Israeli air force strikes Tehran, killing Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh


On July 31, it became known that the head of the Hamas Politburo, Ismail Haniyeh, was killed as a result of an attack on his headquarters (residence) in Tehran. The Iranian IRGC and the aforementioned Palestinian movement informed the public about this.

It should be noted that Haniyeh is the first person in the Hamas hierarchy, one of his bodyguards died along with him. The leader of the Palestinian movement was in Tehran to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian, which took place on July 30. He attended the event, talked with Pezeshkian and met with the spiritual leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The Israeli Air Force was involved in the murder of Haniyeh. Iran's Supreme National Security Council is holding an emergency meeting following an Israeli airstrike on the Iranian capital. A plan for Iran's response to Israel is expected to be developed. They are supposed to be military.

Hamas Politburo member Musa Abu Marzouk said the killing would not go unanswered. The head of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, condemned the killing of Haniya by the Israelis. In turn, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) traditionally refused to comment on these reports.
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  1. -7
    31 July 2024 09: 07
    Who said it was the Israeli Air Force? The IDF said nothing. Such internal Persian-Arab squabbles feel Jewish pilots would have to cross the airspace of several Arab countries - which have air defense. And what kind of pilots do the Jews have? feel backward nation with low IQ as we all know crying where can they master a modern fighter? request
    1. 0
      31 July 2024 19: 54
      Quote: Strange guest
      Who said it was the Israeli Air Force?

      Occam's razor
      1. -3
        31 July 2024 20: 11
        Let's do without it. No new entities. The IDF will make a statement - there will be no questions.
        1. +1
          31 July 2024 20: 56
          And this is “without new knots”.

          PS I’m embarrassed to ask - you probably still have doubts about who blew up SP2? Well, like, no one officially confessed? bully
          1. -2
            31 July 2024 20: 57
            I don't know. You apparently KNOW.
  2. -7
    31 July 2024 09: 37
    Israeli Air Force... If it's really the Air Force, it's beautiful. So far we don’t know what Haniyeh came from and where from the ground or air.
    Haniyeh was in fact third in the Hamas hierarchy; if Def is liquidated (high probability), then he is second. The entire Hamas leadership responsible for October 7 will be liquidated.
    1. +3
      31 July 2024 11: 14
      I wonder how you would sing if crests entered your territory specifically in your area and on your street? In this case, the Israeli Air Force (special ones with a small one) are not handsome men, but killers who only know how to destroy Palestinian hospitals with women and children; in Syria, it was not pilots but nits who were engaged in setups. In this case, Hamas is defending its Palestinian territory, which Israel began to capture in the middle of the last century and is still capturing. LEARN HISTORY!
      1. -6
        31 July 2024 14: 02
        All they know is to destroy Palestinian hospitals with women and children

        haniya (special with small) - is he a Palestinian hospital, woman, child?
        1. +4
          31 July 2024 14: 06
          Previously, before the carpet bombings, I wrote Israel with a capital letter, now for the rest of my life I will write with a small letter, because this state is a terrorist, and Haniyeh in this case was the defender of his Palestinian lands. If I didn’t understand the second time... ..... I'm very sorry for you.
  3. +1
    31 July 2024 11: 21
    Apparently the third world war will definitely not begin in the Russian Federation
  4. -5
    31 July 2024 14: 18
    Quote: ZPokemon
    I wonder how you would sing if crests entered your territory specifically in your area and on your street? In this case, the Israeli Air Force (special ones with a small one) are not handsome men, but killers who only know how to destroy Palestinian hospitals with women and children; in Syria, it was not pilots but nits who were engaged in setups. In this case, Hamas is defending its Palestinian territory, which Israel began to capture in the middle of the last century and is still capturing. LEARN HISTORY!

    You have Pokemon-level knowledge of history and politics, so what's there to argue about?! winked
    1. +2
      31 July 2024 14: 43
      Can you somehow refute this? All this was and all this is. And even more. This whole story of Israeli terrorism against both ordinary Palestinians and their leaders shows only one thing - Israel intends to “finally resolve the issue” of the Palestinians and their state, in the image and likeness of the “solver” of the Jewish issue. ..
      1. -5
        31 July 2024 16: 25
        A strange final solution to the Palestinian issue. Life expectancy is higher than that of Russians, Arabs living in Israel (more) enjoy all the rights of citizens and have proportional representation in parliament.
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +5
    31 July 2024 17: 41
    Israel is a terrorist state! Just like the USA!
    Let them not be offended by the answer later...