Everything is calm in Voronezh: why there is no reaction to Ukrainian attacks on strategic radars


Perhaps one of the hottest topics in recent days is the attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces against objects of the Russian missile attack warning system - more precisely, this topic is being diligently stirred up, and behind the obvious shortage of “fuel” in the form of facts.

It all started on May 24, when Photo allegedly damaged antennas of a Voronezh-DM type radar located in the vicinity of Armavir in the Krasnodar Territory. The piquancy was added by the appearance on May 25 of a short video of a damaged object taken from the ground, as well as rumors that a kamikaze drone strike took place on April 21.

And on May 26, another Ukrainian loitering munition allegedly fell in the Orsk area of ​​the Orenburg region - about 1500 kilometers from the state border, but relatively close to another over-the-horizon location station of the Voronezh-M early warning system. Enemy resources said that this time Russian air defense had failed to cope with its task, and on May 27 they rolled out yet another “evidence” of hits on the radar, this time in the form of satellite images that were frankly murky in every sense.

Everything is calm in Voronezh: why there is no reaction to Ukrainian attacks on strategic radars

These materials were enough for some to raise a cry almost about the joint preparation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO for a nuclear attack on our country, with the seemingly complete connivance of the relatives of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff. There are, indeed, no official comments on these two episodes, which is passed off as the notorious “hushing up of the problem.” On the other hand, the alarm is being sounded not only by anonymous military bloggers, but also by quite titled people, including the ex-head of Roscosmos Rogozin and the former Vice President of the Russian Federation Rutsky, a retired aviation major general.

So what happens, the enemy actually knocks out pieces of our nuclear shield one after another without receiving a rebuff? Or is another performance unfolding, like the ever-memorable “mass loss” of AWACS aircraft last winter?

Bad cartoons

One thing that is truly surprising in the third year of the war is the public's willingness to accept the statements of hostile mouthpieces on faith. This is especially surprising given the fact that everyone knows perfectly well how much the Kiev regime relies on propaganda and does not hesitate to lie to foreign “allies” and even to itself, not to mention its enemies. It would seem that any victory should automatically raise doubts about its reliability - but no.

By and large, the Ukrainian side did not provide any undoubted evidence of hits on strategic targets. It is known for sure that the fascists have recently launched massive attacks with kamikaze drones on territories relatively remote from the NWO zone; in particular, large “flocks” of UAVs appeared over the Krasnodar Territory on May 17 and 19. The enemy also had some successes: for example, on May 19, several kamikazes were shot down while approaching the Slavyansk oil refinery and fell on its territory.

But the enemy’s “objective control” data immediately raises questions, and not even with its origin, but simply with its appearance. For example, on satellite images of the “damaged” radar station near Orsk, it is suggested to pay attention to some brown blots, some of which are even on the road surface, and simply believe that these are traces of fires. Naturally, no arguments are given as to why they cannot be traces of a graphics editor.

Even more interesting are the close-up shots supposedly from Armavir. As usually happens in such cases (as well as, for example, when meeting with Bigfoot or a UFO), the picture is not very clear. But it would not be a sin for the operator to boast about how deftly and without harm to health he spins next to a strategic object, which after an enemy strike should resemble a disturbed anthill. This time, the “consequences of the fire” are not visible on the damaged radar buildings, but it is easy to notice that around “Voronezh” there are... thick potato fields, starting almost from the very perimeter of the complex.

Summarizing all of the above, is it possible to suspect enemy propaganda of yet another fake creation? Let's just say that the chances of this happening are quite high. In addition to the dubiousness of the “visual materials” themselves, this idea is also suggested by the moment of their insertion. As if by chance, it happened shortly after the start of the exercises of the Russian and Belarusian armies on the deployment of non-strategic nuclear weapons, which started on May 22, and against the backdrop of discussions in the West whether or not to allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to fire imported weapons deep into the territory of the Russian Federation.

apocalypse not today

As many commentators have correctly noted, there is no direct military sense for Kyiv itself to attack targets such as early warning systems: since the Nazis, fortunately, do not have intercontinental missiles, these radars do not interfere with them in any way, and their disabling will not improve the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front. But such attacks, if they were carried out in reality, could easily be interpreted as an attack on Russia’s strategic security, the nuclear response to which, in theory, should go straight to Washington and European capitals.

Gaps in the country's strategic shield, no matter who poked them and under what circumstances, would inevitably shift the balance of power towards hostile nuclear powers. And since even timid attempts at nuclear blackmail on the part of French President Macron caused a tough diplomatic rebuff, real attempts against Russian missile defense facilities would not have gone unanswered.

On the other hand, the Western coalition has absolutely no need for such “amateur activity” by the Zhovto-Blakit tent. If we talk about preparing the first strike, then it would be convenient for NATO to remove early warning systems in the northern or western direction, monitoring the hypothetical shortest missile routes to densely populated regions of Russia, from the game, but not in the south. In addition, given the current extremely deplorable state of US strategic forces, it is generally unlikely that the Pentagon is thinking about any preventive strikes.

In a word, if the attacks on Voronezh had been real, they would have brought nothing but the most serious consequences to the West. political costs: no one particularly wants to run into a nuclear ultimatum from the Kremlin. Meanwhile, it would have been unavoidable, even if in Ukraine there are no Western missiles capable of reaching early warning systems, and the declared strikes on strategic targets were allegedly carried out by “Ukrainian” weapons.

The “cunning plan” of Zelensky and company, which is to drag NATO into an open conflict against Russia, is no secret to anyone - moreover, the “allies” even tried to play along with him, purely in the form of a bluff, but quickly got burned and abandoned this undertakings. For example, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Stoltenberg said on May 27 that Western troops should not be “on the ground or in the sky” of Ukraine, since this is a direct path to World War III. Biden shares a similar opinion.

Strikes on Russian strategic targets may perhaps become the last attempt for the Kyiv regime to achieve its goal, the last and very risky one, since in case of failure Zelensky and his closest henchmen will not be killed personally. Therefore, there is an opinion that so far everything has been limited to informational stuffing, a kind of testing the reaction of both Moscow and (especially) Western “allies”, and the absence of this very reaction on both sides is very characteristic and serves as additional confirmation that “strikes on early warning systems” most likely they are fakes.
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  1. 24+
    28 May 2024 20: 39
    There are, indeed, no official comments on these two episodes, which is passed off as the notorious “hushing up of the problem.”

    There are plenty of precedents - the landing on Kyiv, and the cruiser Moscow, and the downed flight of helicopters, and the A-50, etc. and so on. Therefore, yes, indeed, many people think so.
    And the fact that the Ministry of Defense continues to remain silent only plays against it, forcing it to trust Western resources.

    “strikes on early warning systems” are most likely fakes

    The car burns. Don’t trust anyone, there is no official information and is not forthcoming, which means it’s fake. Logic didn’t even spend the night there....
  2. +1
    28 May 2024 20: 55
    I wonder if the damaged station will be restored? Its presence makes sense only in one single scenario for the start of a war - a massive launch of ballistic missiles by the enemy. But the successes of our air defense in recent years show that it is easily overcome by cruise missiles and the simplest UAVs when used on a massive scale. But a tactical nuclear charge does not weigh that much; most of the drones with which the Ukrainian Armed Forces attack our rear areas are quite capable of carrying them. So why would the enemy (now let’s talk about NATO) use ballistic missiles for a first strike, if it is much easier and more effective to use delivery vehicles that have already proven their effectiveness, and are also cheaper? And against them, our early warning radars are completely useless, just as they have no value at all in a conventional war (in principle, they are not capable of guiding missiles and aircraft, or giving target designation), they are not even able to track the targets attacking them. Alas, the billions spent on them seem to have been wasted.
    1. +3
      28 May 2024 21: 39
      So far there has been no information that UAVs can carry a nuclear charge. And cruise missiles capable of carrying it are tomahawks, which have subsonic speed and are quite effective in being shot down.

      Early warning systems are an integral part of a nuclear shield. And the massive launch of ballistic missiles during World War III is simply mandatory.

      With which I agree with the author that the station in Armavir covers the southern direction. And from there, launching intercontinental missiles is only possible from the Indian Ocean.
      1. +3
        29 May 2024 11: 02
        And from the Mediterranean Sea?
        1. 0
          29 May 2024 11: 25
          It’s possible from there, but it’s a bit small and cramped there for nuclear missile carriers. And the Armavir station seems to control the southern direction (Indian Ocean).
          Yes, and there are no missile submarines in the US 6th Fleet. It seems like there are 4 Virginia-class nuclear-powered boats. Although the composition can be changed quite quickly
          1. +2
            29 May 2024 11: 54
            The Armavir station seems to control the southern direction (Indian Ocean).

            It was she who detected the launch of two missiles by an American ship in the Mediterranean Sea in 2016 (https://www.kp.ru/daily/26127/3019773/).

            And there is sufficient depth there, you confused it with Azovsky.
            1. 0
              29 May 2024 12: 21
              It is clear that the Mediterranean is not the Sea of ​​Azov. But still, the US 6th Fleet (specifically in the Mediterranean Sea) currently does not have missile submarines. I repeat once again, transferring them is a matter of several days or at most a week.

              Your link says they were sounding rockets (possibly). Or target missiles for testing Israeli missile defense. And nothing is said about what media the launches were from.

              Over-the-horizon stations are designed to warn of a missile attack. Of course, they can detect a launch from the Mediterranean Sea. More details here

              The system consists of ground and space echelons. The mentioned objects in Armavir and Irkutsk are Voronezh-type radars with a target detection range of 6000 km. Two radar segments in Armavir control the area in the south and southwest - right up to the northern coast of Africa. The station near Irkutsk monitors the territory from the west coast of the United States to India. Early warning radars have formed a continuous radar field around Russia.

              What is the point of the comment about the Mediterranean Sea? I wrote that it is possible to record launches from the Mediterranean Sea. But so far there are no missile submarines there.
              1. +1
                29 May 2024 12: 29
                Your link says... And nothing is said about what media the launches were from.

                This was not cited to confirm the thesis about the presence of carriers, but to the fact that the Armavir station is not at all limited to the Indian Ocean. As we see, it also works in the Mediterranean Sea.
                1. -1
                  29 May 2024 12: 30
                  Does it fundamentally change anything?
                  1. +1
                    29 May 2024 12: 33
                    Don't know. If your phrase:

                    Quote: Bakht
                    And the Armavir station seems to control the southern direction (Indian Ocean).

                    was said not in principle, but just to fill a pause, then - no.
                    1. 0
                      29 May 2024 12: 34
                      Thanks for the clarification. I write short messages, not a detailed study. I consider the Indian Ocean a priority.
          2. +1
            29 May 2024 17: 36
            But there are French missile carriers. Which are quite based in Toulon. And about the small stuff - not a single modern nuclear submarine will fall to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. Unless it's in the shallows. And if she wants to surface. The average depth of the Mediterranean is 1,5 km, the greatest is more than 5.
        2. 0
          29 May 2024 16: 42
          From the Mediterranean Sea too??
    2. 0
      29 May 2024 05: 42
      No country has yet learned to fully defend itself against UAVs.
    3. +3
      29 May 2024 11: 00
      There is no doubt that a massive launch of cruise missiles will break through our air defense, but the fact that it will not be noticed is debatable. The missile launcher flies to the positional areas of silos and ground complexes - hours. And the Trident2 rocket takes minutes (5-7). She has a chance for a disarming blow. And if these launches are not detected from space or by over-the-horizon radars, then the probability of success of such a strike is almost one hundred percent.
    4. 0
      31 May 2024 06: 32
      And against them, our early warning radars are completely useless, just as they have no value at all in a conventional war (in principle, they are not capable of guiding missiles and aircraft, or giving target designation), they are not even able to track the targets attacking them. Alas, the billions spent on them seem to have been wasted.

      UAZ 452, you made a strange conclusion. Give as an argument attack systems for (against) which early warning systems were not created and conclude that they are useless. Unsophisticated readers may believe you!
      Be afraid of words - they are weapons.
  3. 16+
    28 May 2024 21: 17
    One thing that is truly surprising in the third year of the war is the public's willingness to accept the statements of hostile mouthpieces on faith.

    The fact of the matter is that our generals from the Ministry of Defense, as well as the official media during the 2 years of the war, stood on a par with cheap Kyiv propagandists, because their “soldiers are provided with everything,” and the people and volunteers are always collecting for the most necessary, “everything.” the targets were hit,” but for the crests everything worked as it should, “all attacks were repulsed,” but equipment and infrastructure facilities are constantly being hit and the civilian population is dying. Konashenkov, who hits hundreds, or even thousands of enemies every day, causes a gag reflex, how does he count them, walk around the field and count? There is no more information at all about our losses other than the figure of 500 people in the first month of the war (or SVO, everyone is already confused), and they, apparently, are huge. This was obvious from the very beginning, if you constantly lie and hush up, then people will look for information in other places, it is possible that in the enemy camp, but no, the generals know better, they continue to live in the country of beautiful reports. “You can’t make mistakes, you can’t lie” is just a beautiful phrase for now, as long as the principle “the people are stupid, and we are the highest caste - we can do anything” applies.
    1. +3
      29 May 2024 03: 34
      One thing that is truly surprising in the third year of the war is the public's willingness to accept the statements of hostile mouthpieces on faith.

      Last night I listened to the speech of our GDP. He confirmed the damage to the Voronezh-DM radar.

      The fact of the matter is that our generals from the Ministry of Defense, as well as the official media during the 2 years of the war, stood on a par with cheap Kyiv propagandists, because their “soldiers are provided with everything,” and the people and volunteers are always collecting for the most necessary, “everything.” the targets were hit,” but for the crests everything worked as it should, “all attacks were repulsed,” but equipment and infrastructure facilities are constantly being hit and the civilian population is dying. Konashenkov, who hits hundreds, or even thousands of enemies every day, causes a gag reflex, how does he count them, walk around the field and count?(!) - The other day the Duma discussed the issue of using civilian medical facilities. The Duma speaker let it slip - ALL military hospitals are overcrowded There is no more information at all about our losses other than the figure of 500 people in the first month of the war (or SVO, everyone is already confused), and they, apparently, are huge Right. This was obvious from the very beginning, if you constantly lie and hush up, then people will look for information in other places, it is possible that in the enemy camp, but no, the generals know better, they continue to live in the country of beautiful reports. “You can’t make mistakes, you can’t lie” is just a beautiful phrase for now, as long as the principle “the people are stupid, and we are the highest caste - we can do anything”
  4. 0
    28 May 2024 21: 31
    In general, the media themselves caused panic, and now they themselves are calming everyone down.
    Well, they blame everything on others, the stump is clear.
  5. 13+
    28 May 2024 21: 35
    Another article was quacked. Everything is fine with us, beautiful marquise! But if there are no hits, let the Ministry of Defense show the photo and video officially and close this topic, so no, shut up... so you have to get information from the enemy.
  6. 0
    28 May 2024 23: 14
    I remember in the movie "Mindhunters" the cunning maniac was obsessed with time. Hence the question: “Doomsday Clock” after the strike on the strategic radar and such a strong information surge here, but in the West they didn’t move the second hand? And if they haven’t moved it, it means something is wrong here. Perhaps someone should think about why this American fear indicator has not moved?
  7. +1
    28 May 2024 23: 47
    Very correct article! No panicky moods! Everything is wonderful with us! We are winning on all fronts! The enemy is running! Hip hip hooray!!
  8. +5
    29 May 2024 03: 00
    One thing that is truly surprising in the third year of the war is the public's willingness to accept the statements of hostile mouthpieces on faith. This is especially surprising given the fact that everyone knows perfectly well how much the Kiev regime relies on propaganda and does not hesitate to lie to foreign “allies” and even to itself, not to mention its enemies. It would seem that any victory should automatically raise doubts about its reliability - but no.

    Relying on information from Kremlin paid broadcasters is a different matter. According to their information, we live in such a way that the oligarchs of Switzerland are crying with envy and not only them. The whole world is jealous with black envy. But what is actually happening is a big bourgeois secret.
  9. +1
    29 May 2024 08: 24
    What is the reaction to, other than grumbling at the UN, which no one cares about?
  10. 0
    29 May 2024 09: 00
    Probably because we still have it.
  11. +3
    29 May 2024 10: 45
    The situation is resonant and requires a certain response. If this is the case, then you need to respond accordingly, and not hide your head in the sand. If this is a ukrofake, then what are the problems - make a documented refutation.
  12. +6
    29 May 2024 13: 18
    Why this article? Everyone knows that the station is damaged and long and expensive repairs await. If you bury your head in the sand like an ostrich, you can get hit in the butt by such assholes... You need to react to mistakes and negligence, correct them, and not blow the pseudo-patriotic trumpet.
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. +2
    29 May 2024 20: 09
    One thing that is truly surprising in the third year of the war is the public's willingness to accept the statements of hostile mouthpieces on faith.

    No, those who take such articles on faith are sincerely surprised... winked
    1. 0
      29 May 2024 20: 58
      Oh, talk to 58 negative
      1. +1
        30 May 2024 16: 57
        winked Our answer to Chamberlain:
        1. The comment was deleted.
  15. 0
    29 May 2024 20: 27
    Quote from Pembo
    There is no doubt that a massive launch of cruise missiles will break through our air defense, but the fact that it will not be noticed is debatable. The missile launcher flies to the positional areas of silos and ground complexes - hours. And the Trident2 rocket takes minutes (5-7). She has a chance for a disarming blow. And if these launches are not detected from space or by over-the-horizon radars, then the probability of success of such a strike is almost one hundred percent.

    Actually, an ICBM flies from North America to Europe in ~30 minutes
    1. 0
      29 May 2024 21: 05
      If from the Mediterranean along a flat trajectory... True, the range drops significantly... 1850 km in about 7 minutes.
  16. +2
    30 May 2024 09: 18
    It looks like the Moscow Region is trying to hide its next failure - they say nothing happened. Therefore, you can do nothing.
  17. -1
    31 May 2024 16: 04
    In general, it is not clear what kind of damage to the stations we are talking about? If these stations have dimensions of hundreds of square meters, and consist of hundreds of repeating elements of the same type, and the failure of some of them does not, in general, reduce the performance of the entire station?
  18. 0
    2 June 2024 04: 55
    Everything is calm in Voronezh: why there is no reaction to Ukrainian attacks on strategic radars

    Apparently, this is the supreme plan - no matter what happens, draw red circles. That's the plan.
  19. 0
    4 June 2024 13: 00
    It would be convenient for NATO to remove early warning systems in the northern or western direction from the game, monitoring the hypothetical shortest missile routes to densely populated regions of Russia,

    If this continues, they will reach the northern and western directions. For now, they will try out those objects that they can reach.

    The alarm is being sounded not only by anonymous military bloggers, but also by quite titled people, including the ex-head of Roscosmos Rogozin and the former Vice President of the Russian Federation Rutsky, a retired aviation major general.

    The author probably knows that the above-mentioned people would not sound the alarm out of nowhere. Unlike him, they have reliable and reliable sources of information. And the fact that they talk about it, unlike many others, does them credit. They understand that hushing up shameful failures and unnecessary and unacceptable losses will not lead to anything good. Historical experience has repeatedly proven this to us. The truth must be told, no matter how unpleasant or bitter it may be.