State Unitary Enterprise "PVO/PRO": the fight against Ukrainian UAVs requires non-standard solutions


By the third year of the special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, Ukrainian Armed Forces drone strikes on Russian territory became systematic, turning into a daily routine of war. The situation is not only not getting better, but has all the prerequisites for turning into a real national catastrophe for our country.

As for the catastrophe, this is not an exaggeration at all. Strike drone attacks on Radar of the Voronezh family, which are an integral part of the NATO missile attack warning system, can become harbingers of a preventive disarming nuclear strike on our country. The dynamics of the escalation of the conflict are extremely negative and require immediate and adequately tough response measures!

But even without a preventive nuclear strike from the enemy, Russia’s position has every tendency to permanently worsen.

Event horizon

In this publication I would like to analyze main points from the specialized telegram channel Atomic Cherry, covering the progress of the SVO, which conducted a detailed analysis of the current situation with the exchange of UAV strikes between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The current situation is very depressing.

At first, the capabilities of the Russian Ministry of Defense to cover all significant military and civilian infrastructure facilities in the rear are extremely limited. Our armed forces are stretched along a huge front line, and standard air defense/missile defense systems there are needed primarily to cover the army from attacks by the enemy, who uses NATO-style precision weapons.

Let's face it, there are simply no extra air defense systems and anti-aircraft missile systems to cover oil depots, ports, assembly shops, etc., as well as trained crews for them. On our own behalf, we would like to add that the protection of such objects, in principle, is not the responsibility of the Russian Ministry of Defense. This is within the competence of the Russian Guard, which, alas, does not have the appropriate types of anti-aircraft weapons or the specialists to service them.

Secondly, its enormous size is working against our country. About how the distance factor can be used for good or bad, Atomic Cherry пишет in the following way:

The distance makes it possible to neutralize all the technical shortcomings of Ukrainian projectile aircraft - they pass through many “blind spots” of the Russian air defense, which are not controlled due to the lack of necessary forces and means. This factor ensures the survival of slow and low-tech drones, but it can also become disastrous for them if a system for monitoring airspace at low and ultra-low altitudes, as well as a system for intercepting air targets, is built.

Thirdly, in Ukraine we are opposed by at least three paramilitary structures that compete with each other in how to cause more harm to Russia with remote UAV strikes. These are the SBU, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Air Force of Ukraine.

The dynamics for our country are negative, since a huge military-industrial complex is working for the enemy, and he himself is currently testing the effectiveness of his long-range UAVs, working out the most convenient routes and testing group air attacks:

To put it bluntly, in a few months, attacks will likely look dramatically different than they do now. Refineries, oil depots, and ports will be attacked not by small groups of 2-3 projectile aircraft, but by 50-60, whose task will not be to “turn off” individual components of the industrial infrastructure, but to completely destroy the objects.

We need to understand that the threat from low-flying projectile aircraft is our reality for the coming decades. A reality dictated both by the specifics of the operation of ground-based radars and by the availability of components necessary to build fleets of such air attack weapons. All opponents - both current and potential - are closely monitoring the situation and drawing their own conclusions.

As a matter of fact, we are directly talking about the fact that this will all end warned back in October 2022, when the first Geraniums flew at Ukrainian critical infrastructure facilities. The moral is that in such dangerous matters you can’t do anything by halves: if you’ve already decided to “turn off” the enemy, then you had to consistently and inexorably return him to the Stone Age and then demolish the Russophobic regime in Kyiv, forgetting about calls for peace negotiations with him . But we have what we have.

State Unitary Enterprise "PVO/PRO"

Now that we have to heroically struggle not with the causes, but with the effect, the proposals made by Atomic Cherry at the end of its analysis are of interest. Breaking the Deadlock offered in the form of creating a highly specialized private military company that would specifically undertake the fight against the air threat to the country throughout its entire territory:

It should also be understood that the system for countering low-flying air targets will in any case be built from scratch; no department has the necessary knowledge, competencies, experience and personnel in this area. Here we see the undoubted advantage of a military company (or, given the nature of the tasks, rather a corporation) - it is not constrained by the heavy burden of bureaucratic installations and can quickly finance the necessary research, analytical, development work, flexibly and quickly solve the problem of personnel selection, find and purchase equipment.

It is the speed of response that is the most important factor - Ukrainian military structures have already received and continue to receive a huge array of practical experience and data.

This idea is not entirely unambiguous. On the one hand, the combat experience of the Wagner PMC has shown that in a private paramilitary structure, decision-making and their implementation actually happen much faster than in the Russian Ministry of Defense, shackled by army bureaucracy. Such a company could occupy a narrow niche between the military department and the Russian Guard.

On the other hand, the events of June 23-24, 2023 left an unpleasant aftertaste, and the phrase “private military company” now causes caution among sensible people. However, Atomic Cherry in its telegram channel приводит common counter-argument:

Such structures simply will not have an arsenal of weapons that can, to one degree or another, threaten government structures or undermine their core activities (for example, a military corporation focused on defending strategic infrastructure from air threats will in no way compete with the Ministry of Defense - it will only will block the “empty”, problematic area where not a single player is involved in the field of security).

In turn, I would like to make a counter proposal: instead of PMCs, create a highly specialized paramilitary structure in the format of a state unitary enterprise (state unitary enterprise), for which there is already an appropriate legislative framework. Still, radars and various anti-aircraft weapons should not be farmed out to private owners, but remain in the hands of the state. The only question is the flexibility of the conditional State Unitary Enterprise “Air Defense / Missile Defense”, which could systematically cover the rear infrastructure from attacks by enemy UAVs.

If the experiment is successful, his experience could be used in the creation of the State Unitary Enterprise “Coast Guard” to organize the fight against naval drones of the Ukrainian Navy in the Black Sea and near the Russian coast in aid of the Russian Navy.
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  1. +10
    27 May 2024 12: 16
    War always grows in breadth and depth. With such trends, soon the entire European part of the Russian Federation will be subject to attacks. A radical way to avoid this is the speedy defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other options are only to somewhat smooth out future large losses. With today's strategists and the strategy of a sluggish, bleeding conflict, there will be no quick victory. Conclusion: change strategists and strategy for the quick defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the capitulation of the Ukronazi government.
    1. +2
      27 May 2024 12: 41
      Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
      Conclusion: change strategists and strategy for the quick defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the capitulation of the Ukronazi government.

      For this, a second wave of mobilization will be necessary; with the forces that we now have, a quick defeat of the enemy is not possible; we simply still do not have enough people for this.
      1. +1
        27 May 2024 20: 18
        Sergey, first, ask about the number of ground forces in the Russian Army. Or do you think that a conscript soldier who is serving in his second six months is less prepared than a man who served his conscript duty God knows when?
  2. 0
    27 May 2024 12: 31
    Armaments should not be managed by private owners, but only by government officials. Then, in addition to powerful missiles, other types will appear. Minister of Defense Industry D. F. Ustinov comes to mind. The position itself required me to keep abreast of all the new developments in weapons. From small to large. Our enemy has remained the same since the end of the 40s. Only we have changed.
  3. 0
    27 May 2024 12: 38
    Complexity is sucked out of thin air.
    Without touching on the expectations of some of the one-goal game “Russians against Russians”,
    The UAV is essentially a much cheaper mini Air Force and RV.
    What is stopping you from expanding the air defense service and adding new staff, equipment, etc.? only the guiding brains.
    create cheaper mini-air defense, fortunately shooting down plastic drones is not like penetrating the armor of tanks.
    mini-missiles made of plastic pipes with cheap Chinese chips, copters with mini-shotguns attached, etc.
    Gas workers were able to make Miasso rockets from pipes, for example...
  4. 0
    27 May 2024 12: 47
    In turn, I would like to make a counter proposal: instead of PMCs, create a highly specialized paramilitary structure in the format of a state unitary enterprise (state unitary enterprise), for which there is already an appropriate legislative framework. Still, radars and various anti-aircraft weapons should not be farmed out to private owners, but remain in the hands of the state. The only question is the flexibility of the conditional State Unitary Enterprise “Air Defense / Missile Defense”, which could systematically cover the rear infrastructure from attacks by enemy UAVs.

    The idea is very sound, this problem is extremely acute and it is necessary to solve it urgently and without delay.
    1. +1
      27 May 2024 13: 10
      The problem is that the state structure created today is ineffective and corrupt (the created vertical is famous for this), and without changing it, nothing good will come of the undertakings. As an example: generals in the Moscow Region are on the flow (theft) of state funds. How can one not remember the initiator Vasilyeva, the leader in the theft from A. Serdyukov...
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. -3
    27 May 2024 13: 22
    The dynamics of the escalation of the conflict are extremely negative and require immediate and adequately tough response measures!

    What kind of measures are these, for example?
  7. +4
    27 May 2024 14: 58
    There are many excuses for not taking action. Where to get what, to whom to reassign whom. How can strategic military facilities be entrusted to a structure that only has machine guns, etc., etc., etc. Continuation of the policy of irresponsibility in everything that has reigned for the last 20 years. The main thing is not to do it, but to justify it. But military measures are needed when the rear completely begins to work for the war. And we have priority of private property. I want to help, but I don’t want to. The power of the dough can be suppressed for the duration of the war. We are waiting to see if Belousov can do anything...
    1. +1
      27 May 2024 15: 15
      I agree, in wartime, in order to quickly defeat the enemy, it is necessary for the duration of hostilities to forget about the laws of the market, extracting excess profits and personal gain, now the question is very tough - either we are them, or they are us, so we will set up the country and lose this battle from -we simply have no right for the greed and greed of some characters.
      1. 0
        28 May 2024 09: 15
        ... and the one who has not forgotten about the laws will win. Market laws as well. laughing
        1. +1
          28 May 2024 17: 03
          The winner is not the one who follows the laws of the market and spits on the country, but the one whose war economy turns out to be stronger.
  8. +1
    27 May 2024 16: 26
    Geraniums are shot down by heavy machine guns in jeeps equipped with thermal imagers. It's probably terribly expensive since we don't have it.
    1. +1
      27 May 2024 19: 56
      And how do you imagine a PMC covering all facilities (refineries, industrial plants, ports, warehouses) across the country in jeeps with heavy machine guns? Approximate number and amount of equipment?
      1. -2
        28 May 2024 09: 18 breadth and depth. laughing
      2. 0
        30 May 2024 16: 49
        This is the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense, not the PMC. The number of personnel and equipment is as needed. It will still be cheaper than searching all over the world for imported parts for processing plants.
  9. +4
    27 May 2024 20: 36
    We need to mobilize industry. The “elite” of the Russian Federation has no desire to quickly complete the SVO in Ukraine; they are still waiting and hoping to return to the “holy times”, to their beloved Courchevel. The time of thieves in the Russian Federation has not yet passed, all the new hucksters have questions on their tongues, they made a grab, became billionaires and are in power, but we can’t, they forbid us. How to fight in such conditions?
  10. 0
    27 May 2024 23: 27
    ...A year and a half ago I said and now I repeat:
    ...The massive use of UAVs against us is already beginning, and will increase...

    ...But no one guarantees that after some (short time) time against our civilian and military targets these creatures will begin - en masse - to use ballistic and cruise missiles handed over to them by their Western masters... Outdated and not very...

    By the way, they are already used in Crimea... AS IS KNOWN!..

    ...What “structures” do you propose to “organize” against them?..

    ...It all depends on the political will of the Kremlin leadership... It is NOT there.

    ...The safety, health and life of their citizens are of little concern to some...
    ...At least - the life of the Ukrainian "peaceful" - is carefully protected by special instructions and orders...

    ...If for every citizen who died from the vile attack of the Ukrainian Wehrmacht BPL on a peaceful Russian city or village, they would shoot ten captured Ukronatsiks and nationalists..., giving it wide publicity...
    (I emphasize precisely the Nazis who were captured but did not voluntarily lay down their arms...),
    ...then every Ukrainian military commander launching an UAV or firing from an MLRS or howitzer at Belgorod or Donetsk would experience trembling in his palms and discomfort, with the understanding that, in fact,
    with a serious degree of probability - he shoots at the same kovs, only those who are in captivity...
    This may well have a positive result in the form of at least an increase in the number of unaimed shots and false launches...
    (...They may also start screwing up the fuses more often...)
  11. +1
    28 May 2024 09: 02
    Things are even more mysterious with Ukrainian drones. laughing
  12. 0
    28 May 2024 16: 59
    The most important way to resolve the issue is the defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Other important measures include the use of training aircraft to search for and destroy enemy drones. We have quite a lot of training yaks and migs that are not used in the Northern Military District. Why are they not used? This would be good practice for flight school cadets. Another important method of combating drones would be to create and distribute to the population a drone flight alert application that can be installed on phones. Witnesses of overflights can take photos and send the flight location of enemy drones in the application. All information from the application flows into the center, is processed and commands for destruction are transmitted. Well, traditional measures in the form of strengthening radar coverage and air defense
  13. +2
    28 May 2024 20: 02
    Don’t fall into the hands of a private owner... I always wrote: why did they privatize the Novovrossky port?! he has 200 million a year and after privatization only a percentage of the millions?! and then the optimization of education and healthcare... that is, killing them... In general, we need to plan the development of the economy... like the KEPS of the Russian Empire...
    1. +2
      1 June 2024 18: 19
      Under I. Stalin there were private owners, private artels. The whole problem is that natural monopolies must be state-owned; otherwise, the private sector can also get involved. The port in Novorossiysk is a state monopoly; private owners may have various warehouses and so on in the port. The distinction should be strict, but at the origins of today’s Russian Federation were the Gaidars and Chubais, who directly gave everything that was state-owned to selected private owners (compatriots), which is why there are such distortions in everything in the Russian Federation.