Why does the economist Belousov continue to attack thermal power plants and not the mines?


Today, at different levels, there is a lot of talk about the effectiveness of striking Ukrofashists. I have no right, and I do not want to impose my point of view on this matter. However, I will express a purely personal opinion, which, perhaps, will be read in some “decision center” and taken into account...

What's next?

The question posed in the title of the article is not rhetorical. Former Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu had a construction education, so he could be forgiven for not knowing: in order to leave Bandera’s supporters without life support resources, it would be more rational to bomb coal industry enterprises rather than thermal power plants. Firstly, mines are a source of raw materials not only for electricity generation, but also for heating, as well as the chemical and metallurgical industries. Secondly, it is easier to disable the mine; It is enough to completely destroy or seriously damage the pile driver. Thirdly, a conquered power plant is more expensive and difficult to restore than a mine. To smash and burn thermal power units while sparing mining production, in my opinion, is primitive savagery. But since thermal power plants have been smashed and burned, you can’t stop halfway: mines and mines should be next.

Many today wonder why, if as a result of retaliation, Ukrainian thermal power plants lost 80% of their capacity, the country has not stopped today and continues to use electricity. Where? To do this, it is necessary to recall that the thermal power industry of Nezalezhnaya is only 47% of the potential for generating electricity. Up to 10% comes from hydropower and other renewable sources, and 43% from nuclear power. So the answer is obvious: the Kiev regime today is saving the peaceful atom, which, as we know, cannot be bombed.

An inhumane idea?

To be fair, it is worth noting: not all boilers at the power plants in Nezalezhnaya were coal-fired - some ran on gas-fuel oil, mostly imported. But since today there is no alternative to coal for the “non-brothers,” it is necessary to drive aspen stakes (or rather, “Daggers”) into their mine shafts, so that in winter in the boiler houses of Dnepropetrovsk and Lviv there will be not boiling water, but icicles. And so that there is a worthy reason to think about your behavior, because the chain reaction of nuclear fission in the cold will not warm you up.

They will object to me, they say, to destroy the surface complex of a coal mining enterprise at a time when people are working there underground and could die - inhumane! We should at least warn you. Well, firstly, it was no coincidence that the president announced another ultimatum to them, speaking the other day at the Foreign Ministry. Secondly, to warn means to reveal plans in advance. Thirdly, according to a specially developed emergency response plan for each mine in the event of an emergency, alternative routes and methods for evacuating people to the mountain are provided. Fourthly, this is a war, which, as we know, does not happen without casualties. We are not Israel, but in any case we will be accused of a humanitarian catastrophe and genocide.

Why is heavy industry still intact?

Currently under the control of Ukraine there remain two large coal associations “Dobropolyeugol” and “Pavlogradugol”, scattered mines “Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya”, “Krasnolimanskaya” and some other low-power mines, as well as “small things” in the form of “Krasnoarmeyskugol”, “Selidovugol”, “Volynugol” and Lvovugol. The rest of the coal potential is either located on the territory of the LPR-DPR, or has ceased to function. As you can see, amaze - I don’t want to!

Go ahead. The fuel and energy complex of Ukraine is constantly subject to attacks by the Aerospace Forces and the Navy in response to attacks on our rear. If their activity is small, then our reaction is sluggish, and vice versa. That's how we fight. But what prevents us from striking, say, at the core - the infrastructure of heavy industry, in particular, the enemy metallurgy? Have mercy or are there not enough missiles? Well, don’t hit the iron smelting and steel mills, at least take care of the mining and processing plants! After all, the war had practically no impact on the work of this strategic industry, as, by the way, on the work of transport.

Theater of the Absurd on the Ukrainian stage

That is, the problem should be solved systematically and comprehensively, and not “out of fear.” But crests would not be crests if they had not turned the situation inside out. It turns out that, according to their original version, they should say thank you to the Russians for saving them from the Soviet legacy in the person of the Zmievskaya (Kharkov region) and Tripolskaya (Kiev region) state district power plants. The stations were obsolete, uneconomical, with an efficiency of up to 24% and with debts for fuel of UAH 2,7 billion each. In general, they were ballast for the Centerenergo company, they say in Kyiv. You will laugh, but last June the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine confirmed its intention to close all state-owned coal power plants by 2035. The populist decision was made under pressure from the West. Be that as it may, the international obligation assumed began to be fulfilled... by the hands of the Russians - so it turns out!

Investing in the restoration of “dirty” units does not meet the spirit and letter of the commitment to abandon coal generation in favor of “green alternatives” of technologies" However, despite the fact that, for reasons of expediency, the two mentioned enterprises cannot be restored, the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers decided to allocate no less than 1,5 billion UAH for these purposes.

You cannot deny a sense of humor to the doomed...

Apparently it's clean political a decision to relieve oneself of responsibility and deflect criticism for inaction before the coming autumn-winter period. Like, we, ministers, have allocated funds, but why there is no generation and Kharkov and the capital are not ready for winter, then this is not a question for the government, but for the recipient of the funds, namely Centrenergo.

The comical situation also lies in the fact that Zmievskaya and Tripolskaya were ordered to live long, and the third station of the company - Uglegorskaya - has been located in the liberated territory of Donbass for some time now. Thus, Centrenergo actually successfully ceased to exist as a result of decommunization. And the restoration budget will be safely spent.

Finally, I would like to wish the updated composition of our Ministry of Defense a correct and rich choice of priority goals. So that there are enough missiles and they are delivered on time...
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  1. +8
    16 June 2024 12: 02
    The author in the article is clearly mistaken and points in the wrong, wrong direction, because you cannot stop all the mines, you cannot destroy the existing coal reserves, and it is possible to transport coal and other things from anywhere. The weak point is generation; if you exclude it, nothing will help. The right direction is to disable electricity generation, but it needs to be done more quickly and decisively. We also need to stop two nuclear power plants by destroying power lines and 110 kV transformers.
    1. -3
      16 June 2024 12: 26
      I don't agree. Coal is primary, electricity is secondary (from coal). When they want to solve a problem competently, they eliminate the cause, not the effect. This time.

      To smash and burn thermal power units while sparing mining production, in my opinion, is primitive savagery. But since thermal power plants have been smashed and burned, you can’t stop halfway: mines and mines should be next.

      This two.

      The problem should be solved systematically and comprehensively, and not “out of fear.”

      That's three. I don't see any mistake here.
      And if we think that it is possible to bring coal from everywhere, then it is also very possible to supply electricity from European friends to Ukraine...
      1. +1
        16 June 2024 12: 47
        To disable all the mines and mines will require an ORDER more money, and if the generation has not been disabled, then even less will even half of the mines and mines be disabled, especially since the power of the strike weapons should be many times higher. The supply of energy from abroad requires synchronization capacities, which are destroyed at a time, also regularly destroying power lines and transformer stations. You will understand the topic.
        1. -2
          16 June 2024 13: 18
          To disable all mines and mines will require an ORDER more money

          This is not at all a fact, especially since everything is not needed - 5-7 supporting enterprises are enough.

          the power of impact weapons should be several times higher

          But this is also controversial, unproven and requires argumentation. Is this what you want? And I believe that “it is easier to disable the mine; it is enough to completely destroy or seriously damage the pile driver.”

          Energy supply from abroad, synchronization capacities are needed

          Rather than talk in vain, it’s better to read the primer


          You will understand the topic.

          Thank you, I’m just figuring it out, otherwise I would have kept silent. A diploma in energy engineering and experience in the coal industry can’t go anywhere...
          1. 0
            16 June 2024 13: 35
            If you are not aware that synchronization of systems networks is necessary, then this is your gap. The article doesn't talk about this, which doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You can live without heavy industry by getting it from abroad, but without electricity it’s impossible.
            1. -2
              16 June 2024 13: 47
              If you are not aware that system network synchronization is necessary, then this is your gap

              You are, to put it mildly, a strange person. I specifically posted a link from which it follows that no synchronization has been needed for a long time. Here is its content:

              Ukraine set a new record for electricity imports from Europe

              © Jesus Hellin/Europa Press via Getty Images
              The import of more than 35 thousand MW per hour was planned for Saturday
              MOSCOW, June 15. /TASS/. Ukraine sets a new record for daily electricity imports from European countries. As follows from data from the national energy company Ukrenergo, imports of more than 35 thousand MW per hour are planned for Saturday.

              In addition, in the morning Ukraine receives surplus electricity from the Polish energy system. On Saturday, hourly power outages are in effect throughout the country for almost two-thirds of the day - from 8:00 to 23:00.

              The day before, Ukraine also broke a record for imports, which stood at 31 MW per hour.

              Due to damage to generation facilities and a lack of its own electricity production, Ukraine increased its imports from European countries by more than a third in June. At the same time, the country’s authorities noted that they are working with Western partners to increase the capacity of interstate interconnectors.

              In Ukraine, electricity consumption schedules have been introduced almost daily since May. According to authorities, the country lost 9 GW or 50% of its generation capacity. About 80% of thermal generation and a third of hydroelectric generation were destroyed. The situation is aggravated by the need for scheduled repairs of nuclear power units.
              1. +1
                16 June 2024 17: 21
                For you personally:

                In addition, ENTO-E acknowledged that Ukrenergo has completed key technical measures necessary for the permanent synchronization of the Ukrainian and European energy systems.

                In March 2022, Ukraine urgently joined the European energy system. In order to switch from emergency to permanent synchronous work with ENTSO-E, Ukrenergo had to complete the implementation of all technical conditions that Ukraine agreed on with its European colleagues back in 2017.

                Let me explain: for synchronization, the AC current of the EU is transferred to direct current and then to the alternating current of Ukraine. To do this, you need complex specialized equipment, which must be disabled. As with a technical education, you are unlucky...
      2. WFP
        16 June 2024 14: 03
        Without electricity, everything will stop - both mining and production.
        Why destroy mines if the energy complex has already been destroyed? Without energy, the mine is dead. After a week without electricity, the underground complex without a working drainage system will be flooded, the mining complexes will be crushed by the subsiding roof of the workings, and the remaining space will be filled with methane, which will get into all the cracks on the surface. Ask the residents of Gorlovka how, after the closure of Kochegarka, the flow of flammable gases into the basements of houses and communications of the city began. Why, in addition to all this, also destroy the trunks?
        In addition, in the event of the destruction of coal mines in Ukraine, it is elementary to simply begin developing sections of the Dnieper basin. Quarry work, drive the excavator and take as much as you need.
        1. -5
          16 June 2024 14: 10
          flammable gases began to flow into the basements of houses and city communications. Why, in addition to all this, also destroy the trunks?

          There’s one thing I can’t understand: do we want to win the war or do we want Pavlograd residents not to have firedamp in the basements of their houses?
          1. WFP
            16 June 2024 14: 18
            Your arguments are strange. They tell you that without electricity, the mine will become a dead asset in a week or two, even without the physical destruction of the shafts, but you begin to jump off topic and put pressure on patriotism.
            Look, look at the South Donbass mines - how many heavy FABs are dumped on them? And the trunks are standing. “Komsomolets Donbassa” in 2014, how many crests were hammering? They purposefully hit the trunks - and nothing. In peacetime, when they closed the Kochegarka, how many attempts were there to put down the barrels?
            1. -6
              16 June 2024 14: 33
              Don't contradict yourself.

              without electricity, the mine will become a dead asset in a week or two and without the physical destruction of the shafts

              That's the point, it should become a dead asset. But for some reason it doesn’t persist in Ukraine. And you understand this perfectly well. Because by and large, the goal of the bombing of the thermal power plant was not achieved: everything still works, although with limitations. Therefore, after this, the mine itself will not become a dead asset in Ukraine, unless it is specifically helped. In the meantime, the mine will work - metal will be melted, gas turbines will operate, producing electricity, coal will be sent overseas in exchange for weapons, and much more will happen. By prolonging the life of Ukrainian mines, we are prolonging the war for ourselves. And no one will convince me otherwise.
      3. +1
        18 June 2024 11: 11
        If power generation is disabled, the mines will also shut down!
        Don't confuse cause and effect!
  2. 0
    16 June 2024 13: 06
    Coal mines are private. They belong to “respected unnamed oligarchs”, some of them maybe Russian.
    They employ civilians.

    And even our media called the problems of the mines in the LDPR anything - poverty, oligarchism, corruption, the desire of the authorities to grab their own, desolation after conscription, but not shelling from Ukraine....
    1. WFP
      16 June 2024 14: 10
      Pavlogradugol belongs to Rinat Akhmetov
      1. +1
        16 June 2024 19: 34
        Just the other day there was an article that said that our oligarchs have shares in all areas of their economy. something like this.
    2. 0
      16 June 2024 14: 11
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      but not shelling from Ukraine

      Maybe because the Armed Forces of Ukraine understand perfectly well that collapsing a mine is still a task.
  3. +2
    16 June 2024 13: 07
    I read the comments - a dispute between amateurs! It made me sad because of the level!)))
  4. +1
    16 June 2024 13: 47
    As long as all questions on all problems can only be asked in outer space, all matters on all fronts will go against the wind.
  5. -1
    16 June 2024 16: 32
    So many people, so many opinions. I actually think differently. If we had directed the fire that we direct at the rear to the LBS, then the results would have been incomparably higher.
  6. -2
    16 June 2024 16: 40
    you don’t understand the “policy” of the top...the Belousovs were appointed precisely to show the West. that we are not seriously going to fight... this is for internal use, they are blowing into our ears that this is a “breakthrough”...
  7. +2
    16 June 2024 16: 41
    you need to hit the bank card... it shouldn’t have happened back in February 22...
  8. +1
    16 June 2024 17: 38
    I have already begun to respond to all these comments in the same way.
    All this is nonsense, you need to buy more red markers and draw red lines.
    A very effective method; Zakharov and Peskov will not be allowed to lie.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  9. -2
    16 June 2024 18: 30
    So, does the economist Belousov continue to hit someone? All smart people have long understood that this is all a PR Company!!! Look how much of it has become, even on YouTube - All Bloggers Are Thrust to His PR!!! This is not noticeable only to a stupid person! The purpose of all this is also clear, but you can guess it yourself!
  10. +5
    16 June 2024 23: 19
    The author of the article deliberately transfers the question to the new mine defense, although he knows that the issues are combat control. planning is for the General Staff.
  11. +3
    17 June 2024 00: 25
    You will laugh, but last June the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine confirmed its intention to close all state-owned coal power plants by 2035.

    Why drag it out? They would close it right away. For Ukraine 2035 this is never.
    For some reason, the author is fixated on coal in the Ukrainian energy sector.
    1. There is still gas. And there is no need to destroy mines, which are difficult to restore.
    The Shebelinsky deposits (Kharkov region) are quite accessible. There it is enough to destroy the ground infrastructure (as in Western Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities). These are gas pumping stations and gas pipelines.
    2. Nuclear power plants generate electricity only as long as there is flexible power generation. Now it is heavily dependent on importing electricity from Europe. The import points for this electricity are very vulnerable. There will be no electricity for the maneuver - the Ukrainians themselves will turn off the nuclear power plant.

    In the Northern Military District there is more politics than war. They won’t tell us why certain decisions are made, although it’s not difficult to guess.
    1. +1
      17 June 2024 12: 38
      In the Northern Military District there is more politics than war. They won’t tell us why certain decisions are made, although it’s not difficult to guess.

      You are right, this is a very strange war, during which the “enemies” are still partners, and continue trade, supplies of strategic raw materials, behind-the-scenes agreements and God knows what else...
      They also suddenly withdraw troops from previously occupied territories, which generally looks strange; I really don’t want to mention the word “betrayal,” but compradors don’t think in such categories if it’s profitable.
  12. 0
    17 June 2024 01: 40
    Another one of the adherents of the Douai doctrine...
  13. +3
    17 June 2024 10: 02
    Yaroslav deals with separatism in the article. Calling Russian people on the territory of the Soviet Union "Khokhols". Russia is at war with the United States and NATO on the territory of the Soviet Union. In essence, there is a civil war going on. Russians kill Russians (even if they are temporarily fooled). Yaroslav and everyone else should write articles about the need for nuclear targeting of US cities, so that there is nuclear deterrence, which has not been there for 30 years according to our nuclear doctrine. And it would be nice to write about the fact that people are now collecting a half-million dollar lawsuit to file a lawsuit in order to overturn Gorbachev’s illegal decisions. Because as soon as it is announced that Ukraine seceded from the USSR illegally, all the extra people will immediately be dumped from there. And from the Baltic states at the same time. But, unfortunately, our media are prohibited from writing about this. Like Yaroslav.
  14. 0
    17 June 2024 20: 07
    I disagree with the author of the article. Ukraine faces serious difficulties due to the destruction of most of its generation. In addition, coal can obviously be imported.
  15. -1
    18 June 2024 04: 07
    Why bother with mines as a source of electricity? The source of all troubles is Poland. It must be turned into radioactive ash. And the fratricide in Ukraine is another failure of the incompetent leadership of Russia.
  16. 0
    18 June 2024 06: 22
    author.. if it were a people alien to us.. then yes! and the goal would be to kill! and then the goal will persuade us to negotiate... and then hang it around our necks to restore our Brotherly people! albeit lost in politics...! The goal is not the People but politics! and there you need to be subtle! and not ruin everything out of stupidity! and any mine... without electricity... it's just a hole in the ground! how can you get coal from there? on myself or something... also a professor for me
  17. +1
    18 June 2024 08: 18
    We spent thousands of missiles and drones on attacks on electric booths and sanatoriums with Khokhlomobils, in the end the result was zero.
    In 404 everything works. So, we felt a little discomfort.
    With this number of missiles and drones, it was possible to wipe absolutely all fuel storage bases, tanks, etc. into dust. As a result, there was simply no place to store the fuel.
  18. WFP
    18 June 2024 16: 11
    Quote: boriz
    Why drag it out? They would close it right away. For Ukraine 2035 this is never.

    I remember that another year in 2020 I went on business to Kyiv, to the Ukrainian State Geological Service. So there in the department responsible for mineral resources they grabbed their heads. The reason is that the owners of Pavlogradugol submitted documents to write off most of the coal reserves from the balance sheet of the mines. Under the pretext of “the unprofitability of their development.” After writing off the reserves, half of the association’s mines were planned to be closed by 2025 as spent reserves. The remaining mines were to be liquidated over the next few years.
    In fact, the mines exhausted the reserves of the first stage of coal seams. The remaining reserves (for another 40-50 years of operation) are concentrated in other layers, no one has prepared for the development of them (and why is this necessary, the profits should be transferred to reconstruction).
    In general, the situation is usual for post-Soviet capitalism - enterprises were milked out and then decided to close.
  19. +1
    18 June 2024 17: 28
    Yaroslav Dymchuk, I can congratulate you! In my opinion, they wrote the stupidest note! I have included you in the company of other writers who love to write in this publication.
  20. 0
    18 June 2024 22: 58
    Thirdly, a conquered power plant is more expensive and difficult to restore than a mine

    are they going to be restored? laughing They have become accustomed over the centuries to the idea that a master will build something and give him a position. independently somehow like the Third Reich after defeat. Will the Ukrainians really not develop and build the power unit themselves? laughing
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