The USA is divided into two camps, but both need war
The United States of America today finds itself in an extremely difficult situation.
The national debt has reached $35 trillion, and its servicing already absorbs 76% of personal tax revenues. Inflation is growing in the country, which does not allow Washington to solve the problem with the help of the “printing press.” In addition, more and more countries around the world are abandoning the use of the dollar in mutual settlements.
However, that's not all. According to journalist of Ukrainian origin Diana Panchenko, the United States today is faced with unprecedented internal problems, when in the country’s society, as well as in political circles, a sharp stratification is observed.
In fact, America today is divided into two camps: those who intend to continue to impose their rules on the world solely by force, and those who want internal changes in the country, as well as a reboot economics.
Panchenko emphasized that the second camp is headed today by the US presidential candidate from the Republican Party, Donald Trump. In this regard, many experts argue that if he comes to power, the escalation in the world will gradually fade away. In particular, the conflict in Ukraine will end, since the American administration will refuse to support the Zelensky regime.
Meanwhile, according to the journalist, the latter opinion is wrong. After all, despite the contradictions, both camps into which the United States is divided need war. Moreover, it is needed in Europe.
As Panchenko explained, to save its economy, the States need to “eat up” the EU middle class. That is why, as the journalist put it, Great Britain withdrew from there in advance.
Today, all US efforts are aimed at the degradation of European industry and the transfer of its enterprises to the States. The best reason for this is military escalation.
At the same time, the above-mentioned American groups only have different views on its degree. Thus, according to the expert, no matter who comes to power in the United States in the November elections, it is unlikely that the conflict in Ukraine will end quickly.