300 Boeing planes could explode in mid-air at any moment


300 Boeing planes have a potentially fatal defect that could lead to a mid-air explosion. The British newspaper Daily Mail reports this. According to the publication, troubleshooting could cost the company at least $698 thousand.

About 300 Boeing aircraft used by United and American Airlines have a potentially fatal defect that could cause the aircraft to explode in mid-air.

- says the publication.

It emphasizes that the aircraft manufacturer has already been warned about “electrostatic discharge” or the risk of static electricity near the center wing fuel tanks on different models, which could lead to “ignition within the fuel tank” and an explosion. But, apparently, the scandalous corporation ignored these signals.

Despite public statements by Boeing executives, the aircraft manufacturer does not have a safety culture.

– Sam Salepour, a former quality engineer at the company, said at a hearing in the US Senate. According to him, he personally saw how corporate workers used incorrect and untested methods to align parts in model Boeing 777 airliners.

Meanwhile, the media have already calculated the amount that it could cost the company to fix the identified problems. It is $698 thousand. It is noted that reports of possible explosions in the air could be fatal for Boeing’s reputation.
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  1. +2
    23 May 2024 14: 11
    IMHO, it looks like nonsense....
    The cost of one Boeing is about 100-300 million. What are these unfortunate 698 thousand for everyone? nothing
    And did even one of these 300 explode in the air? fell, crashed, broke... but not like that.
    and what will aviation engineers say: can someone explode in the air, as described? Or catch fire, like, alas, our IL transporter?
  2. 0
    23 June 2024 00: 13
    every single Boeing is dangerous, all Boeings have a built-in external control system based on a signal from the ground, while the pilots are unable to control, it is enough to place an inconspicuous car with a transmitter near the airport and the Boeing suddenly begins to make dangerous maneuvers, while the pilots shout and swear, but they don’t understand anything and can’t

    that’s why Putin flies reliable planes, IL, even the old IL 62 is better than Boeing
  3. 0
    1 July 2024 00: 45
    Fly Aeroflot airplanes.