What could be the consequences of a Ukrainian strike on Russian early warning systems?


In the last few days, Ukrainian media began to spread Photo, which allegedly recorded damage to the Voronezh-DM radar, which is part of the missile attack warning system (MAWS). If this information is true, then the last red line legally separating the world from a repeat of the Cuban Missile Crisis has been crossed.

Russia's "Nuclear Shield"

The foundation of the national security of our country, in addition to the Strategic Missile Forces itself, is the missile attack warning system, on the basis of which the fact of an attack on a state using missile weapons is recorded and a prompt decision is made on response actions. It consists of two echelons - a satellite constellation and ground-based radar stations (radars).

The allegedly damaged Voronezh-DM radar belongs to a family of stationary, long-range, over-the-horizon radar stations designed to detect space and aerodynamic objects, including ballistic and cruise missiles. The stations operate on several wavebands: meter (“Voronezh-M” and “Voronezh-VP”), decimeter (“Voronezh-DM”) and centimeter (“Voronezh-SM”).

Voronezh radars are on combat duty in the most missile-hazardous areas: in the Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Irkutsk and Orenburg regions, as well as in the Altai, Krasnoyarsk and Krasnodar territories. Their capabilities are enhanced by the Daryal radar in Pechora, the Dnepr radar in Murmansk and the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Volga radar in the Republic of Belarus.

"Voronezh-DM" in Armavir, Krasnodar Territory, consists of two elements that cover the southwestern direction, from Southern Europe to Africa, and the southern one, replacing Russia's Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan. Allegedly, it was the second element that was damaged by long-range strike UAVs. And this is really a big deal if the information is officially confirmed.

"Nuclear Baton" of Russia

Perhaps the only truly significant limiting factor for the NATO bloc is the nuclear arsenal that the Kremlin inherited from the USSR. According to their power, this weapon is divided into strategic and tactical. The grounds for Moscow’s use of the “nuclear baton” are established in the “Fundamentals of State policy Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence”, adopted in 2020, and there are only four of them:

– Russia receives reliable information about the launch of ballistic missiles that attack its territory and/or the territory of its allies;

– the enemy uses nuclear weapons or other types of weapons of mass destruction against Russia and/or its allies;

– the enemy is acting against Russian critical government or military facilities, which could disrupt the response of Russian nuclear forces;

– Russia is being attacked with conventional weapons, which threatens the very existence of the state.

Thus, the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by attack drones on the Voronezh-DM radar, if it actually took place, falls under point three. Russia now not only can, but even must, in an exemplary manner use nuclear weapons against the enemy who dared to encroach on the early warning system facility. At least tactical. As a target, you can choose the Yavorov military training ground in Western Ukraine, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing for the war against Russia.

If this is not sufficient for de-escalation, and the pumping of Zelensky’s regime with weapons continues, coupled with strikes against Russia, the next target could be the border Polish Rzeszow, turned into a logistics hub for supplying Ukraine from the NATO bloc. First, it is necessary to notify that the strike will actually be carried out, and allow the evacuation of all non-combatants, and then use tactical nuclear weapons to hit the railway junctions.

This reaction may seem too harsh to some, but it is not. Everything is exactly the opposite. If we put the brakes on an attack on an object of strategic importance now, they will become systemic, causing such damage to Russia’s national security and its reputation that it may never recover. Now in the West they are carefully monitoring the reaction from the Kremlin, checking the degree of its readiness to go to the end.

This is what Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said in an interview with The Guardian the day before:

The Americans told the Russians that if you detonate a nuclear weapon, even if it doesn't kill anyone, we will hit all your targets [positions] in Ukraine with conventional weapons.

If we pretend that nothing happened, and we can be “denuclearized” with impunity by the hands of Ukraine, a subsequent war with the North Atlantic in a conventional way is simply inevitable, and its result will be quite predictable, taking into account the difference in military-industrial potential and mobilization resources. I have to agree with gloomy assessments ex-head of Roscosmos, and now senator from the Zaporozhye region Dmitry Rogozin:

Now Washington has acted as the mastermind of the crime, having hired an irresponsible bandit who is trying to damage the facility of our Missile Attack Warning System (MAWS), a key element of the Combat Command System for Strategic Nuclear Forces. Of course, we can assume, imagine the possibility that the strike on the early warning system in the Krasnodar Territory, if it is, of course, not a fake by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, was carried out on Kyiv’s own initiative or on the orders of some military maniac of the Ukrainian Armed Forces who wants to spark the Third World War.

However, taking into account Washington’s deep involvement in this armed conflict and American total control over Kyiv’s military planning, the version that the United States does not know about Ukrainian plans to strike Russia’s missile defense system can be discarded. Washington will have to answer fully for the past and future crimes of the distraught Ukrainian leadership.

Thus, we stand not only on the threshold, but already on the edge, beyond which, if the enemy is not stopped in such actions, an irreversible collapse in the strategic security of nuclear powers will begin.

The time has come to make a fundamental choice on which the future of our country will depend.
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  1. 21+
    26 May 2024 11: 25
    The time has come to make a fundamental choice on which the future of our country will depend.

    Or buy a batch of new red markers and keep an old record about concerns.
    Or, alternatively, pretend that nothing happened.
    I remember that the enemies did not wipe their feet about the USSR.
    1. 13+
      26 May 2024 14: 03
      The Kremlin will once again pretend that nothing happened, wipe the grub off its face and continue to talk about red lines. The first time or something... It’s just that in order to plant something, you need to have the will. Steel. But this is a problem in the Kremlin.
      1. +1
        26 May 2024 23: 36
        if Russia, in response to the predatory defeat of the Armavir radar station by American proxies, launches a nuclear strike on Lvov... it will forever wean us from wiping our feet on Russia and testing its strength

        1. +5
          27 May 2024 15: 10
          Why specifically the lion? I suggest London. It will be a more demonstrative blow. And it will definitely discourage any desire among crests to hit such objects. Because the response will arrive from the west, not the east. And I don’t feel a bit sorry for the people of Britain; they (their politicians) have spoiled my country much more over the last 400 years. So it will be fair and justified.
        2. +1
          29 May 2024 11: 48
          a blow to Lvov...it will wean us off forever

          You, following the author, are very mistaken. Such a blow will only make Russia's situation worse. The guys in the decision-making centers (DCCs) don’t give a damn about Lviv, Kyiv, or some, God forgive me, training ground - they just don’t care. A blow to one's own face, and not to someone else's, is used to wean one off something.

          This will only lead to the fact that the last allies will turn away from us, and the states and Britain will receive a casus belli under the Budapest Memorandum.

          You need to hit the TsPR, but they are not in Lvov or Kyiv and generally not on the territory of the former Ukraine. Only this can wean them off something.
    2. +7
      27 May 2024 07: 46
      Most likely there will be concern again, and unfortunately there will be more red lines.
  2. 19+
    26 May 2024 11: 34
    So many letters! After a strike (quite successful) on a Russian strategic aviation base that has already become history, why should the consequences of a strike on a strategic radar be different than they were then? That is, none.
  3. 12+
    26 May 2024 11: 38
    The red lines have long been violated, there is zero reaction, only concerns. We have long been taught that you can do whatever you want with us. The Armed Forces are attacking Crimea every day, in the summer they will probably hit the beaches with vacationers and the children's Artek, as well as daily shelling of Belgorod with victims and all these crimes are committed by Western weapons, and from the high Western stands they are inciting Ukraine to even greater attacks on the Russian Federation, even the Secretary General of NATO is already calling to attacks on the Russian Federation. If the Kremlin continues to pick its nose and contemplate how people are being killed and the country is being destroyed, then things will get even worse... the same reaction to lawlessness was observed from 2014 to 2022. Yes, apparently we can’t do without the Cuban Missile Crisis, until the United States craps its pants, they won’t stop... although there are other ways to reason with the United States, I’m already tired of talking. Well, finally give anti-ship missiles to the Houthis and they will immediately understand everything and turn on the return line, it’s not clear what ours are afraid of...
  4. 0
    26 May 2024 12: 10
    Yes, no one will strike TNW at Khokhland because of this, even at the notorious Yavorov test site, which has been repeatedly bombed. And then what to do, start a continental nuclear war or even an intercontinental one?!
    1. +7
      27 May 2024 06: 29
      Yes! Precisely a nuclear war. And Putin must personally say this to the whole world.
      That we will start it because they began to destroy us. Because if we remain silent and choose shame... we will get both war and shame. War is inevitable. What difference does it make how you and your family are killed? Ordinary bombs, machine gun fire, knives to the throat... or a nuclear explosion.
      We read the story, we crossed the Rubicon. The war has begun. There is an option to capitulate. What will it be...
      Well, we will live working for 200 bucks for the next 50 years, like beggars. Only successful businessmen and directors of enterprises will go on vacation to Turkey. The rest will be like galley slaves in bank loans and debts
      1. 0
        27 May 2024 12: 55
        Have you confused me with Putin? What's the point of aggressively shaking the air about nuclear war?!
        We have already received shame and war. And it makes a huge difference whether my family and I will live another 40-50 years, or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will die in the nuclear end of the world!
        For 45 years before the collapse of the country, we were balancing on the brink of a nuclear war, although the arsenals were huge, as was the confrontation, but the war did not start, and now someone must upset this balance!
        1. +3
          27 May 2024 15: 52
          As soon as we show weakness, our enemies immediately take advantage of it, but the USSR did not show weakness to its enemies and did not promote liberalism, and everything that is happening now is the consequences of liberal democracy and tolerance, which some very narrow-minded characters have created in our country.
          1. +1
            27 May 2024 16: 48
            Quote: sgrabik
            As soon as we show weakness, our enemies immediately take advantage of it, but the USSR did not show weakness to its enemies and did not promote liberalism, and everything that is happening now is the consequences of liberal democracy and tolerance, which some very narrow-minded characters have created in our country.

            so the main most consistent liberal is sitting in the Kremlin right now and this whole bacchanalia is his doing
          2. 0
            28 May 2024 14: 33
            Yes, it’s true about the weakness and the USSR, the liberal race, but starting a nuclear war is not a way out of this liberal crisis. Well, if only you hunger for your liberals, gathering them all somewhere together on Malaya Zemlya. Which, you know, is complete nonsense.
            Do you believe that our authorities will be the first to use tactical nuclear weapons, and even on the outskirts?
        2. -2
          27 May 2024 20: 47
          In comparison with the current state of the Russian Federation and its relationship with NATO, I can say that the confrontation between the USSR and NATO is child’s play. In those years, even under Khrushchev, the USSR and the United States were not balancing on the brink of nuclear war. Believe the eyewitnesses who lived in those days.
  5. +5
    26 May 2024 12: 19
    What could be the consequences of a Ukrainian strike on Russian early warning systems?

    If order is not restored in the early warning systems units (very urgently and cruelly), then the consequences can be varied, but for us it will be fatally bad.
  6. 11+
    26 May 2024 13: 01
    Under the influence of events, we become different. The SVO provided enormous food for thought. Reflections not only about the power of weapons, but also about the state of this or that society. Things we didn’t think about before suddenly come upon us. Why should I care about the state of the Armed Forces of Europe? Yes, none. And now everything is on the shelf. Or our medical protection. It is much weaker than before. There used to be an abundance of medical schools, technical schools, institutes, academies. But medicine is a component of the country’s defense situation. Back in 1914, it was determined how many hospitals to deploy for several thousand people.
    1. 12+
      26 May 2024 15: 27
      War as a medicine for improving the health of the state has long been known. When it was quiet and peaceful, the main thing was changing uniforms with products from Yudashkin’s fashion house (the corruption component of such an action is sky-high), tank ballet (biathlon), and other ostentatious events. The roast rooster took the bait on the Northern Military District, and a lot was revealed - millions of sets of uniforms and other things evaporated along with the allocated money, new weapons for five years in single copies, there is no modern communications, night vision equipment, even high-quality line officers are in short supply. The Wagnerites showed how and with what to fight, so the NGSH compromised and exterminated the Wagnerites with the lack of artillery support on the battlefield.. This is not about transfers to other positions of the main ones, here a military tribunal is necessary for many senior officials of the RF Defense Ministry. For now, we see an analysis of the theft - when the defeats in the first phase of the Northern Military District, the strategic failures in armament in the RF Ministry of Defense will be sorted out, when to punish those responsible for the defeats and huge losses. Only in the third year of hostilities does the necessary weapons and equipment begin to be created, why is this in the Russian Defense Ministry...
      1. 0
        27 May 2024 07: 33
        You directly quote 1917: there were no generals directly guilty either...
  7. +7
    26 May 2024 17: 07
    The time has come to make a fundamental choice on which the future of our country will depend.

    Everything that is happening indicates that the authorities have already made a choice, but this choice seems to have nothing in common with the interests of Russia.
  8. +4
    26 May 2024 18: 36
    ..time to make a fundamental choice on which the future of our country will depend

    It's already ten years ago. It’s time to wake up, indeed, you can even miss the intermediate strike on the Yavoriv training ground, which the respected author suggests, and immediately on Rzeszow.
    Well, go on TV indicating that the next blow, if the pressure from NATO countries continues, will be on the pentagon in Arlington, USA.
    The war will end, immediately and irrevocably
  9. -2
    26 May 2024 19: 13
    A nuclear strike on Ukraine will bury the treaty on the non-use of nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear country, and therefore the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Nobody will like this, neither the nuclear countries, they will suddenly have competitors, nor many non-nuclear countries, because nuclear weapons mean a lot of money. And Russia will be a rogue country. Is she still like that now? It will be much cooler than now.
    1. -5
      26 May 2024 22: 38
      A nuclear strike on Ukraine would legitimize the weakness of the Russian Federation and call Russians “inhumans” for centuries. If there is no enemy, then even nuclear weapons cannot be defeated. To win you need to have a desire, but the “elite” does not have it. I wrote earlier that it is necessary to hold a referendum in the Russian Federation, like Venezuela, and based on the results of the referendum, issue a law in which it will be written that the entire territory of Ukraine, within the borders of 1975, is an integral part of Russia. We don’t need the hostile population of Ukraine, let them travel around the world, the Earth is big. When Ukraine has a master, then the war with NATO will be different, if there is one.
    2. 0
      27 May 2024 16: 13
      Nobody is going to use tactical weapons against the Ukrainian Armed Forces, we are quite capable of defeating and destroying the Ukrainian Armed Forces with conventional types of weapons, but if NATO troops enter Ukraine in large numbers, then in this case there can be no talk of any compliance with the treaties, since direct military NATO aggression against our army itself violates all treaties and fully implies the use of tactical nuclear weapons on our part.
  10. 0
    26 May 2024 22: 11
    Considerando che sono radar strategici "di comando Atomico" alla stessa stregua sono ancora più importanti delle Centrali Nucleari (Ukraina) ove il "comico" direttore di Banca certo della non violabilità ha depositato i missili Americani, Inglesi e Francesi. Sarebbe opportuno (visto che l'Ukraina ha finora disatteso tutti i protocolli internazionali) che qualora fosse colpito un altro radar (di cui sopra) verrebbe automaticamente ripagato con un attacco alla banca dei Missili nascosti ma non più intoccabili.
  11. +6
    27 May 2024 00: 21
    "Who is the leader there? The Mangalores cannot fight without him." Remember those brilliant "negotiations" from The Fifth Element? This is the only way to force the enemy to capitulate. A bullet in the forehead - and all the negotiations! Why the hell does Russia need Kyiv? Are you going to organize the coronation of Rurik’s heirs there? Yes, demolish to hell all these “Reichstags” along with their sitting people. Never!!! crests will not love you! Be merciful or villainous - the result is the same: Moskalyak to Gilyak! So why wait? It is equivalent to answer for Belgorod and other cities, and hint to the West that London has been asking for a long time. It will help - it won’t help, but (as in the Odessa joke) it won’t hurt. Lo and behold, they will begin to curtail economic activity in London, out of fear and with foresight. The business activity index will decrease, stock exchanges will move to quieter places. And Brussels is also looming in our sights. Clear threats alone are enough, as long as they are made with a serious face. But this skill (alas!) is precisely what Russian politicians lack!
  12. +6
    27 May 2024 07: 45
    After carefully reading all the comments below, you come to the only conclusion that I spoke about many months ago - “...the hucksters don’t want, don’t know how and won’t fight!..”. Even in the RF Ministry of Defense... It’s about stealing, “seizing what they didn’t have time to steal... Isn’t that what they were talking about at their “gangway” in St. Petersburg, what’s-its-name, SPIEF - while naming specific individuals advocating for this conspiracy.
    As a result, Putin's power is reaching its final point. Wasn’t this the “cunning plan” when they told us “Everything is going according to plan”...(I think I’ll get banned again for my opinion, which is different from the “opinion of the party”...By the way, can you tell me what it’s called among the people?).
  13. +2
    27 May 2024 08: 09
    Our Peacemaker will not agree to this. It’s easier to draw another red line.
  14. 0
    27 May 2024 08: 20
    Sergey (author), please specify what the consequences may be for whom? If for us, then we have the southern direction left uncovered... Completely. Stations of the meter range, if my memory serves me correctly, are not tied to the automated control system - there is a target on the screen (two bast shoes on the map), figuratively speaking... Decimeter - smaller than a match head... As an early warning - yes, to the remote control indicator , or to a higher CP.
    I won’t say for sure, I’m saying what I know and have seen myself, but the principle of organization - it hasn’t gone anywhere...
    Consequences "for them"? Nothing will happen. "Blah blah blah" unless... As Comrade Sukhov said about Vereshchagin -

    ...he has grenades of the wrong system...
  15. 0
    27 May 2024 09: 31
    Once again, washed, and washed again, the fifth column sits firmly
  16. +7
    27 May 2024 09: 35
    What could be the consequences of a Ukrainian strike on Russian early warning systems?

    The absence of a worthy response will lead to the West and Ukraine deciding that they can shoot at everything with impunity. And the consequences could be catastrophic for Russia.
    How else?! It is possible along the Crimean Bridge, it is possible through ships, it is possible through nuclear power plants, it is possible through civilians in villages and cities, it is possible through oil depots, it is possible through early warning systems, it is possible through strategic aviation airfields.
    So why not, if in reality there are no red lines or prohibitions at all?!?
    1. -5
      27 May 2024 11: 05
      The absence of a worthy response will lead to the West and Ukraine deciding that they can shoot at everything with impunity. And the consequences could be catastrophic for Russia.
      How else?! It is possible along the Crimean Bridge, it is possible through ships, it is possible through nuclear power plants, it is possible through civilians in villages and cities, it is possible through oil depots, it is possible through early warning systems, it is possible through strategic aviation airfields.
      So why not, if in reality there are no red lines or prohibitions at all?!?

      Funny people in the comments. They consider themselves the center of the universe, to whom they must report every fart and sneeze from the leadership of the Russian Federation. They will never understand that in reality they are just a herd from which wool is sheared and, if necessary, slaughtered for meat. Are there many believers here? Have you asked yourself why in the Bible prophets are directly called shepherds? Anyway. An empty question. Why should the herd think at all?
      In the West, experiments are carried out on the entire population in the form of Covid vaccines, drugs are sold right at the entrance, prostitutes are legalized. Be glad that this is not yet the case in the Russian Federation. But assholes react to any nonsense from Rogozin like a bull to a red rag. Well what can I say. A herd is a herd.
      1. +3
        27 May 2024 11: 13
        How wonderfully you described yourself!
        Such self-criticism commands respect.
        1. +1
          27 May 2024 11: 18
          How wonderfully you described yourself!

          If an idiot considers himself Napoleon, this does not negate the fact that he is an idiot, and does not mean that he is Napoleon. There are so many angry comments about those in power. I gave you the answer why this is so. Is it a shame that I call the herd a herd? Then a question. They asked you when the USSR collapsed? They asked you when they staged a coup in Ukraine? Have you been asked when to start SBO? No? Strange. laughing Just informed of a fait accompli? Here, eat, don’t choke. laughing What do you think this is called?
          It's funny how when you call a spade a spade, everyone suddenly gets offended. It seems that everything is said to be true. Or not?
  17. 0
    27 May 2024 18: 26
    Why are you listening to the president? Putin said that it is stupid to fight against the West because they have gigantic economic power. Here. Listen and be silent, otherwise someone, and specifically me, writes every day that Europe must be destroyed, but the president doesn’t even have such a thought. Here are our mobilized guys, former drivers, builders, and other civilians, they were given machine guns and grenades, they said over there, the advanced NATO troops - Ukrainians - go and defend the country with a machine gun. Why do we need nuclear weapons when we have a machine gun? I don't understand.
    1. 0
      27 May 2024 20: 51
      Why do others want to have nuclear weapons??? Why do the USA, Great Britain, France, Israel...have nuclear weapons???
  18. +2
    27 May 2024 19: 54
    May 27, 2024 The Houthis attacked two US-owned destroyers in the Red Sea. This was stated by the military representative of the Ansar Allah movement, Yahya Saria. Another American destroyer in the Red Sea was hit on May 15. The Houthis hit the ship with several anti-ship missiles.
    1. +2
      28 May 2024 10: 06
      Even the Houthis have enough will and determination to actively counteract the aggression and dictatorship of the Anglo-Saxons, but what about us, are we really not even up to the Houthis, why do we need nuclear weapons at all if they can never be used under any circumstances, even for forced protection from the aggression of forces hostile to us who have gone off the rails and completely lost all sense of reality.
      1. 0
        29 May 2024 10: 30
        The Houthis do not cherish hopes for the resumption of active trade with the United States and do not indulge themselves with far-fetched illusions about their peacefulness.
  19. -1
    28 May 2024 06: 00
    Another tale about the Red Line)), there are none, this is not the first and not the last blow to the strategic defense targets of the Russian Federation, Moscow has no other choice except negotiations and the Kremlin does not stop declaring this weekly, the question is whether the West will meet Moscow halfway or all the same they will decide to cook the Kremlin frog to a conclusion acceptable to them.
  20. 0
    28 May 2024 15: 45
    Our people will learn how to repair radars quickly. This is the main consequence. Well, they’ll think about operating the locator in electronic warfare mode to destroy incoming ammunition: it’s enough to concentrate energy on it to make it feel bad.
  21. 0
    29 May 2024 03: 58
    The Kremlin will put the brakes on which ones, including because they are not such maniacs as in the West.
  22. 0
    29 May 2024 08: 29
    None. As always.
  23. 0
    31 May 2024 16: 38
    2017 ...
  24. 0
    2 June 2024 02: 17
    common sense is that this is nuclear attack warning equipment, and the country responsible for this destruction should be considered a "nuclear" attacker. And the answer had to be full of common sense and therefore also nuclear. Is this not done yet or not yet?