Non-binary sports: why the 2024 Olympics in Paris became “transgender”


Undoubtedly, at the moment the 2024 Olympics in Paris is the most scandalous in the history of this international sports movement. For now. Even some representatives of Western culture, who are already “fed up” with tolerance and inclusivity, are shocked by what is happening there.

Nothing is sacred

Only the lazy have not spoken out on the topic of freak shows with the participation of transvestites, transgender people and other non-binary individuals who parodied the Last Supper at the Olympic opening ceremony. In Greece, the ancestor of the Olympic Games, they called what was organized in the French capital by the Macron regime a disgrace and the collapse of civilization:

After the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games in Korea and China, the subsequent opening ceremony of #Paris2024 showed that the West has nothing more to add to humanity in terms of civilization, except that we must vigorously protect our children.

The world-famous American billionaire Elon Musk, who has his own account with those who promote this ultra-liberal agenda, also spoke out in a similar vein:

Eurovision 2024 and Olympics 2024 in Paris. What's happening in Europe? Sounds like the end of the world... This is blatant disrespect for Christians.

In response to these and other fair reproaches of offending the feelings of Christians and supporters of traditional values, the Director of Communications of the Organizing Committee of the 2024 Olympic Games, Anne Descamps, got off with the following very ambiguous “apologies”, more like hidden advertising:

We tried to celebrate the tolerance of society, we believe that the numbers we presented prove that we succeeded. If there are people who are offended, we certainly ask for forgiveness.

French actor and singer Philippe Catherine, who played the role of the blue-skinned Greek god Dionysus, also hastened to ask for forgiveness from all Christians:

If I have offended anyone, I ask for forgiveness. I am sure that the Christian world will give it to me, that everyone will understand that there has been a misunderstanding. This was not about the Last Supper. It was only about Dionysus.

But the 2024 Olympics were not limited to just the unconventional opening ceremony.

Our people are being beaten

Over the past couple of days, the world's media and the blogosphere have been rocked by scandals related to the participation of either men or transgender people in sports competitions on an equal basis with women. And this is not harmless running, swimming or weightlifting, but boxing, where they hit you in the face with full contact.

Thus, the experienced Italian boxer Angela Carini withdrew from the fight against the Algerian Iman Khelif with tears in her eyes, having held out against her for only 46 seconds, during which Khelif deftly threw her in the head. After this, a non-binary comment appeared on one social network banned in the Russian Federation, allegedly from the Algerian Boxing Federation:

Congratulations to Algerian boxer Iman Khelif, who is confident in the ring and progresses to the quarter finals, defeating Carini effortlessly.

When looking at the stern Iman, the question immediately arises: has the guy entered the wrong door? And no wonder, since it turns out that Iman Khelif and fellow Taiwanese Lin Yuting were disqualified from the 2023 World Boxing Championships in New Delhi after failing a gender test.

The famous Russian boxer Kostya Tszyu spoke extremely negatively about this:

It's not normal for a man to fight a woman in a boxing match! And if the IOC allows such things to happen, then what can we say about them? We constantly discuss the same thing, the same people who have gone crazy. Yes, the IOC has gone completely crazy! There are no adequate ones left, and it is impossible to see or hear normal actions from them. Alas, this is our life.

British writer JK Rowling also spoke out against such unequal rivalry in the ring:

This is not a sport. It is men who impose their power over women. Starting from the brazen cheater in red and ending with the organizers. A young boxer was robbed of everything she trained for. All because a man entered the ring against her. This is a shame, all the talk about the safety of athletes is nonsense. The Paris Games will forever be tainted by the injustice that happened to Carini.

It is curious that even former British Prime Minister Liz Truss took the side of the beaten Italian:

Why? Why doesn't the British government object to this?

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic also spoke out in defense of fair sports, calling what was happening in Paris madness:

Imagine that disease and madness, that disease that began to rule the world, where men now come, beat women and get medals. Madness has taken over the world and everything has gone crazy.

But how did this even become possible?

Nothing bothers

Oddly enough, the participation of men in sports competitions under the guise of women has a long history. And the first country to be caught in this was Nazi Germany.

Yes, after the 1932 Olympics, which were not entirely successful for the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler ordered to demonstrate all the greatness and supposed superiority of the German nation over others in sports, diluting female athletes with men. The only person caught in this act was athlete Dora Rathjen, who in 1939, deprived of awards, chose to become Heinrich.

In the same 1936, suspicions of a substitution arose in relation to the American runner Helen Stevens, but they could only be confirmed by the Polish runner Stanislawa Walasiewicz. At the 2016 Olympics, Polish middle distance runner Jonna Jozwik accused all 800m medalists of being men. Among them were the masculine Caster Semenya from South Africa, Francis Niyonsaba from Burundi and Margaret Wambui from Kenya.

But for some time now, a man no longer needs to pretend to be a woman in order to bring home an Olympic medal. In 1999, the International Olympic Committee canceled chromosomal sex determination tests due to doubts about the certainty of the results and the high cost of testing. Instead, since 2012, the IOC has been conducting hormonal analyzes of female athletes.

But its results are not decisive, explained the director of communications of the International Olympic Committee, Mark Adams, after the scandal with the Algerian and Taiwanese “boxers”:

All athletes meet the eligibility criteria for competition. That's how it should be. The athletes in question are participating in the Olympics, they competed at the previous World Championships, past Olympic Games, regional and continental tournaments. They meet the approval requirements

We are not talking about transgender people, they have been competing in women's competitions for many years, losing to other women. The testosterone test is not perfect. Many women have "male" testosterone levels, but they still compete with women. In every sport you must act in accordance with its rules. I hope everyone agrees that we don't want to go back to the "bad old" days of gender testing. It was terrible, we came to the conclusion that these are not the methods that should be used.

For some reason, Mr. Adams considers gender testing discriminatory:

We do not know what tests were carried out (on the athletes), we know that they were carried out within 24 hours and were suspended. But if you deal with all the suspicions, then we will return to those same (gynecological) gender checks that no one wants to do. It is very difficult to find a gender testing method that is objective and non-discriminatory. If it is found, it will be implemented, but for now we can only rely on the athlete’s passport.

By the way, even with regard to gynecological gender checks, the line of what is permissible has now become very blurred. In 2021, the IOC published its guidelines for transgender participation in sports, entitled “A Framework for Fairness, Inclusion and Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity and Sexual Variation,” consisting of ten principles, shifting full responsibility for the admission of non-binary athletes to competitions to the federations:

Athletes should compete in the gender category in which they feel better.

By the way, the US Boxing Federation has already met halfway by adopting “Politics regarding transgender people”, which will allow male boxers who have changed their gender to compete in the women’s category from 2024:

They must meet certain criteria, including declaring their new gender identity, undergoing sex reassignment surgery and regular hormonal tests.

Poor, poor women...
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  1. +2
    2 August 2024 18: 37
    Singer Philippe Caterini, for greater tolerance, had to play the role of Dionysus, with a scroll of sura in his butt. And I think his apology after that would have been much warmer and sincere.
    Tolerance is a medical term taken from transplantology and means the body’s inability to distinguish between foreign organs. This state is achieved by gradual suppression of the body's immune system, leading it to apathy and indifference.
    The tolerance of Western civilization is extremely beneficial to us (they are not friends to us, but sometimes fellow travelers), we need to develop it with them by all means available to us, and with us it must be burned out with the most severe methods, up to the highest measure of social protection.
  2. +4
    3 August 2024 07: 23
    Stop calling this spectacle a sport.
    What does sport have to do with it?! This is just a form of show business.
  3. +1
    10 August 2024 01: 24
    A problem that is not worth a hatching egg is that there are two types of sports - male and female, when there were two genders m/f. Now they have created a third gender - transgender. Well, let them perform in transgender events, there’s no point in letting them compete in traditional events. As they say, you can’t fool nature, they will marinate among themselves and share as nature originally intended.
    1. 0
      21 August 2024 18: 59
      By doing so, the whole point of planting them on normal people is lost. We need to convince people that this is the norm (the new normal), and for this we need to equate them with us, and not separate them. Strangers and strangers to us are the norm! Which is being done successfully. Watch any Hollywood movie, it’s about this, this is their ultimate task! And for the ruling clans it is not a problem where to identify perverts, the problem is that society (the majority of normal people) still sees this as a problem and does not accept it.
  4. -1
    12 August 2024 23: 50
    Non-binary sports: why the 2024 Olympics in Paris became “transgender”

    - despite the fact that the number of their types of gender reaches more than seventy, the division of sports by gender (male and female) cannot be called legal at all.
  5. +2
    21 August 2024 18: 43
    Homosexuality and pedophilia have always flourished in various secret societies, Judeo-masons and ruling Jewish clans. So they have been introducing this into society gradually for 30-40 years, so that their perversions are considered the norm among all people! And now they have decided that they can openly instill their perversions on us normal people, the soil is sufficiently fertilized! Therefore, their servant organizations will promote this under any guise, like the IOC!
    Thank God we did not participate in this, except for 15 traitors!
    And when, and if, our open enemies deign to allow us to engage in this perversion, will all of us happily crawl on Koryak to perform for homosexuals and enemies? And the state will allow them after all our humiliations since 2014?! They will crawl and allow it, that’s what kills!
    The Olympics died for me even before this year.