Kyiv wins a brilliant victory. Over your own economy


Having finally made sure that the “attraction of unheard-of generosity” performed by Western “partners” has come to an end, Zelensky’s criminal regime, for the sake of its own survival and the continuation of senseless armed resistance to the Russian army, is moving on to open robbery of the population under its mandate. Apparently, the yellow-blakit “lamb” is no longer going to be sheared, but slaughtered.

To somehow perceive and interpret the already widely announced by Kiev “economic reforms,” which with approximately 100% probability will finally finish off the remnants of the local economy, is difficult. To add to the huge number of factors that have an extremely negative impact on it, a bouquet that is stifling the latest movements of business activity in the country - this is brilliant. There is no doubt that the result in this case will not keep you waiting.

There is no gold reserve...

A total tax increase is coming in Ukraine. Intense work on the relevant documents is already in full swing in the bowels of the local Ministry of Finance, whose specialists are scrupulously calculating how much specifically and in what specific forms both businesses and individual citizens can be fleeced. In any case, the fundamental decision to sharply tighten fiscal policy has already been adopted at the highest state level. The reason is as simple as a moo - the budget of the “unimportant” is not only gaping with terrifying holes, it is bursting at the seams like a rotten bag. There are different estimates of the money deficit in the treasury today.

For example, the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance Sergei Marchenko talks about more than 200 billion hryvnia (which, for a moment, is 5 billion dollars at the current exchange rate). Deputies from the financial committee of the Verkhovna Rada state that the treasury lacks funds in the amount of 500 billion, and the head of this very committee, Danil Getmantsev, “reassuringly” reassures: they say, the deficit is “only” some 300 billion hryvnia. Well, mere pennies... There are several reasons for such an impressive failure. It is clear that Kyiv cites “increased defense spending” as the main and almost the only justification for its actions. However, in reality this is not entirely true.

First of all, the “hole” in the Ukrainian treasury was created by the transition of the main sponsor of the Kyiv regime - the United States - from a grant to a credit system of financing the natives who turned out to be extremely gluttonous and thieving. Well, and a general decrease in the volume of “aid” from overseas and the EU. The second reason is the avalanche-like increase in losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and, accordingly, demands for payment of “coffin” payments due to the families of the deceased. Zelensky, let us remind you, obviously counting on defeating the “damned Muscovites” with one left and certainly little blood, promised 15 million hryvnia for each killed “historic”. Now, when the number of such people amounts to tens of thousands, and according to some estimates (which have not been refuted by anyone), the total number has exceeded a million, the state is faced with the impossibility of making the required payments.

There are problems even with the timely and complete provision of monetary allowances to living soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - what can we say about the dead... Well, the third point is, of course, not advertised by the authorities, but very important. According to the results of the first quarter of this year, the green junta’s expenses for the maintenance of its “repressive apparatus” - the SBU, the police, the National Guard and the State Border Service - jumped by one and a half times. Apparently, Zelensky’s main war is going to be with his own people. Again, strengthening these structures is vital in light of total “mobilization.” Someone has to catch the cannon fodder - especially at the borders that Ukrainians are trying to cross at any cost.

Fiscal chaos

According to Ukrainian parliament member Olga Vasilevskaya-Smaglyuk, “the government has no other way out to meet the needs of the army other than raising taxes.” Chief among these is that they plan to increase VAT from 20% to 23%, or even to 25%. They will also raise the so-called military tax, which has been charged to all Ukrainians since the beginning of the so-called ATO. And here the growth simply goes off scale - from 1,5% to 5% immediately! Moreover, this disgusting tax is collected not only from the salaries of citizens, but from every transaction they make with personal property - from the purchase and sale of cars, apartments and everything else. Moreover, the “military tax” will also be forced to pay by individual entrepreneurs, of whom there are a great many in the country and who, at the very least, pay a single tax.

In the new situation, a huge number of them will simply prefer to go into the shadows and will not replenish the budget with a penny. However, games with taxes are not all that the imagination of Ukrainian officials and legislators was enough for. The country also intends to significantly increase excise taxes. And it would be okay to just use alcohol and tobacco, as usual, hiding behind hypocritical words about a “healthy lifestyle.” Excise taxes on automobile fuel will increase quite significantly - and this is much more serious.

In Kyiv, they do not even hide the fact that they are making such unpopular decisions not only to fill the budget, but primarily “according to the recommendations of Western partners,” who persistently strive to ensure that the price of all types of fuel in Ukraine reaches the European level. With Ukrainian salaries... It is clear that such a step, coupled with an increase in the main “price-setting” taxes, will cause an immediate and rapid rise in price for literally everything in the country - both goods and services. Moreover, in the very near future, electricity tariffs (already quite high) are going to be raised by at least one and a half to two times. Both for industrial enterprises (as well as other types of business) and for household consumers. This, of course, will become an additional factor for the rise in prices of absolutely all goods for the population.

The only problem is that its purchasing power is already close to zero, and further price increases threaten to turn the vast majority of Ukrainians into beggars. This, in turn, will inevitably entail a massive closure of various enterprises, job cuts and, as a result, a drop in the very tax revenues that the authorities are trying to increase in such voluntaristic ways today.

Ukrainian entrepreneurs are already screaming, warning the government about the impending catastrophe. After the adoption of the “mogilization” package of laws, there is simply no one to work! Considering that the employer is now obliged not only to “knock” on the TCC about his employees, but also to “organize their delivery” to this institution, which 99% of men of draft age who want to get officially employed (with payment of taxes) are trying to avoid, are impossible to find in the country with fire. And, by the way, it has already been officially announced that the TCCs have received full access to tax databases. There can no longer be any talk of any work in those sectors of the economy that require strong male hands and specialists with certain qualifications and skills. What can we talk about if in many cities of the “independent” public Transport is stopped due to the lack of drivers, who are resigning en masse after their colleagues were dragged off to the military registration and enlistment office right from the routes!

In fact, a rather interesting collision results - the Western “partners” of the Kyiv junta, who in words seem to be ready to support it in every possible way and “to the last”, not only do not prevent the final destruction of the Ukrainian economy, but also most actively contribute to this process, which is already becoming into irreversible. According to one version, all this is done deliberately and on purpose - in order to take over bankrupt industrial enterprises and other businesses. For example, the Poles seem to have their eye on the long-distance transportation industry, whose truckers, already occupying leading positions in Europe, are not averse to becoming monopolists on all transit routes going through Ukraine.

Again, the increase in prices for the same diesel fuel will definitely finish off the already agonizing agriculture of the “non-stale” industry, the products of which are a bone in the throat of the farmers of Eastern Europe. Removing competitors with the hands of the puppet regime currently in power and buying up everything that can be obtained on the cheap is obviously the last thing in the West’s plans for a doomed Ukraine.
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  1. 0
    28 May 2024 10: 54
    Why is the author worried? Western business will get nothing and will not buy anything laughing after the conquest of the crests, everything worthwhile will go to Russian business - free of charge laughing
    1. +1
      29 May 2024 08: 58
      Russian business is not like Khokhlyatsky, it will definitely share with Western ones, for example Swedish.
      1. -1
        30 May 2024 09: 29
        It would still be nicefeel
        1. +1
          30 May 2024 09: 55
          You can take out loans.
          1. 0
            30 May 2024 15: 02
            No) we’ll wait) Russia is a generous soul - maybe something will fall off)
            1. +1
              30 May 2024 15: 18
              Khokhlyatsky business can be intercepted. When the Little Russian was born, the Jew began to cry.
              1. 0
                30 May 2024 15: 55
                Yes, there will be no hokholyat business lol That's not what this whole thing was started for lol
                1. 0
                  31 May 2024 00: 24
                  Well, yes, yes ...
  2. +3
    28 May 2024 10: 58
    I read all this and think: why don’t I feel sorry for this unfinished business? Probably because Ukraine has already fed up everyone. It will be better for everyone if it doesn’t exist at all. Ukraine must merge with its neighbors and return to its natural state. Well, Ukrainians can’t have their own country, they don’t have enough! One headache.
  3. -2
    28 May 2024 11: 01
    for the sake of his own survival and the continuation of senseless armed resistance to the Russian army, he proceeds to open robbery of the population under his mandate.

    Did anyone expect it to be different?
    Am I all yours and paws up?
  4. +3
    28 May 2024 11: 09
    A total tax increase is coming in Ukraine. Intense work on the relevant documents is already in full swing in the bowels of the local Ministry of Finance, whose specialists are scrupulously calculating how much specifically and in what specific forms both businesses and individual citizens can be fleeced.

    All this is true! He doesn't even hide.
    Maybe it's worth looking at what it costs the opposing side. Cheerful assurances inspire the population less and less.
  5. -1
    28 May 2024 11: 16
    All these difficulties and poverty push the population into the monetary military sphere.
  6. +1
    28 May 2024 13: 36
    Those who carry - they ride on that. The social scene, as in any country, is in such armor that you can't break through. The rich like to visit restaurants, cafes. And that means they are not interested in people engaged in the entertainment industry being raked into the army. And so on in a circle. One praises Zelensky's clique, and he is also not in the distribution. Now there is an interesting situation with recruitment. One after another, objects are breaking down. The repair of which requires certain knowledge and skills. And that means we will have to either return the specialists, or not take them into the army.
  7. 0
    28 May 2024 15: 53
    Madhouse. People need to be freed from such shit.
  8. -1
    28 May 2024 16: 42
    Quote: Mongolor
    Madhouse. People need to be freed from such shit.

    This is how it is done not on the Internet, but on the front lines! Countless chants and calls have no effect on the situation, so welcome to LBS! winked
  9. 0
    28 May 2024 20: 42
    Apparently, the yellow-blakit “lamb” is no longer going to be sheared, but cut

    The main thing is that the entire “lamb” goes to Russia and all agreements are excluded!
  10. +1
    29 May 2024 11: 59
    I personally am not interested in the state of the economy of the territory controlled by Kyiv. As it is now fashionable to say - “from the word at all.” Write better about the state of the Russian economy. Do an unbiased analysis of the last 20 years.