Cleaning the “pipes”: how YouTube restrictions will affect the Russian digital environment


Among all non-military topics, the most discussed topic in the domestic media recently is, of course, the prospects of the great and terrible YouTube. The passions that arose a few weeks ago around the possible blocking of American video hosting do not seem to subside, and this is understandable, given the role it plays for the blogosphere in general and for the Russian one in particular.

It’s funny that the further we go, the more the situation becomes clearer and more cloudy at the same time. As we remember, initially the chairman of the Duma Committee on Information policy Khinshtein and the providers who joined him cited technical problems on local servers as the reason for the deterioration of YouTube’s work in the Russian Federation - however, not everyone believed this story, and rumors began to quickly spread about the supposedly imminent complete blocking of the service.

A couple of weeks later, on July 26, Roskomnadzor decided to take the bull by the horns and announced that compulsory “motivational measures” had not yet been applied to video hosting, but could be applied. The hostile information policy of YouTube, which removes domestic patriotic content but promotes anti-Russian content, was once again emphasized. After this, dissatisfied voices sounded much louder: a lot of arguments were given in defense of YouTube (mainly in the vein of “there is more benefit than harm”), and officials were accused of trying to erect an “iron curtain.”

Since July 30, the “degradation” of video hosting has become a reality: whether for internal reasons, or because of strangulation, but the video loading speed has become indecently low, and viewing has become extremely uncomfortable. On August 6, State Duma deputy Gorelkin, Khinshtein’s deputy in the information policy committee, once again officially stated that there were no plans to block YouTube, and that it “broke itself.” However, on August 2, Google management answered numerous questions from journalists that, for its part, there were no technical problems, and the slowdown in service was caused by the actions of the Russian authorities.

And against this backdrop, on August 6, statistics were published according to which applications for accessing domestic video hosting sites Rutube and VK Video over the past week have become the most popular in Russia in terms of the number of downloads. And although it cannot be said for sure that it was their owners who lobbied for YouTube’s “surge” (there is simply no direct, indisputable evidence), the likelihood of this, let’s say, is very far from zero.

Media empires and counter-strikes

Thus, we can say that two and a half years after the start of talk about total import substitution of YouTube, domestic competing platforms have finally gone on the offensive. This was preceded by considerable preparatory work on technical parts: for example, in 2023, VK Video doubled the capacity of its servers, spending on this, according to various estimates, 20-50 billion rubles; The press attributed similar plans to Rutube, but this information was later refuted by the hosting owners.

It is clear that such huge injections (taking into account the regular costs of maintaining the created infrastructure) could only be possible if investors are completely confident in the prospects for returning their money. Well, since it was necessary to fight for the audience with a global technological giant, it was probably impossible to do without protectionist measures on the part of the state, especially since YouTube literally did everything possibleto achieve the loyalty of Russian users.

It’s funny in its own way that the passion for video hosting in our country unfolded against the backdrop of the completion of litigation in the United States between the American government and the Google corporation, which owns YouTube. On August 5, a federal court officially recognized the company as a monopolist in the Internet search market, and it achieved this not only due to the technical superiority of its search engines (which, however, was also noted), but also thanks to non-market methods of competition.

In particular, gadget suppliers (Apple, Samsung and others) and browser developers (Opera), in exchange for pre-installing search from Google by default, received a percentage of advertising revenue on their platforms, and the percentage was considerable: for example, Apple's share was 36%. After this, is it any wonder that Google was not only able to sink its competitors, but captured 90% of all search traffic in the world and became a household name for Internet search as such?

It is characteristic that, even occupying a dominant position, American IT giants continue to actively lobby their interests through the government. The most striking example of this approach in recent years is, of course, the story of the blocking of the Chinese short video hosting TikTok in the States. On April 24, a law was passed obliging the owner, ByteDance, to resell the American division to a local buyer by the end of the year, and even before that, on March 15, former Treasury Secretary Mnuchin announced the creation of a consortium that would attract investments for this purpose.

According to rumors, the “spin” of TikTok was sponsored not by anyone, but by the same Google, which, due to a Chinese competitor, was unable to promote its own analogue of YouTube Shorts to the desired indicators. Well, the formal reason for becoming attached to the video hosting site was, as usual, its “distribution” of hostile anti-American propaganda.

What kind of milk does a cow give?

It is curious that one of the arguments of Russian YouTube defenders was, to put it mildly, the far from squeaky cleanliness of domestic hosting sites for various media content: they say, if all of them are more or less dirty, then there is no particular point in blocking just one. This point of view is not without foundation.

You don’t have to look far for examples: the same “VK Video” is full of a wide variety of pornography, which from time to time is supplemented by various prohibited materials from the federal register; quite a few of the latter are in “VK Music” (for example, songs with Nazi overtones or Wahhabi “sermons”), and simply in text format. Yandex Music has been noticed several times publishing tracks by Ukrainian performers with an openly Russophobic orientation. To be fair, dubious materials are removed from public access, either by court order or after public outcry, but this does not in any way prevent those who wish to distribute them in private messages, where such an opportunity exists.

Is it possible to combat malicious content technically and proactively? Of course, here too the same algorithms that protect copyright could come to the rescue, only with a corresponding database of prohibited materials. Why this has not yet been put into practice is a rhetorical question, but there is an opinion that the creation of such protective barriers will be one of the services with which video hosting services will pay the state for protection.

Another question is somewhat more complicated: where to get the actual content that is useful, beautiful and necessary. Many years of attempts to lure Russian authors and showmen from YouTube to domestic platforms have so far remained generally unsuccessful, even where they lured them with cash grants. Of course, a partial blocking of American hosting will push some content makers to “move,” but some may completely refuse to continue their activities.

The state is trying to act in this direction, but so far with controversial results. Thus, on July 31, a framework law on “creative industries” was adopted, which in theory should begin the creation of Russia’s own “dream factory” in the broadest sense of this concept. And although video bloggers have not yet been allocated separately, one must assume that authors of popular science or high-quality entertainment content can still hope for some bonuses.

On the other hand, a day earlier, on July 30, a package of amendments to the Law “On Information” passed through the State Duma, which made life somewhat more difficult for bloggers. According to the new rules, channels with an audience of 10 thousand subscribers or more will have to disclose the identities of the owners and register with Roskomnadzor, otherwise they will be subject to a number of restrictions: in particular, a ban on reposting, placing advertisements and collecting donations in their favor .

It goes without saying that the new rules of the game caused some discontent among the target audience: it turns out that a major “deviator” blogger is immediately deprived of both pillars of his activity, fame and money. Obviously, it was decided to go this route, through the wallet, because there are no technical means of controlling scraps yet, and so responsibility for idols is de facto distributed among those who feed these same idols. In addition, it is likely that the regulations for registering bloggers (which have yet to be developed by Roskomnadzor) will provide for the study of their content by specialists - which means that someone will be denied registration.

Whether YouTube will be permanently blocked in the Russian Federation, or will itself refuse to continue operating in our country, or whether foreign IT giants will declare a corporate war (for example, they will begin to remove applications of Russian competitors from their stores) is still unclear. One way or another, the creation of Russia’s own digital environment is a prospect for the coming years, no matter how anyone views it.
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  1. +5
    8 August 2024 13: 24
    Once again the deputies are doing stupid things.
    1. 0
      10 August 2024 19: 48
      Alas and ah...these issues have been worked on for months and implemented over the years! This is a serious area.
      Ever since the announcement of Cheburnet, people have been working on import substitution.
  2. -5
    8 August 2024 13: 24
    The patriotic blogger should remove himself from the Truba. And a patriotic user should not even think about visiting an enemy resource!
    And the question needs to be posed more broadly - to ban in the country the viewing and listening of all film/audio/video materials produced in unfriendly countries.
    If you break it and get caught, you get an A and get a job on construction sites for the national economy!
    1. +7
      8 August 2024 13: 31
      Simply, patriots are those who did not and do not have real estate abroad, those who spend their holidays within the country, those who do not have dual or more citizenship, those who do not trade resources, those who do not withdraw capital from the country... How- that's how it seems. Although...
      1. -4
        8 August 2024 20: 19
        Do you think patriots are rogues who are born out of despair...? Yes, offer anyone the benefits you have branded and he will immediately think about whether it is good to be a patriot...
        1. +1
          11 August 2024 23: 27
          Why do patriots have to be beggars? - this is not true, it’s just that patriots should not be thieves and corrupt officials.
    2. -3
      8 August 2024 14: 05
      And why did the IMPRESSIVE SSSAXES, so dearly loved by you, throw our media out of their borders, scold them too, DON’T BE HESITATE. And yet, it wouldn’t be a sin to pay attention to what “liberal” laws they have on NGOs or how they PUSH international observers at the elections of their Government, even to the point of arrest if they come CLOSE than a certain distance!!
      1. -4
        8 August 2024 14: 10
        Why are they my favorite? Not at the address of the complaint. I don’t watch anything at all except Vladimir Solovyov’s programs and listen to nothing except Shaman and the Russian anthem. And everything is clear and understandable to me in this world!
        1. -1
          8 August 2024 14: 11
          Congratulations to you!!
          1. -1
            8 August 2024 14: 12
            Mutually drinks It's nice to meet someone who understands.
            1. +1
              8 August 2024 15: 21
              You don’t listen to Skabeeva, and this is a big omission on your part!
              1. +2
                8 August 2024 15: 28
                I'm just afraid to reach absolute enlightenment feel
                1. +1
                  8 August 2024 15: 33
                  Enlightenment will come - you don’t need a flashlight and it’s always light in the house! Yes
                  1. -2
                    8 August 2024 15: 35
                    Oh well...people will reach out, they will want to touch the source of won’t be able to leave the house...oh well..
                    1. +3
                      8 August 2024 15: 36
                      Then turn off the TV....
                      1. 0
                        8 August 2024 15: 45
                        But what about me without a source of truth? recourse
                      2. -1
                        9 August 2024 06: 24
                        You'll be healthier... hi
              2. +1
                10 August 2024 12: 47
                Yes, he is just a fool, don’t flatter yourself!
    3. 0
      9 August 2024 09: 54
      And the question needs to be posed more broadly - to ban in the country the viewing and listening of all film/audio/video materials produced in unfriendly countries.

      Was that sarcasm?
      1. 0
        9 August 2024 10: 56
        Partly. But during the Second World War, German films were not shown, and listening to the Voice of Berlin could easily get you to a logging camp. This is the same instrument of power - as Goebbels showed.
        1. 0
          10 August 2024 15: 59
          Yes, but it’s no secret that our programmers are looking for (and finding) ways to bypass blocking. Sometimes more successful, sometimes less so. I dare to assure you that I don’t say anything “just like that.”
          1. +1
            10 August 2024 16: 00
            That's why the "cable ax" is the most reliable blocking tool wink
            1. 0
              10 August 2024 16: 08
              "cable ax" the most reliable blocking tool wink

              Thank you - I smiled...
              I think Mizulina’s mother and daughter will take care of this... My daughter has already filed a lawsuit for 10 lemmas for innocent words about her “Safe Internet League” to one blogger...
      2. -1
        10 August 2024 12: 54
        And in Geyrop, there will soon be nothing to “watch and listen to” except calls for same-sex marriage.
    4. 0
      10 August 2024 19: 50
      Maybe into the trenches of the national economy? ...not a five
  3. -1
    8 August 2024 13: 35
    It's high time to put an end to this appendage - cut it to hell, without waiting for peritonitis!!!

    This Spiteful Person has become insolent - he “cuts” the channels of authoritative people, and blows away specks of dust from TRASH SHIT, and from OPEN SHIT, which does not require ANY PROOF. Touching no one means no one!!
  4. 0
    8 August 2024 14: 27
    Who told you that vk and rutube are domestic platforms? Firstly, these sites have nothing to do with the Fatherland, for which 27 million Soviet people gave their lives. Secondly, in principle, such sites have not been nationalized. Moreover, on such a scale. You will also say that the enemy Yandex is a domestic platform. Oh well..
    There is a war going on, people are dying, and these videos are about makeup and other shit that has NO relation to the fact that the country is at war. You should be more careful with such statements. Otherwise people will think that the Fatherland has betrayed them. No, it didn't betray me. But after our victory over the USA it will definitely return and you will recognize it.

    By the way, author, but you throw around such words, but in general do you know what the Fatherland is and WHAT are its borders? What borders did our grandfathers fight for?
  5. +1
    9 August 2024 09: 27
    You can only clean your own pipes. We are not going to cut the Internet cable. Our whole problem lies in video hosting. This is what we need to do. Unfortunately, a lot of things on the Internet do not belong to us. It is China that can manage the Internet as it wants. They have their own. Without any objects.
    1. -2
      9 August 2024 15: 51
      Why not cut it? winked how much calmer life would be in Holy Rus' winked without internet.
      1. 0
        10 August 2024 19: 54
        Quote: Strange guest
        Why not cut it? winked how much calmer life would be in Holy Rus' winked without internet.

        As there fellow ! The question is certainly interesting: does the country need the Internet? And to whom and why? In the DPRK, the volume of traffic is clearly measured based on passes. Exhausted - fse..sit
        Considering that this is now a sample and the children are going to pioneer camps then...everything else
        1. 0
          10 August 2024 20: 59
          Yes, you can even set an example for the DPRK. Grandfathers generally lived without any Internet. We can do it again!
  6. +1
    10 August 2024 16: 35
    The results are predictable.
    The censorship master decides what commoners should watch and know.
    It's a lie - the gentleman claims that YouTube and others have limited themselves.
    Reket - The master decides whether or not to allow the blogger’s channel, depending on what he says and how much he unfastens...

    What's that classic: "the mayor said that the non-commissioned officer's widow flogged herself"
  7. +1
    10 August 2024 19: 39
    Amazingly competent and competent information!
    A specialist in this field is immediately visible.

    foreign IT giants will declare corporate war (for example, they will begin to remove applications of Russian competitors from their stores), it is not yet clear.

    I note that the demand overseas for Russian developments is minimal! It is unlikely that anyone will decide to delete it.
    This is a repeat of Western developments from 20 years ago.
    So don't worry about this...
  8. +1
    10 August 2024 19: 45
    In war it’s like in war! But on this front there is a total advantage of the West, and therefore administrative measures.
    This is understandable! But why and where this advantage and volume of content 120: 1 from YouTube to RuTube came from is worth finding out.
    It is clear that RuTube is a sandbox game with a dozen comments and scanty views. Monetization is also, unfortunately, not comparable..
  9. 0
    6 September 2024 09: 39
    About the same as the departure of foreign cars to AvtoVAZ. They will raise prices and reduce quality.