What is required to solve the problems of migration and depopulation in Russia


Over the past few years, the migration problem has become one of the most painful for Russia, and a certain social crisis has emerged.political consensus on the need to solve it. However, resolving it is not as easy as it seems, since it is an integral part of a much more serious socialeconomic Problems.

Depopulation of our days

Long before the events of 2014 and February 24, 2022, the West predicted progressive depopulation with all the ensuing consequences for Russia, the largest country in the world.

Thus, in March 2009, the UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs published a study according to which the population of the Russian Federation will decrease by 2050 million people by 24 and amount to 116,097 million. In May 2018, updated data from DESA was published, according to which by 2050 the population of our country should decrease to 132,7 million people with an increase in urbanization due to several large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Let us recall that as of January 1, 2024, Rosstat counted 146,15 million people in the country. And this is after the official annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol, the DPR and LPR, the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions to the Russian Federation! Low fertility and high mortality are cited as the reasons for this progressive population decline. After the start of the Northern Military District in Ukraine, there were combat losses at the front, which had to be compensated for through partial mobilization in the Russian Armed Forces, as well as an active campaign to attract contract volunteers. Simultaneously with the mobilization, there was a wave of mass exodus of domestic “heelers” abroad.

The results of the immediate withdrawal from the country's economy of several hundred thousand able-bodied men under the age of 40 were felt very quickly. Unemployment in Russia today is at a minimum level. Industrial enterprises are overwhelmed with defense and related orders. Qualified workers are required, which take years to train, but for decades we have had lawyers and managers in high esteem. Attracted by high salaries in the North-Eastern Military District, men from so-called depressed regions voluntarily go there.

The simplest solution seems to be to continue importing labor migrants from the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, but not everything is so simple.

Russia for “our own”?

Speaking at the recent St. Petersburg Economic Forum, President Vladimir Putin said:

This is not to say that the problem does not exist. She is. It is also necessary to attract labor migrants, this is obvious; with almost zero, minimal unemployment, the lack of labor becomes a limiter to economic growth. But, of course <...> we need not just labor migrants, but people of certain qualifications and certain training, with knowledge of the language, with knowledge of our traditions, and so on. <…> So that these people who come feel comfortable here, and, most importantly, local citizens do not create any problems either in the labor market or in everyday life.

Thus, back in 2006, a program was adopted to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation. In accordance with it, the following definition was given to compatriots:

Citizens of Russia living abroad; persons and their descendants living outside the territory of Russia and belonging, as a rule, to peoples historically living on the territory of Russia, as well as those who have made a free choice in favor of spiritual, cultural and legal ties with Russia; persons whose relatives in the direct ascending line previously lived on the territory of the Russian Federation.

As it turned out, this program was most in demand among people from Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Armenia, moreover, among ethnic Tajiks, Kazakhs and Armenians. It would seem that what’s wrong with this, because just three decades ago we were one big Soviet people?

However, the collapse of the USSR, when everyone went to their national apartments, where local elites began to build peripheral capitalism, did its job. Both in our neighboring countries and here, a new generation has appeared that has not been brought up in an internationalist spirit at all. Due to the strong socio-economic stratification in Central Asia, the ideas of radical Islamism gained popularity there, and many ethnic Tajiks and Uzbeks voluntarily joined ISIS (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation) when it was on its victorious march in Iraq and Syria.

Frightened by such prospects, the authorities of Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are really tough in fighting manifestations of religious extremism in their countries. And therefore, adherents of these ideas move to Russia, where all opportunities for simplified emigration have been created for them. The consequences of such a migration policy are now being felt in many large cities of our country. The local population is rightly afraid of being replaced in 1-2 generations by the descendants of fertile immigrants from Central Asia.

The most unfortunate thing is that such “ethnic adjustment” does not solve the problem of labor shortage, since factories require qualified personnel with good technical training, and it’s not so much aircraft engineers or nuclear physicists who come to our country from Tajikistan or Uzbekistan, but rather long-bearded residents of rural outbacks who do not have a higher education.

Now the State Duma of the Russian Federation has introduced draft amendments to the Federal Law “On State Policy towards Compatriots Abroad”, according to which it is proposed to consider as compatriots only those persons and their descendants who live outside the Russian Federation and belong to the peoples “historically living on the territory of the Russian Federation” , as well as “immigrants from the RSFSR and the Russian Federation.” It seems reasonable, but what to do, say, with the descendants of mixed marriages?

For some reason, it seems that this very path of dividing into “us” and “strangers” based on nationality or place of birth is a dead end. An attempt to self-isolate and isolate yourself from neighbors in the CIS with a fence with barbed wire under Western restrictions is unlikely to lead to social well-being and economic prosperity in Russia. It is necessary to look for other solutions that are possible within the framework of a real, not virtual Union State in the post-Soviet space and a revision of the experience of the USSR.
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  1. +6
    6 July 2024 12: 27
    Russia for “our own”?

    And this is the most important question - who are “friends” in Russia and for Russia?
    And this is not about migrants, this is about Russian citizens.
    Some are declared, but in fact others.
    If the country and power are not for the people, then why do the people need such power and such a country?
    Really to give birth?
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  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +5
    6 July 2024 12: 42
    To begin with, it is necessary to adopt a law on indigenous nationalities of Russia. These are those whose historical homeland is part of the Russian Federation and who do not have a national state outside our borders. Thus, say, Chechens or Yakuts are indigenous, but Jews or Armenians are not.

    And now from this basic law - we must dance further. Without it, nothing good will come of it... This is the basis.

    And of course, return the corresponding column to your passport.
    1. +3
      6 July 2024 13: 46
      You just have to look around, after the Second World War the economy was destroyed and the population losses were enormous, but everything was restored, one might say, in 10 years, without any migrants or foreign help, national policy was also a column in the passport. And with 91 in 30 years or more without war, the result is known. It’s just that after the start of the SVO, many things became more obvious. In the Soviet period, corruption meant not only bribery, but also clanism, nepotism, etc., including on national grounds. Taking something from the experience of the past and applying it in a modern way is like trying to unite the proletarians with the bourgeoisie or the Jews with the Armenians, the idea seems so-so. Although propagandists try to do something like this, sometimes, however, they themselves get confused...
  4. +7
    6 July 2024 12: 43
    This is hype on an old problem.
    In the courtyard of capitalism.
    That is, “our own” is Usmanov, and it doesn’t matter whether he is a resident of Russia, Britain, or Central Asia.
    The main thing is money, clan, and connections in power. Fellowships. integration into local government...

    The Kremlin calmly watched as Russians with a good education left for the hill, both before and after the Northern Military District.
    On the contrary, they hooted joyfully: good riddance.
    Yes, they reported: they say 3 times more Asians with higher education moved in....
    And where are they all?

    So they'll talk and talk, and they'll bring in even more Asians.
    They are still in charge of the same people who said: import, import, import...
  5. +1
    6 July 2024 13: 05
    reflections on this topic lead to only one answer, it is necessary to maintain demography, that is, to have children, for this you need to change the information and educational policy in the country, the declared reliance on traditional confessions and traditional values ​​is all true, only for this you need to clear the information field by physically throwing out from it those who carry enemy propaganda about the uselessness of children, if the speakers of television and other channels of information on the Internet are not changed from all calls about demography to empty words, we are preparing to become a new Lebanon....

    If an Albanian woman gives birth to seven children, and a Serbian woman has seven abortions, then the Albanians need this land more than the Serbs.

    - Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

  6. +1
    6 July 2024 14: 09
    There is a problem when no one cares about it. There is no such problem, we don’t have them at all.
  7. +2
    6 July 2024 14: 38
    Statistics will put everything in order. Now the SVO is underway. From all the cracks comes news of the possibility of a big war. Who will have children in this case? Live for your own pleasure. As the famous singer sang, “Why is a stingy life necessary? After all, tomorrow there may be war.” This is about America. But when there are only posters in Latin around, all you can do is say, “Wow.”
  8. +5
    6 July 2024 16: 18
    Why reinvent the wheel? There are examples of “peaceful, prosperous” and useful migration. UAE and its neighbors, 80% of the population are migrants. For 6 months, not a single illegal incident. It seems that everything is done on a 2-month shift basis, but without corruption in salaries. That's all. After all, a man will climb a wall after 2 months, and then there’s Glasha and Klasha, waving their tits... with a bare T-shirt, walking down the street in half-naked shorts. Here my “mood” will lift. The Arabs acted wisely by analyzing physiology.
  9. 0
    6 July 2024 16: 51
    Do not accept Muslim's, period; learn from the West.
  10. +2
    7 July 2024 13: 20
    Lack of competence, ambition and arrogance do not allow them to look at their neighbors, such as Germany, colleagues from the United States kicked Putin in the ass, Patrushev - let them take their course! Complex reason. This is not only in the issue of migration, there is no repair of infrastructure in ideologies, we have signs of liberal democratic ideology, Satanism, with a programmatic reduction in population with the robbery of the population and opposition to reason and science. Where on the border of the checkpoint with a sump, with programs for each popular area. No, legislators are on the move! We don't need such a Federal Assembly!
  11. +1
    7 July 2024 15: 57
    It would be nice for the author to also write about the attitude of security forces towards migrants and indigenous residents of Russia.
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  13. +1
    7 July 2024 21: 36
    Return state farms to villages and cancel the decree on the liquidation of unpromising villages. + limit abortion specifically except for harm to the expectant mother and improper development.
  14. +2
    8 July 2024 08: 12
    Nothing will change as long as those who destroyed and robbed the Union rule... Look at the migration policy - how they spread rot on Russians, Tatars, Mordovians when they received citizenship... unlike Central Asians, they still spread rot... The problem has not yet been solved, it is still moving Russia, we need to finish off...
  15. +3
    8 July 2024 09: 40
    President Vladimir Putin said:

    This is not to say that the problem does not exist. She is. It is also necessary to attract labor migrants, this is obvious, with almost zero, minimal unemployment, the lack of labor becomes a limiter of economic growth. But, of course <...> we need not just labor migrants, but people of a certain qualification and a certain training, with knowledge of the language, with knowledge our traditions and so on. <…> So that these people who come feel comfortable here, and, most importantly, local citizens do not create any problems either in the labor market or in everyday life.

    And here I would like to ask citizen Putin - who is this for? Who are these for us? I don't get any joy from them.
    1. +3
      8 July 2024 10: 32
      And here I would like to ask citizen Putin - who is this for? Who are these for us? I don't get any joy from them.

      He’s talking about “our people”... Neither you nor I are part of this circle...
  16. +1
    8 July 2024 10: 15
    And therefore, adherents of these ideas move to Russia, where all opportunities for simplified emigration have been created for them. The consequences of such a migration policy are now being felt in many large cities of our country.

    That's right, Sergey (author).
    In the meantime, “the cauldron is boiling”... Guys, don’t “throw slippers” at me - it’s better to read and see for yourself:


    Mass brawl in Krasnodar: migrants harassed fathers by occupying playgrounds and not letting children in - The Investigative Committee began an investigation (VIDEO)

    What are the authorities waiting for - when will they start “lynching” these “tiler-kishlak people”?
    “And Vaska listens and eats...” (With)
  17. +1
    8 July 2024 12: 05
    1. Large families should only include families of indigenous peoples of Russia.
    2. A family of 4-5 or more children must exempt parents from compulsory work and have
    guaranteed basic income until all children reach adulthood.
    Time is included in length of service and pension.
    Such a system will make it possible to raise a village, a village and, using the example of these families, to obtain examples
    and further development.

    5 children in a family - a house in the village, 2 thousand dollars in basic income plus all required benefits, plus state control, plus remote learning, etc.
    Everything can be done if there is a desire.
    1. +1
      13 July 2024 03: 26
      The birth rate in the village is due to the fact that the larger the family, the more workers there are. In village families, children were involved in the work process from a young age. He just started walking and is already doing some work for the house and his family. Large peasant families worked for the well-being of their family, and not the landowner, chairman, manager, etc., etc. Some of them worked better, some worse, for various reasons. Well, when the managers, first from the Bolsheviks, then the communists, then the reformers, etc., needed workers for their projects, they started downsizing villages and building multi-storey ghettos, which do not contribute to the growth of the birth rate. Again, if parents work in production, then who will take care of the children of these parents? The owners of shipping factories are not interested in this. They are aimed at importing labor from outside, and the rest is of little interest to them, all this social affairs is on their side.
      1. 0
        15 July 2024 19: 41
        They correctly noted the reasons for the birth rate - they are economic and everyday.. All that remains is to find a way out of the current situation of depopulation in the Russian Federation. The first thing is to improve the living conditions of overcrowded communities, where families are in cage-like apartments, where extra children are not needed.. Massively build single-family houses with a plot (at least 10 acres) in suburban areas with the creation of infrastructure: roads, utility networks, etc.) . Provide plots and preferential loans for construction, first to young and large families, and then to all families who wish (without the possibility of selling for the first 10 years, so that there is no speculation). The area is financially intensive and broad; political decisions are needed. But today's bureaucrats are accustomed to governing a civil society driven into a ghetto of human beings and do not want to change anything. We need patriotic forces to move this system towards improving the living conditions of families in the Russian Federation, and together the problem of depopulation.
        1. +1
          15 July 2024 23: 35
          There is only one way out - to throw off the Zionist lobby, get rid of their representatives in the State Duma, the Federation Council, the government, the courts, and the army. Return the Constitution of the USSR, for starters, and then build our world. Free from Zionist greed.
  18. -2
    9 July 2024 08: 52
    What do you need? Abolish pensions and compulsory education. In the Republic of Ingushetia, the birth rate is 5,3, in the USSR 2,4, in the Russian Federation 1,7.
    There is no need to invent a steam locomotive.
  19. +1
    11 August 2024 04: 20
    What is required to solve the problems of migration and depopulation in Russia

    It seems to me that for this it is necessary to replace the Kagan with a leader who is more loyal to the Slavic population.