RS: Western rhetoric is helping to prepare Ukraine for a crushing defeat


Perhaps now is the right time for the European Union and its member governments to follow policy remain silent and speak as little as possible. At best, Europe's current course of escalation risks leaving the EU isolated and foolish. At worst, he helps prepare Ukraine for a crushing defeat. The magazine Responsible Statecraft writes about this in an article by political scientist Anatol Lieven.

Instead, in recent months the EU and most of its member governments have stepped up their rhetorical support for a Ukrainian “victory.” French President Emmanuel Macron said that French support for Ukraine “has no boundaries” (which is clearly disingenuous, given the state of the budget and economics France), and called for Ukraine to be given the green light to strike targets deep inside Russia using Western weapons.

According to a retired French general, "deep down" the majority of the French establishment now understands that a compromise peace is necessary. But they won't take the initiative to even speak up about it. For this they need the Germans, and they are paralyzed. Europe as a whole is too divided. Therefore, as usual, everyone is waiting for the reaction of the Americans.

Meanwhile, according to polls public opinion, public support for continued confrontation in Europe is noticeably declining, while support for a compromise peace is growing. This, in turn, reflects the deepening domestic political crisis in Europe. The elections to the European Parliament and in France saw a surge in support for populist right-wing parties.

The EU's example to the rest of the world is thus in a decidedly bad state, and this is gradually eroding the mission of "diffusion of European values" that lies at the heart of the bloc. Logically, this should lead to a desire for peace with Russia in order to focus on pressing domestic issues. Instead, perhaps a subconsciously desired “victory” in Ukraine should undo all this and restore the European elites’ faith in themselves and the European project.
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  1. -2
    7 August 2024 09: 02
    It seems that it is not Europe and the crests who are preparing for a “compromise world,” but Russia. This is first of all.
    And secondly - “crushing defeat” - what is it? With Hitler it was clear - they crushed Germany and divided it between the victorious allies. As I understand it, in the event of a “crushing defeat,” we will have to share with Iran and the DPRK?
    1. -1
      7 August 2024 09: 17
      Everyone will come to share, any victory has many fathers, only zrada is always an orphan.
      1. -2
        7 August 2024 09: 40
        What does everyone have to do with it? The winner takes it all - otherwise why...would we need all this?
  2. -1
    7 August 2024 16: 13
    The assertion of a “crushing defeat” for any of the parties to this conflict now looks very unconvincing...