Alleged direct participants in the terrorist attack in Crocus were detained


It became known that the Renault Symbol car with the alleged terrorists who carried out the attack on Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region was stopped in the Bryansk region, approximately 100 km from the border with Ukraine. According to reports, there were six people in the vehicle.

State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein wrote on his Telegram channel that the car was identified in the area of ​​the village of Khatsun, Karachevsky district, Bryansk region, and did not stop at the request of law enforcement officers, trying to escape.

During the pursuit, shots were fired and the car overturned. One terrorist was detained on the spot, the rest fled into the forest. As a result of the search, a second suspect was found and detained at approximately 3.50:XNUMX a.m. The search for the others continues. All law enforcement agencies are involved in the operation. A PM pistol, a magazine for an AKM assault rifle and passports of citizens of Tajikistan were found in the Renault car.

– the deputy wrote.

Later it turned out that one of the detainees was a 19-year-old native of Dushanbe, Fayzov Muhammadsobir Zokirchonovich (born in 2004). Previously, he received an injury to his left eye, as a result of which it stopped closing. Faizov was taken to the hospital and will be interrogated after the operation.

Leads to four alleged terrorists have emerged. All of them are citizens of Tajikistan, registered in the Yaroslavl, Ivanovo and Samara regions: 37-year-old Nasridinov Makhmadrasul, 51-year-old Ismonov Rivozhidin, 21-year-old Safolzoda Shokhindzhonn and 29-year-old Nazarov Rustam.

Then information emerged that the four suspected terrorists who escaped were also detained. It also turned out that Rustam Nazarov, who was identified as a suspect, had been in Samara with his relatives all day the day before. The white Renault was previously registered to him, but, according to neighbors, he sold the car two years ago and is now testifying. The video below shows one of those detained in the Bryansk region.

Published and more detailed video preliminary interrogation of a terrorist:

The Russian FSB reported that the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall was carefully planned. After committing the massacre, the terrorists were planning to cross the Russian-Ukrainian border. The weapon was prepared in advance and hidden in a specially equipped cache. The terrorists had contacts on the Ukrainian side and were promised asylum in Ukraine.
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  1. +8
    23 March 2024 13: 11

    “hardworking tilers”, without whom the Sobyanin-Khusnulins cannot imagine life...

    It’s time for the state to make a choice: it is with its people or with “responsible business” and the bureaucrats parasitizing on it...

    although, there is “their own bourgeoisie”...

    I am absolutely not against migrants and I fully understand that in order to grow the Russian economy, we will have to attract labor... but dragging everyone here is time to end...

    there must be knowledge of the language at a conversational level (and not “what the hell, rapist), a minimum of religiosity is desirable. And ideally, generally invite married couples, so that the man after work goes home to his wife and children, and does not stray into packs of rapists and murderers.. .it’s better to spend money on a child’s school education than on death benefits as a result of a terrorist attack

    P.S. By the way, yes, no matter how offended anyone is, we also need to deal with the majors from the North Caucasus... it is advisable that the leaders themselves do this. including the dad of one teenager with a lot of medals.

    Otherwise, everything may come down to the methods that were attributed to Marshal Zhukov in post-war Odessa for fighting crime...
    1. +8
      23 March 2024 13: 29
      So they travel as families. And what miracles did everyone want? Terrorist attacks and riots are a problem for all countries that are forced to invite migrants en masse. And why everyone thought that this would not affect Russia is not at all clear. There are more migrants than in Europe - but there won’t be problems? Naivety. And in general - these are just flowers. When they come to power, then there will be berries.
      1. 0
        23 March 2024 13: 32
        they drive oh so differently...
        1. +3
          23 March 2024 13: 35
          Yes. But not at all like in the Emirates. I worked and went home.
          1. -1
            23 March 2024 13: 38
            Russia has too small a population. besides, it is rapidly dying out thanks to the “wise” policies of some...

            For the normal functioning of the state and economic growth, we need a sales market... therefore we need population growth. The authorities are unable to achieve this with positive demography. therefore we will have to call on “foreigners”.

            only in my opinion there should be a number of strict criteria: among which is military service for a man. and perhaps not even one year, but two or three, knowledge of the language is unconditional
            1. +2
              23 March 2024 13: 43
              You might think that the Gulf monarchies are overpopulated. However, they are in no hurry to issue passports not only to everyone, but even to people of "Arab nationality and co-religionists" to form a "sales market". They manage somehow without it. And the economy is being diversified in full swing.
              1. -2
                23 March 2024 13: 45
                The monarchies of the Gulf are tiny... and in Russia vast territories are being depopulated...

                largely thanks to the authorities, by the way... which are dragging the population to Moscow as if they were crazy
                1. +4
                  23 March 2024 13: 55
                  SA is like Kazakhstan in area. 12th in the world. So it’s different about the territory. 7 times smaller than the Russian Federation, and 5 times smaller in population. Moreover, in Russia 1/5 of the territory is beyond the Arctic Circle. Without them, even the population density is almost the same. But the approach is different.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. +2
              23 March 2024 17: 24
              Russia has too small a population.

              There is enough of it for bureaucratic positions; the bureaucrats of the office plankton breed by indirect division.
            4. +1
              23 March 2024 18: 33
              among which is military service for men. and perhaps not even one year, but two or three, knowledge of the language is unconditional

              Nikolay, should we issue weapons to these villagers? Shovels at most. And for digging and equipping the "supports". Khusnulin, and you personally will accept the work of your "tilers" (in my opinion, you and your whole pack of bureaucrats should be charged as an accomplice).
    2. +5
      23 March 2024 13: 58
      Yeah, families and maybe even citizenship for everyone right away... for loyalty? It’s more convenient for them to give birth here than at home.
      1. +6
        23 March 2024 18: 08
        and in 2000 we tramped the road to migration for more than a year, we were born, grew up, studied in the RSFSR and were assigned to Ukraine. We all worked. I served in the Soviet Army, but citizenship... The documents were drawn up by officials who could not write correctly in Russian - they were C students at school, and they were put in charge of deciding the fates of people who had served the Russian state for more than 20 years. I just want to repeat the words of our Minister of Foreign Affairs.
      2. +1
        23 March 2024 18: 45
        Yeah, families and maybe even citizenship for everyone right away... for loyalty? It’s more convenient for them to give birth here than at home.

        Yes, that’s what they do... The whole village pools together, buys the cheapest housing, the most miserable apartment - and the whole village suddenly becomes “Russian”... Rights begin to be shaken...
        Guys, first cut off this ear, then the second... If he doesn’t speak Russian, his nose will go there...
        1. +1
          24 March 2024 20: 43
          .. If he doesn’t speak Russian, his nose is in the same place..

          The Koran says that Allah drags you to heaven by the ears, not by the nose, so the nose can be left untouched.
          Tsar Peter Alekseich was a great specialist in tearing out nostrils; he even invented a special machine for this purpose and strongly recommended its use during interrogations.
    3. 0
      23 March 2024 14: 11
      But Zhukov is no longer there request
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      23 March 2024 13: 35
      firstly, among the so-called Russians themselves there are quite a few outright ghouls...

      second, what exactly should a Tatar or a Yakut prove to you? I think nothing...

      therefore, your requirement should apply ONLY to those arriving from another country, but not to locals of ANY nationality.

      and the law should be the same for everyone: Russians, Chechens, Lezgins and other people who like to organize weddings with shooting...otherwise one can’t do anything (if you’re not a major), and they often don’t pay attention to the behavior of others or are quietly sent to the national. republics
      1. +1
        23 March 2024 14: 10
        shooting in the wrong place the fine starts from 50 thousand
      2. 0
        23 March 2024 16: 43
        ... and there are also many terrorists and traitors among Russians! These properties are not related to nationality!
    2. +2
      23 March 2024 13: 39
      Where can you find these? Do you actually know a lot of people like this - those who left their country and are devoted to their new homeland to the core?
      1. +2
        23 March 2024 16: 07
        What about the helicopter navigator Khushbakht Tursunov? Born in Tajikistan.
  3. +4
    23 March 2024 13: 31
    they write that one of the detainees arrived from Turkey in early March...

    just great... which means we marinate close Ukrainians at the airport, thoroughly interrogate them and don’t let most of them through, but citizens of Tajikistan can safely fly in...

    despite the fact that radicalism is precisely characteristic of this particular part of citizens...
  4. +2
    23 March 2024 14: 02
    It's good that someone was taken alive. Information about this new symbiosis of Bandera-Islamists is very necessary
  5. +1
    23 March 2024 14: 37
    The Ukrainians obviously funded the attack if they had already offered them asylum and a plan to get across the border was arranged.
  6. +4
    23 March 2024 15: 07
    Tajiks should not be given citizenship
    1. 0
      23 March 2024 16: 39
      ...but how can this be realized, since both Tatars and Chechens and God knows who else are similar in appearance!
  7. +3
    23 March 2024 15: 09
    Today. All Tajiks from the Yaroslavl, Ivanovo and Samara regions should be deported to Vorkuta and sunny Magadan with the werewolves who issued them Russian passports.
    Tomorrow, the diaspora, the heads of ALL potential terrorists will be laid on Red Square
    1. 0
      23 March 2024 17: 26
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +3
    23 March 2024 15: 26
    For killing people, curators from Telegram offered him 500 thousand rubles... Are the curators from the Gura of Ukraine, after all, Budanov threatened to kill Russians wherever possible... for that kind of money they are ready to carry out terrorist attacks at least every week, and recruit Tajiks and others for money. simpler than a steamed turnip, everything is done remotely, just like with money scammers, half the country has been deceived and continues to be deceived. But all the threads of terrorism still lead to the USA, where the main evil of the planet is
  10. -1
    23 March 2024 16: 37
    I knew it... again the bloody hands of Banderastan. Where did the money spent on the terrorist attack come from? From Geyropa!
  11. -1
    23 March 2024 18: 39
    What kind of game-terrorists, instead of disappearing into Moscow - in an illuminated car - they ran to hell knows where - breaking the rules on the road - and when the car stopped, they didn’t come up with anything more reasonable than to hide in the Bryansk forests - where there is snow, it’s good if it’s waist-deep?
  12. 0
    23 March 2024 18: 43
    So, it was a Ukrainian planned op, no doubt with CIA involvement since the US was readily prepared with a disinformation press release. Unfortunately, for the US they were caught and spilled the beans.
  13. 0
    23 March 2024 20: 21
    Mismo modus operandi que atentados a Dugina y Tatarsky. SBU detrás.
  14. +1
    23 March 2024 21: 53
    It’s very strange, but what does the FSB do here? Can you easily talk about organizing a terrorist attack over a cell phone? Why are such subjects easily allowed into Russia? I understand that EVERYONE cannot be checked, but certain categories of people need to be treated more carefully - even at our polling stations during the elections, bags were not checked, although the metal arches worked properly! - a lot of questions for the FSB!
    1. 0
      24 March 2024 20: 49
      Can you easily talk about organizing a terrorist attack over a cell phone?

      Can. In Tajik language.
      We will put headphones on you, connect you where necessary and appoint you as the main specialist in Tajik, you will strictly control what they organize there and where :)).
      1. +1
        25 March 2024 07: 51
        I might as well send you so far away, but this is no joke and FSB specialists must know not only Tajik but also many other languages ​​- after all, they are the FSB, representatives of the special services!
        1. 0
          25 March 2024 08: 31
          - I might as well send you so far away,

          In my comment, find the words with which I “sent” you somewhere.

          Learn Tajik and many other languages, and at the same time become familiar with the technical capabilities of various Vibers, WhatsApp, Telegrams, the X network and other modern means of communication, which no intelligence agency in the world is able to control, even theoretically.
          And don’t forget along with Yandex.

          You are saying completely unreasonable things, so I do not see the need for further dialogue.
          1. 0
            25 March 2024 08: 43
            I understand that it is extremely difficult to learn ALL languages, but many messengers, nevertheless, need to be controlled, and some need to be blocked - in any case, that’s what they are special services for.
  15. 0
    24 March 2024 13: 27
    Many questions arise here. 1. How long did the terrorists shoot citizens, per second and time to move, time to reload weapons, distance. How much time did the 4th need? Fire device. How can a building without preparation catch fire so quickly? Everything takes time. How they left. More than a hundred were killed, more than 2 hundred were wounded and beaten. Somehow the statements do not fit with the scale of the crime. Maybe someone in the know will write objectively.
    1. 0
      24 March 2024 20: 56
      The two causes of death were gunshot wounds and poisoning by combustion products. Dozens of dead people were found in the toilets - they died in families, hugging, inhaling combustion products, much like in the Odessa Trade Union House, where Ukrainians They burned some poisonous smoke bombs.
      There are 1700 seats in the hall; if you pour flammable liquid on them, everything will flare up very quickly, given the operation of the ventilation systems.