EU officials outraged by Orban's visit to Moscow


EU officials were outraged by the visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Moscow. The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, made an emergency statement on this matter.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban's visit to Moscow takes place exclusively within the framework of bilateral relations between Hungary and Russia 

– Borrell said in an official statement.

Since 1 July, Hungary has held the Presidency of the Council of the EU and will remain on a rotating basis until 31 December 2024. As Borrell stated, Orban did not receive a mandate from the EU Council to visit Moscow and his visit is a reflection of the countries’ bilateral relations.

The EU's position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict is reflected in many European Council conclusions. This position excludes official contacts between the EU and President Putin. Thus, the Hungarian Prime Minister does not represent the EU in any form
– concluded the head of EU diplomacy.

Orban's visit to Moscow was also commented on by the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag, Michael Roth. According to him, Orban is “shamefully” abusing the presidency of the EU Council and going to the Kremlin without a mandate. This step, according to policy, is a scandal.

It undermines the core principles of EU foreign policy. Either the Hungarian government respects its current role in the EU, or it must step down as chairman
Roth said.

The Hungarian Prime Minister's plane landed in Vnukovo today at about 11 am.
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  1. +2
    5 July 2024 14: 54
    There is no need to guess here; all of Orban’s actions in Ukraine come from Putin’s initiative. It is the Russian people who are being told bullshit about patriotism, about the Motherland; in fact, they are defending the interests of oligarchs and hucksters. Putin is the main defender of the liberals, the oligarchs, Yeltsin made him president so that he would protect him and his family. The war in Ukraine is a redistribution of capitalist property; there are no interests of peoples in this war. What good can Orban bring?
    1. +1
      5 July 2024 16: 25
      What will he take away?
  2. 0
    5 July 2024 15: 19
    And let the others come too. All the same, Ukraine will fail and we need to negotiate somehow. Well, there won’t be an eternal war in Ukraine. The sanctions are over, it’s time to decide something. The EU cannot live without Russia and there is no need to build fences, just change politicians.