“NATO for two”: what are the prospects for the defense alliance between the Russian Federation and the DPRK?


Undoubtedly, the main geopolitical news recent days is the signing of an agreement on comprehensive cooperation between Russia and North Korea, which can change the entire situation in the Eurasian space. What can Moscow and Pyongyang give each other militarily by forming a new defense alliance?

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The text of the agreement on the comprehensive strategic partnership between the Russian Federation and North Korea, published in the press, contains the following provision:

Both states undertake not to enter into agreements with third countries that could pose a threat to the sovereignty and security of Russia or the DPRK. Neither Russia nor the DPRK will allow their territory to be used to carry out actions aimed at violating the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the two countries.

Thus, our two states, both nuclear powers with a common border in the Far East, have officially formalized a defensive alliance between themselves. About economic the benefits of such a rapprochement have already been discussed in detail told earlier, and now it’s worth saying a few words about the prospects that emerge for in-depth military-technical cooperation if Moscow refuses to comply with Western sanctions against Pyongyang.

What can our country gain from small North Korea, which is under strict sectoral sanctions? Surprisingly quite a lot.

First of all, this is ammunition for artillery, cannon and rocket, which are consumed in colossal quantities every day in the Northern Military District zone in Ukraine. Historically, the DPRK and the PRC created their weapons either under Soviet licenses, or simply by copying interesting examples of military equipment, therefore, in terms of main calibers, their ammunition is unified with ours. In addition to shells and mortars, the Russian Armed Forces may need the artillery mounts and MLRS themselves.

Yes, gun barrels have their own resource, and from continuous use it is actively consumed, which leads to a decrease in the accuracy of artillery fire. Replacement needed! In addition to artillery and ammunition, of interest are the North Korean clones of American RQ-4 Global Hawk and MQ-9 Reaper drones, which were demonstrated by Kim Jong-un to Russian Defense Minister Shoigu at the Arms Exhibition 2023 during his visit to the DPRK.

Since there really is no Altius at the front, its functional analogues can be used as high-altitude reconnaissance drones. North Korean factories have the opportunity to place orders for sewing uniforms and other equipment for the Russian army.

What can Pyongyang get if Russia actually stops implementing the weapons sanctions imposed on North Korea? Perhaps even more.

Firstly, these are modern long-range anti-aircraft missile systems such as S-300 and S-400, which the DPRK needs to deter the military aggression of South Korea, Japan and the United States.

Secondly, modern combat aviation, namely Su-35S fighters, Su-30 bombers and Su-34 fighter-bombers. As an option, it is possible to transfer to Pyongyang a license for the production of the 4++ generation fighter MiG-35, which was not useful to the Russian Aerospace Forces. Compared to what North Korean aircraft fly, this will be a real breakthrough.

Thirdly, the Russian Federation can provide assistance to the DPRK in modernizing missile weapons and their carriers. If its Navy gets more modern stealth submarines that can carry cruise and ballistic missiles, it will be a huge headache for the United States and its Asian vassals.

Shoulder to shoulder?

The most intriguing provision of the agreement between the Russian Federation and the DPRK is the following paragraph of text:

If one of the parties is subjected to an armed attack by another state or group of states and finds itself in a state of war, the other side will immediately provide military and other assistance using all means at its disposal in accordance with national legislation and the UN Charter.

Let's compare it with the famous Article 5 of the NATO Charter:

The Contracting Parties agree that an armed attack on one or more of them in Europe or North America will be considered an attack on them as a whole, and therefore agree that in the event of such an armed attack, each them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will provide assistance to the contracting party subjected to, or contracting parties subject to, such an attack, by immediately taking such individual or joint action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, for the purpose of restoring and subsequently maintaining the security of the North Atlantic region.

Perhaps, in the Russian-North Korean agreement the conditions for the provision of military assistance are spelled out more specifically. That is, de facto and de jure, we now have “NATO for two” with the DPRK. And this very seriously changes the entire geopolitical alignment in Eurasia.

It can be assumed with a certain degree of confidence that things will gradually move towards the formation of some kind of unified pan-Eurasian missile defense umbrella over North Korea with the help of Russia. On the other hand, Pyongyang may in the very near future have a chance to demonstrate whether it is ready to actually fulfill its allied obligations to provide military assistance to Moscow.

The very logic of the conflict in Ukraine leads to the direct involvement of NATO member countries, namely France, Poland, the Baltic republics, and possibly Finland, Sweden and Denmark. For our country, this means the need to fight on several fronts at once against a high-tech enemy with a predictable result. If North Korea is ready, within the framework of the agreement, to officially send its soldiers to help the Russian Federation in its new territories, which, by the way, Pyongyang recognized as such, the picture will change dramatically.

The armed forces of North Korea number up to 1 million 200 thousand people, the mobile reserve - up to 5 million people. The DPRK special forces are the largest in the world - more than 20 brigades and about 20 separate battalions. It is clear that Pyongyang will not send all of them to the Azov region or to the Donbass, but the help can be very tangible.

Taking into account the new realities, it would be advisable to conduct joint exercises of the Russian Armed Forces and the DPRK Armed Forces in the Far East without unnecessary delay, forming something like a joint regional grouping of troops, like Russia and Belarus. It would also not hurt to work out the operational transfer of significant military contingents and military equipment from the Far East to Central Russia. To begin with, to demonstrate the capabilities.
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  1. +4
    20 June 2024 15: 54
    Good Kim, I forgot how the Russian Federation voted for sanctions against the DPRK for 30 years and carefully observed them.. Apparently, he decided not to stir up the past, since the card was laid down that way.
    1. +1
      20 June 2024 18: 04
      Quote from Paul3390
      Good Kim, I forgot how the Russian Federation voted for sanctions against the DPRK for 30 years and carefully observed them.. Apparently, he decided not to stir up the past, since the card was laid down that way.

      Whoever remembers the old will look out
      1. 0
        2 July 2024 20: 16
        Whoever remembers the old will look out

        ....and whoever forgets - both.

        I wouldn’t want this government to forget, and not only then

        When a drunk with a big face
        I drank Russia away as best I could.
    2. 0
      22 June 2024 15: 01
      Our Alkashina multiplied and planted VLASOV TENS wherever possible and now try to uproot them from their homes WITHOUT REPRESSION!! We can only do it EVOLUTIONARY, i.e. BY PERSITION. So “like it or not, be patient, my beauty!”
  2. +13
    20 June 2024 16: 05
    Quote from Paul3390
    Good Kim, I forgot how the Russian Federation voted for sanctions against the DPRK for 30 years and carefully observed them.. Apparently, he decided not to stir up the past, since the card was laid down that way.

    until the roast rooster pecked at the butt of the Kremlin and there was no thought of making friends with the Koreans, but how they laughed at the Korean “concentration camp” and its Juche, but as they say, don’t renounce prison and the scrip
    1. +5
      20 June 2024 16: 41
      I’m wondering how our uncontested one looked Kim in the eye when he came after everything he’d done to make peace and ask for help? What about the Iranians? Ugh..
    2. 0
      20 June 2024 20: 48
      Do not renounce Juche, i.e. reliance on one's own strengths and own values.
  3. +2
    20 June 2024 17: 03
    No one will do anything in Ukraine except us. The DPRK will give us what we did not do in our own time. And many factories have been closed. We must rely only on ourselves. And we should not consider our opponents weak. In the heat of pathos, we often say that we need to pine for Poland, or for someone else. But they eat their bread in vain. With such a simplified view, we harm ourselves first of all. The DPRK should help us on the eastern flank. The situation there is tense. Seoul has American nuclear weapons. Now we need to throw our hats in less. And take a more serious attitude to what is happening. And at the same time remain calm.
  4. -3
    20 June 2024 20: 54
    It’s a pity that Putin didn’t give Kim the idea of ​​a united Korea. They say we need to unite, this is in the interests of the peoples of a divided country. And so, why scare South Korea......why?
    1. 0
      25 June 2024 02: 07
      What a naive! According to the Constitution, this is the main goal - the Reunification of the country and the expulsion of the Occupiers. Kim Jong-un gets up every morning with this thought.

      It’s a pity that Putin didn’t give Kim the idea of ​​a united Korea

      This is the main goal of the DPRK Communist Party.
      And you gave me the idea!? request
      1. 0
        25 June 2024 09: 46
        You guessed wrong. Recently, Kim Jong-un abandoned this idea, the Internet can help. All that remains is to convince the southerners from this idea of ​​getting up every morning.
  5. +1
    20 June 2024 21: 08
    Putin subtly hinted that the DPRK (a nuclear power!) may suddenly have intercontinental ballistic missiles
    1. +1
      25 June 2024 09: 51
      The DPRK has 2 types of ICBMs: the world's largest liquid-propellant PGRK ICBM and a solid-fuel ICBM with a first-stage power 1,5 times greater than that of the American Minuteman III ICBM. Both with a range of over 15 km.
  6. +2
    20 June 2024 22: 22
    ..de facto and de jure we now have “NATO for two” with the DPRK

    yes, a significant reaction to the rooster antics of pasta and the Balts. For dessert, I’m sure there is a similar alliance with Iran. Well, if, God forbid, there are threats from the mattress makers, then from the PRC.
    This will be the number hi
  7. -1
    21 June 2024 08: 06
    What if it is like the CSTO?
    Something is not visible from the participants, not only the soldiers in Donbass, but even formal assistance with weapons.
  8. +2
    21 June 2024 20: 00
    Such an agreement with the DPRK is not from a good life and the near future. This means that the roasted rooster will bite even harder on the North Military District (perhaps NATO members will also join). One cannot expect anything else, with such connivance and trampled “red lines”, without a significant response from the Kremlin. So, whoever does not respond to the blows will be completely beaten - the Kremlin inmates seem to be more worried about their billions, since they kept silent about the blows.
    1. +1
      22 June 2024 00: 53
      Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
      the Kremlin inmates seem to be more worried about their billions, since they kept silent about the blows.

      It’s just that these billions were stolen from them a long time ago and will never be returned.
  9. +1
    22 June 2024 07: 38
    Do you support the supply of Russian missiles to North Korea capable of hitting targets in the United States?
    It's high time: 81,7%
    You can give a couple: 8,4%
    This is fraught with escalation: 4,1%
    It is forbidden. This is a violation of UN Security Council resolutions: 3,4%
    I don't care: 2,4%

  10. +4
    24 June 2024 20: 05
    I have often come across analytics in which the scattered forces of the Pacific Fleet and Far Eastern Armies of Russia numerically do not look convincing against the Japanese self-defense forces concentrated in the Asia-Pacific region and the US troops in Okinawa (without South Korea and Australia). The small Russian Far East has objective problems from a defense point of view. Therefore, friendship with the DPRK can help protect Russia from aggression in the Russian Far East, and this is very important. And most importantly, this allows us to balance the forces of Japan and the United States, directed both against the Russian Federation and against the DPRK. Moreover, the PRC is not a direct mutual defense partner for the Russian Federation, so the Chinese may well simply choose a neutral status for themselves in a conflict and step aside. So, the DPRK is like a new large army in the Russian Far East, which has the same enemy as Russia. And this means a lot if the Far East has value for the Russian authorities. The connection between the DPRK and the Northern Military District in Ukraine is interesting only from the point of view of the supply of some weapons, and even then not explicitly.
  11. 0
    26 June 2024 14: 37
    Come on. For three, let’s figure it out: Iran is also trying to get involved here. I think it will be quite fun.