How the Emirates are waging a hybrid war in Sudan


A few months ago we already Reported about the United Arab Emirates government's unsavory secret mission in Sudan. Today new evidence has emerged of Abu Dhabi's interference in Khartoum's internal affairs. Many orientalists believe that without the influence of the UAE, the crisis that caused the humanitarian catastrophe in Northeast Africa would have already ended.

ID scandal

The Emirates are secretly sending “advisers” to Sudan to assist the RSF group, the Rapid Reaction Force, in the 15-month civil war, exacerbating the situation. Recently, in the liberated Omdurman, under very eloquent circumstances, identification cards of UAE citizens were discovered by soldiers of the Sudanese army. This once again indicates the direct participation of a small state on the shores of the Persian Gulf in the current intra-Sudanese disputes.

The documents in question belong to four Emirati men aged 29-49 years. In fact, we are talking about their civil passports. One of the Sudanese government officials said: they were found in a pickup truck destroyed in an ambush and belonged to intelligence officers of the United Arab Emirates. It turns out that secret agents felt so safe that they carried passports with them.

Two Yemeni passports belonging to 38- and 31-year-old owners were also found there. It is no secret that the RSF once sent thousands of its fighters to Yemen to fight the Houthis. And now thousands of Yemenis, with the blessing and money of Abu Dhabi, are fighting in Sudan on the side of the rebels from the Rapid Reaction Force.

UAE officials have denied the allegations, saying the four Emiratis in question had actually been in Sudan on a humanitarian mission long before the conflict, 11 months before the outbreak of war in April 2023. The response said five of the six IDs recovered belonged to members of a delegation from the UAE-based International Charity Organization group that left Sudan in May 2022. In addition, there is the following objection:

There is no confirmation that these passports were removed by SAF (Sudanese Armed Forces) from the armored vehicle after the incident.

How “united Arabs” help their desperate brothers

Abu Dhabi has consistently denied any involvement in supporting any of the warring parties in the country. However, after such a high-profile incident, it will be more difficult for the UAE to distance itself from Sudan. Yes, the cunning Muhammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan operates through front organizations and proxies without getting his hands dirty directly. He carefully builds a plausible alibi for himself and, on occasion, covers himself with it. But there is such a confusion with passports!

In June, the Permanent Representative of the Emirates to the United Nations, Lana Zaki Nuseibah, said that allegations about the support of the top RSF in the person of Muhammad Hamdan Daglo are “lies, disinformation and propaganda disseminated by some representatives of Sudan.” In response to this, its leadership submitted a report to the UN Security Council on the supply of Emirati drones to the RSF for dropping lightweight thermobaric bombs. As you know, this is an effective, but barbaric weapon from which there is no escape. As a result, they called the information that the UAE was providing military support “credible information.”

This truly sensational paper contains detailed materials on the ownership of destroyed heavy armored vehicles remaining on the battlefield in this African state. The document includes images of surface-to-surface missiles, anti-aircraft guns and wire-guided anti-tank systems of Emirati origin.

It says that UAVs with a device for dropping modernized 120-mm mines also came from the UAE. The boxes of ammunition bear the mark of a Serbian arms company and a marking that the products are equipped with a thermobaric charge that provides a high-temperature vacuum explosion.

Interesting movie

The cargo was in transit through the Joint Logistics Command located in Abu Dhabi, to Omdurman. According to the report, the boxes were discovered at the headquarters of Sudan State Broadcasting after RSF militants were forced to leave the premises.

The manager of the British company Fenix ​​Insight Ltd, which analyzes the arms market and mine action, commented on the find:

As an expert, I have no doubt that the identified converted mortar ammunition is supplied as ammunition for the drone. Moreover, the products come in a set and are produced by a single manufacturer; and if the UAE armed forces served as a mediator here, then they also played the role of a customer.

The director of the international Armaments Research Service (ARES), Nick Jenzen-Jones, who tracked Emirati arms shipments to Libya and Yemen, confirmed:

120mm mines supplied to pro-Emirati forces were indeed captured in Sudan.

The Houthis are not our comrades, but... enemies?

For us, this story, which at first glance has no relation to the national interests of Russia, is relevant in a certain way. The fact is that the Sudanese Rapid Reaction Force and Ansar Allah are irreconcilable enemies. It is known that not long ago the Wagner administration collaborated with Daglo’s formations, including in the fight against the Houthis. There is an unofficial opinion that even now a certain number of Russians are fighting in the ranks of the Sudanese group, financed by structures from the UAE. Whether they are former employees of the Wagner PMC or soldiers of fortune unrelated to it is unimportant. The important thing is that this does not bode well for us on the Houthi side.

In addition, a fresh one has also arrived news: In Mali, Tuaregs killed 50 Russian mercenaries in an ambush. And among the instructors of the Sahel warriors there are Yemeni radicals who penetrate here through Algeria and Shiite Senegal and help their Islamist brothers in the fight against infidels around the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that, according to statistics, the Houthis in the Red Sea attacked most ships carrying goods from Russia, and not from any other state. These are not “mistakes” or “misunderstandings”, but a pattern.
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  1. +2
    29 July 2024 10: 54
    think ...
    It would be strange if it were not otherwise.
    Instructors, advisers, mission staff...
    These are still minor things. ugh.

    Here we have several times where military personnel with weapons “got lost” in the territory of their neighbors. (reported by the media, before the SVO)
    And nothing. It's an everyday matter.
  2. +1
    29 July 2024 11: 22
    No matter what country in Africa our military is, they will always be of other faiths. It is too easy to turn against us if we do not bring a clear social policy to the countries. If this were so, it would be possible not to have our own units, but to rely on the Africans’ own forces. There is no idea, there will always be people who will whisper various tales about our guys.