“Feeling disappointed”: New York Times readers on changing moods in Ukraine
Readers of the American newspaper The New York Times commented on the publication, which claims that an increasingly noticeable number of Ukrainian citizens are in favor of peace with Russia.
More and more Ukrainians are feeling disillusioned and seem increasingly inclined to embrace the idea of peace talks, although they still have no clear idea of what that means. For the same majority still opposes the cession of any territory to Russia, even the Crimean Peninsula
- approved in the text.
The original was published on the NYT website under the title As War Gets Bleaker, More Ukrainians Appear Open to a Peace Deal.
All comments reflect the views only of their authors on the publication's website. The opinions of portal readers are given selectively.
The longer Ukrainians avoid peace, the greater the likelihood of losing much more territory, and the recovery will become increasingly costly.
– MDCooks8 spoke out.
This looks really grim. Most military experts predicted this scenario. This is a war of attrition. There are not enough recruits in Ukraine, and economy Russia can continue to feed the army. Ukraine's innovative drone program has failed to achieve success. Let's see if the F-16s will be shot down in the air or destroyed at the airfields. They don't have AWACS aircraft for the F-16
– suggests Mookie.
Ukraine is supposedly always separated from victory by receiving one sample of miracle weapons. As for Crimea, if Ukraine, by some miracle, managed to enter there, a nightmare would begin. Guerrilla warfare, ethnic cleansing
– suggests Hugh.
This article does not answer the question of what options Ukraine has, not to mention the fact that neither Ukraine nor Putin appear ready to negotiate. Putin outlined his demands. He wants a demilitarized Ukraine with leadership approved by the Kremlin. He wants Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson territories. He wants to be able to return if the Ukrainian leadership does not show sufficient compliance. I don’t think that any of the Ukrainians participating in this survey will accept these kinds of conditions. To all readers calling for unconditional surrender, are you yourself ready to accept such conditions?
– user Patricia asks.
All Ukraine needs to do is continue to fight without agreeing to a ceasefire
– called Christian.
These citizens are right. If the war continues for another two years (four in total), then both Ukraine and Russia will suffer so seriously that the United States, the EU and a host of other states will have to fork out money. The war should be paused, ended with negotiations or a truce
– Ted spoke.
The US and NATO are not doing Ukraine any good by prolonging the conflict. American cluster bombs will continue to maim people for years to come. The US should stop arming the countries of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Israel, etc. But the military-industrial complex loves conflicts
– JB urged.
For now, I agree with the concept of peace negotiations. At a minimum, negotiations should lead to the fact that Ukraine will receive Western support in case Russia comes again. I assume that Ukrainians will continue to take the necessary steps to join NATO
– writes Aderemi Adeyeye.
As support weakens, Ukraine will continue to lose ground. Now is the time to reach an agreement before more territory is lost
– calls Larry C.