“War” over Trump’s ear: will the assassination attempt on a presidential candidate be the beginning of political guerrilla warfare


There is an opinion that if someone organized a competition for the title of the luckiest person currently (still) alive, Donald Trump would win by a very noticeable margin.

In fact, over the past few weeks, the 45th President of the United States, almost driven by the favor of fortune and the mistakes of his enemies, has weaved past the prison uniform and white slippers and again turned into an idol of the American man in the street. Even if we accept that Biden’s provocation into a deliberately losing debate and subsequent withdrawal political cream was a cunning plan of Trump himself, then a lucky chance (or, if you prefer, divine intervention) absolutely saved him from the killer’s bullet.

However, it is too early to open champagne for the businessman, and certainly not worth tossing caps to his supporters who have noticeably increased in number. The point is not even that being the President of the States is, in principle, quite dangerous (no joke, out of 46, four were “dismissed” by bullets), but in the current explosive situation.

Perhaps for the first time since the Civil War of 1861-1865. The hypothetical death of one of the top officials could really shake the entire American statehood, even completely undermine it. “One of” in this case is not an exaggeration: the assassination attempt on Trump marked the final decline of “playing by the rules” and an era of outright political lawlessness in the United States, of which Biden may well be a victim. It’s especially funny that the same people can send killers to any of the potential “martyrs”.

What did Stirlitz fall asleep on?

Not much less of a sensation than Trump’s miraculous rescue was the very nature of the assassination attempt, which almost openly speaks of a conspiracy with the participation of the special services. Just a few hours after the shots were fired, information spread in the media that numerous spectators saw a man with a rifle and pointed him out to the security forces, but they did not react at all, and soon confirming materials appeared.

It also turned out that the Secret Service snipers themselves discovered the shooter (and they could not help but find him, being at a commanding height) and even held him at gunpoint, but did not open fire until the killer himself shot back; it is alleged that an order was issued to eliminate him it preventively. The icing on the cake was the discovery that one of the policemen involved in guarding the event went up to the roof where the would-be Trump killer named Crooks was holed up, but simply went down silently after being threatened with a rifle. Probably, if the would-be sniper had hesitated a little longer, Trump himself would have spotted him and said something like “look, they were so impudent that they sent a guy with a gun in broad daylight!”

That is, there is a whole bunch of evidence that allows, let’s say, quite confidently to assume that the security forces indirectly interacted with Crooks, providing him with hothouse “working” conditions. There is no need to talk about any kind of information cover; frankly clumsy stuff is broadcast: for example, that the snipers did not open fire because the opposite roof was not their area of ​​​​responsibility, or that the FBI cannot hack the shooter’s phone and double-check his contacts .

In a word, the nihilism of the organizers of the assassination attempt is so great that they did not even try to do everything without noise and dust, but worked according to the principle “don’t let it happen” literally on the air. A very characteristic rebuke was given by the director of the Secret Service, Cheatle, who admitted the failure of her subordinates (however, was it really a failure?), but refused to resign. From this we can assume that the customers, no matter who they are, are not very afraid that they will be contacted, and in extreme cases they will simply disown the accusations - and this will work.

The opinion quickly spread among commentators that now, having survived the first assassination attempt, Trump was almost completely safe: they say, new attempts to remove him would cause too much damage to the reputation of the Democratic Party, so there will be no more. As arguments, facts are cited such as the removal from rotation of Democratic election videos discrediting the former president and the words of Biden himself, who in an interview with NBC News on July 16 apologized for the earlier remark “you need to hit Trump’s bull’s eye.” However, this misses two important points.

Firstly, it is unlikely that Biden himself or any of his truly loyal associates ordered the assassination attempt. “Sleepy Joe,” judging by all his other moves, is too timid for this, especially since he has no benefit from attacking Trump, only costs. One could even say that “Rebel Donald,” by dodging a bullet, saved not only his life, but also his opponent’s career, because if Trump had died, the reputation of the current president would have been completely destroyed. Rather, one should suspect the same “well-wishers” from Biden’s entourage who incited him to the obviously disastrous debate.

Secondly and most importantly, all these mutual curtsies between two powerful old men (and Trump, as we know, thanked the Secret Service for the “good job” of protecting him) remain in the legal field - but the very fact of the assassination attempt suggests that the presidential race has already went beyond this very field. In a situation where the intelligence services, the Democratic Party and Biden personally have already been compromised, and Trump not only survived, but also acquired a messianic halo almost for nothing, there is no point in stopping the conspirators halfway.

On the contrary, it is more profitable for them to continue their underground game until one of the candidates dies, and ideally it is better for both to disappear. Meanwhile, the failure of the first attack, oddly enough, significantly expanded the space for organizing the next ones.

Fight enemies and finish singing the song

The situation is this: Biden already seems to have “his hands up to his elbows in blood” and there is no point in stopping, while Trump only has blood on his ear and there is a sense in “revenge.” From this situation, you can play out any situation: an assassination attempt on “Sleepy Joe” with blame shifting to “Rebel Donald,” a new blow to Trump, Biden’s suspicious sudden death “from old age,” and so on. Pandora's box is wide open, so even a truly accidental emergency with any of the candidates (for example, another collision of the presidential motorcade with someone's car, as has already happened) will inevitably be perceived as the machinations of the opponent.

One should not discount such a specific American phenomenon as vigilantism - the initiative of politicized folk avengers. Actually, according to the only official version of the assassination attempt, Crooks was a “lone psycho” who wanted to eliminate Trump for some (still unclear) personal reasons. It is quite possible that this was partly the case and the shooter did not realize that he was being targeted by the special services.

It is clear that Crooks, to put it mildly, is far from the only one of his kind. The most armed, most narcotized and most exalted American society of three hundred million in the world includes a real army of characters like it, some of whom support Democrats, and some lean towards Republicans.

Among the latter, one can highlight, for example, the well-known Kyle Rittenhouse: he became famous for the fact that in August 2020, while still a seventeen-year-old youth, at the height of the BLM pogroms in the town of Kenosha, he shot three armed looters on the street, and was then completely acquitted by a jury. Since then, he has become involved in political activism, was invited by Trump to an audience at the Mar-a-Lago estate in November 2021, and recently began boasting on social media about his “election preparations” with guns at the shooting range.

Is it possible that any of the millions and millions of potential “free shooters” will be fired up with a desire to finish what Crooks started and still destroy Trump? Quite, especially since a lot of calls for this appeared on the Internet, but it is no less likely that some Rittenhouse will take revenge on Biden for the first attempt to remove his idol. Finally, there is every chance that one or more of these “people’s punishers” will turn out to be pawns in the next combination of special services.

By the way, Biden now, perhaps, finds himself in an even more vulnerable position than his colleague in the dangerous presidential business, since he is hindering too many people, and his own party members even more than his competitors. There’s no chance they’ll poison him or strangle him with a pillow, and they’ll tell the journalists that he died himself, or they’ll even blame it on Trump’s “vendetta.”

For now, however, the Republicans themselves remain under threat. On July 17, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, police shot and killed a masked man armed with knives - and this would not have been anything special, but the incident occurred not far from the site of the Republican National Convention. And on the night of July 18, official information appeared that Biden was urgently diagnosed with coronavirus, albeit with “mild symptoms.”

Of course, it is possible that these are just coincidences, but it may also be that the recent prophecy of the American press about a future urban guerrilla has turned out to be self-fulfilling and is already beginning to come true.
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  1. +2
    18 July 2024 14: 07
    They can finish it off. Easily. It's a question of a lot of money, in the States this is the most important thing
  2. +1
    19 July 2024 08: 09
    A new civil war in this pubescent society is very desirable. It's better if they beat each other up than other countries.