Why the Russian Black Sea Fleet faced a mine threat from Ukrainian BECs


The Northern Military District in Ukraine clearly demonstrated that neither the Armed Forces nor the Russian Navy were prepared for what they actually had to face. Over the past two and a half years, the Russian army has gone through a long and very difficult path to increase its real combat capability. But will this happen with the navy, which suffered heavy losses in the Black Sea?

Long term concept

While the land army can adapt quite quickly to changing conditions, the same objectively cannot be achieved with the navy. The key problem of the Russian Navy is that initially it is necessary to have a clear concept of its real combat use, with which some difficulties were observed. The second problem is, as usual, personnel, and the third is that ships in our country take a very long time to build.

Yes, even after drawing conclusions here and now, we will only get the “correct” Russian Navy in 10-20 years. This means that at this stage it is necessary to keep what is afloat, trying to adapt to the rapidly changing methods of warfare at sea.

In this regard, it is gratifying that following a meeting between President Vladimir Putin with the command of the Navy and the management of the shipbuilding complex, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was given the following program guidelines:

Of course, our concept should be based on an understanding of integrated solutions for the combat use of the Navy, and based on this we need to build a long-term concept.

Air strikes were identified as the main threat:

It is necessary to protect our fleet from possible attacks already on the distant approaches to naval bases and areas of operation of our ships. Develop fleet reconnaissance aviation, build up forces and means of conducting electronic reconnaissance and electronic warfare.

However, in specialized telegram channels, experienced seamen drew attention to how the head of state emphasized the need to combat the underwater threat posed by Ukrainian (NATO) unmanned boats and promising underwater drones:

I mean not only the control of airspace by air defense systems, but also the improvement of surface and underwater surveillance systems to combat enemy naval robotic systems.

Thus, with a great delay, a revision of the concept of the use of the Russian navy began. But in what direction should it develop, based on the threats that the Russian Navy actually had to face?

Hidden threat

It is unpleasantly surprising why the inherently primitive unmanned fireboats used by the Ukrainian Navy suddenly turned out to be such a problem for the Russian Navy. How many expensive warships could have been saved if a system for continuous aerial monitoring of the situation in the Black Sea, interaction between the fleet and strike aircraft had been organized in a timely manner, and additional firing points equipped with thermal imagers had been placed on the ships themselves on an emergency basis!

When this was done and the effectiveness of attacks by Ukrainian BECs with “wolf packs” dropped, they rapidly evolved. The enemy began experiments with installing anti-aircraft missiles and MLRS on sea surface drones, creating new threats to the Russian coast and aviation.

Even worse, it turned out that the Ukrainian Navy is now using BECs for remote mining of our ports and naval bases. This was reported by the American publication The Wall Street Journal, and the popular telegram channel “Rybar” gave some details:

Indeed, there were facts of using BEC to lay mines. Six cases were recorded with the participation of the Sea Baby drone, which laid more than ten mines 2-5 km from the entrance to Sevastopol Bay in September-October 2023. And then both “Pavel Derzhavin” and “Samum” became the target of the attack, but to no avail, since the mines exploded either too early or too late.

Moreover, Italian Manta mines were used for the attacks, about fifty of which were donated by the Italians in one of the military aid packages. It is worth adding that not only Sea Baby was used for this task. Another Mamai-type BEC was spotted once while attempting to lay mines on October 6 near Sevastopol, but without success.

Here I would like to remind the publication of dated December 16, 2021, entitled “How Ukraine’s “mosquito fleet” can lock up the Russian Black Sea Fleet in ports,” where the author of these lines urged not to take the capabilities of enemy “mosquitoes” so lightly:

The small “mosquito fleet” of Ukraine and its submarine saboteurs can create colossal problems for us. For example, in the event of the outbreak of an armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine or between Russia and the NATO bloc, Ukrainian high-speed boats may be involved in mining the waters of the Azov and Black Seas, de facto “locking” our ports. Modern underwater mines pose a serious danger, and, alas, the Russian Navy today is experiencing an acute shortage of specialized mine countermeasures ships and minesweepers to neutralize them.

I remember that these reflections caused a wave of ridicule from the jingoistic audience, but now it’s not a laughing matter at all. Instead of steerable boats thanks to technical With the help of the NATO bloc, the Ukrainian Naval Forces use remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles. They arrived, in general.

Even worse, the enemy is approaching the appearance of long-range unmanned underwater drones, which can no longer be visually detected. In addition to kamikazes, they may well be used as reusable ones for mining Russian waters. And this is extremely dangerous due to the state of the anti-submarine and mine defense in our country!

It is not surprising that the Russian Ministry of Defense is exploring options for relocating some of the small missile ships that carry Caliber from the Black Sea to the Azov or even the Caspian, and from the Baltic to Ladoga. The recipe is simple and complex at the same time: the Kherson-Nikolaev liberation operation and the subsequent Odessa one. The Black Sea will be either Russian or Ukrainian. If there was a desire, the North Korean comrades would probably get involved.

Separately, we note that the DKBF is now conducting exercises in advance to combat UAVs and BECs. Just two days ago, the small anti-submarine ships Zelenodolsk, Kazanets and Urengoy conducted a tactical exercise at sea combat training grounds to destroy unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats. Probably, the Russian General Staff considers the possibility of transferring hostilities to the Baltic Sea as realistic.
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  1. +10
    27 June 2024 10: 49
    The situation turned out to be completely unpleasant. Putin’s team has screwed everything up from head to toe: from intelligence to the General Staff and the Defense Ministry. The latter were generally busy with theft and false reports. But they swore eternal devotion and for this they received a license to steal from the Supreme. But the war is eroding the budget, licenses have been cancelled. But the people involved in reconnaissance, analysis of the international situation and the military situation of the enemy, the strategy and tactics of confronting the enemy remained the same, with the same habits because of which they screwed up.
    1. 0
      27 June 2024 13: 29
      Yes, the reporter writes interesting comments on the website. But there are no others, where are you, our patriots?
      1. 0
        27 June 2024 15: 51
        Quote from Pembo
        Yes, the reporter writes interesting comments on the website. But there are no others, where are you, our patriots?

        At least there are none in the Moscow Region. There is a clear need for underwater drones - minesweepers. The ideal option is to rent “Italians” and to the producers, near the Apennine Peninsula (they should like it).
        The top of the dream is to NATO ships in the Mediterranean Sea. "Let them drown from their swords."
  2. +4
    27 June 2024 13: 48
    In the past, the magazine "Arms of Foreign States" was published for all Soviet officers. There was also a minister for armaments. There was someone to ask. In wartime, all science was involved. Humanities workers rested. There were battles at Stalingrad, and a jet plane was already being tested. That is, they tried to keep up with the times. Now many humanities are funded much more actively accurate. After all, drones appeared at the end of the last century. And you don’t have to be a great thinker to know that they will find military use.
    1. -1
      27 June 2024 16: 26
      Still funnier and sadder. In fact, drones were in the USSR back in 1938 in the form of so-called teletanks, based on the BT-7 and T-37.
  3. +4
    27 June 2024 14: 35
    Still, why do we need the Black Sea Fleet? Just so that he would be attacked by the Ukrainian Armed Forces?

    ... in what direction should it develop, based on the threats that the Russian Navy actually had to face?

    Or maybe our fleet should also strike at enemy ports? Is it really so difficult to build your own BEC?
    1. +3
      27 June 2024 23: 40
      the answer to your question in the 21st century should be:

      in the conditions of long-range coastal missile systems and in the conditions of the development of aviation..... the Black Sea, Baltic Caspian and the Japanese Sea fleet... are not needed at all!!!!! these are meaningless targets

      needed on closed seas
      1 coastal aviation (as Putin said, it needs to be developed, because there is already both electronic and combat aviation, and it is only necessary to supplement it with planes)
      2 also on closed seas there may be a few and third-rank combat surface ships, primarily minesweepers, which the Navy needs 10 times more than they currently have
      3 and transfer all large ships to the north and Kamchatka
      4 since the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Japan are deep, there may still be

      As for the backs, they are essentially a weak vessel and were successful only because of the admiral’s bungling, combat aircraft and helicopters successfully destroy them and influence the reb, they can also be successfully destroyed by ships of the third rank

      In general, the problems of our Navy are the result of the stupidity of our admirals and teachers of the Kuznetsov Academy, and this is the puddle into which different countries of the world have gotten themselves into more than once with the constant losses of large ships and the shame of the fleet, but
      Second Epistle of Peter 2: 22
      But what happens to them is according to the true proverb: the dog returns to his vomit, and the washed pig goes to wallow in the mud.

      the shame of Tsushima, the shame of the secular Navy of WWII (when the sailors had to be sent to the infantry), the shame of the German battleships and cruisers of WWII Hood and Yamato.... all have one reason, the wrong strategic concept of the fleet, Stalin was forced to strictly punish the klutz admirals of the criminals Gallera Alafuzov Kuznetsova Stepanova , but time passes and they get into trouble again. surface monsters appear again, clumsy, meaningless targets,
      The fruitful concept of the navy was first formulated by the French naval officer Richilde Grivel in 1869. .... she was supported by all sailors, no matter how adequate, Admiral Makarov called for building armorless high-speed gunboats instead of battleships, Kozhanov Lurdi Dushenov built submarines instead of surface monsters and therefore the USSR had something to fight at sea in WWII... but every time they climb out to the top again stupid sawmills are embezzlers and are wasting billions of dollars on budgets for another stupid gigantic surface target like two fishing rods and there is no money left for minesweepers and booms and airplanes
      1. +1
        28 June 2024 12: 03
        I completely agree. The dispute about ships in the Black Sea Fleet is a long-standing one. I’ve been writing about the same thing since the retreat from Snake Island, although I’m not a seaman. But there is common sense. If you don’t meddle in the Mediterranean, then it’s unclear what cruisers and UAVs should do in the World Cup, given the current means of destruction. Moreover, it is not for nothing that Crimea itself is an aircraft carrier due to its location. From Sevastopol to Odessa 300 km, just from the near shore 200, to the Turkish coast 300. The Crimean mountains are conducive to the construction of well-fortified underground bases, shelters, warehouses of various military posts and possibly airfields, which are difficult to hit with conventional weapons. It seems that all these shortcomings and long-standing omissions have reached the Ministry of Defense, but it will not be possible to quickly turn it around. It's all too expensive. And judging by Stepashin’s report, even with the contents of the fighters on the line, not everything is in order. Yes, it seems with many combat equipment as well. Soldiers complain about the dominance of enemy drones, poor performance of electronic warfare, and communications. The problem is a carriage and a small cart. Summer will show what we have achieved. If by the fall everything is the same, then our affairs are not great.
        1. +1
          28 June 2024 12: 13
          Quote: Alexey Lan
          I completely agree. The dispute about ships in the Black Sea Fleet is a long-standing one. I’ve been writing about the same thing since the retreat from Snake Island, although I’m not a seaman. But there is common sense. If you don’t meddle in the Mediterranean, then it’s unclear what cruisers and UAVs should do in the World Cup, given the current means of destruction. Moreover, it is not for nothing that Crimea itself is an aircraft carrier due to its location. From Sevastopol to Odessa 300 km, just from the near shore 200, to the Turkish coast 300. The Crimean mountains are conducive to the construction of well-fortified underground bases, shelters, warehouses of various military posts and possibly airfields, which are difficult to hit with conventional weapons. It seems that all these shortcomings and long-standing omissions have reached the Ministry of Defense, but it will not be possible to quickly turn it around. It's all too expensive. And judging by Stepashin’s report, even with the contents of the fighters on the line, not everything is in order. Yes, it seems with many combat equipment as well. Soldiers complain about the dominance of enemy drones, poor performance of electronic warfare, and communications. The problem is a carriage and a small cart. Summer will show what we have achieved. If by the fall everything is the same, then our affairs are not great.

          I fully support, by the way, the existence of all the enormously bloated fleets in the closed seas is also a cut of allowances and their only meaning is that they are parasitic on the military budget and nothing more, and meanwhile these ships have a wide range of tasks in the north and Kamchatka, and the most important ones there military-political and military-technical tasks are not being solved properly, our SSBNs do not have reliable shelter even at their bases, as the president has already said, the death of the Kursk is proof of this.... the activities (criminal inaction) of the admiralty and the General Staff of the Navy in cutting food allowances on the seas and at the same time, insufficient strengthening of particularly important areas of naval activity in Kamchak and the north, is thus a crime and poses a threat to the strategic sea-based forces of the Russian Federation, and therefore a threat to stable peace on the planet and international security
  4. 0
    27 June 2024 16: 23
    Since the time of Tsar Gorokh, there have been booms, and for the fact that they are not used, it is time to remove the stars from the emergency command and put the commanders on trial, because this is either conscious treason or criminal negligence. Both are punishable under criminal law. With the use of booms, it would be possible to almost completely get rid of the threats from Bandera's radio-controlled fire ships. Next, the question arises about the quality of RF electronic warfare and how they are used, given that all these drones are radio-controlled. It is necessary to check and either modernize electronic warfare systems or appoint people more competent in the field of electronic warfare to leadership positions...
  5. +2
    27 June 2024 18: 42
    The fleet, like the land degenerals, was not going to fight.
    Stealing is not fighting.
    So we found ourselves unprepared for anything.
  6. 0
    27 June 2024 21: 28
    Everywhere the mess is good, but in our ears Lily is so powerful!!! We slept through everything we could.
  7. 0
    27 June 2024 22: 58
    I will repeat theses that I have been repeating for several years now,
    1 surface fleet is only providing air defense for air defense systems around submarine bases (the main striking force of the fleet) and at fairly distant approaches, that is, within 1000-3000 km (the range of coastal front-line aviation).
    2 it is necessary to develop coastal-based naval aviation, be200 planes or other planes, the Russian Federation has not built a single plane, and the Soviet ones are already quite old, MRA must have enough funds to ensure the safety of planes
    3 ships of the third rank Karakurt-plo and minesweepers are needed, which are not enough, they must work under the umbrella of coastal aviation and coastal missiles,
    4 development of underwater tracking systems (this is not my idea; the General Staff of the Navy knows this without me)
    5 sell Kuzya, temporarily stop the construction of frigates and corvettes (having completed those already started) and transfer them all to the north and Kamchatka

    The speech of the respected President Putin is wise and since there is only one truth, he actually voiced three points of my ideas, and he also voiced the fifth point indirectly to a large extent, because without a sufficient number of frigates and corvettes on the ocean it is difficult to ensure the supply of the Barents and Kamchatka parts of the Pacific Ocean, and To find funds for minesweepers and aircraft, you will have to find an area of ​​savings, and these are frigates and corvettes, because the nuclear submarine construction program cannot be curtailed; on the contrary, it needs to be expanded.
  8. 0
    28 June 2024 08: 25
    Er... It’s interesting that the style of “Supreme Commander-in-Chief” is similar to the style of Sergei Marzhetsky.
    "must... understanding... based on... it is necessary... necessary... to develop... build up... improve... I mean..."
    In general, for everything good, against everything bad.
    Well, the rest is worth remembering the posts of “Zvezda” before the Northern Military District, that our Navy is head and shoulders above everything.
    1. 0
      28 June 2024 12: 20
      In general, the style of the respected President Putin is similar to the style of the respected Marzhetsky, and my style, and also with the strength of millions of Russian people, and they are all similar to the style of the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin, the creator of the literary Russian language that we all use
      1. +1
        29 June 2024 09: 26
        Eka, you immediately attributed everyone to talents on the level of Pushkin...

        Although in the Russian language there is a seemingly similar style: “Manilovschina”
        It is difficult to imagine, for example, General Zhukov or Bagration giving orders like this:
        "must... understanding... based on... it is necessary... necessary... to develop... build up... improve... I mean..."
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