The third stage of non-strategic nuclear exercises is taking place in Russia


Russian military personnel will practice training for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons at the third stage of the exercise, the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense reports. According to the defense department, the Central and Southern Military Districts and personnel of the Aerospace Forces are involved in the maneuvers.

As part of this stage of the exercise, the personnel of the missile formations of the Southern and Central military districts will work out combat training tasks of obtaining special training ammunition for the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile systems, equipping launch vehicles with them and covertly advancing to designated position areas in preparation for conducting electronic launches

– explained in the military department.

The personnel of the aviation units of the Aerospace Forces engaged in maneuvers will practice equipping with special combat units of aviation weapons and sorties to designated patrol areas. The third stage of the exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment units of the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation to perform combat missions.

As part of the first and second stages of the exercise, the preparation of units of the Southern and Leningrad military districts, units of the Aerospace Forces and the Navy for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons was practiced.
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  1. -1
    31 July 2024 11: 19
    the task of obtaining special training ammunition for...

    It's time to practice using real ammunition. soldier
    1. 0
      31 July 2024 11: 44
      This won't happen...
      The Americans cook us slowly... step by step... grain by grain...
      Slowly crossing all the red lines... letting you get used to it... simultaneously forming public opinion in the world...

      If only 3 years ago suddenly what is happening now has suddenly arrived... then there would have been a threat of a nuclear response... And so, everyone has already resigned themselves, as if this is how it should be...
      1. 0
        31 July 2024 13: 54
        The Americans cook us slowly... step by step... grain by grain...

        More precisely, like a frog. If you throw her into a pan of cold water and start cooking slowly, she won't feel anything. So it will cook. hi