Ukraine has expanded the controlled marine zone

The Ukrainian authorities, hiding behind the need to strengthen the fight against smuggling and illegal migration, actually create another point of conflict with Russia.

The Parliament of Ukraine adopted a law on the expansion of the adjacent zone, which in practice will increase the territory of border control by Ukraine.

The document declares an adjacent zone a belt of the open sea, the outer border of which will be located at a distance of 24 nautical miles from the coast.

In this territory, the relevant services of Ukraine will have the right to stop inspecting and detaining vessels and arresting crew members with the exception of military and non-commercial vessels.

Such a statement of the question by Ukraine suggests that Kiev plans to block the short direct route to the Danube river to those vessels that entered the Crimea (which is a crime from the point of view of the Ukrainian authorities) and force them to go at a considerable (more than 24 miles) offshore, which is not always safe for river-sea vessels.

Those who dare to take the usual route will be detained in the same way as the Crimean ship Nord and another series of vessels were detained. In fact, we are talking about state maritime piracy.

In the event that Russia will provide military escort to commercial vessels, Ukraine may well go on a provocation. Recent events in the Kerch Bay have shown that she is ready for this.