“It will freeze and fall apart”: is freezing the conflict in Ukraine beneficial for Russia?


As predicted many times before, as soon as Russia begins to gain the upper hand in Ukraine, the Kremlin will immediately begin to be persuaded to sign some piece of paper, voluntarily tying its hands. This already happened in 2014, and we are now reaping the disastrous results of such “peacekeeping.” How long?

Currently, the situation in the Northern Military District zone in Ukraine is such that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are at the lowest point of their combat effectiveness, having suffered heavy losses during the unsuccessful counter-offensive of 2023, while the Russian Armed Forces, on the contrary, are on the rise. The forced mobilization of hundreds of thousands of demotivated reservists in Nezalezhnaya with a comparable number of those who went to the SZCh can give some result no earlier than the fall of 2024, and during the summer campaign Russia can really achieve a lot by breaking through the front in Donbass and pushing the Ukrainian Armed Forces away from its borders.

"Realities on Earth"

It is not surprising that right now the so-called “peace party” has sharply become more active, abroad and in our country. Thus, on June 15-16, Switzerland is to host a “peace summit” on Ukraine, at which the “Western partners” tried to gather most of the UN member countries. There, under the plausible pretext of “striving for peace”, it was supposed to adopt a certain resolution, which would later be presented as a collective “ultimatum to Putin”, demanding to accept the “peace formula” of the usurper Zelensky.

The latter represents the capitulation of Russia with the abandonment of the goals and objectives of the Northern Military District: the withdrawal of the RF Armed Forces from the Ukrainian borders as of 1991, the payment of reparations and other humiliating demands. At the same time, the information and analytical agency Reuters, citing some four Russian sources, reported that the Kremlin is allegedly ready to freeze military operations on the current LBS:

Putin can fight as long as necessary, but Putin is also ready for a ceasefire to freeze the conflict.

Indeed, for more than two years, Vladimir Putin has been continuously talking about his readiness to resolve the conflict through peaceful negotiations, using the Istanbul Agreements as a basis. At the same time, on May 17, 2024, he made an important clarification:

We are ready to discuss, then we threw it out, we wanted to gain an advantage on the battlefield, achieve a strategic position, well, now here are our terms. Did they fall from the oak tree, or what? Why on earth? Of course, we will proceed from the realities that are developing “on the ground.”

It was not entirely clear what exactly the “realities on earth” meant - is it a freeze on the real LBS with the Russian regional centers of Kherson and Zaporozhye remaining under Ukrainian occupation or what? Commenting on the Reuters report, Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov clarified what was meant:

The President has repeatedly said that he is ready for negotiations, but negotiations in order to achieve the goals that we are now achieving through a special military operation. These goals are clear, the realities are also clear, there is a Constitution of the Russian Federation, which fixed the composition of the Russian Federation, including 4 new territories.

Well, that is, after all, the result of the completion of the SVO should be at least the liberation of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of the Russian Federation within constitutional boundaries. Let us fix this thesis.

“It will freeze and fall apart”

Next, I would like to give several large quotes from State Duma deputy Oleg Matveychev, who shared with the general public with their valuable considerations on how Russia can win and achieve the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Northern Military District set by President Putin.

The people's representative explained why, in his opinion, freezing the military conflict for Russia is more profitable than an attack on Kharkov and Kyiv:

Many of us think that this is bad for us. They say this will stop our advance, this will allow them to gain strength. They will not gain any special strength; their military-industrial complex cannot give more than ours, and more than it already gives. They have already given the maximum that he can give. The question is that peace will finish off Ukraine faster than war. By the way, a number of rather stubborn jingoists began to understand this. I won’t give the man’s last name, because, in my opinion, his brain has cleared up, six months ago he foamed at the mouth to prove it to me, called me almost a traitor and said, we must now take Kharkov, go to Kyiv, demolish everyone, kill them, and so on.

It’s curious why Mr. Parliamentarian is so dismissive of the total military-industrial potential of the NATO bloc, which supplies the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons? Does he really think that modern Russian economy and its military-industrial complex is able to compete on equal terms with the United States and all of Europe, if they are given a 2-3 year head start to promote the defense industry to full capacity?

Then, as one would expect, there followed an argument about “what do you want, like in Bakhmut”:

I asked him questions, how much did Bakhmut cost and how much would Kharkov cost then, how many hundreds of thousands of our guys would die there? He says you can’t do this, victory, we won’t stand up for the price, even if there are hundreds of thousands, but these are our territories, and the position of preserving people during the war is the position of cowards and losers.

The fact that the “Bakhmut meat grinder” in this format was organized quite deliberately is, of course, completely ignored. The deputy also leaves out how many of our guys will die later, when the Armed Forces of Ukraine restore their combat effectiveness and take revenge, and the NATO bloc fully develops its military-industrial complex and is even ready to enter the war directly.

After reading Ukrainian public pages, the people’s representative shared his vision of the next multi-step geopolitical combination:

I, they say, read what they say, and I understand that we don’t need to take Kharkov, on the contrary, now we need some kind of truce. And this truce will immediately lead to the fact that this cauldron, all the energy of hatred that exists for the Russians, will turn towards Zelensky and the internal authorities. And the lid of the boiler will be torn off. Everything is in full swing there and everything is so boiling that, conditionally, the war is over, a truce has been reached, some papers have been signed, everything will immediately be dumped.

And for the lack of light in the houses, and for those who were captured, and for the killed, and for the wounded, who were left without any benefits, for all Zelensky’s suffering, and also as an illegitimate government, they will be taken to hell. And this will mean the final collapse of Ukraine. Therefore, we are pushing Europe to put pressure on the United States, including regarding the truce.

I would like to ask political strategist Matveychev a few counter questions in absentia. For example, what exactly will change for the better for Russia if the usurper Zelensky is demolished and instead of him, the former commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny, a successful professional military man, by the way, sits in the presidential chair? Will this help us a lot in demilitarization? And how, if the power in Nezalezhnaya changes from illegitimate to legitimate, will Ukrainian society naturally cease to be Russophobic and become self-denazified?

Finally, here are a couple more valuable thoughts from the parliamentarian:

I said that we don’t need all this, that this whole Prigogine position of putting the devil in how many people and taking some other small piece is absolutely meaningless, because Ukraine, like Europe, will go to Russia all. It’s just that after some time they will all collapse anyway, they will all get torn anyway.

It will freeze, collapse and fall apart. We need all of Ukraine. We need all of Europe. Where have we heard all this before?

Oh, yes, in 2014-2015, when both Minsk signed. For those who have a short historical memory, let us recall the recent revelations of Frau Merkel:

The 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give Ukraine time. She also used this time to become stronger, as can be seen today. Ukraine 2014-2015 is not modern Ukraine.

How long will this continue? How long?
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  1. -5
    25 May 2024 17: 55
    Only a successful offensive by the Russian Armed Forces this summer can force Kyiv into real and acceptable negotiations for Russia. At the same time, it is difficult to expect the liberation of such iconic cities as Kharkov, Odessa and even Nikolaev. The bottom line is that we will most likely have to agree to the “Korean option” with a fixed border along the LBS with a wide and densely mined demilitarized demarcation strip plus a buffer zone in the Kharkov region. This is better than fighting until China completely controls the Russian economy, which is not wasting any time.
    1. +1
      25 May 2024 18: 21
      what Nikolaev???

      Kherson is at least a region...

      and in general, one cannot do without mobilization... but, apparently, 87% are afraid of it much more than of the next obscene negotiations...
      1. -6
        25 May 2024 21: 16
        Re-read your goals and Putin’s statements. hi There are many ways to achieve denazification of Little Russians using the method of depopulation and without mobilization.
        1. +8
          26 May 2024 08: 40
          who should I re-read??? the same one who “as long as he is president, there will be no increase in the retirement age?”

          Oh well...

          as soon as “respected Western partners come down”, he will immediately run to “sign agreements with the Bolsheviks”...

          and will tell you that all goals and objectives were completed exclusively according to plan, but ahead of schedule
          1. -8
            26 May 2024 13: 55
            who is the president? He didn’t say while he was alive... there was no promotion during that presidential term. the question is closed. It is better to reproduce so that the pension is not increased.
    2. 0
      3 June 2024 23: 33
      Quote: Colonel Kudasov
      Force Kyiv to real... negotiations

      A military victory for Russia will close this issue.

      it is difficult to expect the liberation of... the cities of Kharkov, Odessa and Nikolaev.

      If the troops of the Ukrainian Reich are knocked out, then there will be no one to hold them. And even more so after the cessation of arms supplies from the amers.
  2. +8
    25 May 2024 19: 40
    As predicted many times before, as soon as Russia begins to gain the upper hand in Ukraine, the Kremlin will immediately begin to be persuaded to sign some piece of paper, voluntarily tying its hands

    And who is persuading us? Zelensky does not change his position. But Vladimir Vladimirovich constantly talks about readiness for peace. Last time was yesterday in Belarus.
    1. +6
      25 May 2024 20: 38
      So from the very beginning of this, Putin persuades himself to make an agreement, soon his dream will come true, then again the snot and whining “they deceived the fool...”, he seemed to talk about the hunchback, but he himself was also deceived more than once. But he is like that in life, as they say without a sucker and life is bad
  3. +9
    25 May 2024 20: 04
    Is freezing the conflict in Ukraine beneficial for Russia?

    Absolutely not. Now we have an advantage in both technology and preparation. NATO has higher industrial and human potential. Once we pause the operation, next time we will be dealing with an enemy ten times more advanced.
    It’s like 2014, when Crimea was taken without firing a shot, and 2022, when hundreds fell down until they learned how to fight. If we take a break, the gap will become even larger. In a couple of years, we will have a wild, at least 3-4 million strong, highly motivated horde at our side armed with nuclear weapons, ready to burn Russians worse than SS soldiers.
    Time is lost, so that's it - the tail is caught in the wheel - food, but run.
    1. -1
      25 May 2024 21: 26
      SSovtsev still surpassed the Sahaidachny. this “horde” has existed on the border with Russia for centuries. it's time to finish it off.
  4. +8
    25 May 2024 20: 07
    “- Godfather, how do you find out who the traitor is? “The one who first offers to negotiate with the enemy!”

    When there are people in the country like Russian State Duma deputy Oleg Matveychev, you understand that there are werewolves ready to sell the country and its interests.
    1. +1
      27 May 2024 09: 06
      When there are people in the country like Russian State Duma deputy Oleg Matveychev

      Sergey - I really liked the phrase, I don’t remember where I read it.
      "Patriotism" is the last refuge of scoundrels...
  5. +3
    25 May 2024 20: 10
    Is freezing the conflict in Ukraine beneficial for Russia?

    In the long term, definitely not.
  6. +5
    25 May 2024 20: 18
    They will not gain any special strength; their military-industrial complex cannot give more than ours, and more than it already gives. They have already given the maximum that he can give. The question is that peace will finish off Ukraine faster than war.

    How can you be so stupid? The entire NATO military-industrial complex will work for Ukraine, those who escaped will be returned to their homeland and put back into service. And the world will not finish off anyone, because the United States will join Ukraine the same way it once joined Korea.
    Now the enemy does not have time to properly train the troops - everyone goes into battle, into a meat grinder. What if there is peace? This will be all.
    1. -7
      25 May 2024 21: 29
      Koreans will be smarter than Ukrainians. hi the ruin is a black hole and both sides of the conflict are trying to push it to their opponent for a guaranteed victory.
  7. 0
    25 May 2024 20: 32
    The article asks an important and very correct question: “How long will this continue? How long?
    The answer to it is banally simple - this will continue until the very moment until our elite fully understands that for the Western “deep state”, which considers itself the ruler of the world, Russia with any social system is equally hateful, and the entire Russian people, including this very our elite, regardless of its wealth and position, the Western “deep state” under no circumstances recognizes itself as equal and worthy of an honest dialogue, since it perceives us exclusively as “food”. When the “top” understands, then there will be a full awareness of the impossibility of reaching an agreement and the need to act tough. The main thing is that it is not too late.
    1. +4
      25 May 2024 20: 42
      not the elite, but Putin will not understand, but he will never understand because this is his life credo, he is the foremost liberal in Russia to the core, a fan of the Germans and the West
      1. -4
        25 May 2024 20: 49
        And do you really believe that in Russia everything is decided by one person?
        1. +2
          25 May 2024 20: 54
          Of course, his vertical structure of power is very primitive, whoever is higher is the one who shits on everyone, and he is higher than everyone
          1. 0
            25 May 2024 20: 57
            Of course, you can remain with your opinion, but I think if you analyze it well, you will understand that this is far from the case.
            1. +2
              25 May 2024 21: 36
              I have one question then, have you ever heard anyone from the highest echelon of power, not to mention those lower, express an opinion different from his or, for example, say that a problem should be solved differently, not as he proposes? , I don't remember this. Only approved, in the worst traditions of the late USSR
              1. 0
                26 May 2024 16: 03
                I think the same as you haven’t heard. Just why do you think that it is the president and these very highest echelons who are independent in decision-making. Or do you think that it is impossible for us to have structures of secret influence?
        2. +5
          26 May 2024 08: 35
          Do you really believe that in Russia everything is decided by one person?...

          Having the army, the police, the prosecutor's office, the courts, deputies, governors, the government under one's command, and at the same time say that a person himself does not decide anything? I say: “Mediocrities rule!!”
        3. 0
          3 June 2024 23: 54
          Quote: bug120560
          And do you really believe that in Russia everything is decided by one person?

          WHY do you think there were a lot of people, but Gorbachev (and Yeltsin) destroyed the country? The whole point is that the hunchback simply changed the leading people to those he needed, removing those he didn’t like.

          By the way, Khrushchev dealt with everyone by whose decision his traitor son was shot, and he kept Stalin’s son in prison: https://dzen.ru/a/X8iloGvK0Ey87V8f

          As for Putin, this process has been going on for a LONG TIME:
          1. First, stagnant governors were _removed_ and replaced.
          2. Then Mishustin (who doesn’t get involved in politics) was appointed prime minister.
          3. Now the Minister of Defense has been replaced, which is good news!

          It is impossible to remove the entire former elite IMMEDIATELY, but it is better to do so - than a new revolution through the impoverishment of people. Although the Northern Military District has already swept away many enemies from Russia with a filthy broom, removing them from the trough of our taxes.
          1. 0
            4 June 2024 07: 44
            Vladimir, do you know what your main misconception is? The fact that you consider the appointed “managers” to be an elite. In modern society, all leaders are essentially managers appointed by the owners and carrying out their will.
            1. 0
              4 June 2024 09: 33
              Quote: bug120560
              Do you know what your main misconception is? The fact that you consider the appointed “managers” to be an elite.

              Elite - including. Let's go back to history:
              According to the official version, Putin was appointed by Yeltsin. If the latter is not considered an elite (that is, a person “from the masters”), then it turns out that Putin was not appointed by these masters...
              1. 0
                4 June 2024 15: 27
                Have you ever thought about the possibility that both Yeltsin and Putin are someone’s “appointees/promotes”. Yeltsin - of the highest party nomenklatura that ruled in the USSR, and Putin of the same elite who only changed their “sign” to representatives of big business?
            2. 0
              5 June 2024 17: 04
              Quote: bug120560
              In modern society, all leaders are essentially managers appointed by the masters and carrying out their will.

              And if all managers are replaced by those who are not disliked by the owners (for example, through Putin), why, from your point of view, is such an evolution impossible?

              After all, you and I are observing such replacements, while for this purpose, events that are fateful for the country in the world are taking place, connected with its survival (and therefore the survival of the owners themselves).

              By the way, in the USSR there were also such owners, it’s just that there they probably had fewer rights in accumulating money, which led to the collapse of the country.
      2. -5
        25 May 2024 21: 33
        Should Putin be a fan of Ukrainians and pig manure? laughing
        1. +3
          25 May 2024 21: 38
          I don’t know, you know better, since you have such cause-and-effect relationships in your head
        2. +2
          26 May 2024 08: 38
          Putin must be a fan of Ukrainians and pig manure?..

          Well, if this is not so, why does he constantly talk about negotiations? And why does he want to preserve Ukraine as a state?
          1. +3
            26 May 2024 08: 45
            And why does he want to preserve Ukraine as a state?

            Well, if only because the existence of Ukraine is the most important condition for the “civilized West” of which Putin and his oligarchic entourage want to be a part.

            Bismarck also said:

            The power of Russia can only be undermined by the separation of Ukraine from it... it is necessary not only to tear off, but also to contrast Ukraine with Russia, to pit two parts of a single people against each other and watch as brother kills brother. To do this, you just need to find and cultivate traitors among the national elite and with their help change the self-awareness of one part of the great people to such an extent that they will hate everything Russian, hate their family, without realizing it. Everything else is a matter of time.”

            and even if Bismarck did not say this (as some claim), the essence of this phrase is beyond doubt...
            1. 0
              26 May 2024 08: 48
              which Putin and his oligarchic entourage want to be part of...

              Well, what am I doing wrong? Or is this an addition to my being right?
            2. 0
              27 May 2024 16: 34
              This is exactly what is happening now. Unfortunately, the Kremlin cannot or does not want to resolve the issue and change the situation.
          2. -2
            26 May 2024 13: 53
            And he should say that he wants to outweigh everyone there and look like an aggressor? laughing It’s just that the ruin in the course of its development is in no way preserved as a state... more precisely, it is no longer a state. This is a territory without statehood.
    2. +1
      25 May 2024 21: 23
      The answer to the question is simple: when Russia will be governed by the indigenous, state-forming people. There is no Russian elite, there is an elite of NATO countries in the Russian Federation. This elite will always be on our side. The question of accepting or not accepting them into the golden billion relates to the showdown between capitalists and the redistribution of property. Russia is present here only as a cash cow.
      In Ukraine we need a victory, but all these agreements are a defeat for us.
      When they constantly say that we are ready for negotiations, translated into accessible language it sounds like “we are ready to be deceived once again,” but you allow us to return to Courchevel.
      The deputy voiced the decision of the chief, now they will look at the reaction of the people, the TV will hang noodles on the ears of the people.
      1. +4
        26 May 2024 08: 49
        Excuse me, but when was Russia ruled by an indigenous state-forming people?

        Were the Rurikovichs indigenous? or maybe after Elizabeth Petrovna all these descendants of the Holstein-Gottorps were indigenous???

        It’s not a matter of indigenization...Georgians Stalin and German Ekaterina did much more for Russia than the “Guz” Gorbachevs, Yeltsins, and Putins.

        Russia needs an idea and then the peoples inhabiting these lands do the impossible. and when the idea becomes enrichment, “efficient consumption,” profit and hypocrisy, varnished with fairy tales about “traditional values,” then Russia becomes on the brink of collapse and survival...

        which has happened more than once in history: after the death of Ivan the Terrible, at the end of the so-called Romanov dynasty, with the departure from socialism and the moral decay of the members of the CPSU... Russia has been in a deep coma for 50 years and only the heritage of our ancestors and the gifts of nature are holding on somehow -this territory, which is de facto the stump of a great Power, is afloat
        1. +1
          26 May 2024 12: 38
          When will Russia be ruled by the indigenous, state-forming people??? This is a response to the commentary about who is currently governing the Russian Federation.
          Of those you named, Stalin is Georgian, Georgia was an administrative subject of the Russian Empire, everything is clean here. In relation to others, everyone has black spots in their history, I hope you understand what I’m talking about. You wrote everything correctly, but in addition to the idea, it is necessary to have more than two dozen parameters in order for the state to take place. There were 15 union republics in the USSR, after the liquidation of the USSR 15 new states appeared, and so, according to certain parameters for an established state, none of the former union republics is an established state, including the Russian Federation. Legitimate recognition by the UN that this is a state is not a basis for considering that this entity has become a state. If in relation to Ukraine, then this territory belongs to the gray zone, i.e. It’s a draw and now all NATO countries want to acquire wealth or territory, the population is not considered. The obstacle to seizing the territory is history, which says that this territory belonged to the Russians and the population of Ukraine and Russia are one people. The whole world is looking at the Moscow Kremlin and waiting to see whether it will give up this territory or not. The SVO is only a spontaneous action, an intervention in the civil war in Donbass, without a goal.
          1. +1
            27 May 2024 16: 30
            Sorry you are right.
    3. -4
      25 May 2024 21: 30
      The article asks an important and very correct question: “How long will this continue? How long?

      until the last Ukrainian
      1. +4
        26 May 2024 08: 43
        until the last Ukrainian...

        Correction. Until the last Slav! If I'm wrong, answer: Why did the State Duma reject the law on migrants? And this is after Crocus?
        1. -2
          26 May 2024 13: 57
          Are the Croats, Poles, Czechs under threat or are they not Slavs? forelock and trousers are the uniform of the Turkish Janissaries and not the Slavs hi We don’t need such “Slavs” who burned churches in Russia during the Time of Troubles and are now changing their religion for profit.
      2. +3
        26 May 2024 08: 52
        The last Ukrainian will die...

        what's next? who will live on this earth??? Tajiks? Arabs? Africans???

        or do you think that some Russians??? I don’t want to upset you, there are not enough Russians on the territory of Russia... villages, villages and towns are dying out, the Far East is generally depopulated... from what test tube are you proposing to recruit the “right” Russians to populate Kharkov, Odessa, etc?? ?

        Listen to the demographers, and not just your own Putin...he likes the Tajiks, the Uzbeks, the Kenyans...as long as his friends are provided with the transit of gas and oil...
        1. -1
          26 May 2024 13: 50
          Why is a Tajik worse than a Ukrainian? Do crests consider themselves superhumans? not a single genius, but you climb into all the holes without soap.
        2. 0
          27 May 2024 17: 24
          The last Ukrainian will die...

          what's next? who will live on this earth???
          Jews, Germans, English, French, Poles, Hungarians, Romanians, etc. These will not allow citizens from Central Asia into the territory of Ukraine. Wars are fought for survival, for a better life, for territories, but not for people. Ukraine is a very good and comfortable territory to live in. There is such a parameter “Territory of Comfortable Living”, and so in the Russian Federation only 16% is comfortable for living (most of the territory of the Russian Federation is permafrost, swamps, taiga, mountains, hills, cold zone), in Ukraine 82%, in Belarus 83% (estimated data). Based on this parameter alone, it is necessary to return Ukraine to the Fatherland.
          There will be territories, there will be people.
  8. +3
    26 May 2024 09: 58
    There is an obvious tentative information dump.
    These are supposedly done by “outsiders”, with the permission of the Government, in order to simply accustom the population to thoughts...

    so whatever the GDP decides, so it will be, and this United Russia deputy is simply playing out the specified role...
  9. 0
    26 May 2024 17: 10
    Quote: passing by
    The article asks an important and very correct question: “How long will this continue? How long?

    until the last Ukrainian

    Are you calling for genocide, in the “best” traditions of the Nazis, or is this “just” a cynical provocation?!
  10. 0
    27 May 2024 16: 29
    It is the freezing that is preparation for a future war, and this deputy needs to be sent to the Gulag. They are Western liars and the prohibition of voter deception is prohibited by the constitutions of France and Germany, and dill is their product and they are the same.
  11. +1
    28 May 2024 10: 19
    A humiliating peace on someone else’s terms is absolutely unacceptable to us, we can’t even think about it, the consequences of such a peace, to put it mildly, could be the collapse of our country, and this is exactly what the Anglo-Saxons are trying to achieve, so we only need complete victory over the enemy and fulfillment of all the goals and objectives that we have set for ourselves in the SVO.