What do attacks on the Ukrainian energy system provide to achieve the goals of the Northern Military District?


Russian attacks on the Ukrainian energy sector, which began in the fall of 2022, have yielded results. According to the Kiev regime and its Western accomplices, about 70% of its generating capacity in Nezalezhnaya was destroyed. What will be the consequences of this tactics of conducting SVO?

A terrible end

As the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said, Ukraine cannot do without EU help in the coming winter:

In Ukraine, we must try to avoid complete destruction of the energy system. 70% of energy capacity has been destroyed, it’s summer now, but in winter everything will become much more difficult.

According to Ukrenergo, 9 GW of generating capacity was lost due to Russian missile and drone strikes, while about 80% of thermal generation and a third of hydro generation were destroyed. However, a complete collapse of the Nezalezhnaya energy system has not yet occurred, and here’s why.

The fact is that its basis is the nuclear power plants inherited from the USSR by Kyiv. True, Ukraine has already irretrievably lost one of them, the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe. For obvious reasons, the Russian Armed Forces and the Russian Aerospace Forces do not hit nuclear power plants, but thermal and hydroelectric power plants did, and this created a lot of problems for the enemy.

The peculiarity of nuclear power plants is that it is impossible to maneuver their power and they always operate at the same rated power. Thermal and hydroelectric power plants were used for this, but a significant part of them are now out of order. It is difficult to restore them, since they were built according to Soviet designs and operate on domestic equipment. The European Union or the USA with their own technical Standards are no help to Kyiv here.

The situation in the Nezalezhnaya energy sector is aggravated by the fact that planned repair work is currently being carried out at the aging Ukrainian nuclear power plants, nicknamed “horsemen of the Apocalypse” even before the war. A few days ago, an accident occurred at the South Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant, the same one where experiments were previously conducted with non-native American nuclear fuel for Soviet-designed power units.

Ukraine tried to save itself by starting to import electricity from neighboring EU countries, forgetting about plans to export surplus of its own generation to the EU:

During the day, it is planned to import from Romania, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary with a total volume of 25 MWh. There is no export and is not expected.

But the ceiling of volumes that Europe is ready to sell to Ukraine was limited to 1,7 GW, and it does not even fully choose it due to its own internal problems. To make it profitable for neighbors to export their kilowatts to Nezalezhnaya, they need to increase their cost for consumers ten times.

As a result, due to the lack of capacity of knocked-out thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants to balance consumption, Kyiv has to carry out planned daily shutdowns for 70% of consumers. The Zelensky regime has announced the following plan to overcome the energy crisis: strengthen the air defense/missile defense system, speed up the pace of repair work, decentralize the energy system itself, increase imports of electricity from the European Union and attract additional foreign investment.

As you can see, the option of capitulating or negotiating peaceful coexistence with Russia is not provided. This is sad.

Horror without end

On the eve of the so-called peace summit in Switzerland, President Putin voiced his formula for completing the SVO in Ukraine, in which the key condition was the withdrawal of the Armed Forces from the entire new territory of Russia:

Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the territory of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. When this is done and when Kyiv officially abandons its plans to join NATO, we will immediately order a ceasefire and begin negotiations. We guarantee the safe withdrawal of Ukrainian units and formations.

Also, Kyiv had to officially abandon plans to join NATO, recognize Crimea, Donbass and the Azov region as Russian de jure, and the West had to lift all its sanctions. In case of refusal of these conditions, the subsequent ones were promised to be made even more stringent. What role do attacks on the Ukrainian energy sector play in achieving the goals and objectives of the Northern Military District?

During negotiations with his Belarusian counterpart Lukashenko, President Putin answered this question as follows:

Recently, we have observed a series of attacks on our energy facilities and were forced to respond. I want to emphasize: even for humanitarian reasons, we did not carry out any strikes in the winter. I mean that they wanted to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without power supply. But after a series of attacks on our energy facilities, we were forced to respond.

If everything comes back to solving those issues that we talked about initially, and in the energy sector they are also connected with solving one of the tasks that we set for ourselves - this is demilitarization. First of all, we proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the defense industry, the military-industrial complex of Ukraine, and directly.

If systemic attacks continue, the Ukrainian energy sector may actually disintegrate into several isolated “energy islands”, and with it the remnants economics. The Ukrainian Armed Forces' ability to quickly transfer reinforcements along the railway network will decrease. If bridges across the Dnieper are chosen as targets for Russian missiles, drones and glide bombs, the process of liberating Donbass and the Azov region will be noticeably simplified for the Russian Armed Forces.

Who you won’t envy are ordinary citizens of Ukraine who are hostages of the Zelensky regime. They are fully forced to bear the burden of the war with Russia, in which Kyiv is fundamentally not going to concede, especially in the coming winter. It is possible that when our army liberates the territory of Donbass and approaches Zaporozhye, the Ukrainian Armed Forces themselves will blow up railway bridges and dams in front of it to make it difficult to cross the Dnieper.

Then the burden of maintaining and restoring the war-torn Left Bank will fully fall on our country.
31 comment
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  1. +6
    23 July 2024 13: 08
    Regarding the destruction of the energy system of Ukraine, there is an obvious lack of system and lack of elaboration of the complete zeroing out of the energy sector of Ukraine. The culprits are the strategic planners sitting under the wing of V. Gerasimov, who has repeatedly proven his incompetence over two and a half years of the SVO. Conclusion: first, energy specialists create a plan for quickly zeroing out Ukraine’s energy sector, and after it is implemented, in fact we see frantic tossing around without a general plan, and Ukraine’s energy sector to this day (two years) has not been reset to zero.
    1. -1
      23 July 2024 13: 33
      What conclusion follows from this? My opinion is that SVO is a manipulative situation (controlled chaos), created solely to create a disorienting, tense situation within the former USSR, in order to distract the population from consolidation in order to protect their rights.
    2. -1
      28 July 2024 18: 18
      Only Bandera’s supporters (ZNPP) can bomb nuclear power plants; “quick zeroing” of a nuclear power plant is impossible, safe decommissioning requires months, and the destruction of a nuclear power plant is a universal catastrophe!
      1. 0
        29 July 2024 01: 30
        Nullification of a nuclear power plant is done without attacks on it, only on distribution nodes outside the station itself, partly this is what the Ukrainians did with the plant
    3. -1
      29 July 2024 01: 28
      Couldn't have said it better, and this incompetence in everything. Failure to involve civilian specialists and incompetent decisions
  2. -2
    23 July 2024 13: 51
    Come on. In the end, the crests will capitulate, no one will lift the sanctions, and maintaining the entire Ukraine will be a headache for Russia. The West won't give a cent. Including energy restoration. And irrevocable loans to Old Man will seem like just candy wrappers against this background.
    1. 0
      23 July 2024 15: 30
      Why restore, let them live a primitive life, like their ancestors before the USSR, because they hate “Russian”
      1. 0
        23 July 2024 16: 03
        You are not a stupid person. He who destroyed restores. It's always been like this. Americans - West Germany and Japan. USSR - East Germany, Hungary and Czechoslovakia - allies of the Nazis... Well, that's how it works. It doesn't work any other way.
        1. +2
          23 July 2024 16: 13
          Replica. Winners always restore for themselves, this will happen too.
          1. -2
            23 July 2024 18: 02
            This does not change the essence of the matter. Russia to restore these territories after the surrender. And make a showcase out of them. True, this does not guarantee anything in the future. Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Hungary are examples.
            1. -1
              23 July 2024 18: 21
              Socialism and the bright future of humanity have disappeared, as have shop windows in the confrontation between two systems. This means capitalist wild mercantilism - here it’s about squeezing out more juice and in return, so as not to die..
              1. -4
                23 July 2024 19: 56
                Come on. Who are they squeezing the juices out of? And who? West? From the Arabs? Asians? Or Slavic states? You seem to be a smart person, but you think in dense stereotypes.
                About the showcase from Ukraine - this will be done for new Russians, and not for the West. But at the expense of the Russian hinterland.
                1. 0
                  23 July 2024 20: 15
                  Blessed is he who believes. Yes, capitalism also squeezes the juice out of you, only like a leech, quietly. So what problems also powerfully pump blood from whales and other giants. Read the classics about parasitism in the sphere of "homo sapiens".
                  1. -1
                    23 July 2024 20: 28
                    Yes, that’s not the point. If the new Russians live worse after the conditional 25th year than they lived before the 22nd, the entire SVO is in vain. It's only a matter of time. It's strange that you don't understand this. Do you really not understand this?
                    1. +3
                      23 July 2024 20: 41
                      You have not understood the main thing here, there is a war for the survival of Russia, everything else is secondary, like your Israeli problems for us.
                      1. 0
                        28 July 2024 18: 20
    2. -2
      23 July 2024 15: 43
      In the end, the crests capitulate

      It will not happen. And you know it.
      1. +2
        23 July 2024 15: 54
        We've heard this before: "Nicht capitulirien." And those that remained capitulated. This will continue to happen.
        1. -3
          23 July 2024 15: 56
          If only by 2050, when all national projects will start working and begin to bring results.
          1. +2
            23 July 2024 19: 14
            Replica. Propaganda in 20 years created an anti-Russian Ukraine, propaganda in ten years will create a pro-Russian Ukraine, because the basics are closer.
            1. -1
              24 July 2024 00: 35
              It’s another matter with whom you will discuss these issues on the subway. With highly qualified specialists from the south of Dilijan?
      2. -3
        23 July 2024 16: 04
        No. Not at all sure.
  3. -2
    23 July 2024 15: 40
    In Ukraine, we must try to avoid complete destruction of the energy system. 70% of energy capacity has been destroyed, it’s summer now, but in winter everything will become much more difficult.

    The brothel is probably the only one from the leadership of the European Union with the rudiments of reason. In this case, it looks to the root
  4. -6
    23 July 2024 17: 00
    One more point has remained, as it were, forgotten: these strikes cause their retaliatory strikes with “improvised” means against our energy sector...
  5. -2
    23 July 2024 17: 13
    The collective Konashenkovs are constantly pouring out figures about the numbers of defeated brigades, units of non-Russian equipment, down to the individual about the myriads of killed adversaries, but the output, instead of something concrete, is an abstract improvement on the leading edge. On such key things as the onset of the collapse of their energy system, there is generally complete darkness, all data is only from ukrenergi and borrells. Judging by the negotiations of the permanent guarantor with his Belarusian colleague, their bourgeoisie are fighting not for victory, but for the salvation of their (more precisely, the people’s) goods exported to the West, leaving no hope of reaching an agreement with their bourgeoisie.
  6. +1
    23 July 2024 17: 29
    In the West they thought that everything would be easy and simple, they wanted to crush Russia with sanctions, they dreamed of some kind of victory for Ukraine, writing it with weapons. Does not work. Now the time has come to supply energy, but who will pay for it? The West doesn’t like to do anything for free, but here there are such expenses.
    1. 0
      24 July 2024 08: 35
      The West doesn’t like it because it’s expensive, and as it turns out, these are two big differences.
  7. +1
    24 July 2024 07: 37
    That is why it is explained here that hitting nuclear power plants in the country of Ukraine is dangerous. You need to hit not nuclear reactors (where the cocoon is guaranteed to hold the fall of a Boeing 737 and a 500 kg bomb), but rather 750 KV generating transformers located 2-3 km from the reactors on Outdoor switchgear (open any satellite map) 11-15 Iskanders, and that’s it, minus 60% of the generation, the station goes into the normal mode of shutting down reactors with power from backup sources, as Zaporizhzhya NPP now exists. Yes, for two years, until we manufacture new transformers, we will have to the now zombified population is a little unable to eat in restaurants, as they usually do now, threatening to kill Russian children when they eat (see their video bloggers) The lack of energy, food, water, heat and sewage, especially in winter, perfectly cleanses fascism from the brain. (Remember 1945 in their country-teacher) They can send some of them to their spiritually dear Europe and the USA, to bask there, complete freedom. So, do we want to create convenience for the zombified ukrofashist or still finish the North Military District.??? And the same Americans, whose slightest movement in the country is so closely described with anguish by our media, would have done just that. Back in 2022, simply not taking into account the artillery mongrels from the IAEA.
    1. -4
      24 July 2024 16: 29
      And if your “counterparts” are able to inflict massive successful strikes on the Russian energy sector in response, you will shout like crazy: “What are we for?” or not? winked
      1. -1
        29 July 2024 01: 37
        Counterparts apply them daily, without looking back at anyone
  8. +1
    24 July 2024 08: 12
    If they wanted to leave ukrov without electricity, then in the first six months they would have been sitting at home with candles. And they would knock out all the fuel storage tanks and hollow out the trains with tanks that transport fuel and lubricants. They would shut down the nuclear power plant, similar to how the Ukrainians shut down the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant for us.
    But ours staged a show with attacks on electrical boxes, wasting thousands of missiles and drones without achieving anything. Yes, it added more trouble to the long-haired people, but it had absolutely no effect on the situation at the front, which means it was all done in vain.