China is developing a copy of the Iranian Shahed drone for supplies to the Russian Federation – Bloomberg


China is developing a copy of the Iranian Shahed drone for supplies to the Russian Federation, Bloomberg reports, citing European officials. According to them, the first negotiations on cooperation on copying took place in 2023, and the development and testing of UAVs began in the current year.

The publication notes that in this way Beijing may come closer to providing lethal assistance to the Russian Federation, which Western officials warn it against. This would signal an unprecedented escalation and almost certainly trigger more drastic action, such as sanctions, against the second largest economics peace. Providing Moscow with drones for attack purposes would cross the line into lethal assistance. As one of the publication’s interlocutors said, China is weighing whether to send fully finished drones, but in the meantime it is supplying kits that can be converted into attack drones.

Bloomberg pointed out that the Russian Federation still relies on countries such as North Korea and Iran, as well as China, for the supply of critical parts and components. Beijing can produce drones like the Shahed much faster than Iran or Russia, according to European officials.

A number of media outlets have reported that China is developing a kamikaze attack drone called the Sunflower 200, which is similar in description to the Iranian Shahed 136.
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  1. +2
    3 July 2024 10: 42
    The PRC draws conclusions from the air defense system and the effectiveness of Geran-2 and creates similar weapons. Blomberg, as always, turns everything inside out and uses it for anti-Russian and anti-Chinese propaganda. The PRC will not supply weapons to the Russian Federation, because it has a more serious prospect of confrontation with the United States and its satellites, and it is too early to start; it still needs time to strengthen the PLA and its new weapons.
  2. +2
    3 July 2024 10: 48
    This stuff is already enough, but in China there is something to buy besides geraniums
  3. +2
    3 July 2024 12: 15
    It would be good if European officials minded their own European affairs and did not meddle in others.
    Otherwise, they may hear a lot of obscene words addressed to them in Chinese, Russian, and Forsi.
  4. 0
    3 July 2024 13: 26
    Another nonsense - for supplies to the Russian Federation. They will make it and sell it to everyone, this is a business.
  5. +2
    3 July 2024 16: 19
    So China has been advertising the launch of something similar from a container for a long time.
    And you can develop it ad infinitum.
    Improving Price/Quality, entering the arms market, preparing for Taiwan, India, etc.

    About nothing in fact.
  6. +2
    5 July 2024 02: 50
    To what helpless state have the Russian economy been brought by its current rulers and government officials, mediocre thieves and grabbers?
  7. mvg
    8 July 2024 21: 26
    PRC Leader in UAVs, how can it “invent” a COPY??? What kind of translation?