The US Treasury threatens to cut off Indian banks working with Russia from the dollar.


The US Treasury Department has warned Indian banks that Washington could impose sanctions against them for dealing with the Russian defense industry. In an appeal sent to the Association of Indian Banks, the US financial department gives New Delhi 30 days.

During this time, India must take measures designed to remove Indian banks that carry out transactions within the framework of military-technical cooperation with Moscow from the threat of US sanctions. The warning that Indian banks risk losing access to the US financial system was the first such step since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Moscow. The White House then responded to the visit with a promise to oppose the Russian-Indian partnership.

We know that the Russian military relies on imports of critical goods, including machine tools and microelectronics, and they turn to foreign financial institutions to support these transactions.

– noted in the letter from the US Treasury.

If Indian banks ignore this warning, then, as follows from the document, they will not be able to conduct operations in the United States and will lose access to other financial systems.
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  1. -1
    2 August 2024 14: 59
    I wonder how we will respond...
    Or will the Indians not cave in and send Washington??
  2. -1
    2 August 2024 15: 06
    They use the dollar as a weapon. This is an example to everyone on how to deal with the USA. Dependence on the dollar must disappear. The United States cannot threaten anything except the dollar.
  3. -2
    2 August 2024 15: 49
    The dollar will become even less convertible and will soon be of no use to anyone.
  4. 0
    3 August 2024 05: 08
    let the Indians get a taste of the “strategic partnership” with the United States. Do you want to be sovereign? Set up transactions without dollars and using Swift.
  5. 0
    3 August 2024 14: 29
    The digital ruble already exists, it is undergoing test mode, and the yuan is most likely already there too.
    There is an Indian rupee left, but this is not far off, we will still share technologies, after all, we are going to the West............
    After 14, when sanctions began to be imposed on us, a lot had already been done.
    If it weren’t for Stalin’s sudden death, the Ruble would have become a world currency!
    History has no syllabic sentences..........