    Mentality. The Germans have been fighting the Russians for almost a thousand years. Incorrigible.
    And, oddly enough, the British were for the most part our allies in all major messes.
    1. +4
      9 August 2024 21: 08
      Far away, because it's across the English Channel. But they have been crap for a long time, since the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, for sure. And they are allies... how to divide the spoils.
      1. -2
        9 August 2024 22: 08
        England fought with Russia in only two wars - the “strange” war of 1807-1812. and the real war (Crimean) 1853-1856. Intervention 1918-1919 does not count, since the British then helped one of the sides in the Russian civil war.

        England was an ally of Russia, and a very important one, in all wars with France at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries, in the First and Second World Wars.
        By the way, England did a lot to overcome the consequences of the Time of Troubles. She was clearly interested in the accession and strengthening of the Romanov dynasty, immediately recognized the new government of Russia and gave it a loan of 100 thousand rubles. There is fragmentary information that the English merchants of the Moscow Company also donated money to the militia of Minin and Pozharsky, and a detachment of English regular infantry was even sent through Arkhangelsk to help the militia in the summer of 1612.
        Karl Marx, who carefully studied the history of international relations in the 18th century using documents declassified by the mid-19th century, wrote in his work “Exposing the Diplomatic History of the 18th Century”:

        Does not the very fact that the transformation of Muscovy into Russia was accomplished by its transformation from a semi-Asian continental country into the dominant naval power on the Baltic Sea lead us to the conclusion that England, the greatest naval power of the time, must be involved in this great change?
      2. +1
        9 August 2024 23: 06
        Quote: In passing
        And they are allies... how to divide the spoils.

        Yes, with such allies there is no need for enemies.
    2. +3
      9 August 2024 21: 56
      Especially during the Crimean War)) (sarcasm) England is the main enemy of Russia, it has always betrayed and used us, it is the center of evil
      1. -4
        9 August 2024 22: 02
        You cited the Crimean one as an example. I will answer you - the Patriotic War of the 12th year, the First and Second World Wars. Three of the largest in the history of our Fatherland. Not counting the small ones.
        1. -2
          9 August 2024 22: 13
          It’s unclear about the fatherland. The First and Second World Wars happened before the creation of Israel laughing
          1. -1
            9 August 2024 22: 14
            Fatherland where father was born wink
            1. -5
              9 August 2024 22: 15
              on your mother's side... hi and registration does not affect nationality
              1. 0
                9 August 2024 22: 26
                To make it clearer to you wink
        2. -2
          9 August 2024 22: 20
          In all the listed cases (1812 and two World Wars), and in all other cases, England USED Russia in its interests. As they say

          It’s bad to have an Anglo-Saxon as an enemy, but God forbid to have him as a friend!
          1. +1
            9 August 2024 22: 28
            This is the opinion not of a historian, but of a person sent by propaganda. Sorry.
            1. -2
              9 August 2024 22: 29
              This is the opinion of a man who is often called the father of Russian geopolitics.
              1. -1
                9 August 2024 22: 35
                Edrikhin fought for the Boers. And he said this about China. Such was the time - with liberal ideas.
                1. -2
                  9 August 2024 22: 40
                  Edrikhin said not about China, but about England. Using the example of China. So, is it a crime to fight for the Boers?

                  But only an Anglophile can cite the opinion of the famous Russophobe K. Marx.
                  1. 0
                    10 August 2024 07: 07
                    Marx is not a Russophobe. He hated the tsarist autocracy. As it turned out, in 1917 ALL of Russia hated him. Were all layers Russophobes? Well, well
                    1. -1
                      10 August 2024 08: 21
                      During this period, the struggle at sea will be of greatest importance. Without a doubt, the allied fleet is capable of destroying Sevastopol and destroying the Russian Black Sea fleet; the allies are able to occupy and hold Crimea, occupy Odessa, block the Sea of ​​Azov and give the Caucasus mountaineers a free hand. Nothing is easier if you act quickly and energetically

                      What must be done in the Baltic Sea is as self-evident as what must be done in the Black Sea. It is necessary to achieve an alliance with Sweden at any cost, if necessary, to intimidate Denmark, to unleash an uprising in Finland by landing a sufficient number of troops and promising that peace will be concluded only if this area is reunified with Sweden. Troops landed in Finland would threaten St. Petersburg, while the fleets would bombard Kronstadt

                      What would Russia become without Odessa, Kronstadt, Riga and Sevastopol, if Finland were liberated, and the enemy army was stationed at the gates of the capital and all Russian rivers and harbors were blocked? A giant without arms, without eyes, who has no choice but to try to crush the enemy with the weight of his clumsy torso, throwing him at random here and there, depending on where the enemy battle cry sounds.

                      Russia would be pushed back to the borders of Asia... England has the opportunity to strike Russia in its most vulnerable place. Not to mention the fact that she can force the Swedes to reconquer Finland, St. Petersburg and Odessa are open to her fleet... Without St. Petersburg and Odessa, Russia is a giant with severed arms.”


                      Something reminds me of the current cries from Washington, Brussels and Kyiv. Hitler went against the USSR with approximately the same arguments. He was not against the Russian people (as was declared), but simply went to liberate the Russian people from the communist government. Vlasov said the same thing.

                      Read the original source (I gave the link). Probably in your opinion, this was written by a Russophile? Well, well.

                      And do not confuse 1854 and 1917. Looks funny.

                      PS Forgot to add. The same Russophile was a certain Ulyanov (Lenin urged). He also wanted to bring happiness to the Russian people. And he advocated the defeat of the hated government in the war. Did this bring a lot of happiness? Or maybe Gorbachev and Yeltsin, who destroyed the communist regime in the USSR, were very concerned about the fate of the Russian people? Go outside and ask. They're all sweethearts and Russophiles...
                    2. -1
                      10 August 2024 08: 43
                      Another darling "non-Russophobe" writes to another "non-Russophobe"

                      The conclusions that Dukhinsky comes to: the name Rus was usurped by the Muscovites. They are not Slavs and do not belong to the Indo-Germanic race at all, they are intrus** (illegal invaders), who need to be driven back beyond the Dnieper, etc. Pan-Slavism in the Russian sense, these are an invention of the cabinet, etc.

                      I would like Dukhinsky to be right and that at least this view will become dominant among the Slavs.

                      Kyiv gives you a standing ovation. There is no need to be so rude about your Russophobia.

                      Muscovy was educated and raised in the terrible and vile school of Mongol slavery. She was strengthened only by becoming a virtuoso in the art of slavery. Even after its liberation, Muscovy continued to play its traditional role of slave turned master.


                      Still continue?
        3. -1
          9 August 2024 23: 08
          Quote: Strange guest
          The First and Second World Wars.

          Well, in the First World War they stabbed us well in the back, the murder of Rasputin and the February coup were their doing.
  4. -3
    9 August 2024 23: 43
    The German scoreboard needs to be put in place.
    1. +3
      10 August 2024 07: 06
      Should they draw a red line on the website???

      Or express your concerns in a comment?
      1. -2
        10 August 2024 07: 39
        This is our answer to the Germans! soldier

        The German newspaper Bild published a revanchist article in which it proudly reports the return of German tanks to Russian soil. In response, we will do everything to ensure that the latest Russian tanks appear on Republic Square [in Berlin],” Dmitry Medvedev wrote on the social network X (blocked in Russia). negative

        Soon our Almaty vehicles will pass through Unter den Linden tongue We don’t waste words! negative Let the fat burgher tremble in his half-timbered building, waiting for Russian tanks soldier
        Well, the Poles should get ready - Russian tank armadas will go through them, deafening the stupid Polish peasant with the roar of their engines, wiping out their cities into dust and wrapping up everyone who did not have time to hide on the tracks! negative
        1. +1
          10 August 2024 10: 32
          Maybe he should take care of the liberation of the Kursk region first?
          1. -2
            10 August 2024 10: 40
            What are you talking about all sorts of little things... You need to think geostrategically! negative
        2. -1
          10 August 2024 15: 55
          Why do you need it?
          1. -2
            10 August 2024 15: 58
            What is this? Please clarify.
  5. 0
    9 August 2024 23: 49
    The German tabloid Bild rejoices at the return of German armored vehicles to Russian soil

    What, they should have been upset??
    Cry that their equipment is killing Russians??
    1. -1
      10 August 2024 15: 57
      Of course, they should have been upset if they had looked a little ahead. After all, you still have to crawl and ask for mercy from the Russians. How will they restore their economy after they were robbed by the United States?
      1. -1
        10 August 2024 16: 02
        So we could help them restore the economy after the robberies of the United States... request
        So at least they have a chance to profit from us...
  6. -1
    10 August 2024 03: 47
    For the mercenaries who entered the territory of Russia, it is necessary to strike at France and Poland, for the provision of weapons against Germany and other Western mongrels, weapons of retaliation must be struck.
  7. +1
    10 August 2024 07: 05
    It’s very good that they are happy... Because this “respected partnership”, which directly turns into cuckoldism, is no longer tolerated.

    For 30 years, Russia was turned into a colony for the sake of the friendship of the West... It turned out that this was not enough
  8. -1
    10 August 2024 07: 16
    The German tabloid Bild rejoices at the return of German armored vehicles to Russian soil

    And then will he rejoice at Germany signing the act of surrender?
    The German tabloid Bild is generally pleased with the adherence to traditions.
  9. -1
    10 August 2024 12: 54
    Thanks to Putin’s peace-loving policy (I really regret that I voted for him). So, you can either see nuclear weapons at home or NATO troops in Hochland or in Russia. And he will have all the provocations
  10. -1
    11 August 2024 12: 39
    No wonder, the descendants of the fascists are thirsty for revenge. Why not declare openly from the Kremlin that if American medium- and short-range missiles are deployed in Germany, it will be destroyed into nuclear ashes first of all, no one will have a chance to survive, and then let them decide their fate. But everyone here is silent and only hints, giving them a chance that maybe everything will work out...