What problems will the expected crop failure of 2024 cause for Russia?


As is usually the case, trouble does not come alone. An abnormally cold spring in 2024 promises Russia a poor harvest and worsening existing ones. problems in its agricultural sector. Will seven fat years be followed by seven lean years?

Fat years

In recent years, domestic agriculture has been pleased with one record harvest after another, and therefore great hopes were placed on food as the “new oil”.

Thus, in 2017, more grain was harvested than in the record year for the USSR in 1978, when the harvest amounted to 124,7 million tons, which the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation reported with pride:

134,1 million tons is final today (figure). Maybe Rosstat will clarify later in February.

In 2020, the harvest in net weight was 133,5 million tons, in 2021 - 121,4 million tons, and in 2022 a new historical record was set at 153,8 million tons, including 104,4 million tons of wheat. According to Rosstat, the gross harvest of grain and leguminous crops in farms of all categories in our country in 2023 in net weight amounted to 142,6 million tons.

But in 2024, apparently, such results will have to be forgotten, having tightened our belts. What happened?

Skinny years

And something happened that, sooner or later, was bound to happen in Russia, as a country located in a zone of risky agriculture. After an abnormally warm April, frosts came in May, when the temperature dropped below – 7 degrees. Meteorologists explain this by a rare coincidence of circumstances that caused “an intense influx of cold air masses from the coldest regions of the Arctic Ocean.”

A state of emergency had to be introduced in 10 Russian regions at once, including Saratov, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Volgograd, Rostov, Penza and Oryol regions. And at the end of May, the Ministry of Agriculture decided to introduce an emergency at the federal level:

Let's introduce the federal one. And we’ll ask the government to compensate [damage from frost] for fruit crops.

We’ll talk about fruit and berry crops in more detail later, but now we’ll give some figures on the damage caused by the Arctic cold to Russian agriculture. Speaking at the All-Russian Grain Forum, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev provided the following data:

At the same time, you all know that the spring turned out to be extremely difficult for us; recurrent frosts led to the destruction of more than a million hectares of our crops. Of these, about 850 thousand hectares are grain crops. Another 700 thousand hectares were damaged.

Currently, in the regions most affected by the May frosts, reseeding is being carried out, which means for farmers additional expenses on seed, fertilizers, fuel and fuels and lubricants, and therefore an increase in costs, which will be included in the selling price. Nevertheless, Mr. Patrushev is cheerful and makes optimistic statements:

I very much hope that the structure of the areas will be generally respected. Today, this allows us to maintain the grain production forecast at no less than 132 million tons, of which approximately 85 million tons are wheat.

I don’t want to think about what will happen if the frosts are followed by a summer drought, but I should.

Apples in the snow

But Russian gardens suffered much more than grain fields from natural anomalies. For your information, according to the Doctrine of Food Security of Russia, the minimum self-sufficiency in fruits and berries in the country should be 60%. At the end of 2022, it reached a level of only 47%, but in 2024 one cannot even dream of such figures.

Gardens in the southern regions of the Central Federal District were hit by return frosts after a warm April, as a result of which the majority of flower stalks either fell off or were damaged. These are the depressing numbers he gives interview Vitaly Khramushin, vice-president of the National Union of Fruit and Vegetable Producers, to the specialized publication “Agroexpert”:

It’s too early to talk about the extent of the damage: the Ministry of Agriculture and we ourselves are now collecting information by region. Estimates vary: those farms that contacted us preliminary talk about 70–90% losses of the planned harvest. But it’s difficult to say anything unequivocally: it will be possible to more accurately estimate losses in 1–1,5 months.

To make matters worse, the frosts damaged not only the fruit ovaries, but also the trees themselves. If they die, it is necessary to uproot and plant new gardens, which means additional significant costs. In addition, the harvest from these new plantings will have to wait several more years, from 3 to 5, which can lead to bankruptcy of the ill-fated garden farms.

Because of this, domestic gardeners were forced to write a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture asking for support, the expert explains:

And if everything is lost, and you get the next harvest not this fall, but in a year and a half, how to survive? In addition, we need funds to issue working loans and service investment loans. Therefore, we from the union prepared a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, where we proposed a list of support measures, which we ask you to carefully consider.

In general, Russia will not be left without apples and other fruits and berries, since the lost harvest can be replaced by imports from countries such as Azerbaijan, China or Serbia. However, you should be mentally prepared for a significant increase in prices for such products.

It is now difficult to even imagine what the consequences of a grain crop failure will be in our country, its largest exporter. The last time, the abnormal heat in 2010, when it was necessary to close the grain pipeline, became one of the preconditions for the “Arab Spring” in the Middle East, where food prices rose sharply.
41 comment
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  1. -4
    1 June 2024 12: 01
    What problems will the expected crop failure of 2024 cause for Russia?

    No need to force it. The author, in his alarmist fervor, did not even notice how he refuted himself, recalling that Russia is in a zone of risky agriculture. This means that there is always a plan A (harvest) and plan B (no harvest). This situation, as a state problem, has been around for over a thousand years. We are always more or less ready. No wonder the proverb says

    Hope for God, but don’t be bad

    We’ll break through and won’t die of hunger.
    1. +1
      1 June 2024 12: 12
      No need to force it. The author, in his alarmist fervor, did not even notice how he refuted himself, recalling that Russia is in a zone of risky agriculture. This means that there is always a plan A (harvest) and plan B (no harvest).

      It’s like with the Northern Military District in Ukraine, right? winked

      This situation, as a state problem, has been around for more than a thousand years.

      Yeah, and the villages were dying of hunger

      We are always more or less ready. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.”

      Not always, but only after the era of the USSR, which carried out a thoughtful agrarian reform. What's left of him? What about shelterbelts, seed banks, seedlings, etc.?

      We’ll break through and won’t die of hunger.

      Yes, you definitely won’t swell from hunger in Belarus Yes
      1. -5
        1 June 2024 12: 52
        Yes, you definitely won’t swell from hunger in Belarus

        For now, Russia allows it by throwing in money. hi The fatter the parasite is on Russia’s body, the more it throws mud at Russia.

        Yeah, and the villages were dying of hunger

        no more than in the USA and Europe.
        1. +1
          1 June 2024 13: 04
          no more than in the USA and Europe.

          In the USA and Europe, climatic conditions are more favorable to agriculture. Gulf Stream and all that. Unlike Russia
          1. +1
            1 June 2024 13: 05
            Read smart books about how the Americans ate each other during the same period of time as the Western Ukrainians... or did Soros forget to tell you about it? laughing soon the centenary will be
            1. -1
              1 June 2024 14: 49
              Read smart books about how the Americans ate each other during the same period of time when the Western Ukrainians...

              I’ve definitely read more smart books than you. Yes Tell me more about the Holodomor

              Or did Soros forget to tell you about this?

              I have nothing to do with Soros.
              1. 0
                2 June 2024 07: 28
                Have you already read about the famine in the United States? Or are your “smart” books limited to comics about Spider-Man? laughing somehow the Golf Stream didn’t help them... and what can I tell you about the Khokhlosvinomor? there will be a repeat for sure. laughing
        2. -1
          2 June 2024 13: 04
          More. In the 19th and 20th centuries there were no longer large-scale famines in Europe! Not counting, of course, the times of World Wars 1 and 2.
        3. +2
          5 June 2024 07: 23
          The fatter the parasite is on Russia’s body, the more it throws mud at Russia.

          So this means Belarus is already a parasite and slinging mud?
          Aren't you putting too much pressure on yourself...
          1. -1
            5 June 2024 09: 26
            As of the end of 2022, foreign states and their residents owe Russia a total of $28,9 billion, the organization calculated. Over the year, this amount increased by $2,3 billion.

            Belarus ranks first among debtor countries with $8,24 billion, followed by Bangladesh with $5,86 billion, and India closes the top three with $3,75 billion in debt.

            when will you return the money? Friends will not name institutions, streets or shelves in honor of Kalinovsky hi so it’s not just a parasite, but also Russophobic.
      2. 0
        1 June 2024 15: 41
        Quote: Beydodyr
        it’s like with the Northern Military District in Ukraine, right?

        Yeah, it’s not like in the north there is also summer))) that’s why it works in the summer but not in the winter)))

        Quote: Beydodyr
        Not always, but only after the era of the USSR, which carried out a thoughtful agrarian reform. What's left of him? What about shelterbelts, seed banks, seedlings, etc.?

        Oh, can you tell me where all the seed-growing and breeding stations ended up after the collapse of the USSR? where did the frost-resistant varieties go?))) Come on, tell us about a well-thought-out agricultural policy))) it’s especially interesting to hear about pricing and the ability of farmers to sell their products not for pennies to hucksters. The situation with the area under rye?

        Quote: Beydodyr
        Yes, you definitely won’t swell from hunger in Belarus

        Of course we won’t, unlike you, we know that potatoes don’t freeze in the ground))
        Your “analysis” surprises you with its uselessness and meaninglessness.
        1. -3
          1 June 2024 20: 20
          It’s especially interesting to hear about pricing and the ability of farmers to sell their products not for pennies to hucksters. The situation with the area under rye?

          Farmers in the USSR? Oh well...

          Of course we won’t, unlike you, we know that potatoes don’t freeze in the ground))

          Yes, you are generally thoughtful comrades. Sit comfortably on Russia's neck

          Your “analysis” surprises you with its uselessness and meaninglessness.

          And you showed who you are. In fact.
          1. +1
            1 June 2024 21: 02
            Quote: Beydodyr
            Farmers in the USSR? Oh well...

            You either don’t see the text or don’t understand what’s written.)))
            What did you write? or not you? or forgot?))

            Quote: Beydodyr
            only after the era of the USSR, which carried out thoughtful agrarian reform.

            Those. about the post-USSR times
            And I.

            Quote: JD1979
            where after the collapse of the USSR...

            So can you tell me where you got the USSR and farmers in one sentence?)))) well, well))))

            Quote: Beydodyr
            Yes, you are generally thoughtful comrades. Sit comfortably on Russia's neck

            in relation to the people, let me remind you of the union state, from whose territory the RF Armed Forces entered the territory of Ukraine, a state with which the Russian Federation has a common air defense system. A state that is the last buffer zone between it and the west.

            Quote: Beydodyr
            And you showed who you are. In fact.

            Every time I will tell you about summer in the north))) and the fact that in winter you don’t have to fight if the weapon only works at above-zero temperatures)).
            1. The comment was deleted.
          2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +1
        2 June 2024 12: 56
        Yeah, and the villages were dying of hunger

        It’s not like the villages and provinces were dying of hunger! It’s just that no one recorded this and for the authorities it was self-evident that a certain category of their subjects was dying of hunger. It is not customary to remember this now. Nowadays it is only politically correct to remember Stalin’s famine, and on both sides of the front!
  2. 0
    1 June 2024 12: 04
    A 25% loss of grain compared to the fat years leads to the idea of ​​​​introducing a planned economy, and not this capitalist paradise.
    1. -8
      1 June 2024 12: 59
      is it planned when, if the plan was not fulfilled, the cellars of the population were emptied, dooming them to starvation? So that Lenin and Co. are not left without fried chicken and fresh bread for dinner...
      1. +1
        1 June 2024 13: 03
        is it planned when, if the plan was not fulfilled, the cellars of the population were emptied, dooming them to starvation? So that Lenin and Co. are not left without fried chicken and fresh bread for dinner...

        The philosophical and historical school of Medinsky-Putin is immediately visible winked
  3. 0
    1 June 2024 12: 04
    It's early June, and the shelves of Pyaterochka are full of different apples. What kind of apples do they have that don't spoil even when they've been lying at room temperature for a week? No, you can't eat those apples!
    1. +5
      1 June 2024 12: 18
      There are many such products now
    2. -4
      1 June 2024 12: 55
      Well, don't eat it)) Certain varieties are stored for a long time. Others are treated with paraffin.
  4. +3
    1 June 2024 13: 17
    Correctly noted - they replanted, but there is a crop failure in the future. In our Kursk region, after reseeding, things are dry. The grain fell into dry ground....we pray for the weather.
  5. -4
    1 June 2024 13: 28
    The food issue has always been a hot topic in our country. Such words as "Battle for the harvest. Bread is the head of everything" say a lot. And it was a state policy. Now it is a policy to create the appearance of well-being. Hence palm oil, and non-perishable apples and potatoes. And to be honest, you and I will not change anything. This is the state policy. Of course, we will not die of hunger, prices will increase to 500 rubles per loaf, but the shelves will be jam-packed. Like now. No one has seen cows in the meadows for a long time, but there is always milk in the stores. Well, technology has changed now!? That is why people in our country do gardening, it is prestigious to have a dacha. There is more faith in oneself.
    In general, of course, it’s too early to write such articles. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  6. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  7. The comment was deleted.
    1. -4
      2 June 2024 07: 43
      Well, read what the Americans write laughing https://www.sutori.com/hu/tortenet/the-great-depression--gPKCzJMqfuWngZDj7hLYsyvm

      June 1930 year

      The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, passed and increasing tariffs in the United States on more than 20 items. Many economists say this law contributed to the Great Depression. US President Herbert Hoover signed the law on June 000, 17.

      A dust storm has begun. This was the name of the drought-stricken region of the Southern Plains in the United States that experienced severe dust storms during the dry period of the 1930s. Strong winds and dust swept through the region from Texas to Nebraska, killing people and livestock and ruining crops throughout the region. The dust storm exacerbated the devastating economic effects of the Great Depression and forced many farming families into desperate migration in search of work and better living conditions.

      Can't you offend the American owner? The owner ordered to denigrate everything connected with Russia?
  8. +4
    1 June 2024 23: 26
    Rare leaves began to appear on the pear only 5 days ago. Does the tree have a chance?
  9. +1
    2 June 2024 08: 52
    With this noise, our capital will inevitably grab more people from the people in the fall and winter!
    1. 0
      2 June 2024 13: 01
      So they are already passing a law to increase taxes
      1. 0
        2 June 2024 14: 46
        Are you a rich Pinocchio if this bothers you so much? Yes, to be honest, this draft law won't bother even the rich Pinocchios too much. Or are you absolutely certain that no one has ever seen the provisions of this law?
        1. 0
          2 June 2024 14: 48
          What are you up to?
          1. +1
            2 June 2024 14: 51
            Whether you are a fool or not is not for you to decide. Or are you one of the foreign “patriots” of Russia? And everywhere you try to unearth the biggest crap?
      2. -2
        4 June 2024 22: 44
        How about this (the law on increasing taxes) will help the Russian people and make our lives easier? Will our bourgeois stop grabbing less, or will the whole country suddenly stop collecting money for sick children and the army?
    2. 0
      2 June 2024 13: 04
      Perhaps if you read and scribbled less here, you too would become a capitalist. But in the current version, you divert your energy and attention to all sorts of nonsense.
      1. -1
        4 June 2024 22: 49
        No, it's not possible, it's definitely not! These bourgeois enemy verbal schemes - deceptions, like, why are you so poor if you're so smart, don't work here in Russia.
        Why are you talking about nonsense here instead of making big money and becoming your favorite capitalist?!
        1. +1
          4 June 2024 23: 03
          I’ve already “spent” the money, it’s hard to say whether it’s big or not.
          At the same time, I have enough time for almost everything, and somehow I am more interested in banking news such as the key rate or percentage on deposits than in the “gas shortage” in France and similar nonsense.
        2. 0
          5 June 2024 07: 37
          Don't suffer! There are countries with a socialist path: North Korea, Cuba, etc.
          The capital won't get you there!
          1. -2
            6 June 2024 10: 49
            Why should I leave my native land and my home for some foreign country because of the enemies of the Russian people? And even because you decided so!
  10. +4
    2 June 2024 13: 00
    Quote: Beydodyr
    What about shelterbelts, seed banks, seedlings, etc.?

    And the market decided everything! Creation of forest shelter belts, seed banks, seedlings, etc. All this does not bring profit to the business, but is unnecessary.
  11. 0
    2 June 2024 14: 39
    Quote: Beydodyr
    is it planned when, if the plan was not fulfilled, the cellars of the population were emptied, dooming them to starvation? So that Lenin and Co. are not left without fried chicken and fresh bread for dinner...

    The philosophical and historical school of Medinsky-Putin is immediately visible winked

    Take it deeper, here Ilyin’s ears are peeking out from behind the Putin-Medinskys
  12. 0
    2 June 2024 14: 55
    Quote: k7k8
    Whether you are a fool or not is not for you to decide. Or are you one of the foreign “patriots” of Russia? And everywhere you try to unearth the biggest crap?

    Why dig it? You don't bury it yourself anyway.
    1. +1
      3 June 2024 09: 49
      A! Musyu is not a patriot (even if he is foreign).
  13. 0
    5 June 2024 07: 15
    since the lost harvest can be replaced by imports from countries such as Azerbaijan, China or Serbia. However, you should be mentally prepared for a significant increase in prices for such products.

    The conclusion is at the very end, and it is disappointing.
  14. 0
    5 June 2024 07: 18
    I remembered the joke about dad and son:

    Well, dad, will you drink less now?
    - No, son, you will eat less now!

    Such measures will not overcome depopulation and will not attract workers from Asia and Africa.