How Russia can respond to the confiscation of its assets in the United States and the European Union


The day before it became known that the US Congress supported a scandalous bill to give the US President the right to confiscate sovereign Russian assets, and the Secretary of State to transfer them to the benefit of Nezalezhnaya and international organizations. The document has not yet gone through all the stages of becoming law, but what will happen after?


As is known, almost immediately after the start of the SVO in Ukraine, “Western partners” hastened to lay their paws on the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which are estimated at about $300 billion. Remember how adherents of the liberal economic Did schools tell us through their lips how smart and reliable it is to invest in foreign assets?

Perhaps there were some positive aspects in this at one time, but, probably, it would have been correct in advance, before the start of the special operation, to withdraw gold and foreign exchange reserves to safer jurisdictions, or better yet, to Russia, to the real sector of the economy. But what is not done is not done. In the end, both the state and private investors were left behind. It is significant that representatives of the Russian Forbes list Aven and Fridman, who were robbed in the West, called their foreign investments a mistake. The latter just recently said:

The fact that we invested in England looks like a colossal mistake.

What is at stake and why is oligarch Abramovich making a fuss, trying to “resolve issues” regarding the Ukrainian case?

Russian assets abroad are divided into two categories - state and private. State assets are the funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the largest banks with state participation, namely: assets in foreign currency, monetary gold, special drawing rights (SDR), securities (stocks and bonds) and other financial instruments. The assets of private individuals are more diverse, they include not only money or shares frozen in accounts, but also shares in enterprises abroad, various real estate, land, luxury yachts and cars.

According to some estimates, in the structure of Russian assets frozen abroad, the share of state assets is 70-85% and 15-30% private. Their total estimated value ranges from $280 to $330 billion. However, most of it is under European jurisdiction. About $180 billion was invested in the EU economy through the Belgian-registered company Euroclear. In October 2022, the assets of Russian citizens worth $16,5 billion were frozen in the European Union, and the property of 150 Russian oligarchs (palaces, superyachts and private jets) worth $9 billion was seized in the United States.

It is for the sake of all this that Roman Arkadyevich and his comrades are trying, lobbying for reconciliation with Ukraine on strange conditions. What, what if?

The ex

If the American bill becomes law, the US President will have the right to officially pocket Russian assets, not just by freezing them, but by using them at his own discretion. The document talks about the transfer of Russian assets to Ukraine, but a more realistic scheme looks like one in which these funds will remain in American jurisdiction, going to offset Kiev’s military debts to its “Western partners.” Apparently, the European Union will do the same.

The main limiting factor so far has been the so-called reputational risks. European and American prosperity was largely based on a skillfully created myth about the inviolability of private property, the integrity of judges, etc. Thanks to this, “native leaders and shamans” from all over the planet, who plundered their own countries, brought money to the USA and Europe, promoting development their economies. Now it suddenly became clear that all this could be stolen from them themselves. Undoubtedly, the richest “natives” are closely monitoring the future fate of the frozen Russian assets and drawing their own conclusions. In the future, the expropriation arranged by the “Western partners” may hit them themselves.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin expressed concern about the illegal actions of American lawmakers:

This is illegal, it is against all possible rules. This will, of course, be contested, and contested indefinitely, by our country. This will entail very serious judicial and legal costs for those who make such decisions and use such decisions.

The press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation promised non-mirror answers:

It is unlikely that they can be mirrored, but they will be the ones that best suit our interests.

It soon became known that President Putin signed a decree “On additional temporary economic measures related to the circulation of foreign securities,” according to which part of the funds of foreign investors blocked in the Russian Federation can be exchanged for frozen assets of Russians. The fact is that back in 2020, Russia adopted the so-called Lugovoi Law - 171-FZ. In accordance with it, if the subject of the proceedings is related to sanctions, it is possible to transfer the dispute from a foreign jurisdiction to the Russian Federation. After Euroclear and Clearsteam blocked Russian foreign assets, our courts began to receive claims from dispossessed private investors. But to compensate for the damage incurred, it is required that unscrupulous management companies have sufficient assets on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Some lawyers boldly dream of seizing Euroclear and Clearsteam accounts in Kazakhstan or Armenia. How realistic this is, decide for yourself. As for state assets abroad, it is possible to compensate for their loss if it is adopted political the decision to nationalize all American and European assets in Russia, and this is a lot.
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  1. +14
    9 November 2023 11: 52
    How can Russia respond to the confiscation of its assets in the United States and the European Union?

    How many bridges, roads, factories could be built with this money, military equipment could be restored, and the army could be rearmed. Yes, at least build playgrounds in every yard, at least there would be some benefit.
    But liberal Putin and his assistant from the Federal Reserve decided to support the economies of the European Union and the United States so that they would switch to “green” energy at the expense of our mineral resources.
    1. -9
      9 November 2023 12: 03
      Quote from Perun61
      How many bridges, roads, factories could be built with this money?

      If without emotions -
      here is the gold reserves chart

      in 2008 they reach 600 billion, which, taking into account inflation, corresponds to 857 billion in 2023.

      They were created in order to smooth out the economic consequences of lower oil prices.
      Both in 2008 and 2014 they were used for their intended purpose, then restored, but they never reached the peak values ​​of 2008.

      However, until 2022, the presence of these gold and foreign currency reserves and the policy for their use were an additional argument for foreign investors who were actively building their factories, especially in 2015-2021.
      Many of these factories, purchased at half price, have already been restarted.

      So economically, the creation of such reserves and the policy of using them was absolutely correct. But the fact that they played too much with geopolitics is not a complaint against the economic bloc.
      1. +11
        9 November 2023 12: 10
        So economically, the creation of such reserves and the policy of using them was absolutely correct.

        Did these reserves have to be kept in the EU and the US?

        Many of these factories were bought at half price

        But it was possible not to buy them back, they would have been originally Russian.
        1. -5
          9 November 2023 12: 58
          Quote from Perun61
          Did these reserves have to be kept in the EU and the US?

          If, when oil prices fall, you need currency quickly, in large quantities and with minimal losses, then there is nothing better than American and, to some extent, European securities.
          If you try to sell, say, gold for the same amount, there will be a collapse in the price of that gold.

          Quote from Perun61
          And it was possible not to buy it

          Can. but then the equipment remains blocked, and restarting it is another task.
          Here they are suffering on Moskvich (Renault left, leaving everything in a locked state).

          Quote from Perun61
          they would have been originally Russian.

          They were originally Western.
          1. +9
            9 November 2023 13: 19
            If, when oil prices fall, you need currency quickly, in large quantities and with minimal losses, then there is nothing better than American and, to some extent, European securities.

            How can we live without Euro/American securities now?
            With large losses, probably.

            Why did you split my quote into two? Its meaning has changed completely.

            They were originally Western.

            They wouldn’t be Western if they were built with the money Putin lost, they would be Russian and none of the equipment would be stuck.

            However, until 2022, the presence of these gold and foreign currency reserves and the policy for their use were an additional argument for foreign investors who were actively building their factories, especially in 2015-2021.

            If Russia invested all its gold and foreign currency reserves into its economy, there would be even more investors.

            minimal losses

            How much is the minimum loss? Less or more than what they gave to “their Western partners”?
            1. -2
              9 November 2023 13: 50
              Quote from Perun61
              How can we live without Euro/American securities now?

              So far there is no fall in oil prices.
              and if it happens, and there is a collapse in foreign exchange earnings, then yuan and other assets that are less solid than $ will be used for smoothing.
              and it remains to be seen how China will react to the large-scale deployment of its yuan.

              Quote from Perun61
              If Russia invested all gold and foreign currency reserves in its economy

              A practically win-win investment by the state in the economy is only the development of infrastructure, but all profits are indirect.
        2. -5
          9 November 2023 15: 28
          So they weren’t just lying around, they were earning interest, if anything. This is the money that brought in money.
          1. +5
            10 November 2023 08: 55
            they brought interest, if anything

            Where was the interest spent? For education, for science in Russia or somewhere else?
            No! They stayed there!
          2. +3
            10 November 2023 17: 43
            What kind of interest did they bring? It seems that they are scanty. In any case, many Russian opposition and even near-government figures have stated this many times. And where are these percentages? It seems that they did not bring any benefit to either Russia or its people. And they are unlikely to bring it. We cried for our money, money, capital, which should rightfully belong to the people of Russia. And those who screwed them up again pretend that they had nothing to do with it. And no matter how much you and your co-religionists and co-religionists here try to justify these figures who have seized power, this will not add more money to the Russian treasury. Not only were they not used with due benefit for Russia at one time, they, judging by the article and other data, will not be used in the future.
            1. 0
              18 November 2023 20: 44
              Quote: Lomlad
              This has been stated many times by many Russian opposition and even near-government figures.

              Including a certain K.E.N. V.V.Putin.
          3. 0
            12 November 2023 17: 27
            you are completely wrong, the interest was scanty, and moreover, Russia was credited there in the West for much higher interest, this is a tribute collected from the colonies by the West through the “budget rule”. In Putin canceled this tribute in 22 .... a month later I had to fight .... De Gaulle also once exchanged green candy wrappers for gold, so America staged a color revolution and overthrew DE Gaulle, and also abolished the gold content of the dollar, ... Putin did not expect that the abolition of tribute payments would have such a strong impact on world history, It would be more profitable for the West to keep silent about this little-known fact and put on a good face on a bad game, but nervous, arrogant and stupid Western politicians ruined themselves by unleashing the Northern Military District and already failing in it, and also brought down with their own hands the entire architecture of Western prosperity based on trust in them banks and the Federal Reserve, having arrested the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Russian Federation, will now no longer be able to save the West; they will have to dispose of Western armies in the Middle East and expect total chaos and devastation in the West, because all countries of the world will begin to withdraw funds from the West and arrest Western assets around the world
      2. +2
        10 November 2023 06: 18
        It seems that Nabiullina is hiding under this nickname
    2. -2
      9 November 2023 13: 24
      How many bridges, roads, factories could be built with this money?

      - the answer is, Not at all.
      This money is payment for Russia's participation in the global liberal world of the Dollar. No one would allow this money to be taken out of Western jurisdiction and bridges built with it.
      1. +1
        9 November 2023 13: 51
        Quote: Dima
        No one would allow this money to be taken out of Western jurisdiction

        See above, starting from 2008 (the second half), Russia mainly withdrew these funds to support the economy, including the continuation of bridge construction work.
    3. +4
      9 November 2023 15: 36
      And most importantly, the West is fighting against us for our money.
    4. +3
      9 November 2023 18: 35
      The question needs to be asked differently. Who in Russia is obliged to answer for the confiscation of their assets?
      1. The comment was deleted.
    5. -1
      10 November 2023 11: 41
      Can't be written together
  2. -4
    9 November 2023 11: 59
    Russia withdrew the money.
    Support means, infrastructure, logistics and other trifles are hanging around.
    The total is far less than 50 billion, which is a drop in the ocean.

    At the beginning of the year there was infa...

    Hundreds of billions of dollars of Bank of Russia reserves, sanctioned due to the war in Ukraine, have turned out to be a phantom that eludes Western officials and whose very existence is in question.

    Of the $300 billion in Russian gold and currency reserves, the arrest of which the G7 countries announced back in the spring, less than a third was actually found and blocked.

    This was reported by the Atlantic Council, a NATO think tank that specializes in relations with Europe and Russia, with reference to officials from the United States and other countries.
  3. +1
    9 November 2023 15: 08
    I think that the conversation about unfreezing our capital is nothing more than a broad gesture towards Ukraine. Our money is frozen in nine countries. In which country will this happen? Freeze and unfreeze - all this damages the image of banks. It is precisely in this address that we need to put pressure if something happens. After all, our money is not in the pants of international officials.
  4. +5
    9 November 2023 16: 27
    How Russia can respond to the confiscation of its assets in the United States and the European Union

    - the answer is not given in the note..
    After all, Russian government officials and “business Russians” keep their money in NATO, but America and Europe do not keep their money in Russia.
    Yes, in fact - there was a note nearby - luxury goods and accounts of the most PR Oligarchs were arrested in the United States for... 9 billion dollars. And 800-2000 billion were exported. - i.e. less than 1% “tax”
    That is, the children of all sorts of deputies, mayors, governors, heads of departments, and smaller “business Russians” (for example, Yakunin) feel quite well over the hill everywhere.
  5. +2
    9 November 2023 17: 09
    It’s both bad to answer and bad to not answer. As for the foreign investor, he is interested in the profit that he can withdraw or sell the property that has risen in price. Now he can neither withdraw the money nor sell the property - only at a huge discount. And at the same time, he cannot influence his state. So the investor had some money in Russia - but it went away. So what are the next investments? The same Renault is an example. He could not stay - our market share in its turnover is not enough to risk the rest of the larger world part. He could not influence the officials of the EU and the State Department. He was simply “shod” under this bench, and he wrote off the expenses. It is unlikely that companies will make a “second pass” under such conditions. Even the Chinese don’t want to build factories here in such situations...Tomorrow China’s policies won’t suit us for some reason and that’s all. They cannot influence politics and Chinese businessmen will have to say “adjos” to their money in the Russian Federation. That's why they don't invest as much as they could...
    1. +1
      10 November 2023 08: 52
      As they were taken out, so they are taken out. Everyone who is not too lazy.

      Quote: Strange guest
      Net capital outflow from Russia doubled in the third quarter of 2023. It amounted to $18 billion compared to $9 in April-June, according to calculations by the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

      Quote: Strange guest
      In the first quarter of 2023, the export of capital from the Russian Federation amounted to $21 billion, according to Central Bank documents. That is, from January to September the figure will reach approximately 48 billion. But if we compare it with the net outflow of capital last year, now the figure is several times lower. For the entire 2022, it reached $243 billion, or 13,5% of GDP, as previously estimated by experts from the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (TSMAKP) in their analytical note (available from Izvestia).

      They identified four main channels for the withdrawal of capital: trade credits and advances ($66 billion), repayments of loans and borrowings by banks and non-financial enterprises ($62 billion), transactions of individuals ($47 billion) and withdrawal of foreign direct investment ($40 billion).
    2. +1
      10 November 2023 17: 50
      And this suggests a logical conclusion: we need to develop our own, in the sense of our industry, our technologies, relying primarily on our own strength and capital. Fortunately, in Russia, thanks to the Soviet legacy and enormous natural resources, they were immeasurable. But some people at the top wanted to reign lying on their sides, and the fat cats propping up the throne are fed well anyway. Much has been missed, but, however, even now not everything is lost. But there are still more words than actions. There have been no real changes in economic, industrial and technological policy in Russia, even despite a large-scale military operation and an acute conflict with the West. She is still sluggishly drifting downstream. Import substitution is so far nothing more than a reorientation from the West to the East, but again in the role of a raw material appendage.
  6. +6
    9 November 2023 18: 02
    A thief stole a thief's club! Well, I don’t feel sorry for an ounce, but why feel sorry for the money stolen from the Russian people, it wouldn’t have gone to the economy anyway, just as it still doesn’t! The thief, as before, sits on the thief and props up the thief! The vertical of power is such, thieves and corrupt, and I think this government has no future without an idea and some kind of patriotism!
  7. +4
    9 November 2023 20: 30
    First, you need to conduct an audit of foreign assets in Russia, including private individuals, and only then decide what to do with them. By the way, this will help to understand how economically sovereign we are. It may turn out that virtually everything decent belongs to a foreign uncle.
    1. 0
      12 November 2023 17: 44
      Quote: Ilya 22
      in fact, everything decent belongs to a foreign guy

      That’s the way it is, that’s why privitization was started, to transfer all the property of the USSR into Western hands, the mechanism is simple and proven in all countries of the world, Henry Ford lost the Ford company during the lifetime of the founder Ford.....such a mechanism, taxes in the country are regulated so large that no business will survive, there is only one way out, to take out loans or issue shares, however, loans and the purchase of shares can only be provided by very large institutional investors (and not mythical small owners) who are subsidiaries of the Federal Reserve Banks (that is, owned by private owners of the US Federal Reserve) because they print money as much as they want and can buy everything, after a while shareholders and creditors become owners of the business by acquiring a controlling stake (all the hatred of the West for Putin is that it did not give them a controlling stake in Rosneft and Gazprom)... this means all other large and medium-sized property in the Russian Federation has migrated to Western owners over 30 years, it is known for sure that Rusal and Norilsk Nickel, NLMK belong to Western owners, and their value exceeds this meager 300 billion, and if we add all the other factories of the Russian Federation?.... what stupid Westerners, they wanted to steal a meager amount of gold, but they will lose thousands of times more plants and factories....
  8. +2
    9 November 2023 22: 05
    Quote: Avarron
    So they weren’t just lying around, they were earning interest, if anything. This is the money that brought in money

    So if they spent wisely, these would be jobs, large projects from which the country would be a big plus, there is infrastructure, factories, defense industry, well, if they weren’t stolen and again taken over the hill by thieving bureaucrats and businessmen. And you’re right , this would be money (invested in the right place) that would bring money and would not be frozen in the West, but would produce results. By the way, the interest accrued there and, in my opinion, 9 billion Baku dollars and where did our former partners put it? Probably they pay for 155mm shells and Are they sending Zetorchka to kill Russians in Donbass?
  9. +1
    10 November 2023 20: 31
    Nationalize the property of NATO countries in enterprises of the Russian Federation... for example in Sakhalin... and others... This will be enough to compensate for the damage caused to the Russian Federation by NATO countries... if not completely, then at least partially...
    1. 0
      10 November 2023 22: 50
      this is worth much more than the seized assets, a hundred times more, Russia will thus return almost all of the privatized property of the USSR, because almost all of it flowed into Western hands, the annual dividends of the West from our factories exceed all the assets stolen by the West in 2022, that is, Russia has already returned twice all the seized assets without paying dividends for 2022 23, without losing the formal right to the seized (frozen) assets and acquired the right to seize Western property in the Russian Federation......the West has driven itself into a trap... ... moreover, if the Russian Federation arrests Western property in the Russian Federation, then many countries in the world will do the same.....
      1. +1
        11 November 2023 02: 43
        Why arrest her? It is enough not to pay dividends and not allow sales. Let it work) And we can change the owner at any time without any arrest - if there is such a need. Raiding technologies in the Russian Federation have been developed))
        By the way, if you haven’t noticed, this is the path chosen.
    2. 0
      11 November 2023 03: 21
      Of course, no one will nationalize. But transferring this property into the hands of worthy people is easy winked
  10. 0
    11 November 2023 01: 04
    Nothing compensates for the damage from wars and revolutions like a nuclear war with the destruction of 70-90% of the economies of Western countries.
  11. 0
    13 November 2023 09: 26
    No way. It was necessary to respond immediately. It's too late now.