The Russian military started talking about the need to create drones


The expert community believes that after the advent of FPV drones, “all books on military science can be thrown away.” But unmanned aircraft do not stand still and are constantly developing, new Technology allow you to create more and more advanced devices with various functions. For example, drones will make it possible to achieve stunning superiority over the enemy on the battlefield.

Control of unmanned aircraft requires development in the form of the creation of an aircraft-type UAV carrier for FPV drones. This was stated by the commander of the 24th OBRSpN Guard, Colonel Denis Malakhov, at a meeting of unit heads with Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 7 in the Kremlin after the latter’s inauguration ceremony as head of state.

There is a need to consider the introduction and, perhaps, production of aircraft-type UAVs with carriers of FPV drones, that is, the so-called aircraft

– Malakhov reported, according to the transcript on the website of the President of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that such “aircraft” drones must have a sufficiently large payload capacity so that at least two small-sized kamikaze UAVs can be placed under their fuselage or other places. This allows an aircraft on a reconnaissance flight, when a target is detected, to send striking attack drones directly from its side.

Note that at the end of March 2024, UAC registered (patented) its UAV dropped from an aircraft at the Federal Institute of Industrial Property. According to the developers, the drone should be able to make decisions about striking, but it is unknown whether technology exists in Russia that can implement the plan. It is known that after a UAV is dropped from its suspension point, it does not lose contact with the carrier aircraft. The aircraft moves away from the drop site to a safe distance, and the UAV also includes an operator control function.

The Russian military started talking about the need to create drones

We remind you that the Russian company Svyaz Spetszashchita presented its new Admiral-Aircraft Carrier UAV in Moscow back in May 2023, which can carry two FPV drones. This is so far the only UAV on the Russian market (payload 8 kg) that can do something like this.

In the West and Asia, they are also working on launching UAVs from aircraft and creating drone aircraft. In the event of a conflict, the development of such technologies will allow one to gain an advantage over those whose troops are not equipped with such systems.
21 comment
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  1. +1
    12 May 2024 16: 54
    I’m not a military man, but I can note that the advantage of drones is their small size and, therefore, difficult to detect. The delivery of drones in large quantities to targets is understandable, but this aircraft becomes a good target for air defense due to its size.
    1. +1
      12 May 2024 18: 33
      I’m not a military man, but I can note that the advantage of drones is their small size and, therefore, difficult to detect. The delivery of drones in large quantities to targets is understandable, but this aircraft becomes a good target for air defense due to its size.

      If such systems are made of radio-absorbing material and with an electric drive, then such systems will be difficult to detect, only optically. If such an aircraft will patrol at altitudes of more than 15 - 20 km, then in addition it will be difficult to shoot down.
      1. +1
        12 May 2024 19: 35
        Sorry, but I have to ask a question - is everything okay in your head? Altitudes of 15 - 20 km are for jet aircraft.
        1. 0
          12 May 2024 19: 48
          Sorry, but I have to ask a question - is everything okay in your head? Altitudes of 15 - 20 km are for jet aircraft.

          The mission of the aircraft is to drop homing kamikaze drones and help track the target. After this, return to base. Those. The loitering time will be 5-15 minutes, or even less. How long does it take for aviation to react and enter the area where the aircraft is located for optical guidance on the target? Is your head okay? Or do you not even think about it?
          1. 0
            13 May 2024 08: 00
            Everything is fine with me, and you didn’t even read what you were trying to comment on. Vehicles with internal combustion engines and electricity do not fly at altitudes of 10 -15 km. motors, the atmosphere is not the same, I’m already silent about the fact that a drone can reach such heights in 5-15 minutes. - this is beyond science fiction.
        2. 0
          12 May 2024 19: 50
          Quote: bug120560
          Altitudes of 15 - 20 km are for jet aircraft.

          And what bothers you? Reset, it can be different. And fighter aircraft can very well act as a carrier of a swarm.
          1. 0
            13 May 2024 08: 03
            There are also aircraft and missiles that can be used, but there are no drones with AI, and with such decision-making speeds as ours it is not expected.
      2. 0
        13 May 2024 00: 03
        In this case, why fence the garden, there is reaper technology, not ours, but it is there. The only question is, why don’t Svidomo use it?
    2. 0
      12 May 2024 20: 51
      And now these drones are delivered to the front line by people, operators in cars. Of course, a vehicle with operators moving towards the front line is probably more difficult to detect. That is, we don’t feel sorry for people, it’s a pity for us to lose the aircraft, but we still give birth to more people. So what do you think?
      1. 0
        13 May 2024 00: 06
        The equipment will not serve itself. And again about the unmanned aircraft - do you think it can’t be landed with the help of electronic warfare?
  2. +1
    12 May 2024 17: 46
    To equip troops and civilians with such systems, a systematic approach is needed.
    And this is the Ministry of Unmanned Transport, at a minimum, development institutes, manufacturing plants.
    1. 0
      14 May 2024 05: 33
      Bolivar won't take everyone out...
      1. 0
        14 May 2024 08: 42
        Then sucks for Bolivar.
        The war has changed from a "cavalry" war to a drone war.
        You can't get away with being individual entrepreneurs here.
        We need a state approach with all revolutionary consciousness....
        1. 0
          14 May 2024 15: 23
          Why does dead Bolivar need a minister in the desert?
  3. +2
    12 May 2024 18: 40
    You can equip an airship with dozens of drones and launch them as needed
    1. 0
      16 May 2024 05: 24
      Why so openly, enemies can read it.
  4. 0
    12 May 2024 18: 56
    What about small missiles with a camera and controls, like a drone, under the wings of a large (relatively) drone, what didn’t please the warriors? Yes, and you can launch from helicopters. He lifted the helicopter three kilometers above the LBS, out of the reach of MANPADS and ZU-23, drew an arc from LBS to LBS with a radius of 5 km, and everything inside the arc is yours. Beat your choice. And the rockets need to be smaller in size than LMUR. The same ATGM, but with a television camera and more maneuverable than an ATGM, so that you can see the window and maneuver widely. So that you can fly around the barn and hit it from behind. Two crew members can handle it. And regular FPV drones can also be launched from a helicopter. And from a height it’s also further away than from the ground and a repeater is not needed.
  5. +1
    12 May 2024 20: 23
    All this was already tested 100 years ago on large aircraft. Attempts to make aircraft mats, etc.
    But missile-carrying aircraft have taken root. If we consider the UAV as an ersatz missile, then it will be quite possible.
  6. 0
    12 May 2024 23: 33
    If dropped from a height, gliding projectiles controlled by operators can be used. The same drone, only without engines.
  7. 0
    13 May 2024 11: 00
    Why not invent a sniper drone?
    1. 0
      14 May 2024 05: 35
      What will the FSO snipers do? They may be offended.