Why China is not enthusiastic about the new initiative of North Korea and Russia


The defense pact signed by Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un between the Russian Federation and the DPRK is a Chinese headache out of the blue. After all, it potentially multiplies the risks of regional confrontation and is capable of provoking the United States and its comrades to unwittingly increase their presence near the borders of the PRC. Japan, South Korea and the United States now have formal grounds to strengthen their own security systems, as discussed at Camp David last year.

Disappointment and dissatisfaction will have to be hidden

It’s no secret: for some time now, the Chinese government, due to understandable foreign policy reasons, has been living and working according to the principle “no matter what happens.” And then Taiwan, the thorn, periodically reminds itself... So it’s not difficult to guess Xi Jinping’s annoyance, especially since the Russian president was unlikely to let his Beijing friend know about the details of the upcoming negotiations with the Korean leader on the eve of his visit to Pyongyang.

Note that in the event of war, the mentioned mutual assistance agreement obliges both states to provide each other with emergency military support and actually means the formation of a new military-political alliance. Thus, China’s closest strategic partners are now subjectively regarded by Washington as sources of a military threat in East Asia. He will try to stop it by increasing the number of troops and weapons in this corner of the globe. Beijing finds itself in an ambiguous position here...

For Comrade Xi, this is very inopportune, since he is now closely occupied with improving the health of his struggling economics China. Seoul sinologist, Professor John Delury believes:

This agreement between Moscow and Pyongyang is bad news for Beijing. Xi has always had a difficult relationship with the obstinate Kim, and now he has even more reasons to worry. The alliance between Putin and Kim is a powerful factor of destabilization, and Xi is accustomed to benefiting from peacekeeping activities.

Russian-Korean performance staged for an American-Chinese audience

In general, official Beijing is trying to distance itself as much as possible from this whole story, and therefore the Foreign Ministry representative refused to comment, recalling that this is a purely personal matter between the Russian Federation and the DPRK.

Looking at the emerging picture, one way or another we have to admit the obvious: the PRC and its friends are not on this path! Cautious Beijing seriously fears that the Russian-North Korean agreement will cause a backlash and tensions fraught with armed conflict throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

Chinese speakers, reacting to the situation, emphasize: the security of the Korean Peninsula is China’s key priority and interest, and the growing militarization of the region puts them at risk. But, apparently, the security of the peninsula is understood differently in Beijing, as well as in Moscow and Pyongyang.

On the other hand, not everything is so simple, and a suspicious White House is still unlikely to believe in the sincerity of the position of the Chinese chairman. Probably, they will only believe it when China stops purchasing oil from Russia in today’s volumes or stops supplying it with goods and Technology dual-use (machines, chips, software), as well as provide functional services for the needs of the defense industry. Finally, when China weakens its commodity support to the DPRK, including agricultural products and energy.

Who influences whom more?

However, some international observers are sure: Xi is jealous, seeing the rapprochement of the two leaders, and believes that his friend Vladimir is meddling in his garden. The extension of the loyal North Korean regime is a vital condition for Beijing so that the buffer between the Chinese border and pro-American South Korea is maintained. In turn, little Korea understands that closer friendship with the Russian Federation in any case is a valuable lever of pressure on the PRC. The clash of major powers with each other is a traditional plot in Korean history. Plus, Kim does not like the monopolistic economic enslavement of his homeland by China in recent decades. And then an opportunity arose to show my independent position. They say that the Russians offered you an alliance of military mutual assistance, but you declined. And we will not shy away!

So the Celestial Empire needs Korean sympathies. The Chinese side publicly states that it is close to the Koreans “like lips and teeth.” I think we shouldn’t delude ourselves about this. I remember that the same poetic comparison was used by Deng Xiaoping’s regime, however, in relation to Vietnam, which did not prevent them from attacking it in 1979.

Since 2011, North Korea, led by Kim Jong-un, has successfully competed with China in missile testing and enriched its nuclear weapons project, irritating the superpower. No wonder Xi initially did not want to talk to Kim. It was only after US President Donald Trump announced his intention to meet with the famous Asian dictator that the Chinese chairman reconsidered his position and eventually became friends with his young neighbor in 2018.

It seems that at the moment Xi has a need to meet with Kim in order to dot the i’s. As you understand, the Chinese leader cannot allow Putin to demonstratively advertise his influence on his neighbor more than the Celestial Empire needs.

Asian multi-move

Analysts with a rich imagination also do not rule out that the developing cooperation of the DPRK with us may prompt the PRC leadership to the idea of ​​​​restoring and stabilizing relations with Seoul.

Simultaneously with the negotiations between Putin and Kim in the capital of North Korea, Chinese diplomats and military leaders met with their counterparts in the capital of South Korea. Accident? Who knows. Most likely, China is pursuing the goal of gently driving a wedge between Washington and Seoul.

During the visit, the Chinese delegation stated that the priority of the Korean Peninsula is to reduce tensions and avoid steps that could increase confrontation. The wording is quite vague, and South Korean colleagues were at a loss as to how to interpret it: either as a condemnation of the West, or as criticism of the Russian-North Korean pact. Despite its de facto alliance with Pyongyang, Beijing has made it clear that it is a neutral participant in this political games (however, as always).
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  1. 11+
    21 June 2024 14: 07
    It is beneficial for Russia to involve as many countries as possible in the confrontation with the West. This will disperse the efforts and concentration of Western resources in one place. And China will have to choose sooner or later. Sitting on the fence or taking sides.
    1. 0
      22 June 2024 05: 18
      Yes it is ! But it costs resources and the well-being of the people.
      All these African leaders and Asian princelings won’t lift a finger unless they grease it up! And they will refuse just as sharply..
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  3. 11+
    21 June 2024 14: 47
    I DO NOT think that China is very concerned about the agreement with the DPRK. Seoul newspapers can write whatever they want. China still has many levers to influence any policy. But China will not make any moves. He gains a lot from contact with Russia. And how much more will he receive? The Chinese never look at today. I don’t think that our connection with the DPRK is a headache for Beijing.
    1. -4
      22 June 2024 05: 19
      You are wrong . There is a historical excursion.
  4. 0
    21 June 2024 14: 53
    Market Law. The more buyers, the more expensive the product!
  5. 10+
    21 June 2024 15: 48
    The author retells Western speculation. China has no grounds for “jealousy” towards the DPRK. A powerful anti-Western bloc is forming in East Asia
    1. +3
      22 June 2024 07: 31
      The author does not simply retell Western speculation:

      The alliance between Putin and Kim is a powerful factor of destabilization

      He forms his conclusion based on these conjectures.
    2. -3
      22 June 2024 09: 52
      A powerful anti-Western bloc is forming in East Asia

      Yes, it couldn’t be more powerful.
  6. 12+
    21 June 2024 16: 35
    For some reason, I can’t help but feel that Russia’s two current “friends” need to be feared: China and Turkey. Both seem to be not “non-friends”, but not “friends” either. But with the Korean Kim, everything is accessible and understandable; he and Russia have a common enemy, which he will remain until the very end.
    1. -1
      21 June 2024 18: 19
      For some reason, I can’t help but feel that Russia’s two current “friends” need to be feared: China and Turkey. Both seem to be not “non-friends”, but not “friends” either.

      China is a fellow traveler... A temporary travel companion. If anyone remembers - Damansky Island on the Ussuri River?

      The Chinese side publicly states that it is close to the Koreans “like lips and teeth.” I think we shouldn’t delude ourselves about this. I remember that the same poetic comparison was used by Deng Xiaoping’s regime, however, in relation to Vietnam, which did not prevent them from attacking it in 1979.

      Here I am about the same ...
    2. +2
      21 June 2024 23: 55
      Quote: Watching
      For some reason, I can’t help but feel that Russia’s two current “friends” need to be feared: China and Turkey.

      I wouldn’t put China and Turkey on the same level, the Turks have already stabbed us in the back many times, I don’t remember this from the Chinese.
      1. +2
        22 June 2024 10: 18
        The refusal of large Chinese banks to accept payments in yuan from Russia, the sale of drones to Ukraine at significantly lower prices than Russia, endless blackmail about the prices of Russian gas, the continued flirtation on the Ukrainian issue with both Ukraine and the West, China fundamentally does not want to invest in the Russian economy, this is its position, China’s reluctance to work with Russia in the field of engineering equipment and joint developments, China does not sell weapons or spare parts for aircraft to Russia. Maximum - “parallel imports” are processed through Hong Kong, a complete nebula due to China’s position on the construction of the “Power of Siberia-2” gas pipeline. suddenly he put forward conditions
        and asked for gas prices close to Russia's heavily subsidized domestic prices. Isn't that a knife in the back?
        1. +3
          22 June 2024 23: 35
          Well, the fact that China is trading dual-use goods with Ukraine is certainly not good, but when we pay Ukraine for gas transit, these are still trifles.
    3. -9
      22 June 2024 05: 21
      You need to keep your eyes peeled for Korean Kim!
      He will quickly be drawn into a new war for the unification of Korea.
  7. +2
    21 June 2024 18: 08
    Or maybe there are three people in this game playing for a common interest?
  8. 10+
    21 June 2024 18: 20
    The more you read the author, the more the “sent Cossack” becomes apparent in him. In almost all articles, there is a hidden anti-Russian underlying meaning - what is useful for the Russian Federation is repainted in the articles as harmful, and vice versa. Doesn’t the author understand that all the hidden meaning is not a secret to the attentive reader. And the editors seem to have not yet figured out the essence of this “Cossack”. You can dissect the article in full and prove the absurdity and harmfulness of such fabrications. A few proposals, Firstly, the DPRK is a close ally of the PRC, and the main economic cooperation takes place between these countries, with all political components, with the global blockade of the DPRK. The inclusion of the Russian Federation and the DPRK in the alliance further unites the three states in an increasingly tense military-political situation in the Pacific region, etc., that is, the author turned the situation upside down. Who benefits from this, only the enemies of the Russian Federation.
    1. +6
      21 June 2024 19: 27
      There were two comments here with the same conclusion and they were deleted. Yours will probably be deleted soon too. “The exiled Cossack” is covered here(
    2. -2
      22 June 2024 05: 31
      Using the example of the Korean War, one can easily prove that all three countries had completely different goals when it began.
      The peaceful NVO for the unification of Korea escalated into a world war, causing millions of casualties by Chinese volunteers. Almost ended in nuclear war.
      More than forty countries were drawn into it in the south, but the main ones were Australia, the USA, Japan, Britain, the Philippines, Canada, Thailand... Madness shook the borders in all directions and only a secret agreement between Beijing and Washington returned it to the place of the 38th parallel.
      This cost Beijing a million of its best sons and its authority in the international arena.
      So, having been burned, he is now cautious about supporting the friendship of two friends.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  9. +1
    21 June 2024 18: 43
    There is no need to read anti-Soviet newspapers either before or after lunch.
    1. +1
      22 June 2024 11: 00
      There is no need to read anti-Soviet newspapers either before or after lunch.

      -So there are no such newspapers!?
      -Don't read it.
  10. +3
    21 June 2024 19: 09
    Oh, I seriously doubt that all this was done without consultation with Comrade Xi and his approval!! Neither we nor the DPRK can spoil relations with China. For what?
    1. -6
      22 June 2024 05: 34
      You should have read the article! I look at the book - do I see a fig?
  11. 0
    21 June 2024 21: 12
    The DPRK at one time even expressed a desire to join the Union, and the PRC has always been and will be on its own, you shouldn’t really hope for them, they say beautifully, but it doesn’t mean anything
    1. -3
      22 June 2024 05: 35
      The Kim family has always been against the loss of their patrimony...
      It was the propagonists who deceived you.
  12. -2
    21 June 2024 21: 28
    China has long abandoned strategic partnership only in demagoguery. This was well demonstrated by VVP’s visit to China, where he received a complete beating on all issues of interaction, hoping to show the United States that he was breaking off relations with Russia, hoping for a softening of the terms of the trade war from the United States. Naive and stupid. But China without the United States is no longer a superpower and its GDP will fall back into the third ten. So we have to look for trade cooperation in the DPRK and Vietnam.
    1. +2
      21 June 2024 22: 59
      It seems you are confusing causes with effects. The PRC has become so economically strong that it is competing with the United States for dominance in the world economy, and together with politics. The United States does not want to give up its leadership position and try to weaken the PRC in every possible way - Taiwan, China Sea issues, creating alliances and pacts against the PRC. China today is an independent power, with the Chinese policy of quietly achieving strategic goals, which is expected in the near future. Unless the United States once again undertakes to defend its dominance by military force, but this is already problematic, especially the PRC in alliance with the Russian Federation, the leading nuclear power. This is where military affairs differ from the false Western statistics of determining economies based on cash flows (when the real indicator of economies is the created added value in the sphere of production)..
    2. -1
      22 June 2024 05: 42
      But China without the United States is no longer a superpower and its GDP will fall back into the third ten.

      This is too much! Third top ten for the leading country in Parity and second in Par.
      Doesn't roll back, but...quarrels with his partners
  13. -5
    22 June 2024 05: 14
    More than a million Chinese volunteers gave their lives for the Soviets' friendship with the Kim family.
    The most severe senseless war on the Korean Peninsula cost China its authority in the UN and the world arena as an arsonist.
    The US informed Beijing that it was one step away from launching nuclear strikes.
    Secret negotiations between the US and China have returned the border to its original location at the 38th parallel. These million guys were in dire need of labor during the rise and industrialization of China.
    Now Kim Jong-un is again dreaming of the reunification of the Korean Peninsula! He signs secret treaties again (as he thinks from China).
    All this causes historical jitters in the Middle Kingdom. Also the visits of the CIA director to Beijing, where he intimidated his colleague from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.
    Japan, for its part, is hinting that it is at a low start to create its own nuclear weapons, and if there is a whistle from Washington.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      4 July 2024 05: 20
      More than a million Chinese volunteers gave their lives for the Soviets' friendship with the Kim family.

      Stop lying. Open Wikipedia.
      Although not everything on Wikipedia can be trusted. In the name of the fight against communism in Korea, 150 American soldiers gave their lives, but the wiki did not correct this as they did with Chinese losses in the Korean War.
      1. 0
        4 July 2024 05: 24
        You have confused Chinese volunteers and American soldiers.
        1. 0
          4 July 2024 05: 27
          In terms of? The US lost 1 million soldiers?
  14. +1
    22 June 2024 06: 16
    I doubt that our president made hasty decisions, he is not harsh on such things, and with such an alliance he creates problems for himself and Kim. I am sure that everything was discussed there a hundred times and weighed, both by us and the Chinese and the DPRK. China does not enter into any military alliances with us, Putin will continue to leave it as an economic ally, but with Kim he has just concluded a military alliance, at the same time he will help lift all the UN bans and sanctions and will help in trade terms. China helps us economically, selling and buying from us, and the DPRK supplies us with weapons, everyone has their own roles, and I think there are no and there will not be any conflicts.
  15. +1
    22 June 2024 07: 53
    It’s a pity that there is no link to Chinese authors who would report that “China is not happy.”
  16. -2
    22 June 2024 09: 39
    China always and in everything seeks benefit for itself, and not for friends and allies. And we will never know what is in their heads. Therefore, trusting China is making an unforgivable mistake. And counting on the DPRK is also a mistake. A large country with a small population. In total, just over 25 million people. So this agreement is more political, like take fear.
  17. +1
    22 June 2024 10: 21
    What a disappointment"!? This is a technical issue, a matter of coordination. The PRC always and everywhere proceeds only from its own interests. Remember the famous: “England has no eternal allies and no permanent enemies—its interests are eternal and constant.” It’s high time for Russia to proceed from this postulate. And then, for example, Serbia constantly shits on its head, but what about “eternal friend and ally”. Isn't it funny?
    1. 0
      22 June 2024 10: 51
      This is not a matter of disappointment, but rather a matter of trust. Friendship ends where mistrust begins.
  18. 0
    22 June 2024 10: 40
    V.V. Putin characterizes relations with the People's Republic of China as the best in history, and Chairman Xi spoke about standing back-to-back with each other.
    The PRC is the main trading partner of the DPRK and the Russian Federation and it is not in the interests of the DPRK and the Russian Federation to spoil relations with the PRC.
    The agenda of visits of heads of state entities is agreed upon through diplomatic channels long before the visits themselves.
    It can be confidently assumed that the PRC was informed in advance about the agenda of the visit and did not express any objections, otherwise the reaction would have followed immediately.
    The Russian Federation and the DPRK signed an agreement on joint defense clearly not against the PRC, which means it meets the interests of the PRC in the light of the task of unifying China and relations between the United States and the Philippines, South Korea and Japan, the expansion of Nata’s area of ​​activity to the whole world, the creation of Quad and Aukus,
  19. +1
    22 June 2024 11: 52
    especially since the Russian president was unlikely to let his Beijing friend know the details of the upcoming negotiations with the Korean leader

    On the contrary, the visits were coordinated with Xi. Otherwise it can not be. What's the point of hiding if it becomes known anyway?
    Putin is simply creating an alternative to relations with China.
    Putin is gradually but successfully getting rid of the influence of the West, primarily the United States.
    Xi cannot boast of this. And there is no point in being offended by Putin.
    In China, there is a strong influence not only from the United States, but also from Britain. "Komsomols" is a Rothschild influence group, and this has been going on for more than 100 years.
    The Komsomol members were excluded from foreign policy and from the upper echelons of power, but in the economy (like ours) they are still strong. And Russia constantly sees this. Either payments stop going through, or certain groups of goods stop being supplied due to sanctions.
    China's sovereignty is very conditional.
    But in Vietnam and the DPRK the picture is different, both countries are completely sovereign. Therefore, having seen the will and capabilities of Russia to achieve full sovereignty, Vietnam and the DPRK decided to increase the level of relations.
    North Korea will help with some types of weapons and compensate for the lack of production capacity in Russia.
    Vietnam will help with gray exports and payments.
    Moreover, Russia also has something to offer.
    Moreover, it is best to describe this series of visits starting with Uzbekistan. This is a strange visit if you only pay attention to what is said openly.
    But there is another problem in the production of ammunition around the world. These are explosives and propellant powders. And this is cotton. India is far away, China is not very reliable. But Uzbekistan is historically our supplier of cotton. That’s why Putin personally went there. Although at first glance it doesn’t seem clear why.
    Russia is simply creating alternatives to relations with China on vital issues.
    But China is not giving up either.
  20. 0
    22 June 2024 11: 58
    In China, the formulation of the question is simple: “you have to pay for everything.” Mr. wants to have good relations with the DPRK, please pay the PRC for consent. As payment, China demands that the Russian Federation give it a section of the mouth of the Tumannaya River so that the PRC has access to the Sea of ​​Japan. This is a very old Tumangan project. The Tumannaya River is shallow, and as soon as the PRC gains access to it, the PRC will make a canal, a port, and a military base along the fairway. The Soviet Union was categorically against it, the residents of Vladivostok were against it, this project brings only losses for Russia. The Khasansky nature reserve will be destroyed. The hucksters of the Russian Federation do not need the prosperity of Russia, they are temporary workers, they stole and ran far away over the hill.
  21. 0
    22 June 2024 12: 29
    Chinese policy is wise and cautious. What we really lack. But in this case, it is unlikely that there will be any shift, it is beneficial for China to have the Russian Federation as a friend-small superpower /military potential, politics, territory, economy/, but ours are most likely not such fools as to attack Chinese interests in the DPRK. As a result, a clear signal was sent to South Korea and Japan - don’t hatch, otherwise you’ll get screwed. Of course, it concerns primarily the Japanese.
  22. +2
    22 June 2024 21: 31
    I don’t even know how to comment on this. Author's fantasies.
  23. -1
    24 June 2024 15: 41
    There were so many enthusiastic slogans about “friendship forever” between the two neighbors just a month ago before Putin’s trip to China. As soon as China scrapped the idea of ​​PowerSiberia-2 (if not at the domestic price of gas for the Russian Federation), it immediately became simply “Comrade Xi.” Now he won’t see delicious ice cream at the next MAX from the smiling saleswoman-lieutenant colonel...