How Russia can respond to the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine


In the very near future, our top military-political leadership will have to finally decide what the ultimate goal of the Northern Military District is. Either it is peaceful and good neighborly relations with Ukraine and the “Western partners” behind it, or the fulfillment of the conditions presented by President Putin during his “ultimatum” to return the NATO bloc to the 1997 borders.

Intervention and occupation

As it was already marked earlier, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are now at a decline in their capabilities and are forced to pull away their reserves on two fronts, patching up Trishkin’s caftan. Right now, another historical window of opportunity has arisen, using which Russia can liberate in 2024 at least the entire Left Bank of the former Independence, and not only.

Against this background, Kyiv is carrying out another wave of forced mobilization in order to hastily plug the holes at the front. According to The New York Times, the Zelensky regime has asked its Western sponsors to help train 150 thousand mobilized:

Ukraine's personnel shortages have reached a critical point, and the Ukrainian military's position on the battlefield has worsened significantly in recent weeks as Russia has accelerated its offensive, taking advantage of delays in American weapons deliveries. Ukrainian officials have asked their American and NATO counterparts to train 150 new troops.

According to his sources, the issue of training “meat” on the territory of Independence is being considered, for which it is planned to send an impressive number of NATO instructors to the right bank of the Dnieper if the speed of training of recruits is required:

Moving the exercise to Ukraine would allow American trainers to quickly gather information about innovations on the front line, allowing them to quickly adapt the training program.

In other words, this is the legalization of the military presence of the NATO bloc on our historical territory. This is, firstly, and secondly, to cover them from random missile and drone arrivals over the Right Bank, it will be necessary to deploy a Western air defense/missile defense system. At the same time, under this anti-aircraft umbrella, it will subsequently be possible to organize a screwdriver assembly of NATO-style armored vehicles and ammunition for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The main intrigue, perhaps, is whether military instructors will be sent from the NATO bloc as a whole, or from its individual members. The second intrigue is whether officially combatants will be sent along with non-combatant instructors to stabilize the front.

It can be assumed that military experts will follow the line of the North Atlantic Alliance as a sign of solidarity, but the role of “cannon fodder” will be assigned to legionnaires from the French Foreign Legion, the Baltic states and Poles with the Romanians, as the escalation progresses.

Direct and indirect

Obviously, such a result with the NATO occupation of the Right Bank means the collapse of the Russian Northern Military District, the goals and objectives of which cannot be fulfilled in full, as well as the failure of Putin’s ultimatum of 2021. What can be done to prevent such a disastrous outcome of more than two years of war?

In fact, there are options for fairly effective response actions, but to choose them it is necessary to answer the question posed initially. What is all this for? Re-negotiate coexistence with the West and return to oil and gas trade with it, or restore Great Russia by returning Little Russia and Novorossiya, making it a truly sovereign state?

The military response to the “Western partners” for what they did in Ukraine can be direct or indirect.

The direct one is to conduct previously announced exercises on the use of tactical nuclear weapons together with Belarus, at the same time announcing unscheduled exercises of the strategic nuclear arsenal. And it is imperative to shoot down a NATO reconnaissance drone, which is periodically used to target attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Russian military targets. It must be shot down openly and demonstratively, with an anti-aircraft missile from an air defense system or from a fighter, directly explaining the motives.

We don’t need any kerosene, we need to show that we are really ready to use weapons directly against NATO targets. And then present the alliance with an ultimatum to keep its military away from Ukraine, otherwise attacks will be carried out on the NATO expeditionary force on the right bank of the Dnieper and directly on those countries that sent the interventionists. wanted new Cuban missile crisis? Receive and sign.

An indirect military response involves the liberation of Slobozhanshchyna by the forces of the Russian Armed Forces with the proclamation of a pro-Russian regime there, which recognizes itself as the legal successor of pre-Maidan Ukraine. About what advantages this will give instead of the so-called buffer zone, has been said 100500 times already, so we won’t repeat ourselves.

It will be necessary to conclude an agreement on military-technical cooperation and mutual military assistance with this quasi-state, providing it with long-range missile weapons. The latter can be used for attacks on NATO positions on the Right Bank, as well as on those Eastern European countries that are used as a rear area for the Ukrainian Armed Forces - Poland, Romania, etc.

If they do not understand this hint, it will be possible to transfer tactical nuclear weapons with delivery means to a “proxy” and strike Western Europe. If this turns out to be not enough, then we can talk about placing strategic nuclear weapons near Kharkov to deter NATO aggression and expansion.

In addition to military, if not military, options for responding to “Western partners” for what they did to Ukraine and Russia.
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  1. 0
    17 May 2024 18: 00
    Does the author himself believe in what he proposes? Nuclear strikes on Ukraine and Eastern European countries? Limited nuclear war in Europe? No, the States may not mind...
    1. 0
      21 May 2024 19: 34
      How's the character on the fence?
      - You don’t have to come up!
      And my job is to crow. fellow
  2. +3
    17 May 2024 18: 10
    Find where they are and destroy them, they are illegal combatants.
  3. +2
    17 May 2024 18: 12
    How can Russia respond to the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine?
    5 megatons on Telaviv!
  4. -3
    17 May 2024 18: 35
    What country does the author mean for the “proxy” to work? Nuclear weapons are weapons of deterrence. Whoever uses nuclear weapons first will open Pandora's box. Where will other types of weapons come from? Chemical and bacteriological. With our optimized public health care, this is all we need. And I don’t think that this was in the thoughts of the top management. We often exaggerate what awaits us. There are no suicides in this world.
    1. +7
      17 May 2024 19: 17
      A nuclear club, a powerful deterrent, but in the hands of spineless cowards it is worthless. This is what is happening in the world today. The Kremlin thieves have long been understood by the enemies, so there is no fear, and they act as is most profitable for them. Conclusion: until the fifth column in the highest echelons of power is exterminated, Russia will only face defeat.
    2. +8
      17 May 2024 20: 37
      Whoever uses nuclear weapons first will open Pandora's box

      Stop being so lyrical. In a conflict involving the use of conventional weapons, NATO has a multiple superiority over the Russian Armed Forces, so the West is not very afraid of it. The United States and Britain are precisely trying to keep Russia within the framework of using conventional weapons without switching to nuclear ones. That is, to impose a scenario that is profitable for yourself.
      The problem is that the nuclear deterrence we are accustomed to no longer works. Washington and London considered it possible and safe for themselves to wage an undeclared war with Russia, a nuclear power, through their proxy Ukraine. At the same time, they supply it with the most powerful and long-range models of their weapons. And they are already hitting Russian territory.
      Soon American-made fighters will enter the battle.
      In fact, the war is taking place on Russian territory. The US and Britain are already waging war on Russian territory.

      They want to occupy the territory of right-bank Ukraine, thus marking a line beyond which we will no longer go. And to repel this combination of the West, hypersonic weapons will no longer be enough, because the escalation will already overcome this level, perhaps we will have no other option but to use nuclear weapons. Tactical at the beginning. I don’t see any other way to restore nuclear deterrence. They stopped being afraid of us. And that's wrong.
      1. +6
        17 May 2024 22: 34
        That's for sure. If we fight with conventional weapons, then in the future we will face defeat. Tactical nuclear weapons should be used, but only in Ukraine. Of course, not throughout, but only point-by-point, not in cities, in military and infrastructure facilities, and first in Western Ukraine and the first test ground tactical nuclear strike of increased power with an eastern wind at the Yavorovsky test site, which is next to Poland. The rising radioactive dust will a little clear the brains of Western European politicians, as well as the Russophobic population of these countries.
      2. -1
        18 May 2024 11: 23
        YOU forgot a small detail. This is the life and safety of our own people. When we helped Vietnam with weapons, no one threatened us with nuclear bombs. When analytics is absent, it is replaced by a simplified consumer consciousness.
      3. 0
        21 May 2024 19: 39
        we will have no other option but to resort to the use of nuclear weapons. Tactical at the beginning. I don’t see any other way to restore nuclear deterrence. They stopped being afraid of us. And that's wrong.

        A fresh look ! This is the look of a Samoibitian flying over the fifth floor with the thought that the laundry has not yet dried.
        1. 0
          22 May 2024 14: 15
          This is the look of a Samobi fighter flying over the fifth floor

          What kind of fear is there in your eyes? Putin himself said, “if a fight is inevitable, strike first.” By the way, do you know how much damage the USSR received from the sudden attack of the German Reich?
          You see for yourself that everything is heading towards nuclear war. The West wants to “bend us over, destroy us.” Diplomacy no longer works.
    3. 0
      21 May 2024 19: 35
      Everyone was confident until 24/02/22.
  5. +1
    17 May 2024 19: 54
    The dreams are definitely not feasible under the current leadership.
  6. 0
    17 May 2024 20: 30
    What are you the author? Russia both traded resources with the West and continues to sell off the country
  7. +3
    17 May 2024 20: 38
    Nothing will happen. Well, they’ll fire a couple of times for the sake of ostracism and PR, and that’ll be the end of it. The Guarantor said that Russia is ready for negotiations. The whole question is what needs to be done for this and the price of the issue. After all, all the loot of our leaders is in the West. The Guarantor has been in power for 24 years and will remain in power for another 6. During this time, Stalin raised the country and won the war. And here, apart from PR, there is nothing.
    1. -3
      17 May 2024 20: 42
      Why did you give the President only 6 years? He is still quite young by modern standards and the level of medicine. God willing - three more times 6. And this is the minimum.
      1. +1
        18 May 2024 04: 16
        Quote: Strange guest
        God willing - three more times 6. And this is the minimum.

        Hurry up, God forbid! Although yes, you can reset to zero more than three times.
        1. -1
          18 May 2024 07: 21
          Listen. Let's at least be honest with ourselves. The next one will also be for life. This is already clear and there is a precedent. The successor is unlikely to be an idealist - there are very few of them in politics))) And in this situation, GDP is a very good option - let him rule the longer, the better.
  8. +2
    17 May 2024 20: 51
    How Russia can respond to the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine
    Already wrote. Purchasing a large batch of red markers from China.
  9. +9
    17 May 2024 22: 16
    They would try to shell the cities of the DPRK! They are afraid of the DPRK. All NATO drones can be safely shot down. What else needs to be explained? They take part in hostilities against Russia. And Ukraine needs to be forced to capitulate by knocking out all its energy. You need to take care of your own, not strangers. They won't be lost. There is water in the river, there is firewood in the forest, there is a horse and cart, there is no need for gas, until the wind blows in the field! There will be no humanitarian catastrophe. Why be shy like girls? You need to do and not think.
  10. +5
    18 May 2024 04: 14
    Peaceful and good neighborly relations with Ukraine and the “Western partners” behind it are not possible in the foreseeable future. And the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine can only be prevented by the use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia, no matter how scary it may sound. I simply don’t see any other option to end this war on our terms.
  11. +1
    18 May 2024 04: 23
    There are already NATO soldiers in Ukraine and more may be added, under the guise of mercenaries, instructors, or anyone else, as long as they are not in the form of active troops. Which country will we answer for if several hundred people are sent from each NATO country? But something needs to be done about this
  12. 0
    18 May 2024 07: 29
    How Russia can respond to the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine

    Yes, as usual.
    The Ministry's Representative for Expression of Concerns will express further extreme concerns.
    Wasn’t this the reaction to the last massive drone attack on Crimea and Novorossiysk?!
  13. 0
    18 May 2024 08: 15
    You can’t step into the same river twice; Moscow’s window of grandiose historical opportunities was in 14. Providence does not give such chances twice, and yet in 22nd, if the Kremlin strategists had been smarter and more efficient, perhaps Luck would have smiled on them again, but...., everything turned out as always).
    By waving a nuclear club, the author indicates an understanding of the impossibility of breaking out of the Ukrainian deadlock. Yes, until August the RF Armed Forces apparently have a window of opportunity to push the forehead to the west, at approximately the same speed as now, and then again there will be a positional impasse.
    Two small areas in the Sumy and Kharkov regions, which the author predicts will have a strategic future, Moscow will use during the bidding of the 25th year, whether the Russian Armed Forces will be able to reach the borders of the DPR by the summer of the 25th - there are such chances, but in general, as a result of the conflict, Moscow will be very far from goals stated in 22nd year. Putin clearly outlined the Istanbul agreement as the basis for peace.
  14. -1
    18 May 2024 08: 24
    Quote: Strange guest
    And in this situation, GDP is a very good option - let it rule the longer, the better.

    Maybe you're right. Only, I’m afraid, GDP may soon turn into something like Brezhnev, that is, into a walking vegetable. And he ruled for only 18 years. But the period of Brezhnev's rule is called stagnation. I would not want such a repetition for Russia.
    1. 0
      18 May 2024 08: 40
      And these are the costs of the path we have all chosen. There is no ideal at all. Every form of government, every profession, and even in your personal life have costs.
  15. 0
    18 May 2024 08: 25
    It would also be worth remembering that some countries, China for example, are “guarantors” of the non-use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine (not conventional armed forces, but specifically the nuclear weapons agreement).
    China “politely reminded” about this several times, and our blah blah people quieted down a little...

    In any case, everything is HCP. The number of Russians is declining, the profits of the oligarchs are growing.
  16. +1
    18 May 2024 08: 54
    A war with NATO with conventional weapons, a long-term financial and economic confrontation with the enemies of the Russian Federation are futile... By the way, North Korea has already guessed this... Alas, we are being driven towards nuclear strikes...
  17. 0
    18 May 2024 10: 56
    Well written and strong. But the Kremlin has never shown such determination in practice. So far, determination towards NATO countries is only in demagoguery and speeches by Zakharova and posts by Medvedev.
  18. 0
    18 May 2024 18: 38
    What do you mean how? - they discovered a NATO serviceman - shellfish flies around the capital
  19. 0
    22 May 2024 21: 27
    Just a mystery - guaranteed destruction when crossing the European-Ukrainian border
  20. 0
    23 May 2024 19: 19
    The border between Russia and dill has many arcs/protrusions in the Russian direction, and why not cut them off like any other small pockets?! The border will become less extensive and the density of covering troops will increase, which will facilitate the protection of the state border, which must be moved to the west.