With a shield and on a shield: how can you reduce losses during assault operations?


The positional war that the Northern Military District has become is characterized by a high level of losses during attempts at active assault operations of layered defense. The main problem in this case is represented by fragments of artillery shells, cluster munitions, kamikaze drones, as well as enemy bullets, ricochets and even the shock wave from explosions. Is it possible to reduce the damage emanating from them?

"The legacy of ancestors"

Due to the above factors, battle formations on the LBS are as sparse as possible, and they have to attack in small assault groups. At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not spare their FPV drones, even to defeat individual Russian military personnel, several for each.

We have learned to protect armored vehicles by turning them in a makeshift way into “self-propelled barns,” but how can we protect people who are not covered by any armor other than a bulletproof vest and a helmet, in the best case scenario?

To combat FPV drones, the Russian Ministry of Defense, it seems, has already begun distributing shotguns to attack aircraft and training them in shooting at high-speed air targets, but this is not an easy task, requiring many months of active practice, not sparing ammunition. Not everyone can fight off a deadly “kamikaze” flying at you with a bag of potatoes, like Private Khamatov. We need something simpler and more versatile, suitable for quickly ducking down and hiding from danger.

The simplest solution, at first glance, seems to be equipping the fighters of the assault units with special shields. They have been used for protection on battlefields since ancient times, but have not lost their relevance today. Yes, they will not save you from a bullet from a large-caliber sniper rifle or a fragment of a 155 mm caliber shell that exploded nearby, but as bulletproof or anti-fragmentation protection from ammunition such as AGS or mines from a “drop gun”, shields can help.

From the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the RF Armed Forces?

It so happened that it is not the Russian army, but the domestic police (ex-militia) that has real experience in using shields. They are shockproof, used to disperse riots, and bulletproof, needed to protect special forces soldiers when storming premises, etc. It is the latter that may be of interest to us, having several types and classes of protection.

For example, a small shield, or armored shield, BZT - 75S, which has a trapezoidal shape with rounded corners and is made of armored steel. Depending on the efficiency requirements, it has two varieties: protection class 3 (thickness - 4,5 mm, weight - no more than 8,5 kg) and class 5 (thickness - 6,2 mm, weight - no more than 12,5 kg) .

The BZT-75S armored shield provides a protection diameter of 0,21 square meters. m, which seems a little, but only at first glance. Such a compact shield can be useful when confronting an enemy in close combat somewhere in the trenches of a Ukrainian Armed Forces support unit, when everything is used - grenades, pistols, sapper blades, etc., even hand-to-hand combat. It may also be easier to use an armored shield to brush off an FPV drone flying at a fighter if there is no bag of potatoes.

Much more serious protection is provided by FORT bulletproof shields “Vant-LM” and “Vant-VM”, used by special forces during storming buildings, as well as on transport.

Thanks to its unique armored structure, the former protects the fighter from bullets with a heat-strengthened core from the AK-74 and light bullets with a steel core (LPS) from the SVD at a distance of five meters. The protection area of ​​such a shield is 0,28 square meters. m, weight is up to 14 kg. "Vant-VM" provides a large protection area (class 5) - 0,42 sq.m. and weighs about 24 kg. A special apron (2 classes), fixed at the bottom of the shield and providing safety from bullets from TT, PSM and APS pistols.

The most reliable is the Zabor-M assault shield, which can cover an entire group of special forces storming a room. Its body consists of steel of class 5 protection; it has not just an inspection hole, but a whole window. A special breastplate with a suspension system leaves both hands of the fighter free. “Zabor-M” protects against steel-core bullets fired from AKM, LPS bullets from SVD, as well as grenade fragments, providing a total protection area of ​​0,8 sq.m. Everything would be fine, but such a shield weighs about 40 kg.

Obviously, with an additional load of 24-40 kg you can’t really run across the steppes of Donbass. However, when clearing buildings during urban battles, such protective devices would clearly not be out of place for servicemen of the Russian army.

With a shield and on a shield?

This is something that is actually available and used by the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but is required by the RF Armed Forces. The initiative of the “people's military-industrial complex” can testify to how relevant this is.

Director of the Donetsk enterprise for the production of body armor and additional anti-fragmentation modules "3D Techno" Mikhail Kondrus рассказал RIA News about its promising development of an anti-fragmentation individual ballistic shield for attack aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicle operators working directly on the front line:

Development of a new product has begun. People turned. They just brought, essentially, a karemat. But we will make such an anti-fragmentation shield for them.

Ballistic tests of the anti-fragmentation shield-cape have shown a fairly high degree of protection that our product provides. Military acceptance was successful, the first batch has already gone into operation and will be delivered to the troops in the near future. We are starting its small-scale production. In the future, based on feedback from the front, we will improve the product.

But the experience of the SVO also requires the development of a special army tactical shield, which should provide protection from fragments.

It should be as light as possible, made from composite materials. It is desirable that the assault shield be folding and could be carried on the back while marching. The ability to turn the shield into a stretcher would be very useful, and if they were equipped with special mounts, they could be assembled into a single structure that would cover trenches or be hung on the sides of trucks as additional armor.

This is not so difficult to do, and it will save the lives and health of our soldiers. I wonder when the Russian Ministry of Defense and military-industrial complex enterprises will think about this?
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  1. -2
    10 May 2024 13: 24
    Armor pads on the legs and arms in the form of greaves and bracers are required. In addition to the shield.
    1. +2
      10 May 2024 14: 11
      A helmet with a visor and a laser sword of a Jedi knight are also required.
      Are you tired of talking nonsense? Better read the combat regulations, especially those that relate to offensive combat operations. Maybe then you'll learn to think.
      1. -1
        10 May 2024 14: 39
        How will armor pads on the legs and arms be damaged? And in what ways do they contradict the combat regulations? Enlighten.
        1. +2
          10 May 2024 14: 47
          Have you served in the army? Mentally put on your armored armor, helmet, unloading ammunition and think that you need to get up from the ground and make a dash over rough terrain under fire, about three hundred meters. I wish not to die while running.
          1. -3
            10 May 2024 14: 54
            It depends on the preparation. And leggings with bracers will not increase the weight much. Shield..possibly. But it is necessary to provide the ability to hang it around the neck - and at the same time additional protection while running/moving.
          2. -1
            11 May 2024 11: 38
            And exoskeletons were invented a long time ago. Adapt them to the needs of the fighters, set up production and that’s it.
            1. +2
              11 May 2024 19: 43
              I thought that you were a serious person, but you are from the category of rose-colored dreamers (Manilovs).
              1. 0
                13 May 2024 17: 38
                If you want to live, you’re not getting up to speed

                - and the armor shield, for example, on the left hand from the light armor plate is quite suitable when an FVP drone is flying at you. You may be shell-shocked and 200, but you will avoid taking 200 into account, or it’s better for you to be XNUMX than to carry a shield. To each his own, some are shell-shocked, some are in the grave.
      2. 0
        11 May 2024 12: 03
        Are you tired of talking nonsense? Better read the combat regulations, especially those that relate to offensive combat operations. Maybe then you'll learn to think.

        Counter question: Are additional body kits for tanks in the Mangal style provided for in the Charter? Are shotguns against drones the standard weapon of the Russian Armed Forces?
        1. +3
          11 May 2024 20: 40
          No, they are not provided for, these are forced homemade products caused by the lack of desire on the part of those who are supposed to fulfill their direct responsibilities. In 1942 The La-5 fighter passed flight tests in 5 days and was put into production, but now the electronic sighting system that automatically detects a UAV and automatically aims weapons at it, even in the form of a pilot batch, cannot be sent to the front. Although the developer has completed work on it for more than two years.
    2. -2
      10 May 2024 21: 06
      Also a spear, a bow and a quiver of arrows.
      1. +2
        11 May 2024 12: 04
        Also a spear, a bow and a quiver of arrows.

        Exactly. Here you are for the “meat assault” of the Ukrainian oporniks. There you would laugh merrily and say that all this is unnecessary bullshit good
  2. +1
    10 May 2024 13: 49
    First of all, you need a combined anti-spatter suit with active headphones and bulletproof elements: knee pads, ankle pads, shoulder pads, etc....
    1. -2
      10 May 2024 14: 42
      Ideally, yes. But this is very expensive. To protect against fragments of a 155-mm high-explosive fragmentation projectile at least at a distance of 5 meters. Therefore, at least supplement the body armor and helmet with leggings and bracers in addition to the shield proposed by the author.
  3. +1
    10 May 2024 14: 05
    I wonder when the Russian Ministry of Defense and military-industrial complex enterprises will think about this?

    Without a magic kick from above, not a single boss will impose anything beyond the plan on his enterprise.
    This is only a private initiative of caring entrepreneurs (who have the appropriate production base and funds).
    In the Moscow Region and in power, the “Ivanovs” have not yet disappeared.
    And the idea is good. On the left hand, with fastenings for a knife and a couple of magazines.
  4. 0
    10 May 2024 22: 35
    This is all bullshit.. If you really need a fighter to be well protected, a special sapper suit, it weighs a lot, and a person in it is clumsy, and if you add to it, automatic ammunition, and so on, then how can you storm anything in it? Each fighter must be given a shooting net. It was tested against drones, and it recommended itself well.. If they couldn’t shoot down a drone on approach, the network is the best thing..
    1. -1
      11 May 2024 11: 33
      And to the net - a trident! fellow
    2. +1
      11 May 2024 12: 02
      Each fighter must be given a shooting net. It was tested against drones, and it recommended itself well.. If they couldn’t shoot down a drone on approach, the network is the best thing..

      And will you use a net to fight off the fragments? lol
      1. 0
        11 May 2024 14: 55
        Fragments will not appear if you throw a shooting net under a flying drone.
        1. +1
          11 May 2024 19: 17
          First, go ahead and throw it on.
          Secondly, how will you use a net to catch fragments from an artillery shell, VOG or grenade? What is the article about, by the way?
          1. -1
            12 May 2024 14: 07
            Firstly, the net is easy to throw, it was tested in a weapons commotion, watch the video for yourself on YouTube. As for fragments, from shells, I doubt that the shield is a good topic, for an attack aircraft, it’s already loaded to the brim, I can’t figure out what kind of shield there is..
        2. -1
          17 May 2024 03: 45
          What if a 155-mm high-explosive fragmentation weapon is five meters away? How will the network help?
  5. +2
    11 May 2024 10: 34
    The shield is needed to cover yourself, but Private Khamatov repulsed the drone. This means, according to the author’s logic, it is necessary to distribute baseball bats rather than shields. That's when things will work out. It will be possible to repel drones directly at enemy positions...) But seriously, people there walk many kilometers a day, they are already carrying 20-30 kg. And still want to give them a 40kg shield? And a small shield will not save you from the grenade on the FPV drone.
    1. -2
      11 May 2024 11: 35
      The shield can be rolled on wheels from behind and used as neededfeel
    2. +1
      11 May 2024 12: 01
      The shield is needed to cover yourself, but Private Khamatov repulsed the drone. This means, according to the author’s logic, it is necessary to distribute baseball bats rather than shields. That's when things will work out. It will be possible to repel drones directly at enemy positions...) But seriously, people there walk many kilometers a day, they are already carrying 20-30 kg. And still want to give them a 40kg shield?

      It seems to me that the author responded to this comment directly in the text. And he called on developers to create a lightweight modular shield from composite materials.

      Obviously, with an additional load of 24-40 kg you can’t really run across the steppes of Donbass. However, when clearing buildings during urban battles, such protective devices would clearly not be out of place for servicemen of the Russian army.

      And it’s best to directly ask the stormtroopers whether they need this or unnecessary bullshit Yes Before landing, Mr. Strelkov, in particular, stated that they were needed.

      And a small shield will not save you from the grenade on the FPV drone.

      It can protect against bullets and shrapnel in close combat. And it seems to me that the article focuses not even on drones, but on protection from fragments.
    3. +1
      13 May 2024 17: 50
      (Yuri Nemov) The shield is not 40 kg, but 5 kg made of durable low-pressure ethylene. And from the FVP flying at you, it will clearly save you from death, concussion and wounds to the limbs can be caught, but not become 200. It is also possible to protect yourself from a mine or artillery fragments . Conclusion: under today's circumstances, a fighter needs a portable shield. Practice will show which is definitely more suitable.
  6. +1
    11 May 2024 23: 05
    Anything that can save lives should be studied, while a shield would be cumbersome in some ops, it would not be overly obtrusive in others. Also, one thing I'm not seeing on Russian or Ukrainian tanks are chains hanging in vulnerable areas like the Israeli's have. Again, it may not work every time but the times it works makes it invaluable.
  7. +2
    12 May 2024 10: 38
    The article reveals the idea of ​​how to minimize losses among military personnel. How to use it? Yes, it’s very simple, the main thing is to have not one but several shields on hand, both in size and weight (protection class), and then I think they’ll figure out which one to take in a given situation. It’s like, a small fragment from the nail of the little finger gets just below the helmet or between the plates somewhere on the side at hand and then there will be big trouble. And in terms of how protection (any) works and how uncomfortable it is for others when there is practically no protection, you can consider the incident with the attempted robbery of a US bank in Los Angeles on February 28, 1997. Organized by robbers Larry Philips and Emil Matasarianu.
  8. Owl
    12 May 2024 11: 05
    The shield is necessary for law enforcement units to detain (neutralize) offenders in buildings (structures) and in vehicles. This criminal contingent may have pistols, shotguns, machine guns, carbines and hand grenades, and enemy military personnel may have, in addition to all of the above: machine guns, RPGs, grenade launchers and hand grenades in large quantities. Carry with you, even on equipment, a 5th shield or 6th protection class, weighing more than 20 kg. - very problematic. Anti-fragmentation suits are used either by sappers or “faces” - for a very limited time (several hours). Therefore: everyone has their own, law and order and special forces need shields (remember Crimea, the capture of the headquarters and facilities of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry), in war - you get tired of carrying them and won’t have time to take them out of the “armor” and equip them. Therefore: electronic warfare, semi-automatic shotguns, camouflage and equipping positions and deployment sites with nets and shelters - these are the tasks for the LBS.
  9. 0
    13 May 2024 14: 33
    Defense is good. Where are the rocket launchers with shotgun cartridges? The infantryman's last hope to escape from FPV!
    1. +1
      13 May 2024 18: 16
      A rocket launcher won’t help, you won’t have time to pull it out yet, here it’s better to have a grenade launcher with a grape shot, a machine gun is always at hand.
  10. +1
    31 May 2024 00: 36
    There's no way you can reduce them. The running back and forth, which is called attack, cannot possibly be without losses. But here is a concrete advance towards the strategic goal, for the complete conquest of the enemy in his capital. This will be, in the interim, the main factor in reducing combat losses.