New anti-tank kamikaze UAVs have appeared in the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Photos of new kamikaze drones at the disposal of the Ukrainian army have appeared on the Internet. It is reported that the range of these UAVs is significantly higher than that of classic quadcopters, and can approximately reach 20 kilometers.

The Ukrainian military command does not hide that due to a serious shortage of artillery ammunition, unmanned aerial vehicles will become the main means of destruction in the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the near future. This was stated openly by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny.

He called for the development and improvement of unmanned aerial vehicles Technology in Ukraine, emphasizing that this will take at least six months. Certain successes of the Kyiv regime in this field were even recognized by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who spoke a few days ago about the difficulties faced by the Russian Armed Forces in one of the directions of the Northern Military District as a result of the actions of Ukrainian UAVs.

Military experts and journalists then suggested that we were most likely talking about the Kherson region, where the Russian military has not yet been able to completely clear the village of Krynki from militants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Despite the complexity of transporting personnel and ammunition, the militants of the Kyiv regime are desperately clinging to this village.

They are provided with serious assistance by UAV units, which are armed with various types of drones.
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  1. +2
    4 February 2024 10: 10
    Looks like it was made in a garage on the knee
    1. +1
      5 February 2024 16: 12
      It also looks like the “garage” is churning out hundreds of them
  2. +6
    4 February 2024 10: 43
    the main thing is that it is effective and destroys equipment hundreds and thousands of times more expensive, and where it is made is not very important
  3. +1
    4 February 2024 10: 56
    I like this aerodynamic design! I myself, when “designing” drones, have used this more than once... The Poles “suggested” to me to use a replaceable warhead in this way (both “caliber” and “over-caliber”... and not only anti-tank...) .... But I have “achievements” that I have not yet seen in “some”... Namely...: I’m trying to get a “transformer” on one “base” (main body); that is, by adding (removing) “bells and whistles”, you can get both a copter and an aircraft-type drone! I “use” different wings on one body (both “non-motorized” and with “electric motors”...reinforced, with the possibility of placing batteries or “combat load” on the consoles...)
    1. -1
      4 February 2024 11: 02
      Respect to you, is your know-how already in use?
    2. 0
      4 February 2024 20: 00
      (Nikolaevich) All inventions, even rotten ones, without embodiment, are nothing, an emptiness without filling. You can boast without limits, where is the evidence?
      1. -1
        4 February 2024 21: 45
        I. I have been interested in drones for a long time... At first I simply collected information about the development and production of UAVs "around the world"... But now on the Internet you can find "free" Internet courses on the design and assembly of UAVs... drone programming courses ! This makes it possible to “go deeper” into the “world of drones”...
        II. The ability to implement ideas... This is not easy! Very, very difficult! Once upon a time, I sent letters with proposals for “projects” to the editors of military-technical magazines! But the result here is bullshit! Currently, the following options of action can be considered: 1. contacting the website of the RF Ministry of Defense; 2. visiting the websites of volunteer organizations involved in the production of drones (searching for a similar production facility near your place of residence...)
        1. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation... The need to submit carefully developed projects there according to “all the rules”! What a problem for me! Because I have always had problems with drawing (problems with the “personal neurosystem”) ... you can’t send clumsy drawings! “I dream” of finding an assistant who could “translate” my drawings and their descriptions into the proper form! Everything requires a lot of time (including detailed elaboration of a technical idea in text and illustration format...)
        2. It’s not easy with “volunteer producers” either! Some people have no time to deal with new “technical proposals”; they have enough problems with the implementation of what they have now... Others say that they already have similar ideas, but they cannot do everything at once; so...all in line, gentlemen! And finally, there is no drone production in my locality!
        I still want to say that I hope to solve the problems over time; but I haven’t had time yet... I sometimes take the opportunity to describe some of my ideas on sites where topics about drones are discussed in more detail... Some ideas similar to mine have already been implemented drone manufacturers...
        1. 0
          5 February 2024 11: 36
          I've been interested in drones for a long time...

          You need to go here -
  4. 0
    4 February 2024 12: 05
    They are similar to the cord models of aircraft for “air combat” that we made in the Soviet years.
    Only those had engines with a propeller, and these had a grenade in place of the engine.
    How far has “progress” come! ...
  5. -4
    4 February 2024 13: 05
    Dead Man's Attempts!!
  6. Owl
    4 February 2024 13: 13
    A real danger for lightly armored vehicles, especially self-propelled guns.
  7. -9
    4 February 2024 13: 18
    Against Russia’s newest weapons, even this bird will be useless!
    1. +1
      4 February 2024 13: 35
      Quote: Minailova Natalya Alekseevna
      Against Russia's newest weapons

      Let me know what this newest weapon is?
      1. -1
        4 February 2024 23: 38
        I guess so PAK YES. In this case, you can’t argue that this drone will not be able to do anything to the strategist. But this is if the strategist is in the air :)
    2. +1
      4 February 2024 17: 02
      (Natalya Alekseevna) Against tanks, yes, against other self-propelled guns, infantry fighting vehicles, MLRS, etc., the danger is great. Further into the “forest”, there are more different dangerous UAVs. How to defend yourself, the methods have not been worked out...
      1. 0
        4 February 2024 17: 18
        I think that in the end there will be reliable electronic warfare, and if we also pull out the bed nets from the stash, then victory will be ensured. But I also hope for the newly-minted Tunguskas with a rain of bullets and shells.
    3. 0
      5 February 2024 08: 36
      Quote: Minailova Natalya Alekseevna
      Against Russia’s newest weapons, even this bird will be useless!

      It’s like, he’s not on the front line, so it’s useless?
      Sorry, but without air defense protection, any vehicle can be hit.
      This article says that as long as Ukraine has industrial production, energy, and transport logistics, the death of our guys may last a long time.
  8. 0
    4 February 2024 19: 52
    They don't need to be pretty, they just need to work.
  9. 0
    5 February 2024 13: 49
    approximately can reach 20 kilometers.

    It is very doubtful that this drone can fly 20 km. with such a load as a grenade from an RPG-7, an electric motor, a battery, control, navigation, communication modules, and a television camera. There is no visible space in the UAV body to accommodate the battery required for such a distance. Attaching additional batteries to the body from below spoils aerodynamics and handling. But the design and idea are good. Almost an ATGM was made from an RPG. At 5 km to the LAN, this drone can create problems for us.
    1. 0
      5 February 2024 18: 36
      Replica. The APU attaches the RPG-7 grenade to a quadcopter and is successfully used. It lasts for 3-5 km, the quadcopter flies (sometimes you need a repeater at an altitude of 5-10 m), so with wings, 20 km will not be a hindrance. Such a massive UAV is a formidable weapon for all equipment and artillery.
      1. 0
        7 February 2024 15: 48
        Additional batteries are attached to the quadcopter with RPG-7 with tape so that it can rise and fly these 3-5 km. For aircraft-type drones additional. You can't secure the batteries. Its narrow and short cylindrical body and wings have too little space to accommodate a battery with the required capacity for 20 km flights. with such a load.
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 17: 59
          Replica. For an aircraft drone, the performance characteristics were initially laid down (for 20 km, possibly more), that is, a battery of sufficient capacity. That’s why the airplane design is so that it goes faster and further..
  10. 0
    5 February 2024 17: 04
    when the cost of a drone is not so different from a more powerful ammunition, which is not reduced by accuracy, then this makes sense. By the way, an RPG grenade can now fly up to 20 km... Not bad at all.
  11. +1
    5 February 2024 19: 20
    The Ukrfascists’ passion for aircraft modeling is explained primarily by the fact that they still have the opportunity to do so, they have pennies, and, most importantly, for some reason there is still a certain Living bad head over the whole crowd, which does not allow their feet to rest peacefully in a coffin. But first of all (sorry for the taftology) the head of the Ukrainian-American-fascist scum needs to be put to rest, which for some reason, due to some monstrous oversight, still lives quite well in some above-ground and underground structures in the area of ​​​​the city of Kiev (Au, 9 Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, what are the coordinates these cracks, originally from the USSR?) Until this main task is solved - amputation from the body of the original Russian city of infection in the form of their head appendage (here it will take 2-3 repetitions until sane individuals crawl in), and Every day we will read about new UAVs with an anti-tank grenade, and then we will read and see, somewhere beyond the Urals, a purely Ukrainian missile "Sokira", aka "Tomahawk" with a range of up to 2500 km and a warhead made of independently fragmented radioactive materials with under Chernobyl, and if there is no answer here, but there will be another transfer of the “red lines”, as always before, then we will definitely see here an absolutely Ukrainian Minuteman rocket with a vigorous loaf, made in the garage of course by the famous Mykola on his knee. So which path do we choose - the medical one with the amputation of this terrible infection from the face of the emaciated planet Earth, or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which provides for the feasible (at first, then there will be no more strength) elimination of the consequences of the unrequited use of this infection of “their” newest inventions on citizens and children Russia? We should have chosen the path 2 years ago....
  12. 0
    16 February 2024 01: 53
    The Ukrainians do not hide their plans, but do our General Staff read their statements? And are these warnings taken seriously? Doubtful. Just 10 years ago, Ukraine trumpeted about its mosquito fleet and made it such a danger that it had to withdraw the Black Sea Fleet from Crimea and count the losses. Then our admirals laughed at this idea. Now NATO has announced the transfer of 1 million UAVs to Ukraine, how will our General Staff prepare for this news? How will the Black Sea Fleet preserve what is left in Crimea? The enemy should not be underestimated.
  13. 0
    17 February 2024 22: 28
    It looks like something from a school aircraft modeling club. This is not industrial production. Maybe the filling is technological?
  14. 0
    18 February 2024 09: 04
    It was not the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but NATO that used its new weapons
  15. 0
    18 February 2024 19: 31
    We need a real technological leap in UAVs and automated target search and homing systems, and AI is a fairy tale for the people...