Features of the use of the latest D-30SN ammunition by the Russian Armed Forces have been revealed


The other day, the first clear footage of the use (group release) of the Russian Aerospace Forces of the new universal interspecific glide munitions (UMPG) D-30SN appeared on the Internet. These weapons have an additional engine, due to which they have a greater range than aerial bombs with UMPC. Application began in March 2024 and their air carriers so far are only Su-34 bombers.

But given that the D-30SN has a caliber of 300 mm, they can be fired from ground-based MLRS “Smerch” and “Tornado-S”. Compatibility allows the use of UMPB as gliding combat stages of 9M528 and 9M542 missiles. The range with a cast to a height of 20 km is up to 200 km.

Currently, D-30SN are actively used in the Kharkov direction. The aerodynamic configuration of the ammunition is much better than that of aerial bombs with UMPC, therefore, even with a relatively small mass of the warhead weighing 250 kg, these UMPC are successfully used against railway, command headquarters, warehouse and other infrastructure of the enemy in his rear.

UMPB D-30SN has higher load-bearing qualities and lower aerodynamic drag compared to UMPC. When dropped from a Su-34 at an altitude of over 12 km, the range of the D-30SN reaches 120 km, i.e., it is not inferior to the American GBU-39/B SDB (Small Dimeter Bomb) glide bomb. Note that the UMPC has a planning range of 45-65 km. An increase in the release (use) range is achieved by equipping the ammunition with a jet engine.

Due to the absence of rectangular metal wings, the UMPB is several times less noticeable compared to the FAB-500-M54/M55 aerial bombs (approximately 0,05 sq. m versus 0,3 sq. m for the UMPC). This indicates that the detection range of the D-30SN by air defense locators of Ukrainian troops is 2-2,5 times less than aerial bombs with UMPC. The guidance system of the D-30SN is classic and is built on the basis of an inertial navigation unit and GLONASS/GPS receivers with high noise immunity.
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  1. +3
    26 May 2024 13: 20
    Russia could invest heavily in the production of false "Geraniums", flying copies, the production of which is as cheap and simple as possible. They must be indistinguishable in all detection channels from the original. The engine can be built to literally last 4 hours of reliable use.

    Launch flocks of Geraniums, where for example there are 5 combat ones and 15 false ones. In this way, you can increase the effectiveness of strikes and exchange copies for air defense missiles. The swarms can be launched in a straight line; there is no need to fly over air defense areas.

    There will be a desire to cram something into these layouts, but you shouldn’t do this, because... this will reduce the number of products produced.

    Against NATO, it may make sense to produce false Calibers and other expensive means of destruction, indistinguishable from the original and as cheap and easy to produce as possible. Losing a caliber from air defense is worse than losing 10 false calibers. The production of such products in large volumes can be profitable and useful for the effectiveness of destruction, but most importantly for exchange for air defense missiles.

    It may also make sense to experiment with micrologistics, micro-warehouses, maximum dispersal of warehouses throughout Russia. Perhaps the Russian Guard can ensure the safety of such dispersal. The main thing is not to record the coordinates on any digital media at all.
    1. +1
      26 May 2024 13: 37
      request Siegfried (Gennady) don’t tell me, ours already know this... And the enemies can take this proposal into their arsenal, if they haven’t already, which will make our air defense a nightmare.
      1. +2
        26 May 2024 14: 12
        Baboons already have Australian cardboard drones that no radar will see...
    2. +1
      26 May 2024 14: 13
      The purpose of geranium is not to deceive the air defense, but to attract it to itself. hi While moped piglets are knocking down jars of cucumbers in the sky, calibers and so on are flying at the target.
    3. -2
      26 May 2024 20: 56
      During the Second World War, young and old worked on the production of shells. We would also like to organize factories in every city to produce bombs, drones, etc. And jobs would be easier for the country at the front.
      1. -2
        26 May 2024 21: 28
        then overclock? no one is stopping you from opening production and making deliveries. Only this makeshift shell would not have exploded later in the gun and killed the crew. Khrushchev dispersed the factories that produced shells during the Second World War... questions to him.
        1. 0
          26 May 2024 23: 15
          I kind of specifically indicated to build factories and not garage handicrafts. And factories operate according to uniform drawings and GOST.
      2. -1
        26 May 2024 23: 04
        Today, Mr. Chemezov is already saying that it’s time to stop producing drones “in garages.” Various reasons can be given, but it is clearly understood that such a money topic should be mastered only by native Rostec.
  2. +1
    26 May 2024 14: 20
    However, in general, they copied their technical solutions from Dill. We give the enemy his own weapons... so theirs.
    1. -1
      26 May 2024 21: 30
      Dill have no brains. they are consumables. This is a competition between Russia and the West. hi
      1. 0
        26 May 2024 22: 08
        They have brains, at least among the masses, but I don’t know about the leadership. And exactly about consumables. However, the masses can also be fooled into thinking: 330 or however many million Americans believe that they are freedom and democracy, although they are financial slavery and oligarchy.
        1. 0
          26 May 2024 22: 11
          You can teach a cat to shit in the toilet. these masses have not yet betrayed their Lomonosov or Newton... only heaps of manure towards Russia.
  3. -1
    26 May 2024 17: 50
    In the photo, one UB's wings did not open negative they didn’t finish it, the price of each product is about a million rubles if not more, it is necessary to increase and reduce the cost of production as much as possible, the topic is very interesting and if you make them with machine vision, so that they search for targets and destroy them themselves, that would be know-how drinks
    1. 0
      26 May 2024 21: 32
      If computers and robots can do everything better than you, does your life have any meaning?

      Elon Musk. The AI ​​will clearly choose the optimal solution in the form of a maternity hospital, so that the “leathers” do not breed.
    2. 0
      27 May 2024 01: 23
      Quote: Dmitry Volkov
      In the photo, one UB's wings did not open

      Will be revealed a little later. They do not all reveal themselves instantly and at the same height. A different height and different opening time are set for each product.
  4. +1
    26 May 2024 18: 32
    Gorgeous bombs, we need to make more of these, if not all, with engines! They have been waiting for a long time.
    Oh, if they had been made since the beginning of the war (these are developments the day before yesterday), so many Russian lives would have been saved and more than half of the outskirts would have been liberated!
  5. 0
    26 May 2024 18: 56
    If only drones could solve the problem. The West can increase the supply of these weapons, although this is already a big problem
    1. 0
      26 May 2024 23: 11
      With modern drones, the problem can be solved easily and with little money. Experts, those in the field, all understand which approaches are promising. Three months ago we came up with proposals. In several ways at once. People from business who are able to finance said that it is impossible to get into this topic without connections. And through other channels close to security, we received no response at all. It seems, like before, this topic can only be discussed by their own people.
  6. 0
    26 May 2024 21: 36
    The range with a cast to a height of 20 km is up to 200 km.

    If it's garlic, it's a good idea. Using powder charges to throw aerial bombs from UMPC to high altitudes is several times cheaper than doing it using a Su34
  7. 0
    27 May 2024 11: 27
    Hmmm...! Well, it’s “fantasized” in the article! In the article you can “easily” see several primitive “blunders”! It’s strange that the readers of this article didn’t notice them!
  8. 0
    27 May 2024 16: 51
    What nonsense is it to shoot aerial bombs from an MLRS! And even with a canopy from a height of 20 km!
    1. 0
      27 May 2024 20: 21
      Quote: Vesely_Zaklepkin
      And even with a canopy from a height of 20 km!

      Yes, such “eres” will gain this height! If RSs like 9M528 and 9M542 could reach an altitude of 20 km and boom at 200 km, then this would already be in their performance characteristics! But in real life, "fuck you"! Now let’s estimate the weight and dimensions of the RS 9M528 and 9M542 warheads and compare them with the estimated weight of the D-30SN! There are big doubts that the “prodigy” D-30SN will bang even at 120 km! fool