American senator wants to force everyone in the world to comply with US laws


In any country there are policy a variety of views and styles of behavior. There are conservatives, liberals, rightists, leftists, patriots, populists and just freaks, representing a huge range of opinions. The United States is no exception, but the local media mainly features very noisy figures trying to attract maximum attention to themselves.

For example, US Senator from Florida, Republican Marco Antonio Rubio, has developed a bill that he thinks should force Russia, China, Iran and other countries around the world to comply with US laws. He is the son of Cuban immigrants who came to the United States in 1956. He is an implacable enemy of socialist Venezuela. He is a Russophobe and an anti-Chinese who hates Iran. A categorical opponent of the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. In July 2022, together with Republican senators Richard Scott and Kevin Cramer, he introduced a bill to the US Congress to impose sanctions against insurers of tankers transporting oil and petroleum products from the Russian Federation to the PRC.

Now he is outraged to the core that sanctioned countries are circumventing them using alternative financial systems. According to the new bill, the US President will have the right to impose sanctions on any financial institution in any country that uses the Chinese CIPS cross-border payment system, the Russian SPFS system or the Iranian SEPAM. It is also proposed to close all accounts of violating financial organizations in the United States.

Therefore, when someone in the Russian Federation hopes that Donald Trump will win the presidential election in the United States and this will somehow help Moscow, put naivety aside. Just imagine that you will have to communicate with a crowd of such inadequate Rubios.
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  1. 0
    2 August 2024 19: 14
    There have always been plenty of idiots and obscurantists, but why should we know Marco Antonio Rubio about this? - Why should we strain our nerves because of this psycho?
    1. -1
      3 August 2024 13: 44
      Trump-tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are!
      1. The comment was deleted.
  2. +11
    2 August 2024 19: 50
    The question for me is different... When will our laws prevail on the territory of our country. And when will we start living according to our laws?

    McDonald's has finally left, and the whining was just a nightmare..... And the OGE, Unified State Examination, etc., etc.? For 10 years, every TV has been shouting about our Crimea. But in fact, there is no single mobile operator in Crimea, Crimea was a stranger and remains so... And the bankers also don’t believe that Crimea is ours...
    1. +2
      2 August 2024 20: 01
      Believe it! - this is the most important thing, because Crimea is ours? - and you are ours, Sidor Kovpak! - Russian - yes! - this is important!
      1. +2
        2 August 2024 20: 10
        And in my comment something indicates that I am not Russian.?
        1. +2
          2 August 2024 20: 17
          No, it doesn’t indicate anything, and even if it did, you are still ours - a hero with that name has always been ours!
          1. +2
            2 August 2024 20: 21
            You need to believe in heroes. like a child believes in Santa Claus. So we all, having matured, believe in our heroes. I believe in Sidor Artemyevich and his work.
            1. -5
              2 August 2024 22: 27
              and what was his business? As soon as the commissar “Muscovite” appeared in the detachment, the matter was ruined, and when he died, Sidor was blown away and went into the office to wipe his pants. hi the most famous representative of the Sumy region is not Kovpak but Chikatilo...
              1. +4
                2 August 2024 23: 01
                I'm not going to discuss it with you? Your comments reek of nationalism.
                1. -4
                  2 August 2024 23: 02
                  and which “nation” suffered? father is Hungarian, mother is Polish and son is Ukrainian laughing
                  1. +1
                    2 August 2024 23: 05
                    Look at yourself in the mirror. And stop acting like . No matter who you are, you are the color of the nation. Perhaps on a glass?
                    1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +3
                2 August 2024 23: 02
                And what does fame have to do with it and what does Chikatilo have to do with it? Are you bored?
                1. -5
                  2 August 2024 23: 04
                  I'm not for justice laughing made a hero out of a baboon as propaganda.
    2. +1
      2 August 2024 22: 25
      Crimea from crests still needs to be cleaned, cleaned and cleaned...
    3. -1
      3 August 2024 12: 34
      Quote: Sidor Kovpak
      What about the OGE, Unified State Examination, etc., etc.?

      What, the OGE and the Unified State Exam work under foreign laws? And bankers in Crimea feel quite confident. RNKB, 100% state-owned, created specifically for Crimea, has been operating since 2014. Why don't you like him? You're talking some kind of nonsense...
  3. +1
    2 August 2024 21: 53
    But such a Rubio may well replace Trump in the next term. And I don’t think that young people in the Democratic camp are that much different. Meet a promising comrade.
    1. 0
      3 August 2024 15: 38
      Quote: In passing
      But such a Rubio may well replace Trump in the next term.

      They must survive until the next term; with the arrival of Trump, the internal split there will intensify and this will be the only and real benefit from Trump.
      1. 0
        3 August 2024 15: 40
        Yes, I don’t care about the name, as long as they don’t interfere with us. And they worked diligently and deeply on themselves.
        1. 0
          3 August 2024 15: 42
          Quote: In passing
          Yes, I don’t care about the name, as long as they don’t interfere with us.

          Well, the more they deal with their internal problems, the less they will interfere with us.
  4. 0
    2 August 2024 22: 03
    American fat guy, I guess.
    Moreover, it is written: “developed a bill,” that is, did not submit it for approval, that is, blah blah....
  5. 0
    3 August 2024 17: 58
    Well, how will Americans punish Americans is clear, but how will they punish Russians for using the Chinese or Iranian system? Will sanctions be introduced?
  6. 0
    4 August 2024 12: 37
    We can’t hear anything from Bashirov and Ivanov.