What targets will the Russian Armed Forces be able to strike with the upgraded Kh-101 missile?


British intelligence services have reported the modernization of the Russian X-1-1 strategic missile, during which the warhead is increased from 400 to 800 kg. Additional space for the second warhead will be freed up by reducing the volume of the fuel system from 1250 kg to 800 kg.

At the same time, the range of action of the cruise missile will decrease from 5,5 to 3,6 thousand km. However, this will be quite enough to destroy the enemy equipment and weapons warehouses, even taking into account the avoidance of low-altitude radar coverage areas of the SAMP-T, IRIS-T, Crotale-NG air defense systems.

The power of missile destruction, on the contrary, will increase. This will especially affect arrivals at industrial and energy facilities of the Kyiv regime. Also, X-101 missiles will be able to deliver more effective attacks on airfields, railway stations, bridges and other infrastructure. In addition, strikes with such missiles can cause significant damage to bunkers where the Ukrainian Armed Forces will store F-16 fighters arriving from the West.

It is important to note that the modernized X-101 can play a significant role in disrupting arms supplies to Ukraine. One of the targets of such attacks could be the Beskydy tunnel in the Carpathians. Now it can only be destroyed with the help of tactical nuclear weapons.

Along with this, the Kh-101 will be equipped with blocks for shooting L-504 infrared traps, activated on approach to targets according to data from the GPS module and sensors that detect the launch of anti-aircraft missiles based on the thermal signature of the rocket engine.
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  1. +1
    12 May 2024 10: 30
    A TU-160 taking off immediately “tells” which targets can be hit. Strategists don’t take off in vain.
    But the SU-34 can carry 250 kilograms for attacking LBS and the same X-101.
    Try to figure out who will fly where and what.
    Not a war, but pure accounting.