Roskomnadzor may block Google

Google may face big troubles in Russia. Now Roskomnadzor is going to ensure the adoption of a law that would limit the work in the country of companies that refuse or ignore the requirements to control the issuance of information in their search engines.

Why Google? The ministry claims that through Google search engines, users can still get access to content prohibited in Russia. We are talking about information of an extremist nature that promotes suicide, as well as child pornography.

Now the company expects a re-audit. If Google does not make conclusions, then it can be fined already for 700 thousand rubles. Recently, the company was fined 500 thousand rubles for refusing search filtering.

Roskomnadzor believes that a fine is not a sufficient measure. Foreign companies must wait for more severe sanctions for failure to comply with Russian laws, for example, blocking in the territory of the Russian Federation.