Expert: Ukrainian air defense got hold of an A-50U of the Russian Aerospace Forces using an “Israeli maneuver”


On the evening of February 23, an AWACS A-50U aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces was shot down over Kuban. Immediately after this, the Ukrainian side stated that this was done by its air defense system, which was able to reach the Russian side with a long-range anti-aircraft guided missile S-200. Expert Yuri Podolyaka wrote about this on his Telegram channel on February 24, trying to understand the situation.

He noted that the Russian authorities have not made any official statements on this matter, but he has already formed a certain point of view. The expert thinks the plane was shot down by “friendly fire.”

Podolyaka suggested that the Ukrainians had developed a provocative operation using surface-to-ground ammunition converted from surface-to-air missiles for the S-200 air defense system. They calculated the flight path of the A-50U, which usually followed one course for a certain time, and fired a decoy missile towards the aircraft. They then tried to bring the fired ammunition as close to the side as possible, simulating an attack with an anti-aircraft missile. That is why the A-50U fired heat traps in flight.

Our air defense officers, trying to intercept the target and save the A-50U, hit their own side with one missile (either they both exploded side by side, the investigation, I think, will show), which crashed during the fall

- he added.

In his opinion, the Ukrainians repeated the provocative scheme used in September 2018 by the Israeli Air Force over the Mediterranean Sea near Syria against an Il-20 control aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, which was targeted by a missile from the S-200 air defense system of the Syrian air defense system.

Thus, both versions (both the Ukrainian one and the one expressed yesterday by paramilitary bloggers) are generally correct. And something needs to be done urgently about this to prevent another repetition of the tragedy.

He pointed out.

Podolyaka believes that it is necessary to make the A-50U flight pattern as unpredictable as possible for the enemy. At the same time, specialized specialists can make other rational proposals.
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  1. 23+
    25 February 2024 16: 55
    No conclusions will be drawn. Accordingly, nothing will change. The third year of the war showed this very clearly. The President doesn't need this.
    1. 20+
      25 February 2024 17: 18
      There is simply nothing in the mainstream media space about the A-50, whether the first or the second. Well, why take any other measures if the majority of the country’s citizens are neither in sleep nor in spirit about the problem? For those who draw their ideas about reality from the programs of Solovyov and Simonyan, everything is wonderful, we are defeating everyone, and Kyiv has not yet been taken due to the fact that the design of the new dress uniform has not been approved.
      1. -9
        25 February 2024 18: 12
        you don’t need to judge by yourself... you need to go for walks more often and breathe in fresh air, come to me, I’ll show you a lot of interesting things... the Ministry of Defense won’t report anything to us and why should we fight here in hysterics... yesterday there was also a tragedy, who will he be responsible for this? even if someone is shot for this, they will not report to us...
        1. +6
          25 February 2024 23: 12
          Calm down, now people don’t shoot for mistakes and omissions, but reward and promote them.
          1. 0
            26 February 2024 11: 14
            In your outskirts this is not possible
    2. +8
      25 February 2024 17: 31
      Yes, we seem to have nowhere to put these A-50s and A-100s, probably a dozen will be enough in the third year of the war, with this situation!
    3. -11
      25 February 2024 21: 47
      Mikhail, you go to the Northern Military District yourself and help, call, like a smart guy and a patriot, in order to quickly end the war. I think that with leaders like you, they would have killed our soldiers in whole heaps, like Zelensky’s Banderaites. It would be better to keep quiet and do everything in the rear to supply our guys with the things they need at the front.
      1. +9
        25 February 2024 23: 16
        Is it possible that our soldiers are missing something at the front? It can’t be, the Moscow Region didn’t report anything about this, nor did the TV.
    4. +3
      26 February 2024 22: 18
      Our air defense officers, trying to intercept the target and save the A-50U, hit their own side with one missile (either they both exploded side by side, the investigation, I think, will show), which crashed during the fall

      It looks very far-fetched. You have to be a complete idiot or a traitor to launch air defense missiles at an S-200 missile flying at our A-50 AWACS aircraft. It’s clear even to an amateur that it’s a huge risk to get on your own plane. The A-50, compared to the S-200 missile, is a huge radio contrast and thermal target, which our air defense missiles will almost certainly choose. Most likely everything is much simpler. Our enemies, taking advantage of the fact that the A-50 constantly flew along the same route, like the IL-22 and A50u over the Sea of ​​Azov, calculated the trajectory and fired a modernized S-200 or Patriot missile at it with an increased range. The Americans could have tried and delivered such a missile. The tragic incidents over the Sea of ​​Azov and Belgorod did not serve as a lesson for us. A possibility is also possible that a Sadwinder-type missile in its ground-based version will be launched from our territory by a DRG.
  2. +1
    25 February 2024 17: 09
    That sounds like the most plausible explanation, and I suspect it's how they shot down the other one a couple months ago. I remember when 2 Chinooks were shot down in Iraq on a routine mission to the airport...........they flew the same predictable flight path each day, so the militia sent up a kill box of Strella's. After the downing, the US Army said, "we're going to change up the flight paths we use", no shit! AFTER THE FACT! Whoever is in charge of coordinating the A50-U flight plans with air defense, needs to be shot!
  3. 0
    25 February 2024 17: 45
    Not for the first time. Maybe Ukrainian missiles are being launched to confirm this legend?
  4. +8
    25 February 2024 17: 46
    War, the enemy is cunning and insidious, losses and casualties are inevitable. To reduce casualties, for such complex large aircraft, the crew and those on board need life-saving equipment and capabilities. For pilots of combat aircraft, there are ejection seats, and large aircraft need rescue capabilities: ejection seats, crew compartments, and the like. I have already written about rescue systems for transport aircraft crews. Why are they not given the opportunity to escape by parachute? Today, such crews are suicide bombers, with no way to escape. Until this happens, it is irresponsibility of aircraft manufacturers and customers. Or widows can file a lawsuit in the courts for not creating opportunities to be saved. in emergency flight situations.
    1. +8
      25 February 2024 22: 33
      To begin with, they would have launched at least some kind of cover. There is an unmanned hunter, could it be exposed to a missile? Theoretically - yes, practically - it’s all on paper. And the planes are riveted and the women give birth; if the Russians don’t want to, they will bring non-Russians for this purpose.
    2. +4
      25 February 2024 22: 50
      Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
      Why are they not given the opportunity to escape by parachute?

      Parachutes are a good thing, but for such slow-moving vessels, it wouldn’t be bad to have their own air-to-air protection. Fortunately, the dimensions allow and the aerodynamics will not suffer much. At worst, remote-controlled 30mm. guns could help in defense.
      1. +3
        26 February 2024 10: 14
        Heat traps alone are clearly not the way to get rid of this, one gets the impression that we simply have nowhere to put our AWACS aircraft, after this disaster there are probably no more of them left in service at all, and the most offensive thing is that this is not the first time our aircraft has been killed by friendly fire, some generally examines in the most thorough manner all these serious mistakes of ours and draws the necessary conclusions to prevent this in the future, or did we talk and forget???
    3. +3
      26 February 2024 13: 10
      Not everything is so simple, the crew has the opportunity to “escape by parachute”, but there is not always enough time for this. We don’t know where or how the missile hit and, accordingly, we cannot judge the consequences of its use, let’s be balanced. Unfortunately, this problem, as experience shows, has not been eliminated and the experience from the tragedy with IL-20 was ignored as a rare and special case. Such vehicles MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PAIR OF FIGHTERS! Anytime and anywhere! This was previously stated on the margins of VO. Try to approach the pin@osov AWACS...
      1. +5
        26 February 2024 19: 15
        Such vehicles MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PAIR OF FIGHTERS! Anytime and anywhere! This was previously stated on the margins of VO. Try to approach the pin@osov AWACS...

        Everything is true, but who in the Russian Defense Ministry understands this?
        "Reindeer herder" or what's his name - "plywood marshal"?
        Do not make me laugh...

        Whoever is in charge of coordinating the A50-U flight plans with air defense, needs to be shot!

        Don’t just shoot, Peter, but first have your shoulder straps pulled off by a military tribunal. And the belt...

        In his opinion, the Ukrainians repeated the provocative scheme used in September 2018 by the Israeli Air Force over the Mediterranean Sea near Syria against an Il-20 control aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, which was targeted by a missile from the S-200 air defense system of the Syrian air defense system.

        Not so... There, the Jew simply “hid” behind our plane, and the guidance operator had already given out the coordinates for the target and did not make any adjustments...
        The rocket does not hit the plane directly (I’ll explain it at the level of “water pipes” - don’t take it as snobbery). although this happens, it is extremely rare - and this is not required. Enough damaging elements.

        They calculated the flight path of the A-50U, which usually followed one course for a certain time

        Roughly speaking, this is calculated automatically by extrapolation (but this information is for the guidance operator - where the “target” (mark) will be in the conditions of “locals” or interference at the next moment in time before the radar review...
        The flight path is something else. This is closer to the “flight mission” - course, altitude, changes... This is not a civilian “route” aircraft, where a change in the “corridor” automatically leads to a warning from the air defense troops - and the pilot’s temporary suspension from flying...

        Such vehicles MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PAIR OF FIGHTERS! Anytime and anywhere!

        But I completely agree with this statement! Given the current laxity, incompetence, and simply sloppiness of the “SUV drivers” from the General Staff of the Russian Federation - honestly, I expected something like this... Do you remember how the crew (6 people and 3 accompanying persons) died quite recently? Carrying 65 prisoners for exchange? Over their own territory, not for “snuff of tobacco”? There was no escort. None. Neither ZRV, nor IA...
        Apparently, no conclusions have been drawn... We're waiting, sir...
        PS. Sorry, I repeat - I don’t suffer from snobbery. I just KNOW what I’m talking about - Former sergeant, 1st class RTV air defense control system operator, except for six months in “training” - two training grounds in Sary-Shagan, six months each... In the steppe, in tents...
        At the extreme, right in the steppe, at the position, the Air Defense Commander-in-Chief, Air Marshal A.I. Koldunov, shook hands with me and my crew of operators, saying warm words and congratulating us on the task completed... And not a “plywood” marshal, but a twice Hero, combat fighter pilot...
        I am proud that I served the Soviet Union!
  5. +8
    25 February 2024 17: 55
    Our people, damn it, why are they silent?
    1. +6
      25 February 2024 18: 39
      Quote: Cyril
      Our people, damn it, why are they silent? How did they put shit in their mouth?

      Well, what can Shoigu or his boss say, except perhaps re-interpret his famous phrase - “she drowned” into “he was shot down”
      1. +6
        25 February 2024 22: 44
        As some wisdom shows, fools learn from their mistakes. This means that even fools are capable of correcting them. In fact, we have the same repeated mistakes in both the maritime and air fleets. What could this mean? It seems that instead of fools, the ignorant are in charge.
        1. +2
          25 February 2024 22: 56
          Quote from Voo
          In fact, we have the same repeated mistakes in both the maritime and air fleets. What could this mean?

          Let's hope that it's not a call from the Main Bourgeoisie - a game of giveaway.
        2. +3
          26 February 2024 02: 29
          A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, a smart man does not repeat his own, and a foolish man falls in the same place and at the same time blames others, not himself.
        3. The comment was deleted.
      2. +2
        26 February 2024 02: 15
        " "he was shot down"..."
        More like "he fell"...
    2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +2
    25 February 2024 18: 18
    Taking down a reconnaissance aircraft that itself monitors missile launches, air defense installations, radars and the like is interesting
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. 0
    25 February 2024 18: 46
    Do general-admiral-marshals still receive salaries the same? By the way, consider this an appeal to the Ministry of Defense. Publish, please, the salaries of our generals, admirals, colonels, etc. Give special credit to Putin, he is ten times better than everyone else!
  9. -1
    25 February 2024 18: 47
    So what about the generals?
    1. 0
      25 February 2024 19: 51
      Quote: Avtandil
      So what about the generals?

      Count it in Georgia!
      You don't look at all like the VITYAZ in tiger skin! You're more of a skinner! How much do you get paid? Tell us. Then I’ll tell you how much ordinary soldiers in the Northern Military District get paid! By the way, they don’t take your hirelings prisoner.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +6
    25 February 2024 18: 49
    According to such “experts,” 7 Russian aircraft (including two strategic A-50s) were shot down by “friendly fire” in two weeks. And the Ministry of Defense looks at all this in silence.
    I don’t understand, is it really less shameful for them to humiliate their own army with such statements than to recognize the local success of the enemy?
    1. -7
      25 February 2024 20: 17
      Don’t create nonsense. What are the seven sides? Losses from friendly fire on three sides so far: one in 2022, one at the end of 2023 and one now. So no one is humiliating the army, but there are mistakes, this happens in any war, especially in a war of such intensity with the use of all sorts of flying crap. Figure it out.
    2. 0
      25 February 2024 20: 23
      Until they “fly” at the main headquarters, like in Sevastopol, and they don’t move. It seems that there is no Russian air defense in these “places” at all, or it doesn’t catch mice, just like in Sevastopol. A resort, not a SVO, and it’s been like that for two years now. The military could have classified all this instead of reporting it to everyone, but in the age of smartphones you can’t classify anything...
      1. +5
        25 February 2024 22: 48
        The flight to the headquarters in Sevastopol, judging by the losses, did not lead to anything. It looked like there was no one there.
        1. +4
          26 February 2024 12: 02
          Replica. The visit to the Navy headquarters was painful, (during the extended meeting) but nothing changed. This is the problem, that there are no changes for the better, which means the basis of the problems is deeper.
    3. -1
      26 February 2024 10: 23
      What can we even talk about this if recently our air forces have been commanded by either tankers, then artillerymen, or infantrymen, apparently the generals among the pilots understand this less than them.
      1. +5
        26 February 2024 12: 08
        Replica. Over the past decade, the personnel system for selecting senior officers has been flawed, and the results from the beginning of the SVO are obvious.

        Without replacing the priest, the income will not change.
  12. -2
    25 February 2024 18: 52
    Nobody will ever answer. Damn, that's weird...
  13. -1
    25 February 2024 19: 02
    Shot down with the help of the S-200. It was modified, the range became about 300 km.
  14. -7
    25 February 2024 20: 47
    If we compare the downed A-50 with the specialists on board and Avdievka.
    So which side will have the advantage?
  15. +1
    25 February 2024 20: 52
    Podolyaka is an expert???
    Moreover, a “military” expert???

    Do not give this concept a rude curse, worse than obscene language, such as “public figure.”

    Let him better tell you how he worked in the Maidan, how he rose to the rank of the Maidan "centurion".
    And how he was “mowed down” by the army
  16. -4
    25 February 2024 21: 05
    Kozlov of Zionism to account!
    1. +1
      25 February 2024 21: 44
      And reptilians. Definitely!
  17. +6
    25 February 2024 22: 27
    It is not clear how an “unpredictable scheme” can help, if its radar “glows” hundreds of kilometers away, but the rocket doesn’t care where to fly and it flies 10 times faster than the plane and therefore still catches up or goes to meet. If only there was enough range. And it is still not clear, someone from the top declared after the downing of the IL-76 with prisoners that we could not do this, we have “friend or foe” identification on our planes and the missile simply will not aim and will not explode. It turns out that someone is making a mistake, either Podolyak, or someone else.
  18. 10+
    25 February 2024 22: 38
    Why was this “bait” shot down next to the plane? This is a hefty missile, it can be seen long before approaching the target, the range of the air defense system is enough to intercept it hundreds of kilometers from the target. Moreover, the A-50 was supposed to help direct the missile defense system at the attacking missile. It's all very murky.
    1. +2
      25 February 2024 23: 27
      Don’t force it and don’t undermine it, there is no treason and no one at any level is working for the enemy for dollars, everyone is united in a single impulse and desire to prevent this from happening in the future, everything is clear, open and transparent.
    2. +2
      26 February 2024 00: 30
      I suggest that an effective solution to the problems of detecting air and ground targets while keeping the location source safe is to improve the system of low-orbit satellites equipped with appropriate equipment for this. Of course, this is expensive (financial issues...) and takes a long time under current conditions, but for the future you cannot do without it. Another option is to raise the radar on a tethered balloon or airship. From a height of 1 km, the distance to the horizon (at sea) is approximately 380 km. In Russia, this should have been done yesterday... In the USA, a network of balloon locators has long been created.
      1. -1
        26 February 2024 11: 58
        But this has been discussed for a long time, but nothing has moved beyond talk, apparently we are used to the old fashioned way and stubbornly do not want to change anything, introducing new technologies and weapons as quickly as possible is not a cheap thing, but fighting with the old methods and outdated technologies also apparently will no longer work.
    3. +1
      26 February 2024 10: 30
      Another sloppiness and lack of close mutual understanding between our units and branches of the military.
  19. +5
    25 February 2024 23: 49
    The Russian authorities have not made any official statements on this matter

    and for all other issues too - that means they will be repeated. After a quarter-century in power, neither morality nor intelligence have increased.
  20. -5
    26 February 2024 01: 37
    I'm sorry to see guys die on the battlefield, in armor or in the trenches. Their battles are fought with a lot of luck or bad luck. But the death of some next coffin of the Black Sea Fleet or another plane that flies along the same route for weeks no longer resonates.
  21. +5
    26 February 2024 02: 03
    Incompetence on the ground and Russian maybe, together with a rotten vertical of power, with manual control. The SVO is a catalyst for the “lousiness” of the leadership in the Russian Federation.
  22. GN
    26 February 2024 02: 33
    Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow Putin will again make a couple of his masked generals Heroes of Russia! Half of the Black Sea Fleet has already been lost, now the reconnaissance planes are going haywire!! Is anyone actually responsible for this whole mess??
  23. -1
    26 February 2024 03: 58
    there are a ton of advisors from Israel, and most likely it was they who did it, it is necessary to supply weapons to the Houthis, and the loss of the second A-50u makes their drones, both air and surface, practically invulnerable, and attacks by NATO aircraft from Romania are also possible, now if only su57 will constantly fly around, but there won’t be that many of them and their engines have not yet been modernized
  24. -1
    26 February 2024 05: 29
    The rocket was actually modified from 200 to 600 kilometers. And the Americans are not sleeping, they could be testing some kind of rocket of their own. So there is no need to blame everything on the bungling of the military, they do their job professionally. The A-50 was created at a time when aviation electronics were assembled using radio tubes. In the digital age, it seems that the era of huge, clumsy transport workers carrying a huge plate on their hump is a thing of the past; it is necessary to create an unmanned, inexpensive, mass-produced platform for long-range radar reconnaissance
    1. 0
      26 February 2024 21: 15
      So there is no need to blame everything on the bungling of the military, they do their job professionally.

      There is strife between military and military. About the guys in the trenches - that’s one thing. There are no words - I admire it.

      SUVs in stripes - as our Supreme says - that's something else
  25. +4
    26 February 2024 07: 00
    For 3 days Russian propaganda remained silent in confusion, not knowing which version to offer its listeners and viewers. In the end, the option proposed by Podolyaka was chosen
  26. +2
    26 February 2024 08: 59
    if “Avdeevka”, military experts say (the full name is already known to everyone), it will be written down, and/or is already being written into military textbooks... stop.
    Why didn’t they write down the F-117 shot down in Yugoslavia by the S-125 complex in their textbooks? he flew along the same trajectory.

    Above is a comment about Chinook helicopters. also along the same trajectory.
    The Israeli Mnevre, the downed Il 20, also flew one figure eight.
    the first A 50 shot down and the Il 22 damaged? Same...
    and here we go again!

    if NATO was supported by the borders of the Russian Federation and provoked to start a military defense (we were forced to do this), it turns out they knew that they would have to fight in Ukraine with the entire bloc.

    if in 14 the Donetsk airport was so controlled by “cyborgs” that they didn’t know who they would have to face in 22?

    Even if you don’t read textbooks, then at least the military should remember this...

    What textbook should be introduced in military academies is the book “If (oops. again, if”) there were no generals.”
    By the way, a writer from Ukraine.
  27. +6
    26 February 2024 09: 14
    It is obvious that the entire Western satellite constellation, tracking stations, and strategic surveillance drones are working for the Ukrainians. Odessa bloggers in videos on YouTube broadcast messages from their air defense: where, when and who took off, when they fired and what missiles, where they are flying...
    If you don’t fight with this, as well as with massive supplies of Western weapons, then what is there to talk about, what kind of victory. Factories in the west, supply routes cannot be touched, radars, satellites, and drones cannot be touched either. Now there will be planes that appear to be Ukrainian... This is a direct road, at best, to a shameful world.
  28. -4
    26 February 2024 09: 38

    AWACS A-50U aircraft shot down by the Russian Aerospace Forces

    - I haven’t seen it, the Mo RF doesn’t seem to have announced it, which means it’s a fake.
    And the “explainer” by the Podolyaks reads like science fiction..
    An attempt to explain something awkwardly.
    1. +3
      26 February 2024 14: 42
      I have never met you in my life - you are a fake.
  29. 0
    26 February 2024 12: 45
    A -50 k unfortunately shot down 256 km from the LB. The crew saw the missile and reacted. It is not yet clear who shot it down...
    1. -1
      26 February 2024 14: 40
      In general, the video has been online for a long time. The start of the missile is visible there.
    2. -1
      26 February 2024 20: 53
      A -50 k unfortunately shot down 256 km from the LB. The crew saw the missile and reacted.

      How did you react? This is an AWACS (long-range radar) aircraft 256 km from the LBS... Over its own territory... It doesn’t shoot down itself - others do it... Either an air defense system or an IA (guidance to the front or rear hemisphere). Its task is to record the launch of the rocket and issue its exact coordinates (TC - target designation).
      This means that there was not only no escort, but also no cover from air defense troops... This is the finish line, guys...
  30. 0
    26 February 2024 12: 51
    And why is it in Belarus after 1 attack on the A-50, as Old Man whispered... But here they beat us - how much in vain. Or "the king has a lot..."
  31. 0
    26 February 2024 14: 39
    Podolyak, as always, is full of nonsense! Because the busy idiot will shoot in the area where our plane is.

    And our air defense is relatively modern, target selection is normal there. They wouldn't hit the A-50.

    Why is no one considering sabotage: our crew was bought by Ukrainians and deliberately shot down an A-50?, no?
    1. 0
      26 February 2024 20: 10
      Not. It all depends on the guidance station, or rather, on its range. Meter range - for general use (tablet). Remember the guys behind the glass with the steklographs? Working in azimuth-range? With headphones? With operators of such radars? These are the “tablet operators” at the command post. The meter range is not suitable for precise guidance, although the range is 600-1200 km (without any balloons, which are a piece of cake to destroy). To put it simply - 2 bast shoes on the map... This is for the ICO (all-round visibility indicators) of the operational duty officer at the command post.
      Decimeter. ACS system. The range is lower, but the accuracy... And this depends on the qualifications of the operator... Although... This all concerns RTV and their radar stations. The air defense missile system fires at their target designation - they have a narrow raster. For accuracy.
      1. 0
        26 February 2024 20: 19
        Podolyak, as always, is full of nonsense! Because the busy idiot will shoot in the area where our plane is.

        I'll add. Yes, I agree. But this is in peacetime - there is an air defense zone of responsibility (where they just shoot down - no options) and there is an air defense zone of responsibility, where even their own fighters are prohibited from entering.
  32. -1
    26 February 2024 19: 40
    Where did they get the idea that the A-50U was shot down? Where do the firewood come from? All that is known from official sources is that some kind of aircraft crashed. All other sources do not inspire confidence. A girl posted a video, so it says that a helicopter crashed near the village of Trudovaya Armenia. We are waiting for official messages. And now we can only guess.
    1. +1
      27 February 2024 08: 15
      Quote: Nick
      Where did they get the idea that the A-50U was shot down? Where do the firewood come from? All that is known from official sources is that some kind of aircraft crashed. All other sources do not inspire confidence. A girl posted a video, so it says that a helicopter crashed near the village of Trudovaya Armenia. We are waiting for official messages. And now we can only guess.

      It turns out that a UFO fell, and aliens... In general, we will not know about this.
    2. -1
      28 February 2024 17: 54
      Nisk, you can wait for anything, even the second coming. Nobody interferes with VPM.
  33. -1
    27 February 2024 10: 40
    Without betrayal within the command of the RF Armed Forces, of course, two expensive aircraft with the most experienced crews without protection were exposed to attack in 1,5 months. !!!.
  34. -1
    28 February 2024 00: 35
    Which was shot down by A50U and it is still not clear where the escort fighters were and what they were doing.
  35. -1
    29 February 2024 23: 44
    Well done crests, I must admit, they are successfully cunning in the Jewish way. It is not at all clear how such rare and expensive cars can be so poorly protected. Are American AWACS really not protected?
  36. 0
    22 March 2024 15: 39
    Over Kuban?! Isn't it too far?! Have you tried interference?!