Can Russia create its own analogue of the American ground-based GLSDB bomb?


A year and a half after the start of the Northern Military District, certain trends began to be visible at the front and in the rear, giving grounds for cautious hope for a gradual turnaround in the situation in Russia’s favor. The bloody experience was not in vain, and our army is far from what it was before February 24, 2022. Sooner or later, the Russian Armed Forces will still have to launch their own large-scale counteroffensive.

"Winged Babies"

A few days earlier, the Reporter published publication, in which problems of a military-technical nature were indicated that should have been resolved before an offensive with decisive goals, so as not to have a hard time, like the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among other things, a desire was expressed to “give wings” not only to aerial bombs of caliber 500, 1500 kg and above, but also to their smaller brothers - 250 kg and even 100 kg. As it turned out, not everyone found the “winged little ones” useful, preferring a heavy-duty caliber.

Well, to destroy Ukrainian fortified areas, which have been built into a continuous layered defense over the years of the Minsk agreements in the Donbass, the use of one and a half and three-ton air bombs dropped outside the range of medium-range air defense systems really seems to be the best solution. However, the situation will change somewhat if you have to go on a counter-offensive, carry out deep breakthroughs, suppress enemy air defenses and wage a war of maneuver.

And this is where the “winged babies” of 250 and 100 kg caliber, which a front-line bomber can drop tens per combat mission, will come in handy. To better understand the essence of the issue, it is worth looking at foreign experience.

Small, yes deleted

Here we should remember the American GBU-39 guided bomb unit, which has been in service with the US Air Force since 2006. Its weight is a modest 285 pounds (130 kg), but it compensates for the small caliber with other properties.

Due to its length of 1,8 m and body diameter of 0,19 m, the air bomb has an ESR of about 0,015 m2, which makes it difficult to repel a massive attack by such means using air defense systems. Moreover, the ammunition is equipped with folding wings, and at the moment of separation from the aircraft it has a speed of more than 2000 km/h. This allows a gliding bomb to fly up to 10 km when leaving the suspension of a supersonic fighter at an altitude of 110 km. The new version of the GBU-53/B bomb received a tri-band seeker, combining inertial guidance using GPS, infrared and active radar homing, and the most modern ones are capable of targeting a source of interference for the GPS system.

The power of the warhead is enough to penetrate 90 cm of reinforced concrete. So much for the “ridiculous” 130 kg!

The Israelis also worked in the same direction, creating SPICE family of gliding bombs. The youngest aerial bomb in it, SPICE-250, has a caliber of 249 pounds, or 113 kg, inertial control with GPS correction (INS/GPS) in the middle part of the trajectory and electro-optical with autonomous image comparison algorithms - at the end it is capable of flying up to 100 km. The bomb can even hit moving targets.

But in the SPICE 250 ER (Extended Range) version, the gliding bomb is equipped with a miniature turbojet engine and a fuel system (JP-8/10 fuel), due to which the flight range has increased to 150 km. That is, this is already something between an aerial bomb and a low-cost cruise missile. The massive use of such ammunition can literally destroy any, even the most modern, air defense system.

A very interesting technical solution seems to be the creation of a ground-launched small-diameter bomb (English: Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb, GLSDB). The Americans simply coupled their GBU-39 with an M26 rocket motor, giving them the ability to launch glide bombs from the M270 and M142 HIMARS universal launchers.

The destruction range of the GLSDB is stated to be 150 km, target designation accuracy is preserved, and the cost consists of the GBU-39, which cost the Pentagon only 40 thousand dollars apiece, and a serial rocket engine, which acts as the first stage for the “winged” aerial bomb. The United States transferred these ammunition to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which gives them the ability to carry out high-precision bombing of Russian positions without the use of aircraft with target designation by satellite. Comfortable…

What if

The purpose of this publication is not to glorify the achievements of the American and Israeli military-industrial complex, but to find solutions for the most rational use of Russia’s military-technical resources. Wandering through the expanses of the Runet in search of technical information, the author of the lines had a chance to get acquainted with interesting ideas for creating a domestic response to GLSDB.

It should be pointed out once again that the line between gliding bombs, active rockets and missiles today has become very, very thin. For example, the UPAB-50 glide bomb, designed for use with Orion drones, has a warhead of 37 kg, is capable of flying up to 30 km and is based on the warhead from the old Grad MLRS. Unexpected, but at the same time quite expected.

The idea that I would like to voice to a wide audience is to create a Russian analogue of the GLSDB by combining a jet engine from a rocket for a Smerch or Tornado-S MLRS and a 100-kilogram bomb equipped with drop-down wings with a gliding correction module. By analogy with the M270 and M142 HIMARS, the MLRS will have to act as a ground launcher, the rocket engine as the first stage, throwing the bomb to its maximum height and range, and then it will rush to the target in gliding mode.

Such a technical solution would make it possible to significantly increase the range of domestic MLRS and allow the Ground Forces to begin using 100-kilogram bombs without involving aviation. If you increase the amount of fuel in a rocket engine, the destruction range will also increase.

The idea of ​​“marriing” a high-precision guided projectile of the “Krasnopol” type with an additional jet engine looks very bold. The latter is good in everything except the firing range. There are proposals to modify it so that it would be possible to launch an active-missile projectile from an MLRS in the first stage, similar to the GLSDB, and after undocking it would continue to move using its own standard engine. Obviously, such a modification will not be simple, but the range of the Krasnopol would increase very significantly as a result.
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  1. -1
    4 October 2023 12: 03
    There is a killer answer to everything that is written above. Nuclear weapons! Want to try ? Only the Russians have nothing special to lose, but the Americans and Gay Europeans probably have something to lose. After all, many of them have not even had time to change their gender.
    1. -1
      4 October 2023 21: 26
      Are you sure you have nothing to lose? Or a tongue without bones, shallow Emelya?
      On Novaya Zemlya in the 90s he landed on the battlefields to take biosamples. The feeling, to be honest, is not very good. Not even very good. Especially in places of land and underwater explosions.
      Just imagine: if your children or parents were used as test subjects? Do you still want to try?
      1. 0
        4 October 2023 23: 10
        But I’m sure that if you hit the military and infrastructure targets of western Ukraine with tactical nuclear weapons, not just one or two, but ten at a time, and with an easterly wind, the war will end in a couple of months. But I have no relatives among Bandera’s admirers.
        1. -1
          5 October 2023 05: 21
          He has already proposed a series of explosions along the Ukrainian-European border. You only need about a hundred pieces.
  2. -2
    4 October 2023 12: 16
    no no no, the generals said Hephaestus! that means Hephaestus! Come on, give them wings, engines! What are we going to watch from the stands at the exercises?!?! And so the airplane fluttered low, the bombs right behind it bang-bang-bang - beauty!
    1. +2
      4 October 2023 12: 26
      At the beginning of the 20th century, Russian ships were not protected by deck guns. The guns stood open, because at parades and shooting practice, high ranks really liked to watch the actions of gunners in white “robes.” Then they paid very dearly for it.
      1. +2
        4 October 2023 13: 57
        It is not the entertainment that is to blame, but the boneiness of the system, the solvers of which sat in warm offices and saw everything with rose-colored glasses that they created parades and exercises, without delving into the problems.. That is, the faces are not in their places, which is what we see today. The necessary reformers-strategists, due to actions and violations of well-being, were not and are not allowed today to govern, therefore the stagnation and backwardness that was previously, and today, is being corrected with great blood. .
  3. +2
    4 October 2023 12: 38
    Maybe it would be easier to create a guided projectile for Tulips? Active-reactive for 30-40 km, and we’ll save the planes!
  4. +1
    4 October 2023 13: 04
    You can create an analogue of GLSDB. There is an air-launched Grom-E1, attach a powder launch accelerator to it or remake the upper stage of the original and you can get a rocket for ground installation. But this means that the ground launcher must be created “from scratch”; this cannot be installed on the Tornado-S and Tornado-U. For them, it is necessary to develop a rocket for the PU caliber. The advantage of HIMARS and MLRS is that they have a modular system; a different range of TPKs with missiles can be installed on the chassis.
    1. +2
      4 October 2023 19: 36
      Somehow you have wandered somewhere wrong. GLSDB is launched from a standard block of guides and they did not create any new PUs. Why then do we need it? It is necessary to make a warhead with wings so that it fits into a standard 220 or 300mm tube + standard accelerator. I think a warhead can be fitted into a 220 caliber
      122mm with wings from Grad. And there will be a minimum of alterations only to make the docking unit and the planning module.
      1. +1
        5 October 2023 01: 43
        We read it and didn’t understand it. I'm talking about the dilemma - to create a rocket for existing missile launchers from scratch and test it for several years, or to take a ready-made working model and adapt it for ground installation with new guides (time is also needed). The SVO is currently underway and the weapons being discussed are needed at this point in time. The article states that the power of the Grad warhead is clearly not enough; they offer an option with a warhead of 100 kg aerial bombs. Diameter FAB-100 - 267 mm. Unification with already produced and available ammunition is necessary to quickly saturate the troops with new weapons.
        1. 0
          6 October 2023 00: 22
          Because you write blurry. And there is no dilemma. I don't know where you dug it up. The only fast and minimal cost option is the one I described above. The warhead from a smaller-caliber MLRS is equipped with a UMPC and placed in a standard launching MLRS of a larger caliber with a solid propellant rocket motor from the latter. All. Minimum movements, maximum results. The power of hail warheads for many targets such as self-propelled guns, conventional artillery and lightly armored vehicles is obvious. With an accurate hit.
  5. +2
    4 October 2023 14: 50
    Probably not anymore. Because there is no one.
  6. +3
    4 October 2023 18: 05
    This is not just an article by Marzhetsky in the Reporter, it is an indictment of our Ministry of Defense.
    What were you doing, gentlemen generals?
    Did they organize parades and build palaces?
    1. -1
      4 October 2023 22: 03
      Again the howl from the swamps: Everything is lost, we will all die. Aren't you tired?
      Again the attack on the leadership. Yes, to be honest, it is not possible to foresee everything, especially in modern wars. Moreover, earlier there were simply no opportunities, and not only for us. Here the Americans........
      Yes, they have a lot of things, but some of them are simply not suitable for use in real battles, and are often written off after production, after a short time. In addition, they did not have the shocks that Russia went through, thanks to our ancestors. Some covered themselves with unfading glory in wars, but we and our parents simply squandered these conquests, allowing us to destroy the USSR, a great power.
      So eating now at this stage is already good. We will have everything that is effective, and we already have a lot. Well, once again, with the modern development of technology, it is not possible to foresee everything, the main thing is to react quickly, which is what we do. And in some ways we are ahead.
      1. 0
        7 October 2023 08: 33
        In addition, they did not have the shocks that Russia went through, thanks to our ancestors.

        I agree, the consequences of the Mongol-Tatar yoke are still being felt.
      2. 0
        17 October 2023 15: 02
        Some covered themselves with unfading glory in wars, but we and our parents simply squandered these conquests, allowing us to destroy the USSR, a great power.
        So eating now at this stage is already good.

        They screwed up, no doubt about it. But why and how? It’s not for nothing that at that time they promoted an anti-alcohol campaign with cutting down vineyards, and then suddenly everything disappeared from the stores. And then Pavlov’s monetary reform. This is how they occupied the people by standing in lines and extracting shortages and quietly destroyed the very USSR. Everyone was very talented.
  7. 0
    5 October 2023 07: 40
    Can Russia create its own analogue of the American ground-based GLSDB bomb?

    - the question was asked with a great deal of uncertainty, more like another fortune-telling with a chamomile. Scientists and engineers should answer it, not idle ordinary people.