Why Russia moved the production of the Osvey LMS to Belarus


On April 15, 2024, Moscow and Minsk signed an intergovernmental agreement on the development and organization of production of the Osvey twin-engine light multipurpose aircraft. What kind of aircraft is this, thanks to which Belarus has taken another step towards becoming a real aircraft manufacturing power?


The light multi-purpose LMS-401 "Osvey" was named after the second largest lake in Belarus, Lake Osvey, continuing the tradition. This aircraft, capable of carrying up to 19 passengers, will occupy an intermediate link between the 9-seat Baikal and the 44-seat Ladoga, which are also named after Russian lakes.

Structurally, the Osvey is an aircraft with two turboprop engines of the VK-800SM type, created by UZGA and equipped with six-blade propellers. A set of on-board equipment for it is being developed by the Russian concern Radioelectronic Technology"(KRET). The landing gear will not be retractable, which is most consistent with the harsh conditions of the Trans-Urals, in which a light passenger aircraft will actually be operated.

The lead developer of the project is the Ural Civil Aviation Plant, which is not part of the United Aircraft Corporation. This enterprise gathered under its wing virtually all domestic light aviation: the Baikal, Ladoga and Osvey aircraft, as well as the promising VK-800 gas turbine engine for them. But UZGA preferred to leave the process of assembling the aircraft to its partners.

In particular, the Ladoga will be assembled at the Samara Aviation Plant, the Baikal will be assembled at the plant under construction in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and the Osvey, it turns out, is generally in Belarus, at the site of the 558th Aviation Repair Plant (JSC 558 ARZ"). Why there?

Belarus aircraft manufacturing

The head of the industrial planning department of the State Military-Industrial Committee (SMC) of Belarus, Stefanovich, commented on the joint initiative with Russia as follows:

We are starting joint development. The project is called "Osvey". New aircraft, developed from scratch. Development will be carried out at GVPK enterprises and enterprises of the Russian Federation, after which production will be organized. The necessary equipment is being purchased and the corresponding workshops are being built. Production will take place both in the Russian Federation and in the Republic of Belarus. The full manufacturing cycle will be organized at enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.

It should be noted that this is not the first project in the field of aircraft manufacturing implemented within the framework of the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The fact is that three aircraft repair plants have survived and are successfully operating on the territory of Belarus: Minsk Civil Aviation Plant No. 407, Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant OJSC and 558th Aviation Repair Plant OJSC. In addition to repairing airplanes and helicopters, they are engaged in the production of components, as well as the development of unmanned aerial vehicles.

But Minsk’s interest clearly does not end there. Thus, last year, President Lukashenko announced his readiness to establish production of Su-25 attack aircraft in his country:

Stormtrooper, workhorse. We are ready to produce even in Belarus with the appropriate small support from the Russian Federation.

At a meeting with President Putin, “Batka” spoke about how many components for Russian passenger airliners are already produced in Belarus:

You once raised the issue of cooperation in the aircraft industry. So I must report to you that the Belarusians are already making up to a thousand components for the MS-21 and Sukhoi Superjet.

A few days ago it became known that Tupolev JSC (part of PJSC UAC of the Rostec state corporation) agreed with the Minsk Civil Aviation Plant on cooperation in the production of components for the medium-haul Tu-214 airliner:

Minsk Civil Aviation Plant No. 407 is our long-time reliable partner. For many years, we have been closely cooperating in the areas of repair and modernization of Tu-134 aircraft. Now we are entering a new stage of our relationship - cooperation on Tu-214 aircraft.

And now here is the light multi-purpose Osvey. For this project, Belarus has created its own design bureau, trained personnel, purchased machines and other equipment, and expanded production capacity. In accordance with the signed intergovernmental agreement, UZGA will become the developer, manufacturer and holder of the type certificate for the aircraft, and 558 ARZ will be “the manufacturer and holder of the license for mass production of products and their modifications with the right to make changes.”

With the right to make changes! Well done, Belarusians, expanding their aircraft manufacturing competencies and developing production. At this historical stage, such industrial cooperation is beneficial for the Russian Federation as a whole. The country needs airplanes, Belarus will definitely do its part of the job if the Russian VK-800SM engine from UZGA is on time.

At the same time, I would very much like the close economic rapprochement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus to be followed by политическая integration within the Union State in order to avoid possible problems in the medium term that may arise in the post-Lukashenko and post-Putin periods. There, in the agreement, everything has long been clearly written as it should be: a common parliament, the Council of Ministers, a court, the Accounts Chamber, common state symbols, etc.
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  1. +9
    2 July 2024 11: 44
    Logical. How much has already been written about the development of light aircraft in Russia? a lot.
    did they go into production in previous years? no big deal.
    Single copies here and there, even the personal pilot of the British crown bought one for the collection (they wrote)
    And here they decided with the Republic of Belarus so that our untouchable “effective managers” would not be optimized to Zero?
    1. -2
      3 July 2024 09: 19
      They've already sorted things out with Antonov... new races on the old rake. in Russia it is necessary to develop and not open jobs for the foreign Selyuks.
      1. +1
        3 July 2024 14: 43
        Quote: Just Cat
        They've already sorted things out with Antonov... new races on the old rake. Russia needs to develop

        The most reasonable thing is to hand over all of Russia to Old Man. Only he has law enforcement agencies capable of cleaning up Russia, which is “infested” with thieves. In our case, all the smut must be taken down to the roots and into the tundra (permafrost drained).
        1. -3
          3 July 2024 16: 25
          another bastard... if Russia is so lousy, then why does Lukashenko demand money from Russia and not vice versa? Zelensky is your eternal president. There was already one “father” in Russia, his name was Khrushchev... his place was in a pigsty, cleaning up manure. hi Your “father” considers half the country Lithuanians and dreams of leaving.
          1. +3
            6 July 2024 19: 21
            Quote: Just Cat
            another bastard... if Russia is so lousy, then why does Lukashenko demand money from Russia and not vice versa?

            Well, what can I say to another licker... thieves' boss? The fact that the USSR was an economically strong country, but the thieves, over the past decades, have not been able to complete the theft? Do not forget that in Belarus, with raw material wealth (bayun cried). They have preserved the production base of the USSR and are increasing it, and I see from the example of my city that two-thirds of the enterprises are in ruins (at the former Donpressmash production facility they filmed a movie about the war, the landscapes of the ruins really inspired the filmmakers). But the thieves' lice built castles and villas, selling off new machines and production lines for scrap metal. And the money of Belarus... it’s also not “given away for free.”
            1. +1
              7 July 2024 11: 14
              now open the statistics on the USSR and see who produced and who stupidly ate... Russia now produces more grain alone than the entire USSR. The parasites have fallen off and are now quietly dying. SVO helps some people die. The earth is glassy for these cattle...

              so they are also given out for free, not for free

              just like the women on call... you can only outbid a double-assed onion... the whole world can get everything from fuel oil to kerosene from Russian oil. and for some reason the Belarusians only have solvent... for everything else they are obliged to pay Russia.
    2. -1
      7 July 2024 03: 07
      Why Russia moved the production of the Osvey LMS to Belarus

      Remembering Degtyarev’s promise to establish the production of “Baikal” in the Khabarovsk Territory, we understand that the attitude towards the implementation of projects on high-tech products in the Russian Federation and Belarus is different, and not in favor of the Russian Federation LLC.
      Now there is a replacement in the Hub region, but...it’s unlikely to be full-fledged.
  2. +7
    2 July 2024 12: 00
    It seems that the reason is that UZGA has never dealt with the serial production of aircraft of its own design. They made a promise to our president, but they cannot fulfill it, which is why the so-called “managers” took such a step. In the event of a collapse, they will keep the laundered money, and the old man will cope anyway. This is congenial, Kisa.
    1. -1
      3 July 2024 09: 20
      Dad only copes with replacing labels. A Chinese product will say made in Belarus.
  3. +8
    2 July 2024 12: 18
    Why Russia moved the production of the Osvey LMS to Belarus

    Why, why?
    Because in Belarus they do it, but in Russia they mostly promise....
    But we need a plane.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  4. +1
    2 July 2024 12: 34
    Regarding the Court, I was very pleased: maybe the death penalty will be returned for non-humans. After all, with every normal person killed, the number of nonhumans increases by the same number.
  5. +4
    2 July 2024 12: 37
    because in Belarus the president not only gives bright speeches from the podium, he has a vertical chain of power organized so that there is responsibility for failure to comply
  6. +3
    2 July 2024 12: 40
    Quote: prior
    I need a plane

    That’s why they conveyed that they really needed it and it would be there!
  7. +4
    2 July 2024 13: 08
    Thus, Russian oligarchs and hucksters were denied access to money for the LMS-401 Osvey program.
    1. -6
      3 July 2024 09: 23
      Well, of course... Dad’s pants will fall off from hunger without the Russian oligarchs. sucked to the very tonsils to the Russian "tit".
  8. +4
    2 July 2024 14: 01
    The answer is simple - problems with personnel....
    1. -1
      3 July 2024 09: 24
      Are there enough personnel for fighter jets, but not enough for a plywood corn mill? laughing
      1. 0
        3 July 2024 09: 26
        those. are you proposing to reduce the production of fighter aircraft?
        1. -5
          3 July 2024 09: 27
          I suggest you keep your mouth shut and not write nonsense. hi
          1. +1
            3 July 2024 09: 30
            In response, I suggest that you don’t tell others what to do and then you won’t know where they will send you.
            on the topic - an example of a half-dead VASO is obvious
            1. -5
              3 July 2024 09: 33
              Belarusians develop and produce aircraft? Can you give examples of Belarusian aircraft? where do they get their footage from? they've been making the same models for decades. before you send me away, get out of there yourself hi
              1. +1
                3 July 2024 09: 42
                they will produce what has already been developed, we simply have problems with highly qualified specialists, we can develop it, we can make prototypes, but we can’t put it into production.

                they have been producing the same models for decades

                - at this stage this is enough
                1. -2
                  3 July 2024 09: 48
                  and in Russia, apparently the most qualified are Chechens? They also regularly get new factories, especially automobile ones.

                  In 2014, VOLMA acquired a government stake in the amount of 99,5% of the authorized capital of OJSC BELGIPS. The Russian company inherited a post-war building with old equipment. A complete “reboot” will cost VOLMA 45 million euros. According to the agreement, a new plant with a capacity of 2018 million square meters should be built in Gatovo in 30. m plasterboard per year. And at the first stage it was necessary to modernize the existing production, literally breathing a second life into it. As a result, qualitative changes affected not only production processes and technologies, but also the internal regulations of the enterprise, marketing strategy and logistics.

                  Rather, the Russian “oligarchs” are building another factory that does not require high qualifications and high salaries. Bulbash will obviously be paid less.
                  1. +1
                    3 July 2024 10: 54
                    I don’t recognize the commentator “Just a cat”, today he is speaking nonsense, confusing sour with sweet (substitution?). The fighters are the military-industrial complex and government billions, including stolen money. "Osvey", this is a civil project and no one will give extra billions, self-sufficiency is needed, which is not usual in the Russian Federation, when the majority is focused on theft and advertising. . That's why they gave it to the Belarusians so that the product could be brought to mass production.
                    1. 0
                      3 July 2024 13: 13
                      and that the superjet project has already been closed? laughing How do they survive without Belarusians? and in general here in Russia we all walk in formation and in military uniform... everything that was civilian was stolen laughing A Belarusian can only be trained and put to production. Are you earning all your hryvnias? Under the tsars, petty princelings were appeased with fur coats from the tsar’s shoulder, but now with factories. Volma and Belarusians built their factories in Luhansk because they were all stolen in Russia? laughing

                      In particular, the Ladoga will be assembled at the Samara Aviation Plant, and the Baikal will be assembled at the plant under construction in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

                      apparently Samara is no longer Russia for the ace grazing here laughing
                      1. 0
                        3 July 2024 15: 56
                        Replica. They have been giving birth to a superjet for a DECADE, and they cannot degenerate in any way, the same thing about Baikal, for how many years, has only been heard. According to Ladoga, this is the Czech L-410, which has long been produced under license in the Russian Federation, and has been somewhat modernized in Baikal.. You must ground your indecent ardor in accordance with the facts, or the intoxicating drink does not allow it, it is impossible to perceive this in any other way..
                      2. -1
                        3 July 2024 16: 19
                        and the garage cooperative of bulbashes, which will only have assembly, will give birth faster? laughing continue to make Ukrainians think that in Russia it’s no better than in their wretched pigsty hi Fewer of these baboons will then receive Russian citizenship, and more will be destroyed during gravelization. Well done. Did the Russian geraniums on Chinese cars during the parade near the Bulbashis bother you? nothing special...
                      3. The comment was deleted.
                      4. The comment was deleted.
  9. +1
    2 July 2024 19: 51
    There aren’t enough Belousovs for everyone... it’s a pity.
    1. +1
      2 July 2024 23: 16
      Quote: viktor goblin
      There aren’t enough Belousovs for everyone... it’s a pity.

      The power blocs, the prosecutor's office, and the judiciary must be "whitewashed" first. Otherwise everything will go to waste.
  10. +2
    2 July 2024 21: 03
    We will tame and integrate all of Belarus, but we will never have common power and state institutions. Old Man has been stalling for 30 years and does not want to unite with our ruling synagogue, which is replacing Russians with wild, obedient Asians. He doesn’t allow chebureks into his place, and everything is calm there with preserved Soviet morality!
    Old Man will die, Putin will leave, and Western fascists will separate Belarus from us. And we won’t even have the production of this Osvey!
    1. 0
      3 July 2024 08: 15
      Old Man will die, Putin will leave, and Western fascists will separate Belarus from us

      The smartest person, scientist, economist, State Duma deputy M. Delyagin says -
      join the society of fishermen and hunters
      1. 0
        3 July 2024 10: 09
        Well, let’s join in, according to your and Delyagi’s smartest advice, so what?
        What is this wisdom of yours for?
        1. -1
          3 July 2024 20: 04
          What is this wisdom of yours for?

          Popular wisdom goes like this:

          The smart one will understand, but the r_a_k won't notice
          1. +1
            4 July 2024 00: 14
            And the Russian people also say that intelligence and education lie in the ability to express your deep thoughts in simple words so that people understand you, and not pretend to be a smart guy, as if there is something behind your set of words.
  11. +1
    3 July 2024 16: 56
    There is no plane. No engine. There is no project. There is no technical documentation either. There is only a picture. With such a beginning, you can even talk about assembly in Papua New Guinea or floating in the Amazon jungle.
    The cut of the state budget is shorter.
  12. +1
    3 July 2024 17: 00
    Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
    Replica. They have been giving birth to a superjet for a DECADE, and they cannot degenerate in any way, the same thing about Baikal, for how many years, has only been heard. According to Ladoga, this is the Czech L-410, which has long been produced under license in the Russian Federation, and has been somewhat modernized in Baikal.. You must ground your indecent ardor in accordance with the facts, or the intoxicating drink does not allow it, it is impossible to perceive this in any other way..

    Small correction. Ladoga was a project of an aircraft based on the L610, of which 80 were produced in the 90-5s and they did not go into production. L410 was produced individually in Eburg under license and from components from the Czech Republic. The owner sold the rights to both aircraft after 02/2022, because... I couldn’t receive any more components from the Czech Republic.
    1. +1
      3 July 2024 17: 56
      That's right, only the L-610, this is an enlarged L-410, the project was also created jointly with the Czechs.
    2. 0
      11 July 2024 12: 28
      The similarities are noticeable.
  13. +1
    11 July 2024 12: 28
    We need to learn from White Russia, because we have taken the wrong path of privatization. Dad has everything in order and there is no oil; we have the periodic table in the depths and seams in production.
  14. 0
    26 July 2024 04: 10
    All production in the western direction is easily vulnerable, and if something happens, Russia will be left without the necessary products. Destroy Europe, and then build something on its borders. How is it possible to develop anything with an enemy army of millions and thousands of missiles on the border?