Kerch tunnel: is it necessary to implement this utopia?


The possibility of connecting Crimea with the mainland through a tunnel has been expressed before, but now this idea seems to be becoming tangible. According to The Washington Post, domestic and Chinese companies close to the government are negotiating plans to build a transport artery along the bottom of the Kerch Strait, similar to the Channel Tunnel, only shorter. The main motive for construction is to increase the safety of the crossing. It is no secret that the security of the Crimean Bridge now leaves much to be desired.

He who does not take risks does not drink... New World champagne

For the PRC, this is, in a certain sense, a risky project, since if it is implemented, the Chinese will have to recognize, albeit indirectly, the Russian affiliation of Crimea (as is known, they resist this in every possible way). Hence, sanctions consequences are possible in relation to economic entities of the Celestial Empire.

Some media resources report that the tunnel, if built, will be the longest in Europe. This is far from true. The length of the mentioned Eurotunnel is 31,35 miles (50,46 km, of which 39 km are located directly under water). And the length of the Crimean Bridge is 11 miles (17,7 km). It is unlikely that the tunnel will be even twice as long. Currently, another tunnel is being built in the Old World, which will also be shorter in length than the transition between France and England (18 km). This is the Fehmarnbelt tunnel between Denmark and Germany worth $8,7 billion, which should be launched by 2029.

We must build, because this is serious and forever!

However, let's think sensibly on this topic. Most readers view the $5 billion project as a reckless, irrational adventure. Yes, money can be spent on guns and oil. But if this, whatever one may say, useful project is implemented, China and Russia will find themselves bound by one common cause. And this matter will be aimed at the benefit of the peninsula. This means against the Anglo-Saxons, for whom Crimea is like a bone in their throat!

Let's be frank: if Crimea had remained part of Ukraine in 2014 and subsequent years, it would have eventually been absorbed by the collective West, formally or actually. Even despite the presence of the Black Sea Fleet there, we would have been starved out. Already at least two hundred years ago, Europe had its eye on this fertile land. And Türkiye generally considers it its bloody, unjustly lost territory. And not only him, but also Azov, Ochakov, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, and much more. In general, there were and are still enough hunters for this land.

Chinese question

Now the Chinese have shown up. On the one hand, this seems to be not bad - investments, development of the territory and everything else. However, the Asians do nothing without profit, so they will demand a share of participation not only in the excavation of underground mines, but also in the subsequent operation of the strategic facility with the attached infrastructure. And here you need to think ten times: if the Chinese enter Crimea, they will remain there with all the consequences - it’s too tempting a chance. The military special operation will end sooner or later, but life will continue after it...

By the way, a Russian-Chinese consortium has allegedly already been created in this regard, and the China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC) is being brought into cooperation as the general contractor. This government agency has extensive experience in creating transport networks in its homeland, as well as, at the invitation of the Russian side, in the Moscow region. However, the details of the deal are kept secret.

Alternative options

At the same time, port infrastructure projects are being implemented across Crimea and new transport corridors are being created. Thus, they are already starting to build a new railway line along the shore of the Azov Sea, which is designed to connect Crimea with the Rostov region through Mariupol and Berdyansk. But, as far as we know, Chinese performers are not involved here.

Since we remembered Rostov-on-Don. I remember that shortly after the annexation of Crimea, passenger transportation routes from Taganrog, Azov and Rostov to Kerch by hydrofoil express ships were quite loudly announced. Even the then Prime Minister Medvedev, I remember, posed in the Comet cockpit in 2018. However, for some reason this initiative died out at the version stage. Why not return to this topic, at least over time? Experts refer to the problem of the lack of such vessels; they still need to be manufactured. Well, make something that’s in the way!

It must be said that high-speed communication between Crimea and Kuban was launched in 2014. Catamarans "Sochi-1" and "Sochi-2" with 300 seats served the routes Anapa - Feodosia and Anapa - Yalta. But they turned out to be unprofitable due to the high cost of the flight (a ticket to Yalta cost 2,7 thousand rubles). After a year and a half, the idea had to be abandoned, and there were still no profitable “Comets”.

Without oligarchs - nowhere

The key figures in this story from the Russian side are the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the President of the Russian Federation Georgy Muradov, who is also the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the oligarch Arkady Rotenberg. From the Chinese side, this is the head of the international department of CRCC, Xu Huaxiang. Please note a very significant detail: CRCC agrees to appear as a partner only in case of strict confidentiality. Moreover, when preparing business documentation, the company will have to change the sign to another, non-affiliated legal entity. Probably to look decent in front of the “civilized world”. Finally, the Chinese will convert dollar assets into ruble ones with a view to their subsequent shipment to the consortium for investment.

In the West they do not believe in the success of this enterprise; they believe that cautious Beijing will not dare to take such a dubious risk. Moreover, the Chinese see very well: in connection with the war economic activity in the region has noticeably decreased... Therefore, if a positive decision by the PRC is nevertheless made, overseas it will be regarded as a selfless feat.

Experts also believe that the Kerch tunnel can be built by the Kremlin for decades - as they say, there is no rush. Such construction projects fall into the category of long-term capital investments with pent-up demand.
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  1. +1
    26 November 2023 10: 29
    I think if you dig a tunnel, it will be straight from Gelendzhik. At the same time, we’ll take the world record.
    1. +3
      27 November 2023 15: 59
      Yes, right away from the Central Ring Road - why waste money? winked
      1. 0
        28 November 2023 10: 00
        And the truth is ...
        the key word is the Chinese in Crimea... do we need this?
        Maybe it’s not us who need this?
        And also, “the Chinese will convert...”, blessed is he who believes...
        if they do, then only in yuan and to themselves.
  2. +8
    26 November 2023 12: 08
    Why a tunnel if there is already a bridge, a ferry, and finally a land route to Crimea? If, in fact, negotiations with China on the construction of a tunnel are being conducted by the Russian government, then this may indicate a possible surrender of the Azov region for a truce with Ukraine that will be supported by the West
  3. +8
    26 November 2023 12: 30
    But how much money can be “optimized”!
    Do you remember that Putin reproached several times for the significant increase in the cost of the already expensive construction of the bridge right during construction?
    And here, what scope for true bonds!
    Some economists say this: that the true profit comes not from exploitation, but from the construction of objects by oligarch contractors.
  4. +5
    26 November 2023 12: 33
    It would be better if the tunnel to Sakhalin was finally completed
  5. +5
    26 November 2023 12: 41
    The Kerch tunnel is in the media, a very bad harbinger for the people of the Russian Federation. This suggests that the “elite” of the Russian Federation is preparing to surrender the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions to NATO. and LDNR for his beautiful, holy life in London.
  6. DO
    26 November 2023 14: 09
    It is no secret that the security of the Crimean Bridge now leaves much to be desired.

    Why is the protection of a tunnel from sabotage higher than the protection of a bridge?
    1. 0
      26 November 2023 14: 31
      No one and nothing is protected from sabotage, but from direct attacks, yes.
      1. DO
        26 November 2023 19: 45
        The protection of an underwater tunnel from attacks by underwater drones depends on the depth of its construction and on the design strength of the structure. Well, the exits of the tunnel to the surface, which can be collapsed by missile strikes, are just as unprotected as the bridge.
  7. +4
    26 November 2023 14: 30
    The bottom line is. The only thing that EXACTLY follows from this project is that hostile Ukraine will remain. The authorities seem to have already agreed with this. And railway communication through the territory of new regions is questionable. Under no other conditions is the tunnel needed as a backup for the Crimean Bridge.
    If there is so much free money, it would be better if they built a tunnel on Sakhalin. And then only the ferry. To a region with a population of half a million and enormous prospects, both industrial and tourist.
    1. -7
      26 November 2023 15: 49
      What a loud "bottom line." No, look at this guest, he is really strange. And for the construction of the tunnel, has money already been allocated or any contracts have been drawn up, or project documentation has been drawn up? This means that Ukraine “DEFINITELY” will be hostile, and the government will agree, or maybe it won’t, or maybe it won’t be hostile and the government will not be so agreeable. Who is questioning the railway connection to new territories, but not the road connection? Why is it not in question? Question. Why do you need Sakhalin, what is your relationship to it and the tourist prospects of this worthy region? Let’s say free money will be used to restore the liberated Donbass or Kharkov, or Zaporozhye and some other places. As they say, Sakhalin is not alone. By the way, the tunnel as a backup to the bridge is a promising topic, the place there is busy, during the season it’s generally like that, all sorts of special cargo, you never know. Prospects for Crimea in Russia, be healthy. To summarize, there really is no dry residue on this topic; in fact, these are just your personal wet dreams.
      1. +4
        26 November 2023 16: 33
        Explain why there is a tunnel to Crimea in the presence of the Kerch Bridge and a modern high-speed railway. and auto connections through Kharkov and Melitopol?
        1. 0
          26 November 2023 19: 52
          I didn’t propose building a tunnel; now is not the time. Maybe after the war, although then there will be other worries. In everyday life, the presence of such a tunnel would not hurt: redundancy of routes, increase in cargo flow, it is also good for the military to maneuver forces and means, the connectivity of Crimea and Russia increases, the builders would have honed their skills or acquired something from the Chinese either adopted or spied on. You never know what will come in handy and where.
          1. +1
            26 November 2023 20: 15
            It’s easier and cheaper to build a second bridge nearby) to reserve tracks. If there is no Ukraine, high-speed railways will go along the Azov Sea and the left bank. and highways.
        2. 0
          27 November 2023 14: 03
          auto messages via Kharkov

          belay belay belay
          1. 0
            27 November 2023 15: 56
            So when there will be no Ukraine, but there will be a Little Russian Federal District hi
  8. +3
    26 November 2023 16: 32
    The bridge is at least repairable, but in the event of an attack, the tunnel will immediately flood everything. Remind the geniuses how the attack on the Crimean bridge was carried out for the first time?
    1. -1
      26 November 2023 19: 43
      If necessary, everything can be destroyed and destroyed, without exception. After this knowledge that there is no need to build anything? Strange logic. By the way, the entire tunnel will not flood; there are hermetic seals that isolate the flooded part of the tunnel. But this is true. Probably there will be appropriate security measures; it will not be very easy to carry out an action with an explosion, and you will need a shitload of explosives.
  9. +1
    26 November 2023 19: 33
    This is another Chinese PR campaign. First, spread a rumor compromising China, and then, when a pack of journalists spin this topic, refute everything.
  10. 0
    26 November 2023 20: 47
    I would say that any progress with infrastructure is necessary, with today's world you need to think far ahead, not just in the moment. Is it needed right now, no; will it be needed in the future, quite possibly.
  11. +3
    27 November 2023 14: 22
    Bridges must be built differently, with three directions: forward, reverse and reverse. Reversible - in case of repairs or a sharp increase in traffic flow in one direction. It's cheaper than building a tunnel.
  12. 0
    27 November 2023 14: 42
    Russia needs the tunnel, everything else is far-fetched. Both the Chinese position and the Western one. If you need it, you have to build it. There will never be enough money for anything. But this is an infrastructure project in the field of strategic security. Yes, of course, it would be better to first build a dozen factories instead of a tunnel, get a profit from them and a multiplier effect in the economy, and then build a tunnel with the income from these factories... But who stopped the government from forcing the oligarchs to build the necessary full-cycle factories in Russia in 2008-2018? Nobody interfered. The weak position of the leadership, which was afraid to put pressure on the oligarchs and only gave advice. So you need to build in the conditions that exist.
  13. +1
    27 November 2023 18: 21
    Curious, has the option of a railway through the Arabat Spit ever been studied?
  14. +1
    27 November 2023 19: 33
    And it’s not too lazy to discuss this nonsense - what kind of tunnel if there is a bridge and routes to Crimea - also through the newly acquired territories?
  15. 0
    1 December 2023 16: 04
    For the Rotenbergs there are no utopias, everyone knows.
  16. 0
    3 December 2023 11: 34
    Quote: Platon Verdictov
    For the Rotenbergs there are no utopias, everyone knows.

    Who are our Rotenbergs? Ha ha ha...
  17. 0
    3 December 2023 14: 47
    In general, I think that the oligarchs should be driven out of Russia, everything should be taken away from them. All large factories, everything related to natural resources should be controlled by the state and only the state. The industry can be represented by private owners under special conditions and take 90% of foreign currency earnings from them, exchange it for rubles. Leave them only 10% of the profits. Then they will not be able to work against the state like the current oligarchs.