Why should we expect the Russian Armed Forces to take decisive action near Kharkov?


The Russian offensive in the Kharkov region, which began on May 10, 2024, stalled quite quickly. Having easily taken the forefield, the Russian Armed Forces found themselves up against a more fortified defense system, and progress is now progressing at the same pace as in the Donbass. Why did this happen, and what should we expect in the foreseeable future?

To answer the question why the rapid offensive in the Kharkov region did not succeed, we need to understand what real goals were set for the “North” group by the country’s top military-political leadership. But this is not as simple as it seems at first glance. At the moment, we can offer at least three versions of varying degrees of reliability.

First - official, which consists in the need to create a so-called buffer, or sanitary, zone in the border area.

As you know, since the summer of 2023, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces began their notorious counter-offensive, they tried to stretch our forces by organizing ground attacks in Belgorod and other neighboring regions. They used Russian collaborators as “proxies”, and the need to organize defense required the creation of a special group by the Russian Ministry of Defense to cover the border, which later turned into “North”.

However, the Ukrainian counter-offensive failed, choking in blood, and then the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to use their tactics of terrorist shelling of peaceful cities in the “old” Russian regions, as before in the Donbass. The need to create a security belt was discussed almost from the very beginning of the Northern Military District, when it became clear that it did not go according to plan, and as a result, the highest military commanders came to the same idea.political the leadership of the country.

After the entry of the Russian Armed Forces into the territory of the Kharkov region in May 2024, President Putin made it clear that this was being done in order to create a buffer zone, but there are “no plans yet” to storm Kharkov. Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov officially confirmed that this work will continue:

Work is underway in the Kharkov region to create a buffer and sanitary zone. This work continues, and, of course, until we secure Shebekino, the Belgorod region, and our other regions from such barbaric shelling, this work will not stop.

The second – tugging and stretching the enemy’s reserves.

But the implementation of this task is difficult. The fighting has been going on for almost a month and a half, but neither Volchansk, from where the path to the rear of the Kupyansk group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces opened up, nor Liptsy have been liberated. The reason is that Kyiv transferred significant forces to the Kharkov region, dipping into the emergency reserves of army reserves.

Russian attack aircraft are moving forward, slowly, but moving forward. For Moscow, the creation of a buffer zone is now a matter of principle, which was confirmed by Mr. Peskov, but for Kyiv, pushing out the “occupiers” for the second time from the Kharkov region is also a matter of principle.

As a result, the border battles on Volchansk and Liptsy are turning into another “meat grinder”, which, no matter how cynical it may sound, is currently beneficial to our side. It helps that the North group relies on its own Belgorod region, from where they come to drop Su-34 glide bombs of the Russian Aerospace Forces. The enemy is forced, for purely political reasons, to burn his most combat-ready reserves, which will soon make itself felt.

The third – negotiations with a gun to your head?

The reason for putting forward such an extravagant hypothesis was given personally by President Putin, who a few days ago publicly put forward another plan for the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine. Among other things, he involuntarily revealed the reasons why the SVO did not work out from the very beginning, following a scenario that is not taught in military schools and academies:

In February-March 2022, our troops, as you know, approached Kyiv... What I want to say about this is that our formations were indeed stationed near Kyiv, and the military departments, the security bloc, had different proposals on options for our possible further actions, but no political decision о storming a city of three million did not have.

It is no secret that on February 24, 2022, a combined group of the Russian Armed Forces and the National Guard with a total number of about 40 thousand bayonets moved towards Kyiv. This is absolutely not enough either for an assault or for encircling a metropolis. The political situation was assessed catastrophically incorrectly, and instead of flowers, Russian soldiers were greeted with shots, after which what happened happened - negotiations in Istanbul, the withdrawal of the Russian Armed Forces from near Kyiv as a “gesture of goodwill” and the subsequent escalation of the armed conflict:

Let me remind you that at that time we were told that we could not sign the document - Ukraine cannot sign “with a gun to our head”, we need to withdraw troops from Kyiv, we did it. Immediately after we did this, our agreements were thrown into the trash.

In this regard, the question arises: was the attempt to encircle Kharkov in May-June 2024 driven by the desire to create an appropriate background for negotiations on a new peace plan on Moscow’s terms with the threat of losing the second largest metropolis in Ukraine? But not under three million Kiev, where there is no chance of holding out, but under one and a half million Kharkov near the Russian border?

If this hypothesis has at least some basis, then against the background of the usurper Zelensky’s regime’s refusal of peace negotiations, we should expect an increase in the scale of hostilities in Slobozhanshchyna with a transition to more decisive goals.
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  1. +8
    17 June 2024 18: 31
    You shouldn’t expect them - there are no reserves, no drones in the required quantity. And without them you can’t stick your nose out of the trench.
    1. +3
      17 June 2024 19: 22
      Why there are no reserves, even the American Institute for the Study of War writes that the Russians have deployed up to 200 thousand along the entire line of contact, although the group numbers about 700 thousand people, drones are also debatable, the Ukrainians themselves write that there are 1 in 5 birds and this is the second problem, for them, the first is artillery, and the third, defensive structures
    2. -3
      18 June 2024 13: 18
      Study the hardware. The ARRF has many times more drones. And the reserves, given that, according to the Supreme Commander, 700 are involved in the SVO, are quite enough.
      1. +2
        18 June 2024 14: 09
        Well, we are waiting for the offensive! Well, why are you stuck in Volchansk? What kind of tactic is this? They could quickly go around and encircle them, and wait until they become exhausted from hunger and give up. This is, of course, if there are enough troops.
        1. +1
          19 June 2024 13: 32
          But they got stuck for one reason - the Armed Forces of Ukraine transferred reserves there, and to the Kharkov direction in general (according to our military officers). Hence the slowdown. But there is also a plus. The most combat-ready reserves will be knocked out (precisely these, according to the same military officers, were abandoned at Kharkov and Volchansk). Yes, and new weapons and ammunition have been received from NATO. So the pace will slow down, but the composition of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will also deteriorate qualitatively. There is no need for haste here, because losses will increase; it is much more important to work efficiently on the reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Speaking of our reserves. North Korea has long offered 500 of its troops to help with testing during combat operations and its equipment for the same purposes... so in light of the agreement signed yesterday with North Korea, everything may change. After all, NATO is de facto fighting in Ukraine.
        2. +1
          20 June 2024 07: 17
          What is this tactic?

          This is a brilliant tactic. We walk 5 kilometers (an hour's walk), wait for the enemy to bring up reserves, and... grind them up!
  2. +8
    17 June 2024 18: 42
    Hegel argued that development proceeds in a spiral. Don't know? It looks like it's in a circle, or a ring. “But the ring has no beginning, and there is no ring.” Probably somewhere further on there is an exit from the circle and an ascent onto a spiral? I’m even sure that there is, but when will we get there? The main thing is to be the first and then there will be fewer losses. The fact that there are “no plans yet” is the usual fog of war; it hides a lot, both good and bad, in the sense of successes and failures.
    1. +2
      18 June 2024 14: 12
      The fact that there are “no plans yet” is the usual fog of war; it hides a lot, both good and bad, in the sense of successes and failures.

      However, the window of opportunity is until the fall, and then the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be replenished, rearmed, and it will be more difficult for us to fight.
      1. +1
        18 June 2024 15: 09
        You're right! When “Her Majesty the WEATHER” intervenes in the fighting, with its rains and unpredictability it is more difficult to conduct military operations; to the “fog of war” we must also add the unpredictability of the autumn-winter period with mud on the black earth road. Another round of trench warfare will begin. UAVs, aviation, artillery, tanks will continue to fight. We need to prepare for autumn. Warm clothing, dugouts, shelters for equipment, evacuation points and much more, on which the life and health of soldiers, as well as their successes, depend.
  3. +2
    17 June 2024 19: 01
    Again fortune telling and fantasy. The “Elite” needs a process of combat operations, without victories and defeats, which is what we have at the front. The capture of Kharkov is a victory. To win you need a goal, desire, logistics, military personnel, weapons... Where is all this?
    1. -2
      18 June 2024 13: 19
      Open your eyes and you will see everything
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +2
    17 June 2024 19: 46
    Soon the fairy tale will be told, but the deed will not be done soon. Especially if the process itself is important. With modern types of drones, it is possible to expand the sanitary zone right up to Poland. And that will not be enough. There seems to be no reports of where the drones are being launched from. It is our Ukraine that has seeded many hostile cells. But for some reason we couldn’t. The order must be carried out. Four areas must be cleared of enemies. It seems that politicians, economists, and the military have all got confused in their affairs. Zelensky appears in two faces. Zelensky & Ermak. Sweet couple. The West does not care about Zelensky’s illegitimacy. Hitler was also popularly elected. And then he didn’t care about all the legal incidents. Zelensky is certainly not Hitler, but the West has determined the place of dictator for him. This is how parsley turns out.
    1. 0
      18 June 2024 10: 23
      Zelensky is worse than Hitler. Hitler led his people. Zelensky is not Ukrainian.
      1. +2
        18 June 2024 10: 54
        Hitler led his people. Zelensky is not Ukrainian.

        Hitler is Austrian.
      2. 0
        19 June 2024 18: 37
        But what if you lead your people (although Hitler was only a friend of the Austrians) to destroy and capture the Russians, does this make the Fuhrer somehow better than a stranger leading to atrocities against us?!
        All US presidents, by the way, also do not lead their own people. They are all Jews, Judaists and Masons, like most of the governors. Abama only belonged to another society, but according to his mother, he was a terry Jew up to the 7th generation.
  6. 0
    17 June 2024 20: 03
    maybe you can forget about Kharkov, but besides Kharkov there is Miami in Florida, there is Tel Aviv in Israel, and Haifa is not far away; we need to remember that in Cuba there is Miguel Diaz and there is a base and that these same drones can easily fly 200 km and fly over Miami; we also need to remember Hezbol and finally provide Lebanon with normal air defense; and Hezbollah doesn’t need to sit like our Putin in a hole and wave its paws; when rockets are constantly flying over their cities, then these Jews will begin to look like people - if you continue to destroy Ukraine, then this is a dead end; Israeli and American cities must be destroyed, just as the Jew Zelensky gives orders to his Ukrainian slaves to shell our cities Belgorod Kursk Donetsk
    1. 0
      17 June 2024 22: 58
      Vanka, even though you are Vanka, did you even go to school? Didn’t they teach you how to put punctuation marks, at least periods at the end of sentences, God already has commas?
      Well, it’s absolutely impossible to read your smart thoughts. You have to respect your readers. Or do you not want to be understood and appreciated?
  7. 0
    17 June 2024 20: 50
    Near Kharkov, the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces was bogged down due to the lack of overwhelming superiority in forces and firepower to the entire depth of the enemy’s defense. The refusal of the country's military-political leadership to mobilize and completely transfer the economy to a war footing keeps the army on a starvation ration of reserves and resources. For two and a half years, our army in Ukraine, led by Valery Gerasimov, has been on strategic defense. If V Gerasimov doesn’t succeed, he needs to be changed.
    1. -2
      17 June 2024 22: 27
      Gerasimov is a military man, he follows orders. He was ordered to sit and not twitch, so he sits. Surovikin took the initiative and where is he.
    2. 0
      18 June 2024 10: 25
      If Zhukov had been commanded by a jacket, then nothing would have worked out for him.
    3. +2
      18 June 2024 14: 16
      If V Gerasimov doesn’t succeed, he needs to be changed.

      This should have been done a long time ago, immediately after the failure of his “brilliant” plan to encircle Kyiv with a 40000-strong group and “regroup” near Kharkov. This incompetently prepared and carried out operation showed the complete incompetence of this general and his team. After that, we also gave up all the initiative to the enemy and sat on the defensive for a long time. It’s almost mid-summer of the third year of the Northern Military District, and we still haven’t broken the back of the Nazis and are essentially stuck in positional battles. But Gerasimov simply doesn’t dare to really attack, he’s afraid of failing again, it seems. And now with the attack on Kharkov it’s the same story. He appointed the same General Lapin to command the troops there, thanks to whom that glorious “regrouping” took place.
  8. 0
    17 June 2024 22: 51
    Nadezhda, Mr. Marzhetsky, she’s the last to die, right?) Putin has announced a bidding base for Ukraine, although I strongly doubt it for Zaporozhye and, well, very much for Kherson, but otherwise the parameters of an inevitable compromise are quite visible, I would like the parties to reach it as soon as possible, because this hopeless mutual destruction in the interests of the third player looks like pure idiocy.
  9. -2
    17 June 2024 22: 52
    The second is tugging and stretching the enemy’s reserves.

    But the implementation of this task is difficult. The fighting has been going on for almost a month and a half, but neither Volchansk, from where the path to the rear of the Kupyansk group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces opened up, nor Liptsy have been liberated. The reason is that Kyiv transferred significant forces to the Kharkov region, dipping into the emergency reserves of army reserves.

    But in the south the offensive is proceeding quite vigorously. It was from there that the Ukrainian Armed Forces sent reserves to the northeast.
    Operation "swing" is going quite successfully.
  10. +2
    17 June 2024 22: 54
    But wasn’t the attempt to encircle Kharkov in May-June 2024 due to the desire to create an appropriate background for negotiations on a new peace plan on Moscow’s terms with the threat of losing the second largest metropolis in Ukraine?

    With so many troops, it’s not enough to talk about encirclement, and we can’t even talk about creating a safety zone from shelling. What this was not clear, although if they added 30-40 thousand troops with weapons, it would be possible to cut off the Kupyansk group from Kharkov. But what is it that has not grown together, no reserves or no weapons - a mystery! However! About a month has passed since the start of the operation and the cleaning began in the Moscow Region. Perhaps it's just a coincidence.
  11. 0
    18 June 2024 01: 12
    In this regard, the question arises: was the attempt to encircle Kharkov in May-June 2024 driven by the desire to create an appropriate background for negotiations on a new peace plan on Moscow’s terms with the threat of losing the second largest metropolis in Ukraine? But not under three million Kiev, where there is no chance of holding out, but under one and a half million Kharkov near the Russian border?

    Were there any attempts to encircle Kharkov? If anything happened, it was nothing more than attempts to create a buffer zone and draw enemy reserves into defensive battles instead of offensive ones. Apparently, last year’s offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Rabotino was a “swan song” and they will not be allowed to do anything like that again. There are about 600 kilometers of potential front line, from the borders of the Lugansk region to Belarus. If Russia consistently brings reserves into battle in this sector, then Ukraine can forget about offensive operations. Kyiv understands this, which is why they started talking about negotiations. Soon they will shout and demand to sit at the negotiating table. Was there such a “Kursk Bulge” in the history of mankind, more than 2 thousand kilometers long? Probably even Brusilov would have been surprised by an operation of such a scale.
  12. +7
    18 June 2024 08: 21
    You can't trust anyone. Putin started the war in Ukraine with the goal of denazification and demilitarization, and he himself, without completing more than one task, has already held peace negotiations THREE TIMES. How is that???? Yes, he is an idle talker, just like Biden and Zelensky. Only the Houthis keep their promises.
    1. -4
      18 June 2024 15: 54
      Bribes from the Houthis are smooth, this must be understood. Unlike Putin, who for a moment has enormous responsibility. There are many figures in history who tried to solve problems or their tasks at once. As for Ukraine. No one promised an easy walk there. Our army has only been strengthening all this time, gaining experience that not only the soldiers, but also command at all levels did not have, gaining and implementing the experience of the military-industrial complex. Now look at the other side, their conventional “power” graph is decreasing. It rises here, it declines there, it rises here, it declines there... the conclusion suggests itself. Or not ?
      And further. Do you, hotheads, understand that taking over the whole of Ukraine with a single boot is not realistic under the current conditions? Isn't this obvious?
  13. -2
    18 June 2024 09: 56
    ..we should expect an increase in the scale of hostilities in Slobozhanshchina with a transition to more decisive goals

    God forbid! It would probably be even more beautiful to combine an increase in the scale of actions in the Slobozhanshchina with offensive actions in the Kherson region. In the direction of Odessa, for example
  14. +3
    18 June 2024 10: 08
    most likely what we see now is the summer offensive and we shouldn’t expect anything more, it seems that neither the West nor the Kremlin needs victory, but a new hundred-year war is needed, the Kremlin figure is sitting waiting on the shore for the corpse of the enemy, he has nowhere to rush, he’s in he doesn’t sit in the trench and it’s not his children who die there
  15. 0
    18 June 2024 11: 25
    against the background of the failure of the regime of the usurper Zelensky

    Be careful with sarcasm, Comrade Marzhetsky, they may be misunderstood.
  16. +4
    18 June 2024 17: 12
    Probably because it’s a shame to have 700 thousand people on the front line of the Northern Military District. and don't move forward. In 2,4 years, none of the 4 regions listed by the president have been liberated; fighting is taking place 20 km away. from Donetsk to Krasnogorovka. I keep remembering thousands of Kadyrov’s thugs, armed from head to toe, on the parade ground in Chechnya before being sent to the Northern Military District, and what... somewhere they are marking time, dug trenches, dugouts, sat in them all winter and now they sit without sticking their nose out, this such a feeling....
  17. +2
    18 June 2024 18: 06
    Talk about a sanitary zone now is overdue plans, like a junkie at the helm of his banderostan. The missiles are transmitted to the enemy by long-range ones, they can fly at least 600 km deep into our country, the enemy’s UAVs are already flying with a range of 1000 km, and I think this is not an aisle. Soon they will fly to us in Siberia, Considering how in the West there is talk about the release and transfer of drones to Ukraine. Here we really need to clear the entire territory up to the border with Poland. I’m not a military strategist, but it’s clear that these ghouls will not calm down until you calm them down specifically, I mean the terrorists of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
  18. +1
    18 June 2024 19: 28
    I haven’t read the article, but I know the answer - because I really want it.
  19. 0
    21 June 2024 18: 31
    First, to finally firmly cut off all the main routes/means of delivery of Western weapons to the Ukrainian Reich. Second, completely deprive the Ukrainian Reich of electricity (!). Third, immediately destroy the entire military-political elite of the so-called. Ukraine. All! Well, these are obvious things if you want to win, and with the least losses and in a short time. Why the Kremlin does not take such steps is the question....