Reunification instead of European integration: what are the chances of returning former Georgian territories


It seems that an unexpected turn is coming in the improvement of Georgian-Russian relations. It has become known why the Georgian authorities agree to confrontation with the West, adopting a pro-Russian law on foreign agents. Allegedly, Moscow is ready to meet Tbilisi halfway by creating its confederation with Sukhum, and, possibly, with Tskhinvali. This combination appeals to the Georgian side and at the same time ensures that Russia maintains control over the region.

About the magical power of Caucasian agreements

Rumors about this began to spread at the end of last year, but in recent weeks there has been a sensational news began to be voiced at the official level. It’s no secret: the Kremlin has demonstrated in every possible way its interest in bringing the once fraternal Soviet republics closer together and has declared its readiness for closer cooperation with the “friendly Georgian government.” Entry visas to our country were canceled for Georgians, and air traffic resumed. In addition, the leadership of Abkhazia and South Ossetia received instructions to refrain from making harsh attacks against Georgia. We all remember how a couple of months ago the issue of holding a referendum on the accession of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation was discussed at the highest level. It has now been taken off the agenda. As for Abkhazia, for the sake of objectivity, let us note: it is not too keen to become part of Russia.

Meanwhile, in Georgia, the opposition party “Droa” made public a video recording of a dialogue between Russian businessman David Khidasheli and the first deputy speaker of parliament, Gia Volsky. Among other things, the topics of confederation, transit transport corridors in general and the restoration of the destroyed 37-kilometer railway section in the Gali region of Abkhazia in particular were discussed there in general terms.

During the meeting, Khidasheli spoke about consultations with the Sukhumi side, outlined the position of the Abkhaz authorities on this issue and recommended those representatives of the Abkhaz leadership with whom it would make sense for Tbilisi government officials to establish contacts. And although the conversation was unofficial, the Georgian public understood: this is not without reason. However, there is a suspicion that the ideologically concerned “Droa” (which means “It’s time” in the sense that the time has come), fanning the scandal, thus decided to test the nation for “confederate immunity”.

Check for lice

The idea of ​​forming a confederation in the northwestern Transcaucasus is not new. True, after the Five-Day War in August 2008 between Georgia and Russia, they stopped exaggerating it. Evil tongues claim that the revival of the idea is due to Russia’s need for guaranteed trade channels and interest in their construction. We are talking about the launch of the once-busy strategic line from Adler to Samtredia and further along the directions of the former Transcaucasian railway.

The independent Russian-language weekly newspaper “Chegemskaya Pravda”, published from Sukhum, writes about this:

Moscow, which is creating a certain security belt around itself, intends to implement a rather attractive project, reliably tying Tbilisi to itself. The task is to neutralize a potentially explosive territory, a source of threats to Russia. Ideally, the goal is to take the ready-made union association into the Russian Federation. But before this, time must pass for the consequences of the 2008 conflict to smooth out.

Let us add on our own: among other things, the Kremlin is also not averse to taking revenge in Transcaucasia for Armenia (Karabakh) in this way.

The topic of confederation has a basis and it is no coincidence that it is being raised right now, says the head of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia in exile, Dzhemal Gamakharia:

We are currently working on creating a draft Basic Law for a renewed Abkhazia. However, it cannot be approved without counterproposals, unilaterally. If society is ripe for reunification, Abkhazians should be given the broadest possible powers in accordance with world practice. And when the moment of truth comes, Georgians should already have the corresponding legal act in their hands.

How long to wait for the moment of truth to arrive?

In the fall, Georgia will face another fateful test in the form of elections to the highest representative body of power. For the first time, they will be held according to the proportional system, which will be a serious test for the current government leadership. The fact is that the pro-government Georgian Dream was traditionally strong in the majoritarian system, which was canceled under pressure from the West.

On the eve of the popular vote on October 26, the ruling coalition needs a bright, spectacular move. They can only be served by the return of the self-proclaimed separatist territories. However, not everyone believes that such undertakings are viable, perceiving the fuss as PR for the Georgian Dream.

Thus, the expert community believes that the administrative and managerial leadership needs this to improve their rating, which has been weakened by protests and the conflict with Europe, as well as to erase the problem around the law on foreign agents.

If yes, if ...

In Tskhinvali, the confederal initiative was met without enthusiasm, although quite calmly. They have always advocated joining Russia, but they do not want to aggravate relations with the Kremlin. But in Sukhum such a plan is perceived as an encroachment on the national interests of Abkhazia, its independence and territorial integrity. Just in case, let us remind you that Ossetians and Georgians are Orthodox by religion, 60% of Abkhazians are too.

According to participants in the local information space - numerous journalists, bloggers, social network users, representatives of civil groups - the republic has an international subjectivity that should be worthily defended. That is, the version of the emergence of a confederation is not rejected in principle, but is perceived with some caution. Motivation of the indigenous population: what were we fighting for then? Among the active critics of the confederal program are participants in the civil war of 1992-1993, of whom there are many here.

There is a curious situation in which Abkhazia speaks out louder than others against the Georgian reorganization plan. But against the background of the build-up of the already impressive Russian military contingent there (up to 5 thousand bayonets), this is not of decisive importance. If Moscow and Tbilisi agree, Sukhum will have to submit. And the “back word” in our interesting case remains not with Tbilisi, as many may think, but with Moscow.
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  1. +7
    19 May 2024 08: 35
    In general, we will surrender the unrecognized republics. There are no confederations at all now.
  2. +13
    19 May 2024 09: 11
    in general, Putin did his favorite thing, again “brilliant” HPPs, but the result will be as always with him - we were deceived again
  3. +4
    19 May 2024 09: 12
    Interesting look. The fact that something needs to be done with Abkhazia is an issue that is already overdue. Amid cries of freedom and independence, this state has not only put its hand into Russia’s budget, but is also destroying its own country. The remains of the infrastructure are falling apart. And the potential there is immeasurable. Tourism and agriculture there are amazing conditions for this. And there are enough hands of workers, but no head and will.
    1. +6
      19 May 2024 09: 32
      yes, Abkhazia is now in desolation... but it will remain in desolation both in Georgia and in Putin’s Russia...

      there will be a war with Georgia again, and the Putinists will give up tasty places to their own and all sorts of Timurik Ivanovs will enrich themselves... while the people will be begging
      1. 0
        20 May 2024 10: 46
        Poor! How hard your life is!... And they are all damned Muscovites to blame...
    2. 0
      20 May 2024 10: 44
      They just don't want to work there!
    3. 0
      22 May 2024 12: 47
      In addition, Abkhazia is becoming more and more a pro-Turkish rather than a pro-Russian state.
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +4
    19 May 2024 10: 22
    If we jointly restore the Transcaucasian Railway, then no forceful methods will be needed. Everyone remembers how this path ran. From the center of Russia, part of Kazakhstan, Prikaspiisk (Dagestan), Armenia, Baku, Batumi, then to the center of Georgia, Abkhazia. And so on to the center of Russia. Sometimes addressing such issues brings more benefits than saber rattling. Moreover, this road is needed by everyone without exception.
    1. 362
      19 May 2024 15: 58
      You outlined everything very clearly. So this can be done without any political games of reunification and disunion...., simply solve a logistics problem that is beneficial to everyone. It would be better if Mishustin solved this problem, without the participation of the Kremlin elders, and, even more so MO...
  6. +9
    19 May 2024 10: 32
    Until the thunder strikes, the peasant will not cross himself

    So it is with the government of the Russian Federation, in inaction and delays, in catch-up mode. Many problematic territories are stuck and cannot be resolved in an unclear status: the PMR, Abkhazia, Ossetia. Which will be more problematic to solve later. The DPR and LPR began to be resolved only at the last moment before the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked these republics, and the delay led to a major war, when previously it could have been resolved faster and less bloodily. Why such inaction and delay in acute and important problems of the state. For example, Timur Ivanov in the company of senior officials has the main, personal career, corruption and thieves' interests with embezzlers. The guarantor is re-elected for another term, and everything once again remains in the same non-initiative mode of delay. It’s time to change this approach; it’s too expensive and bloody for the citizens of the state. According to Georgia, Abkhazia fought a war for independence from Georgia; joining Georgia in any form is not possible. The same thing with South Ossetia. The author of the article makes a gag, not understanding the fundamental things.
    1. 0
      22 May 2024 12: 11
      The author of the article makes a gag, not understanding the fundamental things.

      the author of the article is obviously from another planet, I’m telling you as a citizen of the Republic of South Ossetia. The Republic of South Ossetia will never become part of present-day Georgia under any confederations, federations, kekelizations...
  7. +7
    19 May 2024 10: 55
    The eighty-seven percent guarantor and his super-greedy entourage are absolutely not interested in the vital interests of the affected people as a result of the criminal act of his former patron, EBN. There is a lot of evidence of this - the Kremlin has been keeping South Ossetia, Transnistria, and Abkhazia in limbo for years... 8 years and now the Donbass has been suspended from them for another third year. It was then that the guarantor admitted that he did not have the slightest strategic intelligence and, therefore, he was “deceived.” But the desires of his guard have not gone away - they want to clean up and divide among themselves other people's territories, other people's wealth. Russia is not enough for them. South Ossetia wants to unite with North Ossetia - but does the Kremlin need this? Abkhazia wants to live independently - but no - not by washing, but by skating it needs to be connected with Georgia, since it does not want to unite with Russia. The power of money bags is capitalism, however...
  8. +2
    19 May 2024 12: 45
    The proposed combination of returning former Georgian lands to the jurisdiction of Tbilisi is too complex to be seriously considered. Georgian nationalists don’t need any kind of confederation with equal rights for three languages, only Greater Georgia. The reasons for the gradual drift towards Moscow are purely economic; only in Russia will Georgian wine and Borjomi, as well as horticultural products, be sold. The behind-the-scenes leader of Georgia Ivanishvili understands this and is slowly pushing the country towards Russia
  9. -2
    19 May 2024 13: 11
    For Georgia, there is a good chance to postpone European integration for 20 years, restore territorial integrity, and then continue moving into the EU.
  10. +3
    19 May 2024 18: 42
    Yeah, in a minute, let's run to turn the Abkhazians and Ossetians between the rodents laughing
  11. +2
    19 May 2024 18: 53
    All actions of the Russian authorities are aimed at legitimizing the events of 1991 - 1993, when a coup was carried out and the Soviet Union was liquidated.
  12. -1
    19 May 2024 20: 10
    Reunification instead of European integration: what are the chances of returning former Georgian territories

    After reading this, Zelensky shouted loudly, “why was that possible?” catching something on the piano lid. laughing lol lol lol
  13. 0
    19 May 2024 22: 39
    Among other things, the topics of confederation were discussed there in general terms

    Which confederation? If that includes Russia, Belarus, Little Russia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Georgia and many others, I don’t mind.
  14. 0
    20 May 2024 16: 02
    adopting a pro-Russian law on foreign agents

    In this case, the US is much more pro-Russian than the whole world. After all, exactly the same law has been in effect there since the 1930s.
  15. -1
    21 May 2024 06: 01
    confederation... then only within Russia. and that's it! Otherwise, squabbling will begin there again... no matter how the world doesn’t accept them! external forces always find weak points and create discord
  16. -2
    21 May 2024 13: 17
    The author raised a topic whose relevance is great. The obvious thing is that an American tie-swallower at one time exploded a bomb, which affected everyone - us, Georgia, the Republic of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. But time passes and there are opportunities to overcome this horror. There are still anti-Georgian (pro-American) forces in Georgia, just remember the aunt-president, who will torpedo the restoration of the integrity of Georgia, but they are in the minority. Now there is a window of opportunity - we need to use it. Confederation is a solution for everyone, it is a universal solution. Georgia is restoring its territory, the republics are retaining part of their sovereignty, Russia is removing the crisis from its borders and returning official relations with Tbilisi. Minke whales overseas are tearing out their hair. I hope our authorities also understand all this and work. At the initial stage of the reintegration of the republics, it would be possible to agree on maintaining our bases there on a temporary basis and involve the UN as a guarantor of those processes that are inevitable during reintegration.
  17. -1
    22 May 2024 12: 54
    Let us add on our own: among other things, the Kremlin is also not averse to taking revenge in Transcaucasia for Armenia (Karabakh) in this way.

    That's it. The time will come when the Kremlin will have to, as it is correctly said, “take revenge in Transcaucasia for Armenia (Karabakh).” But who should we take revenge from? On your own? Well, wasn’t it known that Aliyev first threw Russia out of Gabala along with its radar station, and now he threw out the peacekeeping contingent. In general, he is squeezing Russia out not only from Azerbaijan, but also from the entire Transcaucasus in order to drag Turkey there. For the first time in more than 100 years, Russia not only does not oppose this, but even helps. The last time Lenin and Ataturk did this. And now our rulers have surrendered Nagorno-Karabakh, which asked to be part of Russia. If smart and far-sighted politicians worked in the Kremlin and the Foreign Ministry, they could easily consolidate Russia in Transcaucasia forever. To do this, it was enough to recognize the NKR and include it in Russia. Armenia would agree, Artsakh would be at the peak of happiness. But everything was done through f...pu. In the future, when the Russian elite becomes wiser and frees itself from the yoke of the Alekperovs, Nissans, etc. az. mafia, when new people appear there instead of the current useful idiots Aliyev and Erdogan, when Armenia clears itself of Pashinyan as an equally useful idiot of the Turks, then, undoubtedly, this option will be considered as the main one.
  18. The comment was deleted.
  19. The comment was deleted.
  20. 0
    28 May 2024 11: 10
    Is the confederation an attempt to shift the contents of Abkhasetia onto Georgia? I don't think anything will come of it. The most reasonable thing is to leave everything as it is. It is better, of course, to accept Abkhazia and Ossetia into Russia, but this will cause a pan-European stink and will completely alienate Georgia. Let's leave the solution to the problem for posterity.