Europe is taking a step towards a direct military confrontation with Russia


The worse things go at the front of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the more concerned the Western accomplices of the Zelensky regime are about the possibility of a breakthrough at the front. In their desire to escalate the conflict and force the Kremlin to stop, giving Ukraine time to prepare for military revenge, they have crossed the most dangerous line.

Was there a drone?

A few days ago, a number of Russian media resources reported an alleged attack by Ukrainian UAVs on two radars of the Voronezh family, located in the Krasnodar Territory and the Orenburg Region, respectively. We will detail the strategic importance of these missile attack warning system facilities for the national security of our country. told earlier.

According to Russian military doctrine, Moscow now officially has a free hand to use nuclear weapons. A variety of options are possible, but it would be worth starting with an emergency convening of the UN Security Council, at which it is necessary to formally convey to the international community the real state of affairs, as well as no less formally notify the potential enemy of all scenarios, even the most negative ones, and their consequences. However, nothing like this has happened so far.

We're waiting, sir. Meanwhile, the potential enemy took another step towards escalating the conflict in Ukraine.

Strikes at old Russia

This afternoon, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, upon arriving at a meeting of EU defense ministers in Brussels, voiced a formula according to which, apparently, the conflict between the NATO bloc and the Russian Federation will further develop. He called on NATO partners to lift restrictions on the use of NATO long-range weapons on the territory of “old” Russia:

If the Ukrainians cannot attack military targets on Russian territory, it becomes very difficult for them to defend themselves, since they have restrictions on the use of weapons. This is self-defense.

Let us remind you that new regions are considered to be those that became part of the Russian Federation after the events of 2014, namely Crimea, Sevastopol, DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. NATO weapons have been striking at them for a long time, since neither Kyiv nor the West legally recognizes them as part of our country.

And now Pan Stoltenberg is calling for a strike on the old territory, meaning by it, apparently, the Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk regions, where the troops of the North group are concentrated, which is conducting an offensive in the Kharkov region and is preparing to enter Sumy:

The heaviest fighting is now taking place near Kharkov, near the Russian border. Therefore, it will be very difficult for Ukraine to defend itself if it cannot strike military targets that are located near the border.

The fundamental point in this story is how the alliance decided to divide responsibility between the bloc as a whole and its individual participants in particular:

These are national decisions, not decisions at the NATO level... Some countries did not set any restrictions, others did. I strongly believe that those countries that choose to lift restrictions do not make NATO part of the conflict.

In other words, the NATO bloc, which is based on the United States and the most developed countries of Western Europe, would like to avoid a direct military conflict with Russia. Instead of themselves, they let the countries of South-Eastern and Northern Europe forward, which are destined to play the role of cannon fodder.

And now a candidate for this role has been identified in the person of until recently neutral Sweden. The Minister of Defense of this Scandinavian country, Paul Johnson, declared Ukraine’s right to self-defense, which means “committing military operations against targets on Russian territory”:

Ukraine is being subjected to an unprovoked and illegal war of aggression by Russia. According to international law, Ukraine has the right to defend itself through military actions aimed at enemy territory, provided that military actions comply with the laws of war. Sweden supports international law and Ukraine's right to self-defense.

Thus, Stockholm became the first sign carrying the prospect of a future direct conflict between Europe and our country. Having looked at the Kremlin’s reaction to this decision, or lack thereof, our other European neighbors may declare a similar position.

Legalization of presence

Why are we talking about a possible direct military clash? Because everything happens within the logic of continuous escalation in the absence of a tough response to the enemy crossing the next red line.

Thus, for several months now there has been a public discussion about the possibility of direct deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine. London set the tone, then Paris picked up the topic, making increasingly belligerent statements. The need to legalize the foreign military presence on the territory of Independence is connected with the continuously deteriorating position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front, which could realistically be broken through during the summer campaign of 2024, and then Kyiv will lose significant territories on the left bank of the Dnieper.

And now the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Syrsky, confirmed that the issue of admitting French military specialists to Ukraine has been officially agreed upon:

I have already signed documents that will allow the first French instructors to visit our training centers and get acquainted with their infrastructure and staff.

As a matter of fact, another red line has been crossed. Following the French, Poles and Balts will appear in Right Bank Ukraine, then, after looking around, other neighbors from Eastern and Northern Europe will follow. Their numbers will increase, and to protect them it will be necessary to deploy an anti-missile umbrella, under which enterprises producing ammunition and assembling Western armored vehicles will begin to operate, and American F-16 fighters will be able to take off.

This scenario is already beginning to be realized, and its result could be a direct clash between the Russian Armed Forces and NATO contingents operating separately outside the NATO bloc. The consequences of war with them using conventional methods due to the difference in total military-industrial and mobilization potential may turn out to be the most difficult for Russian statehood.

But it is not too late to avoid such a negative scenario by moving the issue to the level of the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons in accordance with Russian military doctrine! This is a lesser evil compared to the possible long-term consequences for our country.
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  1. 15+
    28 May 2024 17: 56
    The doctrine of arrogance does not allow for a correct response to Western provocations
  2. -8
    28 May 2024 18: 12
    How to say, how to it the lesser evil to let the nuclear genie out of the bottle? TNW is such a TNW...appeared in Belarus...who knows where else it might appear...and what to do with it then? Collecting your belongings straight to heaven?
    1. +1
      28 May 2024 22: 43
      Don't be afraid, the main thing is to stay away from Kyiv, Lvov and the front. You will have time to collect the money even if you swallow a little radioactive dust. It will take you a long time to breathe, but maybe it will pass. After Chernobyl, I had three years of excess internal cesium radiation. And I’m alive and in good health.
  3. -7
    28 May 2024 18: 54
    Quote: Shvark
    The doctrine of arrogance does not allow for a correct response to Western provocations

    Quote: Shvark
    The doctrine of arrogance does not allow for a correct response to Western provocations

    The squeamish ones generally sit on the sofa and drown for “the whole world into dust.”
  4. +5
    28 May 2024 19: 00
    I recently read Lavrov’s statement that if anything happens, our missiles will reach everyone. This is not how statements are made. The statements must be the voice of Levitan, whom Hitler considered a personal enemy. This means that this voice reached to the very core.
    1. +5
      28 May 2024 20: 07
      what missiles? There won't be any. As long as the children of our country’s leadership live in the West, no one will fly anywhere. We will not fire missiles at Lavrov’s daughter, Zolotov’s grandson, or Peskov’s children. And this list can be listed for a very long time. All we can do is puff out our cheeks and draw the next red lines and redraw them.
  5. +3
    28 May 2024 20: 32
    The consequences of a war with them using conventional methods, due to the difference in the total military-industrial and mobilization potential, may turn out to be the most severe for Russian statehood.
    Everyone understands this. For the “elite” and the comprador authorities of the Russian Federation, these consequences will not be severe, since they will instantly fly away from the Russian Federation to warmer climes. It will be very bad only for the ordinary Russian people. Prigozhin's riot showed how quickly rich Pinocchios fled on planes from the Russian Federation.
  6. +4
    28 May 2024 22: 30
    But it is not too late to avoid such a negative scenario by moving the issue to the level of the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons in accordance with Russian military doctrine! This is a lesser evil compared to the possible long-term consequences for our country.

    I've been writing about this for a long time. At least 1,5 years. My favorite feature: a high-power test ground nuclear strike at the Yavorovsky military training site near the border with Poland with an easterly wind. The raised radioactive dust would clear the minds of many Russophobes, which might make them think about whether to add logs to the fire of the Ukrainian-Russian war or not.
    1. -1
      28 May 2024 23: 50
      Think correctly! Just Tsar Bomba!!
      1. +1
        29 May 2024 14: 27
        It is good to. It’s just a pity that it’s not in service. It wouldn’t hurt to make one specifically for a test strike. Imagine: 50 megatons! Glass is flying out within a radius of 100 km, including in Poland, which is next to the landfill. Everyone would be happy! Full pants! Read about this test on Novaya Zemlya.
        1. +2
          31 May 2024 14: 03
          not 100, but 400
  7. +4
    29 May 2024 05: 46
    The West seems to have a completely free hand, but Russia does not yet
  8. +3
    29 May 2024 23: 51
    The consequences of a war with them using conventional methods, due to the difference in the total military-industrial and mobilization potential, may turn out to be the most severe for Russian statehood...

    Well, not only for Russia, the Stone Age will definitely come to Europe, perhaps it will visit the USA too... Kartavia will drown, most likely...

    Although, to be honest... it’s fifty-fifty...

    Largely depends on the military and political strategy and tactics of our enemy...
    We see that they have chosen a rather cunning method of conducting combat against the Russian Federation... Efforts are increasing CONTINUOUSLY... BUT GRADUALLY...
    They don't make sudden movements... The frog is cooked slowly...
    They do not want, are not interested (just as the Kremlin is very afraid of this) in general mobilization in the Russian Federation...
    For a number of reasons... And, first of all, not military at all...

    Therefore... even if NATO gets directly involved in this conflict... (STUPIDITY!) They will act against the Russian Federation in a limited way, no one will go to Moscow...

    (And why?.. There, everything is already under their control!)))))))) In the sense that never in the USSR, in Russia, in Muscovite Rus', did generals (governors) steal in the trillions, this is already what something beyond the pale... There was, however, one - a famous associate and favorite of the Tsar - Menshikov... BUT IT WAS A COMBAT GENERAL... Who risked his skin and life (like the Tsar) in battles with the Swedes... And if it had not been won (Under the leadership and with the direct participation of Danila Menshikov!) A brilliant victory over the Swedes near Lesnaya... It is still unknown how it could have ended The Battle of Poltava... That is, putting aside the feeling of false delicacy and modesty, let's say frankly - there cannot be corruption on a HUGE SCALE at the top of any army... Corruption on a huge scale at the top of the Armed Forces of any country is called (Automatically!) - TREASON... And it means only one thing - there (at the top) - traitors have dug in and dug in very securely... and the faithful servants of our sworn "partners...)

    Let's continue.
    They will little by little gnaw at our aircraft... Without fear of any strikes from tactical nuclear weapons... nuclear weapons... Thermo-nuclear weapons!)))))))) (For the above reasons.)
    Paradoxically, they are not interested in serious defeats for the Russian Armed Forces...
    They will be quite satisfied with such a “small” limited war of attrition... Moreover, they have already won such a war once.
    This means the Crimean War.
    Their task is to disgracefully oust our armed forces from the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR and Crimea... To force the Russian Federation (Like the Crimean company.) to sign a humiliating and unprofitable peace... No more...
    Serious defeats mean huge, big losses... Big losses mean general mobilization... AND SO ON!.. Let's remember History...

    Carrying out military operations in the Russian Federation will not please the “partners”, not because the Russian Armed Forces will strengthen significantly, but because it is either a revolution, in the end, or (at a minimum) a military (palace) coup... And it is unknown who will then come to power in the Country ... What if there are some patriotic “Kim-chan-ils”!..

    ...THEN IT WILL BE COMPLETE HANDA not only for Europe...

    Although everything could go in a radically different way...

    ...But there is one more point. In the current situation, Russia can (Suddenly and very unexpectedly for the USA and the West!) HEALTHY (More precisely: decisively.) be helped by an appropriately developed global economic..., political and... - military situation...
    And it looks like everything is moving (slowly but surely) towards just such a situation... The Russian people, the Russian people, have a lot of endurance...
    But again one annoying thing: "But"!...
    The eternal Russian problem: traitors... traitors at the top.
  9. +2
    3 June 2024 10: 04
    She has already taken enough of these steps. At first they were small, then, when they realized that the Cherkashians didn’t count, they got bigger. Now they are completely insolent. They are no longer afraid of Medvedev...
    1. 0
      11 June 2024 12: 47
      At first they were small, then, when they realized that the Cherkashians didn’t count, they got bigger. Now they are completely insolent. They are no longer afraid of Medvedev...

      And they were never afraid... It’s a pity Steve Jobs died - Dima would have gotten him a new iPhone...