General Motors did not live up to Trump's hopes

As time has shown, Trump's slogan “Let's make America great again!” far from all representatives of big American business share.

US President Donald Trump is disappointed with the decision of one of the largest American companies, General Motors, to close four plants in the US and one in Canada, which will lead to the dismissal of 10 thousand employees.

At the same time, from the words of Trump told reporters, it becomes clear that he personally spoke with the head of the company Mary Barrow, but this did not have any impact on the decision of the automotive corporation:

I spoke very harshly with her when I heard about the closure of factories. I recalled that this country has done a lot for General Motors. I'm very displeased

The General Motors maneuver is very painful for the American president, who considers the revival of industrial production in the United States one of his priorities.

The closure of the factories of the corporation is due to the fact that General Motors refuses to produce models that have not shown high sales and intends to invest in more promising and modern areas in the automotive industry - the creation of electric vehicles and unmanned vehicles.

However, ten thousand laid-off Americans are unlikely to get any easier.