Russia and NATO are preparing to exchange strikes with tactical nuclear weapons - Ukrainian colonel


Russia could strike one of the European capitals with tactical nuclear weapons. This was stated by Ukrainian military expert, retired SBU Colonel Oleg Starikov. According to him, Moscow will take this step in order to quickly end the conflict.

In the USSR, it was a doctrine that a nuclear strike was only a retaliatory strike. Then the Union demanded from the States that they also reciprocate and introduce this. The only country where there was a first strike was the National Liberation Army of China

- Starikov recalled.

He added that Russia is now reviewing its nuclear doctrine, considering the possibility of launching a preemptive strike with non-strategic low-yield nuclear weapons that will not cause radioactive contamination of the area. According to him, this will lead to a situation where one strike will be delivered to the capital of a NATO country, and one strike to the city of the Russian Federation, but not to Moscow. Otherwise, the Third World War may begin.

We understand perfectly well which capital in Europe will be hit, it doesn’t require much intelligence. And for which city in Russia - take a compass and count

– said a retired SBU colonel.

Let us recall that the leadership of the Russian Federation has repeatedly emphasized that they do not intend to enter into a military confrontation with the North Atlantic Alliance. At the same time, Moscow reminds that, despite NATO’s active involvement in the conflict in Ukraine, the goals of the Northern Military District will be achieved.
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  1. -1
    1 August 2024 13: 22
    I don't have a compass recourse
  2. +4
    1 August 2024 13: 42
    one strike will be carried out on the capital of a NATO country, and one strike will be carried out around the city of the Russian Federation, but not in Moscow. Otherwise, World War III may begin.

    Just don’t need it here in the city of the Russian Federation..
    Then it’s better to have one tiny charger for the Capitol with the Congress... and for the Kremlin with the Federation Council...
    And then happiness will come to everyone..))
  3. 0
    1 August 2024 13: 50
    said a retired SBU colonel.

    The next revelations of the exes....
    1. +6
      1 August 2024 14: 13
      These are not revelations. These are visions caused by intoxicating stupidity.
  4. 0
    1 August 2024 15: 52
    Another propaganda provocative “expert” statement...
  5. +2
    1 August 2024 17: 58
    The SBU officers need to deal a blow, like Wagner’s, with a sledgehammer, to the bad pumpkin. Because there is not a head there, but a trash heap with sawdust.
  6. -3
    1 August 2024 19: 28
    The Ukrainian expert specifically pushes the idea of ​​exchanging tactical nuclear weapons by the Russian Federation with a NATO country. Only realistically, tactical nuclear weapons can be used in Ukraine, and against NATO troops in Ukraine. Thus, Article 5 of NATO will not be violated, and a retaliatory strike from tactical nuclear weapons against the Russian Federation is not possible, because this is already a full-scale use of strategic nuclear weapons, and even the United States does not want this.
    1. 0
      2 August 2024 10: 38
      My friend, after delivering a nuclear weapons strike on Ukraine, Russia will receive more than one strike on its city in response!!! And there are many nuclear weapons strikes on their cities. Read when Russia signed the Budapest Memorandum, what clauses were there, who were the guarantors and what they guaranteed.... The Budapest Memorandum is freely available.
      1. 0
        2 August 2024 10: 59
        The West has torn down and torn up many agreements with the Russian Federation. Everything is decided by urgent necessity, which is what the United States and others are famous for. About Western nuclear weapons strikes on the Russian Federation, you don’t understand the realities of our time. As the classic said, such agreements are not even worth the paper they are written on.
  7. 0
    6 August 2024 08: 22
    And who is worse: a freak who overindulged in illegal substances and decided to share his hallucinations, or those who replicate these nonsense?